
Sami_Value | Joined since 2017-06-20

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2018-05-28 13:52 | Report Abuse

This money don't make la. The revenue from the family destroyed not good. You see 4d, even though legalize, how many more still flocking to underground one. legalizing only makes gambling easier to reach by public.

You see how pappy legalize the Singapore casino, later the society suffered , they introduce levy to citizen on entry & said the casino was for foreigners. The gamblers will still go. There are families will be destroyed by this kind of legalization.


2018-05-28 12:30 | Report Abuse

without stop work order, the contractor will carry on with the work for certain tactical reason :-

1) they will optimize the compensation, the more work carry out, the more they will be compensated until formal stop work order being issued.

2) they will not be blamed if there was delay when the project resume. no stop work order given. if project resume & they are far from schedule, they will be in shitty position and risk of LAD. Hence, they will continue until stop work order is served.

My estimate, they will continue until the government breach the contractual payment term. Meaning, they stop receiving progressive claim payment from the client / government as per agreed in the contract within the contractual obligation. When the breach is initiated by the opposite site, they will not be wronged and have all the right for the EOT, loss & expenses later on.

News & Blogs

2018-05-28 12:04 | Report Abuse

@All Toh

The small holding farmers are being bullied at the moment. The harvesters are charging quite high fees for fruit harvesting. It is already the harvesters market at the moment coupled with the depressed CPO price. After deduction ( fees & fertilizers), not much meat left.

Even though by contracting the harvesting out, the harvesting contractor still need to pay their workers. They will still pass this hike in minimum wages back to the farmers.

Yes, do away cash handout but PH also promised to keep the BRIM in their manifesto. How la wei, at one end give blanket subsidy , at another end still giving BRIM aids. Just bloody bite the bullet, scrap the BRIM if the blanket subsidy is given.

After this, go tackle the loopholes at the boundaries of our country & illegal foreigners who abuses this blanket subsidies without paying taxes to our country development.

News & Blogs

2018-05-28 08:54 | Report Abuse

Our country export competitiveness is directly links to our currency, make our export market more competitive, we need the revenue from exports. E&E, O&G, palm oil, rubber glove, etc.

Palm oil - we are 2nd biggest producer in the world. Market this !!!. EU are banning the palm oil from us on the excuse of deforestation claim. India are imposing high import tax on palm oil to protect their edible oil industry. With EU & India restriction, make full use of RK's relationship with China to market more of our palm oil. China population is huge, they can take up our palm oil easily. When the demand on palm oil increases, our ppl will have deep pocket. When our people have deep pocket, they will spend & will spur the economy.

Put on hold the minimum wage of RM 1500 on this sector. Our plantation sector cannot take the blow, there is no way harvesting on crop can be replaced by automation , this is crappiest idea. You go harvest & you will know, this sector is labor intensive, don't be in denial. The minimum wage of RM 1500 will only take away all the money from small farm holding to the harvester/worker.

Property sector - open some tap on the property sector curbing. The property sector supports a lot of sub-sectors from financial, building construction, trading & services, contracting firm, etc. A boom in property sector will indirectly lift the market. Of course, the caveat is the affordable housing promise by the government, this might be counter manifesto.

A lot of middle income group can pay the installment but they don't have the down payment. Target this group, let lesser down payment of 0% down-payment. Lift the restriction so that they can select the property of their preference, not only limited to affordable housing scheme.

Focus on the big chunk items that will move the economy. Those insignificant sector, no need to waste time & effort.

News & Blogs

2018-05-26 08:49 | Report Abuse

Nowadays, our society really will do anything just to attract attention from social media.

Seriously, donating cash / setting up crowd funding to government to make balance sheet healthier is just the attempt to get seek attention from public. Thirsty for praises....

If really so patriotic, bloody hell go pay your taxes & no need make noises just to seek attention. Even the GST a few ringgit to hundred ringgit already start to meroyan, now start talking about setting up crowd funding / donation to save country balance sheet. Worst, some even under declare earning to avoid taxes. really my foot.

News & Blogs

2018-05-26 08:35 | Report Abuse

Hap Seng

If palm oil sector performing, the money will reach public pockets. When money reaches public pockets, public will spend.

News & Blogs

2018-05-26 08:30 | Report Abuse

100 days promises tracking :-

1)Abolish GST - currently on the way. GST 0% by 1st June 18. We see the 1st Parliament session how it goes.

