
Peace99 | Joined since 2020-04-29

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2022-08-26 10:48 | Report Abuse

@Highchaperal Thanks for pointing out.....I googled Ngu Tieng Ung and found

yup, one thing...he admitted guilt, so hope the above will turn him around

Can tell which 3 companies he was responsible for collapse?


2022-08-26 10:35 | Report Abuse

Pls correct me if wrong....
The installation of the irradiation plant

is delayed due to delay in getting the machine from China, but now China is opening up:

so got hope.....still patiently holding to my tickets, haha


2022-08-26 10:16 | Report Abuse

Yup, patiently waiting for Metronic solar team to show results..... Samaiden and Solarvest showing up trend.......why can't Metronic go to 10 sen? Metronic ada Mr Chew Keng Yaw and En Mohd Dzamirhafiz plus 50m confirm+ 300m potential contracts! Sabar lah, tunggu durian runtuh, am holding to all my tickets, haha


2022-08-11 14:15 | Report Abuse

Lucky have Ageson on my portfolio!


2022-08-11 12:21 | Report Abuse

All shares related to Pang are doing badly? I don't know any one is doing well.


2022-08-10 15:20 | Report Abuse

Thankful to Ageson bosses, haven't seen them selling....really help in shooting for 0.68!
Unlike Metronic whose major shareholder sold....


2022-08-08 16:30 | Report Abuse

yup, 0.68!! next favarite number after 0.48!


2022-08-07 13:41 | Report Abuse

@willc48 This counter is related to Zahid's daughter?


2022-08-05 21:29 | Report Abuse

If more ppl believe in Ageson, hold tight then 0.68 should come!


2022-08-04 22:07 | Report Abuse

5000 lot buy from RM0.09 sold RM0.14 only profited RM285000.....

Check: 5000 lot*(0.14-0.09)=5000*RM 5=RM 25,000= RM 25k only.


2022-08-04 20:29 | Report Abuse

What the **** BCM is doing? Bought and soon sell 12.2mil shares?
At least Fitters buy x mil and sell x-y mil!

Good news below though!

So can go back up?


2022-08-04 16:38 | Report Abuse

Great, Ageson is back!


2022-08-04 16:11 | Report Abuse

Then don't convert warrant, just wait 6 months, see solar team can deliver or not. Meanwhile, relax sikit!


2022-08-04 15:40 | Report Abuse

I think there's confusion. The 6sen is the conversion fee, not the cost of new WB. There is no issuance of new WB


2022-08-04 14:08 | Report Abuse

Memang sakit hati lah, tapi think positive lah, tu 6 sen conversion pergi ke company sebagai capital buat solar business lor. Sakit hati sikit ok lah, jangan sampai sakit badan!!


2022-08-04 13:58 | Report Abuse

Yah, sabar....waiting for my next favorite number 68!


2022-08-04 11:41 | Report Abuse

Kalau fitters beli lagi, apa jadi?


2022-08-04 11:28 | Report Abuse

JJPTR ya, not saying solar is easy, but what you think of samaiden? Anyway some one must do solar if Malaysia wants to achieve its target, so how?


2022-08-04 09:33 | Report Abuse

So it seems to me a win-win situation, and so hopefully this will keep the mother up.
But I don't know if the numbers like 50 mil, 300mil are genuine or not...not just to get ppl excited....I have no way to check.


2022-08-04 09:27 | Report Abuse

8899EL8899, From EarthTech viewpoint, I have the business links/contracts/experience, but don't have the fund to execute the projects, you provide the fund so I let you take 70% of the profit. So, is this a fair deal? guess we have different answers, but think the more important thing is whether Sinaran PPA can make profit or not. If can make profit, 70% is not bad at all!


2022-08-03 18:22 | Report Abuse

Sinaran PPA plans to embark on the Solar Energy Business by focusing primarily on
solar leasing activities: Sinaran builds and maintains the facility at buyer's site (eg. rooftop of building) and sells the electricity to buyer for an agreed period (eg. 25years)

Press statement 12 July: Sinaran PPA had entered into 2 power purchase agreements in Kedah with total contract values of RM50million with capacity of 4,121 kWp for a term of 25 years. Solar PV facilities are expected to complete in the 4th quarter of 2022 with the commencement of operations immediately thereafter.
Propectus: A further 29,260 kWp of potential contracts worth RM300 million for a term of 25 years are currently at an advanced stage of negotiations and are expected to be signed in the near term.


2022-08-03 18:19 | Report Abuse

Below are points taken from the many pages in the prospectus:
Metronic and EarthTech form joint venture company named Sinaran PPA: Metronic 70%, EarthTech 30%. EarthTech is 100% owned by Mr. Chew Keng Yaw. EarthTech will provide knowledge and experience coupled with contacts of clients and vendors in the solar energy industry, but not expected to provide any funding.
Earthtech is principally involved in the trading of solar panels and related
equipment. In Earthtech, Chew is currently responsible for its
day-to-day operations which include engaging suppliers and conducting
physical site inspections as well as sales and marketing initiatives such as
approaching prospective clients and preparing solar leasing proposals.


