
Probability | Joined since 2014-03-18

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Probability is a measure of 'likeliness' that an event will occur - there are no 100% certainty.





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2022-08-12 23:30 | Report Abuse

DIESEL crack spread is again exploding on live data, you will likely see the crack spread figure on chart below exceeding 40 USD/brl by Monday:!/

HY produces 10.7m barrel of sales per QTR. Gross profit from Diesel alone at 46 % yield:

= 10.7 million barrel sales x ( 46/100 yield of diesel) x (37 USD/brl crack ) x ( 4.40 MYR/USD exch)
= 800 million MYR gross profit


Just monitor the above for HY, and make your valuation. You cant go wrong on above derivation of minimum gross profit as we are using its lowest crack value for last 5 months for Diesel and have not bring in other refined products contributions yet


2022-08-12 18:37 | Report Abuse

They also mentioned efficiency of the plant will significantly improve with the H2 gas generation plant that should be completed by Q2 2022.


2022-08-12 18:35 | Report Abuse

EV/EBITDA at current price is way more attractive than when Shandong Hengyuan bought over the refinery from Shell. What more at current future earnings prospect...with the already done capex for significant upgrade of the existing plant. They say with upgrade done - the FCC can continue operating maintenance free for another 20 years..


2022-08-12 18:28 | Report Abuse

Noted Anthony. Thanks for all the warnings when price is low and earnings prospect is good. Let the future take care of the balance sheet...


2022-08-12 18:13 | Report Abuse
Diesel cracks elevated on tight inventories

IEA cites gas-to-oil switching

Latin American diesel imports rise

European refiners are increasingly moving away from the higher-priced natural gas and using oil products for energy and hydrogen production, the IEA said. A number of oil companies, including Shell's Rotterdam and Rheinland refineries, BP European refiners, and Italy's Eni refiners, said in recent quarterly reports they are reducing the use of natural gas.

Refined products crack spreads had eased since mid-July as global refiners exited maintenance, boosting gasoline, diesel, and jet production. However, diesel crack spreads have rallied this week on continued supply tightness heading into winter.

The NYMEX front-month ULSD crack spread vs ICE Brent was trading around $46.30/b late Aug. 11, up from $36.09/b Aug. 8. The NYMEX front-month RBOB crack spread was trading around $18.63/b, up from $14.64/b Aug. 8.

US distillate stocks climbed 2.17 million barrels last week to 111.49 million barrels, US Energy Information Administration data showed Aug. 10, but while the deficit to the five-year average tightened slightly on the week, inventories were 24% below the five-year average.

And stocks on the US Atlantic Coast at 26.4 million barrels were 47% below the five-year average, supportive of the New York-delivered NYMEX ULSD contract.

Refiners should be increasing production as they exit maintenance and are lured by high margins.

According to S&P Global data, global CDU outages are expected to fall to 8.15 million b/d in August, trending down from 13.5 million b/d in April.

But outages are expected to climb to 11.3 million b/d in October. And Europe, which is heavily dependent on Russia for diesel fuel, is looking to secure supplies ahead of a ban on Russian barrels due to take effect in early 2023.


2022-08-12 16:19 | Report Abuse

Hope investors get the clear message that, as a refinery , HY need crude oil price to be low to sustain demand to an extent that the constraint becomes refining capacity instead of crude oil availability - only then crack will remain strong.


2022-08-12 16:15 | Report Abuse

Beauty of it is that, even at the record lowest values of all diesel gasoline and jet fuel crack in last 5 months, the refining margin will deliver close to a billion gross profit. Cannot imagine when russian refined oil is completely banned end of the year and Saudi increase crude oil out beginning September (Released from OPEC obligation to Russia)..


2022-08-11 17:24 | Report Abuse

yes, agree on what you are saying.

we need investors here to understand how the hedging works, where in summary - PAT is basically lagging by 1 month on the would be profit without hedging.

Q1 is reflective of : Dec 21' , Jan 22', Feb 22'

Q2 is reflective of : Mar 22' , Apr 22', May 22'

Q3 is reflective of : Jun 22' , July 22', Aug 22'

The hedging loss / gain they show in the report is the difference in profit due to the lag by 1 month.