2)Targeted petrol subsidy - petrol price unchanged since last month. Not targeted yet but blanket subsidy.

3) Eliminate Felda settlers loan - status quo.

4) EPF for housewife - status quo.

5) Standardization minimum salary - still watching & would like to see the impact ( especially on Manufacturing & Plantation Sector ), status quo.

6) PTPTN - delay the payment for borrowers earning RM4 / month & remove blacklist. Do able, no issue.

7) Sabah & Sarawak statuses. status quo.

8) Investigating scandals for 1MDB, Felda, MARA & LTH - in progress.

9) Skim Peduli Sihat for B40 - do able, no issue.

10) Mega projects to foreign country ( ECRL & HSB ) - in progress.

The dust should be settled in 100 days from 10/5/18. Highly likely ECRL will survive, most likely will honor the contract signed by previous government. Probably renegotiate the trade terms with China on the trade between 2 countries. Get China to buy more of our palm oil. Market what our country produce the most / best.

News & Blogs

2018-05-25 23:28 | Report Abuse

It already happened , nasi sudah jadi bubur. Hopefully they can improve from here onward. At least they are open to criticism.

Bloody hell, can someone to brief them how the PPP funding works according to World Bank. We are not the only country using the same funding mechanism as outlined why World Bank for infrastructure via PPP.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2018-05-23 17:39 | Report Abuse

need to replace the following:-

Astro = 7.9B
AMMB = 10.8B
YTL = 11.0B
TM = 15.0B


Harta = 20.2B
Airport = 14.6B
Topglove = 12.8B
SP Setia = 12.4B


2018-05-23 16:17 | Report Abuse

WCT ok....not much reliable construction companies available locally.


after you screen through a few rounds, these few leaders will still get invited in the tender


2018-05-23 16:02 | Report Abuse

cimb giving lesser. less than Rm2 if i'm not mistaken


2018-05-23 15:58 | Report Abuse

all the c cannot play. later all become 4 / si / shit


2018-05-23 15:13 | Report Abuse

will be kicked out from CI soon


2018-05-23 15:11 | Report Abuse

PH utilities for free electricity, lol

No more monopoly by TNB. Now everyone can sell power.

Malakoff can do power billing at Nu-Sentral, don't play play....

PH utilities for free power coming soon, kikikikiki

News & Blogs

2018-05-19 23:08 | Report Abuse

Got use meh this kind of online petition ?

Pakatoon have been in opposition far too long. Everything also oppose.

I'm thinking, as long as PH have the correct candidate for the task with the desired outcomes, f*** the manifesto. Tun M is the correct candidate to me. I doubt any other candidate got the ball to do the radical changes without the resistance from the public. This old man just want to make the radical changes to our education system before his biological life span coming to the end.

It is not like Tun M want the salary of the ministry portfolio for his survival, he don't need this la.

Otherwise, our country really full of geniuses who like to call everyone idiots as long as you don't get along with their views.


2018-05-19 21:47 | Report Abuse

I think at the moment, the current government is testing the water level by setting GST to 0%. They want to experiment to see if the price of goods are falling due to removal of GST while keeping the system.

Keeping the existing system do have the advantage. The previous system was mean to track the tax to prevent the tax evaders. Since everyone have spent money to implement it, just use it for tracking with GST rate of 0%.

If they want to bring it back later, they could immediately implement it.


2018-05-19 21:39 | Report Abuse

The tax return via GST implementation was not fast enough. The country like Singapore return the tax refund on monthly basis punctually, it did not burden their SME.

Whereas, in our country, the tax return don't know takes how many months still got no news. Those small business got no choice but to cost in the GST to finance their cash flow because the return was not fast enough. They have to pay first the moment the invoice was issued.

In the end, when everyone in the cycle doing the same to keep their cash flow alive ( else immediately gulung tikar ), the price of goods spiraled.

News & Blogs

2018-05-19 20:04 | Report Abuse

I think Beary made a good point on the other thread earlier. Teaching of religion in national schools to be addressed. That is one of the point that shy away the non-muslim students enrollment. The religion should be taught outside school hour.

Currently ,there is a compulsory Muslim prayer during morning assembly. Last time, I didn't recall any compulsory Quran's prayer during morning assembly.

Hard point but it need to be discussed even thought it might offend certain radical groups. At least by open discussion, it might lead us for a win-win situation.

