
PanjiAlam55 | Joined since 2017-03-23

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2018-07-17 08:24 | Report Abuse

very long to go up yg a sad stock to play,,, to many peoples talk, talk, talk n talk but price stil the same below rm1,,,hahaha bising lebih action xde..


2018-07-17 08:20 | Report Abuse

will sell this stock never goes up since i bought its last few month... at least can buy other stock to play


2018-07-17 08:18 | Report Abuse

oladi up will down now

News & Blogs

2018-07-15 20:12 | Report Abuse

to many Anwar young followers that never know about the background of his fav leader.


2018-07-15 20:04 | Report Abuse

then dun vote on next GE15 go back to UMNO,,, hahaha ubah, ubah

News & Blogs

2018-07-14 08:06 | Report Abuse

UMNgok members who corrupted should joint Najib in Sg Buloh so they can perform new parti for them and Najib be the President.


2018-07-12 21:22 | Report Abuse

serious 1.660 to 2.100,,,,woww today also alady up to limit, logic it will up to 1.660...sure buy during open tomolo mrg


2018-07-12 21:15 | Report Abuse

wahhhh,, good news must be good up trend tomolo ya !


2018-07-12 21:13 | Report Abuse

TP for GKent? anyone know!


2018-07-12 04:44 | Report Abuse

dun worry Hibiscus trend up now...good luck


2018-07-10 23:14 | Report Abuse

already try 2.990 but just no luck, sudah naik cepat loo,, maybe tomolo next try for diffrent price...hope to get it


2018-07-10 21:54 | Report Abuse

who call sell,,, sell laaa, who care ,,, hahaha


2018-07-10 17:33 | Report Abuse

will Dialog be up or down tomolo? thinking of buying it...


2018-07-10 17:28 | Report Abuse

ayooo,,, still not up up ka?


2018-07-10 17:26 | Report Abuse

why run its already 0.915 tomolo up again end 2020 will 10.00 maaa


2018-07-10 17:23 | Report Abuse

hopefully long not go up up up


2018-07-09 09:58 | Report Abuse

peoples scared to buy where others keep dropping like rains


2018-07-09 09:57 | Report Abuse

at this situations its also with drop soon, lets see...


2018-07-07 13:10 | Report Abuse

PH never be govt b4, they only know bangkang and bangkang dulu, now dh jadi Govt terus jadi Bodoh dun know how to run a govt tapi act like boss... sepatutnya they sit down with TM n other telco (ISP) how and what govt can help to fullfil rakyat request....itulah waktu kempen semua mau ubah now... tgk la skrg pa sudah jadi?


2018-07-07 10:17 | Report Abuse

TM bosses alway a great liar at all time..


2018-07-07 10:16 | Report Abuse

how come TM got not enought? they already VSS 28k staff non exec last time alasan over staff now x cukup staff... this liar I was one of the staff been forced to take the VSS...


2018-07-07 08:25 | Report Abuse

skrg UMNO puny org mau kasi ekonomi dan stock jatuh so PH bankrap.


2018-07-07 08:22 | Report Abuse

sbb PH bodoh asyik ceramah sini-sana, org UMNO/BN sapu duit di KLSE. Thats why bila index drop,,LGE doesnt care yg asyik ckp akan naikkan market is Tun M, can u see that. Itu sbb saya ckp PH dun care about stock market sbb tu dia org daripada dulu miskin dan yg kaya hanya org2 BN, sbb PH bodoh.. tau buat bising drp dulu sampai skrg tpi kerja x buat..


2018-07-07 08:14 | Report Abuse

Most top mgt in KLSE is org UMNO, so they dun care apa mau jadi sama index, lgi turun dia org lgi suka sbb boleh salahkan nev PH gov, PH pun satu bodoh, patutnya bila memang semua politik post especially di area penting mcm Bursa Saham, Makhamah, dll kasi terajang kuar (kick them out) sbb dia org ni duri dlm daging...