Also, we must stress that the crack spread shown on the future is an approximate of the 'potential margin' they can make.

Actual margin will depend on the exact timing HY sells products & buy crude simultaneously on futures market (i.e the hedging).

Posted by investor77 > Aug 11, 2022 5:10 PM | Report Abuse

OTB never badmouthed Heng Yuan . All other refiners reporting awesome profit, why is Malaysia the exception ? Only because many afraid of Derivative loss, or hedging loss. Anyway, better to have low expectations of Eps of Rm1 or Nett profit of 300 mil, Too high expectations of Gross Profit of 1 bil, and when it is lower, price will fall as happen last time HY touch RM17. Thus when profit is more than RM 1, then price will go up.


2022-08-11 12:04 | Report Abuse

Refer Page 22 of the annual report for complete picture on HY products.

As a complex refinery HY has to ability to adjust yield of its products. HY produces 46% Diesel on this table.


2022-08-11 11:54 | Report Abuse

You are totally right Zhuge

For Mogas 95, we can see here the selling price


What is even more important is to realize that more than 53% of their products is the below Diesel & Jet Fuel:



The refining margin is simply the selling price of products above minus their feed crude cost.

Its totally unbelievable market is not realizing that you only need avg about 13 USD/brl margin to earn EPS above RM 1 per qtr.

Time is the ultimate voting machine of truth, lets see

Posted by Zhuge_Liang > Aug 11, 2022 11:26 AM | Report Abuse

Posted by Sslee > 4 hours ago | Report Abuse

Singapore Mogas 95 future quote = 106.21
Singapore Mogas 92 future quote = 102.46
The difference = Around 3.75.

1 barrel of Mogas 95 = 106.21
1 barrel of crude oil = 89.00
Gross profit = 17.21
Refinery cost = 3.00 to 4.00 per barrel (according to goggle)
Net profit margin = 14.21 to 13.21 (average 13.71)

If you add 3.75 to 9.76 = 13.51
My sifu said, you should add 3.75 to Singapore Mogas 92 crack spread margin in order to be accurate.
I get permission from my sifu to post this information for benefit of all readers here.


2022-08-06 22:55 | Report Abuse

Column: U.S. diesel shortage shows economy hitting capacity limit

LONDON, Aug 4 (Reuters)


2022-08-04 22:03 | Report Abuse

Diesel crack spread is moving up again on live data..
Tomorrow will be even higher with the crude oil price drop.!/

= (10.5 million barrels sales /qtr ) x (yield at 46 % for Diesel) x ( crack spread USD 40/brl)
= MYR 846 million gross profit

and you only need a gross profit of 500 for EPS of RM 1

lets not bring in Mogas 95 , Jet Fuel, LPG etc...for simplicity

Relax....just 24 days to go.


2022-08-03 20:43 | Report Abuse

retail margin is fixed as per the mechanism derived by Govn


2022-08-03 15:49 | Report Abuse

@stockwin, good you reminded on the hedging

For those who are fearful on hedging loss, kindly check on the below

In summary, hedging done by HY is absolutely mandatory as pure refiner unlike PetronM (who's selling price is naturally hedged by the retail price that floats) to secure refining margin (else, HY would be considered a trader). The hedging loss is purely a delayed gain that will be reflected on the following month and vise versa for hedging gain.

There is really no other way to go about it.


2022-08-01 20:41 | Report Abuse

Simple refiners will soon stop producing (as they mainly produce Gasoline & Fuel Oil with only a small amount of Diesel). This then will further reduce diesel supply in the market.


2022-08-01 20:32 | Report Abuse

Bear in mind Fuel Oil crack spread is negative - 27 USD/brl


2022-08-01 20:28 | Report Abuse

You can see the detail yield difference between Complex refinery & Simple refinery on the link below

Such low margin of Gasoline will kill SIMPLE refiners.


2022-08-01 20:25 | Report Abuse

now the low price of Gasoline will leverage the margin of Diesel produced by Complex refiners as the Simple Refiners like PetronM will cease to become profitable at very low crack (especially European refineries which are mostly simple type). This will force them to reduce output....