News & Blogs

2018-05-19 19:54 | Report Abuse

don't force on something not feasible. the maintenance costs will be the next headache to think of after taking over the tolled roads. without any revenue generation from tolls, government have to think of a way to collect the lost revenue to maintain the roads.

in order to fulfill the manifesto, abolish the tolls, but increase the road taxes to the business / industry vehicles to recover the loss of revenue for maintenance & compensation.

Janji ditepati , abolish tolls but they never promise not to increase other taxes mah.


2018-05-19 19:36 | Report Abuse

Found a lot of "genius and unselfish" people here.

if the so called genius and unselfish people thinking by abolishing the 1 off concession if fair, are these fair ?

1) Sabah & Sarawak people don't use the bloody tolled highways at Peninsular. Peninsular took our lumbers, oils & gases for years, now asking us to equally foot the abolishment of tolled highway at Peninsular? Be ready to get middle fingers from Sabahans & Sarawakians genius & so claimed fair one.

2) Kelantan, Terengganu & Pahang not link by PLUS, abolish PLUS also need to be equally share by Kelantan, Terengganu & Pahang ? hahahaha.

3) Abolishing tolls sound brilliant , everything you get for free hor ? After one off abolish, no revenue collection. The roads maintenance who gonna pay ? The street-lighting electrical bills, the rubbish & grass cutting, the rest houses ? Raise 2 hand to the sky , no need work, everything will be maintained by the godly new government ? Just by paying the electrical bills alone gonna burn a big on the government - digging their own grave earlier if new government do.

The idea of privatization is to lessen the government burden, now with abolishment , government increasing the country debt if there is compensation required. So brilliant that they forget about the recurrence monthly expenses for maintenance. Really geniuses rank.

Gamuda employees took 4-5 months from rakyat, lol. Gamuda don't do local infra only . Please,they got oversea projects genius.

Talking about retaining local talents bring back oversea talents , hahahaha. 4-5 months bonuses cannot afford to pay, stop talking cock about retaining talent, go built your own toll free road the genius & unselfish one. The reason why other country manage to snatch our talents because they are willing to pay for our talents. Stop your rubbish & dream on.


2018-05-19 12:12 | Report Abuse

common sense la, if really PH abolish toll without compensation....1 thing very certain in future

whenever current PH ask for bidding for new highway / road concession, I think most of the players, irregardless local or foreign will show their middle finger only....

kikikiki, want free one, please built yourself

News & Blogs

2018-05-15 22:49 | Report Abuse

hahahaha....pastor calvin tan eng, you win, salute.

ini macam also can dig out.

but truth is, I got relative from India, the 2nd Gen. When the father passed away, the land was illegally occupied by other ppl. Now have to go thru & forth India court for the dispute.

Lesson is, don't invest in India, bad advise by Samy Vellu for NRIs.


2018-05-15 18:49 | Report Abuse

this one don't play play, too risky

News & Blogs

2018-05-15 18:05 | Report Abuse


Sg Siput but forgot which year oledi....too nyanyuk

@ Pastor Calvin

Mai lwan lwan kong hor, later kena fake news charge when you cross over to Malaysia from Singapore.

News & Blogs

2018-05-14 16:52 | Report Abuse

hahahahaha, they just won't listen. Bursa = infinity supply of water fishes.....after get burn, they will come & start cursing PH no good, want to bet not ?

I saw someone pay red chips , got burned, then put blame on MCA's Michael Chong...

I'm waiting to see people to get burn, see who they wanted to blame on PH now.....

News & Blogs

2018-05-14 14:28 | Report Abuse

those on fifo.....faster log profit before other log their profit

all the junks counters flying = risk


2018-05-14 13:52 | Report Abuse

this one MCA punya counter .... how come can go up silently instead.......sama-sama kasi pukul bagi lebam sama-sama , lol


2018-05-14 12:58 | Report Abuse

kikiki, i'm kinda enjoying the selldown due to the sentiments.


2018-05-14 10:54 | Report Abuse

Gamuda will stand still.....with their competitive edges, no other local player can come close to rival them.

futhermore, this one Perak's royal owned. no matter how you change BN to PH, PH to BN like changing the clothes....the projects still coming back to Gamuda

News & Blogs

2018-05-13 23:16 | Report Abuse

there are still good people within BN, just that the rotten ones overwhelm the good ones.

want to bet or not, in near future, these bad ones will start to join PH.....after that, they will start to create issue to PH and the cycle repeats

day & night alternate, high tide & low tight alternate, maybe the cycle of our politic also alternate

News & Blogs

2018-05-13 23:04 | Report Abuse

Please push forward for separation of power for executive, legislature and judiciary as promised in PH manifestos.