2018-07-06 21:34 | Report Abuse

TDC will kaput looo


2018-07-04 21:59 | Report Abuse

TM still good stock TP4 soon dun worry, Internet price will no effect to TM from now


2018-07-04 20:42 | Report Abuse

Hoi App, u 100% right, TM hv very infra, the others just tumpang2 and duplicated call as transit call as theirs, this can be done by collect calls traffic from TM via POI between them and TM then send back to customers and create dummy route to assume that call generated from them. This is how other Telco created amount traffic to show they hv a lot call traffic, it's very difficult to under only technical team only know how to do it.

News & Blogs

2018-07-04 08:42 | Report Abuse

hanya org2 Bodoh dan Banggang dan Buta Hati yg akan menyokong si Perompak dan Penyamun duit negara...


2018-07-04 08:36 | Report Abuse

Najib go down to jail, market go up to sky...hahaha


2018-07-03 09:00 | Report Abuse

Myeg is not personal own company only top mgt is politic personal not to worried


2018-07-01 00:49 | Report Abuse

wat TP will be next Monday?


2018-07-01 00:47 | Report Abuse

on Monday wat will the TP would be for Myeg?


2018-07-01 00:45 | Report Abuse

agreed with ur comments, personally UMNO is no more in majority malays heart anyone, only those stupid malay who still believe that UMNO is fighting for malay life,,it's a lie, UMNO it's no more relevant, now is everyone life that Govt should fight for, not only malay, chines or indian but it's for all Malaysian becoz we all has build this country. Think wise, think matured we all need each other's to build up this nation from nothing to moderate nation. No to UMNO No to BN and No to racist party.


2018-06-30 08:41 | Report Abuse

hahaha,,,to see is to believe,,eyes never lie but mouth always lies...hehehehe


2018-06-30 08:39 | Report Abuse

good news but price still no good,,hehehe


2018-06-29 20:02 | Report Abuse

let's hope next will fly high...


2018-06-29 19:44 | Report Abuse

why drop so low,,, its high up 4.16 then down to 3.7xx, ayoo mcm nmpk hantu looo


2018-06-29 04:14 | Report Abuse

DJ up, good sign for KLSE today,,,,green light all good stock will be up,,insyallah. May Allah u all, good luck


2018-06-28 08:12 | Report Abuse

MI will be up 2.00 and above by this week or next, they talk less get business more I confident.... :-)


2018-06-28 07:50 | Report Abuse

TM is the only Telco that have all the infra compared others and they have everything from house phone to office data service until package voice network also they are the first internet provider. The others Telco also need TM for their APCN submarine cable his own part of it compared others just renting yearly. TM is back bone telecumnication for Malaysia that's the truth while the other operator depending on TM infra no doubt, to be honest TM still the best ISP compared others for their services network even their Fibre Opitical infra among the best security and proper compared the others telco network that I ever works with. I still support buy now


2018-06-28 00:09 | Report Abuse

TM will go down until 25% deduction rate for internet started, then it will up again, this bcoz they uncertain revenue will be after that date, i think so


2018-06-27 22:19 | Report Abuse

now cannot buy, KLCE closed oladi maaa


2018-06-27 21:55 | Report Abuse

Myeg has come to end..people already jump to another ship since Monday see the selling volume it's big numbers lately


2018-06-27 21:49 | Report Abuse

I'm still UNIFI,,,less people TM much batter my internet getting better day by day,,laju looo...hahahaha

News & Blogs

2018-06-26 02:03 | Report Abuse

Has LGE create or stolen rakyat money just he used Chines language? So big issue ka? Many Bilboard dun used Bahasa Malaysia especially town area JB and other UMNO during BN govt why x kecoh2 ? only now after BN collapses baru sibuk mau mertabat bahasa konon,,,puiii la UMNO people's "get a life" laaa


2018-06-23 18:57 | Report Abuse

can it goes up to 1.30? hehehe

News & Blogs

2018-06-21 21:37 | Report Abuse

whattt!!!! rosmah pregnant again,,,,woww must be anak 1MDB hahaha

News & Blogs

2018-06-21 00:02 | Report Abuse

question now when can this stock back to RM1.00 its already long time never up..loor