2022-08-01 20:19 | Report Abuse

the Mogas 92 was the most conveniently accessible earlier - thats why we used it

It was very simple for everyone to see it instead of complicating the derivation with all the products a Complex refinery like HY produce

HY if you refer all their annual reports had always been producing 44 % over Diesel, they still produce Gasoline at 30% yield

HY has the flexibility to adjust the yield of their products based on profitability and demand due to their catalytic cracking unit

The world demand for Diesel is so high that the refinery cannot produce to meet its demand (at maximum yield selection for Diesel). As such they inevitably produce gasoline where the demand has not catch up yet

Posted by vinc3362 > Aug 1, 2022 8:00 PM | Report Abuse

So why are we using Mogas 92 crack spread for reference when Gasoil(46%) is the main product of HRC?


2022-08-01 19:29 | Report Abuse

17 June 2022 news verifying the crack spread for Asian gasoil (DIESEL) hitting 67$/brl

No wonder Binh Son reported 420 million USD profit.

Spot 10ppm gasoil traded in Singapore jumped to $185.68/b by the Friday's close, with the crack rising to $67/b, a fresh record


2022-08-01 19:27 | Report Abuse

Dear all, kindly copy paste the below link:


The difference between above and Brent Crude would give the Crack Spread of Diesel HY will make.

This is inline with the below Crack Spread Chart for Diesel shared earlier:

Diesel (or Gasoil) crack spread: HY yield is 46%!/

Kerosene (or Jet Fuel) crack spread: HY yield is 7.1 %!/


2022-08-01 19:23 | Report Abuse

In June the crack of Gasoil had hit 70 USD/brl

This is absolutely real margin of Gasoil in Singapore representing south east asia region. I had verified the above with multiple resources / news.


Due to hedging mechanism of HY, its possible that Q3 will be even more explosive that Q2.

Truly mind boggling. We had been so obsessed with Mogas 92 that we had overlooked on Diesel crack.


2022-08-01 16:02 | Report Abuse

MM, suggest you really read what is being shared. Its life time opportunity for you to make money.

You dont get anything by winning your argument...

Check and verify what i have shared and act for your own benefit.


2022-08-01 14:36 | Report Abuse

Whatever the price movement currently, the earnings cannot lie in the long run..

HY price will eventually reflect this.

Diesel Crack is not expected to come down anytime now:

Diesel Crisis Likely to Stay Unfixed by Oil Refining Revival

15 June 22'

“There is little hope that the undersupply will ease in the near future given strong demand growth and constrained refinery output,” the IEA said. The agency’s forecast for future refining processing is “not sufficient to fully meet middle distillates demand in 2022 or in 2023.”


2022-08-01 14:32 | Report Abuse

Dear all, kindly copy paste the below link:


The difference between above and Brent Crude would give the Crack Spread of Diesel HY will make.

This is inline with the below Crack Spread Chart for Diesel shared earlier:!/

Hope this proves MM is not that smart :)

Posted by MoneyMakers > Aug 1, 2022 2:25 PM | Report Abuse

Aiyoyo Probability European diesel crack got nothing to do with Asia diesel crack

EU known paying super expensive diesel b’coz of import restrictions from Rus

MY/Asia where got diesel problem aiyoyo


2022-08-01 14:05 | Report Abuse

Wow MM got a little brain also..not bad. But unfortunately he is wrong.


Guys, do your homework, the Gasoil crack spread is applicable for Asia.

The gasoil singapore and gasoil europe has price difference of 1 or 2 $/brl.

Against Brent, The Gasoil crack spread for Asia is about the same.


2022-08-01 11:36 | Report Abuse

anyone have any clarification feel free to ask


2022-08-01 11:30 | Report Abuse

Many bitten by Q1 results due to hedging are shy to go in further, wait till Q2 results are out


2022-08-01 11:27 | Report Abuse

Copy these on your browser:

Diesel (or Gasoil) crack spread: HY yield is 46%!/

Kerosene (or Jet Fuel) crack spread: HY yield is 7.1 %!/


2022-08-01 11:24 | Report Abuse

Every annual report you all can see that HY produces more than 44% Diesel yield. In 2020 its was 46%. They have the option to convert to gasoline based in demand using Catalyt8uc Cracking.