After the separation of power, we the rakyat will follow the news on LGE court trial. Until then, we hold on to the ground that LGE is innocent until proven guilty.

News & Blogs

2018-05-13 22:48 | Report Abuse

Yes, I agree that we need a quality opposition pack for check & balance.

At the moment, it would be hard for BN to make a comeback in near term. The 1MDB issue will be fresh in our mind until - Malaysia mudah lupa syndrome kicks in.

For revival of BN, please remove all the rotten apples in your coalition ( UMNO, MCA, MIC, etc ).

If you keep the racist one - one word on Cina Babi, you killed Make Chinese Angry & Gelakan instantly. In short, you are killing your ownselves when your coalition component cannot perform.

You must not keep the unclean one (Cow Gate Scandal) without any action taken,remove her from party post. How you want your coalition to win the heart of people when the rotten one still standing ?. It just show how arrogant the BN was, when in wrong still can hold post without action taken. The component parties, please speak out when necessary, not remained silent on any wrongdoing.

Start learning how to listen & learn to accept the unpleasant words because the unpleasant words are truthful for BN to become better. If you listen to the pleasant words of the bodek kaki, you will never learn & admit your mistakes to improve.

The parasites / bodek kakis who contribute nothing are the worst of its kind that need to be flushed out. See how your opponents (PH) are attracting the young talents, whereas the BN are attracting the average & bodek kakis. The quality matters not quantities. BN need to groom more talents not cull the talents & see it as the threat internally. When you go to war, you need the capable general ranks in the front line, not the cry babies or bodek kakis. The BN culture of suppressing the talent & culling the young talent to protect their own personal interest have leaded BN to current state. Groom more capable generals before GE15.

Those with the underworld links need to be removed from the party membership. These underworld ppl which have infiltrated political parties to protect their own interest.

I hope they day will come when BN is a multiracial party instead of UMNO, MCA, Gerakan & etc. If you can make this break through, you might get new stream of support against PH in future.

Wish you make your comeback on stronger cleaner & stronger footing in the future.

News & Blogs

2018-05-12 22:29 | Report Abuse

that's why old sage advised to read the intend, not something to be seen with naked eye

News & Blogs

2018-05-12 22:20 | Report Abuse

since PM already announce it. Not as per expectation. Maybe just get Rafizi as Deputy Finance Minister. In case Lim Guan Eng need some advise from Rafizi on his house valuation.


2018-05-11 22:50 | Report Abuse

Gamuda & MRCB will be standing , majority owns by PNB , KWAP & EPF

Furthermore, Gamuda have the competitive edges that no other construction company have locally.

Gkent might suffer.


2018-05-11 22:39 | Report Abuse

aiyo you people's intend, don't read the what can be seen from the surface, the surface is full of Bollywood acting for good or bad

the intend is the genuine, you will not be blinded by the false concealment


2018-05-11 22:27 | Report Abuse

actually ar, you all very unforgiving and full of hatred......Tony's was force to la.....the MCA Liow was caretaker of Transportation Minister then dragged him in to campaign, AA was in transportation business, he cannot afford to offend Liow la

he ask your all to support "government" but never mention BN or PH.....

previous government = govenrment
current government = government
new government = government

"When one knows the white that is splendor, yet holds on to the black that is humble and lowly" -

News & Blogs

2018-05-11 10:42 | Report Abuse

yes....I support the proposal for Rafizi to become Finance Minister


2018-05-11 00:27 | Report Abuse

It doesn't matter who holds which position. making this country moving toward correct direction matters now, not which party hold which position.

minister education hold the key to racial unity & harmony, it is not an easy task

let them do their jobs, we judge after certain period of time. Not now. Give them undivided support for now.


