
Peace99 | Joined since 2020-04-29

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2021-07-29 20:42 | Report Abuse

Was also stuck at >10+sen, haha, and came back to Kanger around May, so I missed most of your old comments. Am now looking forward to Kanger's turn around!


2021-07-29 20:37 | Report Abuse

BilisMasin said:
"...was positive thinking like you all just now, someone with UlarSawa ID @ scenery also was inside doing reminding other people"

i looked at your old comments, yes, some time in between Jan and May your comments changed from positive to negative, with many postings deleted by admin? Interestingly on 25 May you posted the news on Dr Lee Boon Chye's pushing for use of Sinopharm. You suruh "All in Now". That seemed like your last positive message. So I think you're stuck in pretty high floors, and so very very upset with Kanger!?


2021-07-29 19:02 | Report Abuse
Bloomberg ranking of covid resilience. Norway top, UAE 18, Malaysia 52 (2nd, from bottom). No need to be racist or overly nationalistic, just enjoy the richness in diversity. Malaysia helped China, sent gloves, China helped Malaysia/UAE, UAE now supplies vaccine to others, etc etc, so many good things happening.


2021-07-29 09:18 | Report Abuse

@MZM, thanks Bro, but really very little compared to what you have done.


2021-07-29 09:04 | Report Abuse

MadCow75 I did a product search just now at

via product name Covilo, the output: Holder --- DPharma, as we knew. But no info on importer.

Did a search via importer: Zuellig. Found 370 products. One thing I realized is that each product has an holder and an importer AND they can be the same or different company.
Obviously Zuellig is very familiar with registration process, and so presumably should have worked with Kanger on how to proceed with Hayat-Vax. They are experienced business men and I cannot imagine they just sit there and don't known what to do.


2021-07-29 08:48 | Report Abuse

Yes, SPEED is key, but KJ said Pfizer will inform delivery two weeks prior only, then only appointments for the to-be-delivered vaccines can be made....


2021-07-28 23:13 | Report Abuse

Whistlebower99, thanks...but if nta=.139, still high compare to 0.035 or 0.04


2021-07-28 22:52 | Report Abuse

MZM thanks for answering for me....Aku betul betul harap pihak berkuasa will cut all the red tapes. Many kawan relatives belum cucuk lagi....


2021-07-28 21:31 | Report Abuse

Yes, hold and sabar to be real SCOPER!


2021-07-28 20:49 | Report Abuse

MZM, thanks for the informative update! May be I'm optimistic in nature, but looks like Kanger should be able to clear both 1&2. Can clear 1 because Zuellig is a pharmaceutical company. Can clear 2 because Hayat-vax is a different brand from Covilo, as you noted. Point 3 is correct at this point in time. Once Kanger/Zuellig application is approved, revised point 3 will read as:
3. KJ umum .....Covilo ialah dpharma, Hayat-vax ialah Zuellig/Kanger?
Really make no sense to delay Hayat-vax (and all other approved vaccines) further....just let them in to save lives! Let's pray hard the authorities concerned have the common sense!


2021-07-27 23:07 | Report Abuse becomes worthless on 29 if you don't plan to subscribe!


2021-07-27 23:06 | Report Abuse

28 is last day to trade OR. On 29, it becomes worthless!


2021-07-27 22:48 | Report Abuse

Honestly, it's fair to impose a cap with reasonable profit margin that do not impose hardship to the people as well as the company. Company needs profit margin for business to be sustainable.


2021-07-27 16:04 | Report Abuse

If everyone buys low, how to go up?


2021-07-27 13:21 | Report Abuse
What has this to do with Kanger? Singaporeans love genting! I guess not only them but anyone locked up for so long would love to take a cool holiday there if possible. Rich Singaporeans may want to buy an apartment there! Sure, all these will take time....sabar!


2021-07-27 13:14 | Report Abuse

The sung master deal approved by EGM


2021-07-27 11:01 | Report Abuse

Glad to see up trend today..... interesting to see if it reaches 2 by this week!


2021-07-27 09:56 | Report Abuse

I'm holding tight .... It should go up


2021-07-27 08:58 | Report Abuse

Yes, holding tight!


2021-07-27 08:29 | Report Abuse

My guess? Slim chance to get at 20sen....If factor in all the costs, i think most of us the cost is much more than 20sen! Even if I have cash flow issues, will not sell lower then 27sen. My TG is 40-50sens :)


2021-07-26 23:51 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately I alreadi have enough OR.... if not, can try, haha. Btw, I don't understand those ppl who are willing to buy mom at 5.5 sen...why not buy OR and subscribe?


2021-07-26 20:51 | Report Abuse

It also depends on when one started to accumulate. A few months before ex-date, it was ~28sen, so those bought then have a higher cost than 17.5sen. So be careful, don't sell cheap an rugi


2021-07-26 20:34 | Report Abuse

MZM, Aku beli lagi 1000Lots 6.5sen. Ogos dah dekat!