At crack of 43 USD/brl for Diesel (yield 46%) and Gasoline of say even at 7 USD/brl (25%), your avg crack is already at 30 USD/brl

Kerosene & all other products like LPG are having very high crack exceeding 30 USD/brl

Even Q3 will be extraordinary

Remember you only need average 13 USD/brl to achieve EPS above RM 1 per qtr

Results out, people will miss big on HY


2022-07-31 21:52 | Report Abuse

this is the kind of person who are so conditioned by the a herd of buffaloes...just work, procreate & dies...repeating the same shits his surrounding people teach him

these are the ones that will shoot people like John Lennon & Mahatma Ghandi lor

Posted by The_JQuestion > Jul 31, 2022 9:11 PM | Report Abuse

tobby how much ur paymaster pay u for spreading nonsense... other than this forum where else u very active u really TOO "FREE"


2022-07-31 21:48 | Report Abuse

at least there wont be nuclear war lor... you have family & friends fight is no big deal....anytime can kow tim


2022-07-31 19:41 | Report Abuse

all these interest rate concept and growth only came out because of savings one can make for investment on future growth

if we can stop population growth, demand growth will cease. Interest rate will eventually approach zero, and the rich will be forced to share their wealth to the majority poor.

its like capitalism forced to become communism indirectly


2022-07-31 19:33 | Report Abuse

wow..thats a very deep insight from sslee. sounds true. something really to ponder

Posted by Sslee > Jul 31, 2022 7:16 PM | Report Abuse

We are once hunter-gatherer living a lifestyle in which most or all food is obtained by foraging (gathering edible wild plants) and hunting (pursuing and killing of wild animals, including catching fish), in the same way that most natural omnivores do. An equal society where food are share among eberyone because food cannot be stored.

But after we learn cultivating crops and raising domesticated animals for food production hence food can be stored or wealth can be accumulated thus greed, desire, jelousy, evil, war etc take over humankind.


2022-07-31 18:06 | Report Abuse

FYI, Valero's Q1 2022 operating income was 1.45 Billion only


The Refining segment reported $1.45 billion of operating income for the first quarter of 2022, compared to a $592 million operating loss for the first quarter of 2021. First quarter 2022 adjusted operating income was $1.47 billion, compared to an adjusted operating loss of $506 million for the first quarter of 2021. Refinery throughput volumes averaged 2.8 million barrels per day in the first quarter of 2022, which was 390 thousand barrels per day higher than the first quarter of 2021.


2022-07-31 18:02 | Report Abuse

Valero nearly quadruples Q2 refining margin to over $8 billion

July 29, 2022

The refiner’s executives say demand is holding up and that recent sales are near records set in June.

“We read a lot about demand destruction,” Simmons said. “We're not seeing in our system.. Our 7-day averages now are back to kind of that June level, with gasoline at pre-pandemic levels and diesel continuing to trend above pre-pandemic levels.”


2022-07-31 17:53 | Report Abuse

For HY, they have the option of producing the CCG (Gasoline) by converting Gasoil by Catalytic cracking . Since the Gasoil margins are way higher than gasoline, they will refrain from converting the gasoil to gasoline and obtain yield exceeding 44 % for Diesel.

PetronM being a simple refiner do not have these options, and for certain their Fuel Oil will not have very low sulfur as the distillation process will enrich non-hydrocarbon components at the bottom.


2022-07-31 15:24 | Report Abuse

yes....all the holymen at the top knows that the religion is bullshit made to have some order in community but it no longer serve any purpose in the modern world


2022-07-31 15:10 | Report Abuse

only with religion u can play dividing people


2022-07-31 15:09 | Report Abuse

Diesel Crisis Likely to Stay Unfixed by Oil Refining Revival

15 June 22'

“There is little hope that the undersupply will ease in the near future given strong demand growth and constrained refinery output,” the IEA said. The agency’s forecast for future refining processing is “not sufficient to fully meet middle distillates demand in 2022 or in 2023.”


2022-07-31 15:00 | Report Abuse

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky
Imagine all the people
Livin' for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion, too
Imagine all the people
Livin' life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one


2022-07-31 15:00 | Report Abuse

listen to the song 'Imagine' by John Lennon

go through the lyrics - he said all need to be said

unfortunately not many could appreciate its true meanings or have the ability to imagine that deeply

he even got shot by a religious catholic