2022-08-03 11:08 | Report Abuse

Will he be able to prove himself?? Funding is not the issue now, as the right issue is fully subscribed.


2022-08-03 10:30 | Report Abuse

But, of course, will it be a bit late then? So, I just go the middle way, keeping half of my tickets, sit back and wait...


2022-08-03 10:25 | Report Abuse

Until Metronic solar team Mr Chew Keng Yaw and En Mohd Dzamirhafiz prove themselves...


2022-08-03 09:24 | Report Abuse

If i read it right, after Pelosi leaves Taiwan, only then Chinese starts large scale military exercises around Taiwan...


2022-08-03 09:24 | Report Abuse

I don't think the Ta Win will be affected by Pelosi's visit to Taiwan....
The Pelosi-Taiwan effect should be just temporary.....a show must be put up to save face on all sides, but afterwards back to before as life has to go on on both sides of the straits.


2022-08-03 09:13 | Report Abuse

If i read it right, after Pelosi leaves Taiwan, only then Chinese starts large scale military exercises around Taiwan...


2022-08-03 08:48 | Report Abuse

Today is 3 august, 2 days before deadline.....may be my prediction will be proven wrong?


2022-08-03 08:43 | Report Abuse

Thought up was because it's just going back to where its used to be......
The Pelosi-Taiwan effect should be just temporary.....a show must be put up to save face on all sides, but afterwards back to before as life has to go on on both sides of the straits.


2022-08-02 19:44 | Report Abuse

Why sudden drop? The Pelosi-Taiwan effect or something else?


2022-08-02 18:39 | Report Abuse

Metronic solar team Mr Chew Keng Yaw and En Mohd Dzamirhafiz plus 50m confirm+ 300m potential contracts can keep Metronic above 0.1?


2022-08-01 16:51 | Report Abuse

May hit .105 tomorrow.... .095 now still a big bargain


2022-08-01 15:18 | Report Abuse

Without the solar businesses, can syndicate alone keep it above 14?
I think its solar business is a must!


2022-08-01 15:08 | Report Abuse

48 was my first targetted lucky number, now is 68


2022-08-01 10:04 | Report Abuse

Basic idea is REX needs fund to upgrade its factories to produce products that better suit the market.
So, if you trust the company then can support by subscribing the right issues.
I trust REX and will be subscribing.


2022-08-01 09:59 | Report Abuse

Yes, won't miss it!


2022-08-01 09:42 | Report Abuse

Don't forget that acceleration of EVs is superior to petrol cars!!


2022-08-01 09:39 | Report Abuse

Ta Win Gogogo, go back to >0.13! You can do it!!


2022-07-31 23:41 | Report Abuse

I know this is repeating myself: Metronics this time may NOT just for goreng and play only....The solar business is headed by Mr Chew Keng Yaw, 47 and assisted by En Mohd Dzamirhafiz, 37. Both have diverse business experiences and seem like an energetic team too! So, their partnership may lead to something good?! I am hopeful.


2022-07-28 12:02 | Report Abuse

yesterday so quiet, today very active!
Gogogo, get the 30 mil and make Ta Win 大赢 for all!


2022-07-27 18:07 | Report Abuse

Great! Still holding, following the example of the directors!


2022-07-27 18:03 | Report Abuse

Just announced today....
Conversion of Warrants 2019/2022 to Ordinary Shares: 505,292

Wonder why ppl convert WA @10sen when can buy cheaper from open market?
Must be keen investers who want their money to go directly to the company.


2022-07-27 08:52 | Report Abuse

Ppl who have just sold, i imagine, would like to see it go back down so they can buy back....
For me i think the government contracts should generate good profits and so i just hold on longer


2022-07-27 08:35 | Report Abuse

I don't know if Metronics this time is also just for goreng and play only....The solar business is headed by Mr Chew Keng Yaw, 47 and assisted by En Mohd Dzamirhafiz, 37. Both have diverse business experiences and seem like an energetic team you decide how much they are worth!


2022-07-26 19:43 | Report Abuse

How much to sell/buy depends on how we think Metronics potential will be, esp. the 300 mil solar business it claims to be highly likely. If so, company can factor in the recent rise in cost in their negotiations.


2022-07-26 16:24 | Report Abuse

Yes, WA is worthless now, BUT do you think Ta Win bosses will just sit around watching 97.3% i.e. almost RM 30 mil just burning away? It will be very strange if it happens!


2022-07-26 16:13 | Report Abuse

Mama now in front, Anak will have to catch up soon, right?


2022-07-25 21:05 | Report Abuse

Am thankful that Ageson directors didn't I just hold tight


2022-07-25 13:32 | Report Abuse

The uma letter confused between fall and rise, lol