2021-07-26 11:47 | Report Abuse

Repeat: on the way to TP! see public bank etc


2021-07-26 08:48 | Report Abuse

Better don't send children back to school until they vaccinated, else kena infected bring back to their families!


2021-07-26 08:39 | Report Abuse

Singapore talking about booster shots around coming CNY. Most ppl worry about not enough vaccines, but some ppl here don't know why worry Malaysia will have oversupply!


2021-07-25 19:25 | Report Abuse

so you sure untung liao, congrats!


2021-07-25 14:22 | Report Abuse

Ya, Credit Suisse had 40mil shares (5.6%) on 1 July, buy sell buy sell, had 65mil shares (9.2%) on 21 July.....looks like it controls the level.


2021-07-25 12:41 | Report Abuse

I love should buy more so can get more of it later?


2021-07-25 11:44 | Report Abuse

Me confident Ptrans in good hands, just drop by to get a feel once a while..... collecting div and bonus:)


2021-07-25 11:17 | Report Abuse

Any chance that Saudee can be supported by fundamentals? During this difficult covid time,ppl still need food, affordable food, like what Saudee make


2021-07-25 10:22 | Report Abuse

Actually no. Need to factor in the cost of OR. If OR cost was 0.03 then 0.26-(0.175+0.03)=0.055.
If did not buy OR, but got it for "free" cos you had mother shares before ex-date, then need to factor in the cost of mothers. Remember 1OR for 2 mothers. Say mom costed 0.25, and you are still keeping them, then average cost per share= (0.25*2+0.175)/3=0.225, so the profit will be 0.26-0.225=0.035.
Learning Point: Be clear about your cost...don't sell quickly thinking making profit when actually making a loss!


2021-07-24 23:20 | Report Abuse

Anzhsb, you said if market is 26sen, profit is you get this number?


2021-07-24 18:28 | Report Abuse

(Hi The below was written few hours earlier, but could not be posted due to some network might overlapped with what you guys already said. Sorry! And haven't added the hidden population MadCow so rightly pointed out!)

Wenger, thanks for your alert.

I estimated ~88mil doses of vaccines ordered, based on recent news on Pharmaniaga and article below:
Sinovac~27mil, AZ~14, Pfizer~32, Casino~3.5, Sputnik V~6.5, Sinopharm(Kanger ordered)~5
27+14+32+3.5+6.5+5=88mil. OK, may be miss several mil more because not yet count Dpharma.

Malaysian population ~33mil. About 6 mil below 12, so if we limit to inject just 12year old and above, that means 27mil. Suppose 3.5 mil receive the single dose Casino, then 27-3.5=23.5mil receive double-dose vaccines, so need 23.5*2+3.5=50.5 mil doses. So, we ordered 88/50.5~1.8 times of what we need. Now remember Singapore and other countries are talking about the need for 3rd shot as bolster, this means another 27mil doses. Now China has approved their vaccines for children as young as 3. I think Malaysian parents will also want their young children protected. We have ~5mil 3-12yrs old. So, another 10 mil doses (not counting bolster). Total needed: 50.5+27+10= 87.5mil doses. So are we ordering too many?

Now as many as hundreds of ppl dying by the day! Fast actual delivery is what we needed. No point order but late late delivery. Kanger has a contract with suggested delivery schedule stated.

Is Kanger not doing the right thing?


2021-07-24 11:25 | Report Abuse

Berational I think .005 is lowest, haha, maybe you can strike a deal privately with your friends?


2021-07-23 21:42 | Report Abuse

Jk22 glad that you give such helpful info to ppl!


2021-07-23 21:41 | Report Abuse

I3shark It will depend on mother. By inspection of other counters, you will find warrant price+ exercise price> mother's price. If mother is 5sen, warrant can range from 0.5 to 1 or 1.5 Sen, even 2 Sen but unlikely though not impossible.


2021-07-23 21:33 | Report Abuse

Berational, sorry, not sure what's your question....


2021-07-23 16:24 | Report Abuse

The electronic sector eg UWC, Penta, greater.... semua naik, not logical to leave scope behind.....may be instead of sell down on 27 will be a sell up? LOL Will hold tight anyway


2021-07-23 14:52 | Report Abuse

Looks like going to end higher..... hope those who want to get more be alert!


2021-07-23 14:43 | Report Abuse

Today's numbers seem to display amazing harmony between sellers and buyers, more than 99%transactions happen at one price 0.07! How this week will end, 0.07, 0.065 or 0.075?


2021-07-23 14:34 | Report Abuse

Ya, looks like market no patient to wait for such sell down....which might not happen so they figure better buy earlier!?


2021-07-23 11:18 | Report Abuse

Not bad!


2021-07-23 10:37 | Report Abuse

Great, moving towards TP set by public bank etc!


2021-07-23 10:30 | Report Abuse

Looks like will be back to 2 next week, great!


2021-07-23 10:19 | Report Abuse

Iron lady may or may not be 100% right, anyway I just sold off.....for avoidance of doubt, now I feel free!