2018-05-11 00:16 | Report Abuse

dei machas. election GE14 was over, respect the decision of people & democracy

if want to campaign, we see it at GE15

now lets work hard again


2018-01-26 13:54 | Report Abuse

@myongcc5, you ingat itu toll bapak wa buka punya ? lol

you see you see you see, wa baru ciakap....sudah cun cun jadi

"Posted by SHC70 > Jan 26, 2018 01:43 PM | Report Abuse

Hahahaha ya so many sinkalan here "


2018-01-26 13:33 | Report Abuse

myongcc5 bak pepatah "mencurahkan air ke atas doun keladi". You will be labelled as IB's hired sinkalan to talk down the counter, lol

manyak susah nak short in hokkien " ei lang ai si, hor ei si la" , after si liao & can still stand on the foot, then they will know what is black & what is white in coming days


2018-01-25 14:13 | Report Abuse


it is known as "no book can tell" category , lol


2018-01-23 15:23 | Report Abuse

continuous profit drops & margin compression, kinda risky until the cloudy sky clear

this one if one deployed dump dump hold on FA investing since early 2017, the underwear also got stripe by now


2018-01-22 23:39 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha, how many days have you all haven't got a good sleep. Everyday shouting in the forum.

RHB are not alone.Soon Mac & Kenanga & CIMB will join force . Even MIB & AMMB might tag along.

You all will be legends if you really can turn the this tide. Looking forward to see you guys go against the current. All the best & luck.

May the force be with you.


2018-01-22 23:25 | Report Abuse

Major Turnaround 2018 (TA2018)
The major turnaround in 2018 is driven by legislative
requirements of the Malaysia Department of Occupational Safety
and Health (DOSH). HRC subscribes to the DOSH Statutory
Safety Inspection (SSI) program which is a structured integrity
inspection and assurance programme. Part of the requirement
is establishing a baseline of equipment inspection status, which
requires all equipment to be opened in 2018. A full inspection
of the equipment during TA2018 will thus enable us to renew our
license to operate as issued by DOSH. With this inspection our
refinery is in a good position to negotiate a 4-year turnaround
cycle post-2018 with DOSH.
During the turnaround, maintenance work will be executed to
ensure the integrity and reliability of operation of all equipment.
The scope is established based on previous inspections, our
and our technical advisor’s experience and issues we observed
during the current plant operation. Scope definition, preparation,
resourcing of materials is an important 2017 deliverable.
A significant investment for equipment renewal that will take
place in TA2018 is the replacement of the internals and top
dome of the catalyst regenerator of the LRCCU unit. The life of
these internals is 18 years and replacement is due in 2018, as
confirmed during the inspections in the previous turnaround in
RISK: Planning and execution is crucial to a successful and
timely Turnaround. Any unexpected incident or emergent scope
arising during the event could result in an extended shutdown
resulting in financial impact. The project team which has been
assigned to this crucial project comes with extensive experience
in HRC’s previous turnarounds and operates within the well
established governance framework. Moreover the regenerator
top dome project is executed in partnership with contractors
that have experience with the manufacturing and installation in
similar units elsewhere. The manufacturing of the new dome is not
schedule critical.

Above was copied from AR 2016 - Page 57

The major TA 2018 & Euro 4M Mogas Project implementation around Oct 2018 are totally 2 different items. There is no specific date spelled for major TA.


2018-01-22 18:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by Stockhunter85 > Jan 22, 2018 06:30 PM | Report Abuse

When alot of refineries shut down, refineries product will be limited in market. What will happen if market demand is there but supply is limited?

I refer to your own statement, so does it mean there is chances for HY to SHUT DOWN also? Don't tell me other refineries shut down but HY still can operate without shutting down for maintenance ?

News & Blogs

2017-11-09 22:34 | Report Abuse

Your Part 1 & 2 sound very typical & standard, I believed many retailers went through the same path & process also. I have been through the same process. Looking back at our own experiences sometime will make us laugh at own self - how could we made such a silly decision years ago.

If your experience stalled at part 2, you got a lot more of walls to bang . However, from your writing, it doesn't sound your experience stalled. Please continue with your other parts.

My silly investment decisions strategy years ago :-

1) buy on tip . the downfall - the tips were traps, you went in, insiders offloading.

2) buy on news . the downfall - after major contract announcement, it takes years to realize the profits, insiders selling / offloading on news announcement knowing that the rise will be short live / the rise have priced in the future potential gain.

3) buy based on analyst report - suddenly become very hardworking reading newspaper column / The Edge, attend talks & seminars by IB. Niamah - only 2 of the 10 counters average gained, the rest stagnant / decreasing over time. Initially got rose la but shortlive & not sustainable. Similar to your experience, after thing turn 180 degree, beautiful analyst reports can be revised to become as smelly as shit. ( Masterskill & JCY )

4) after 3) did work, you will keep on working harder. Somethings must have went wrong. You went online & started to join forum & blog - your intention, you must be ahead of 1),2) & 3). You then started to follow the "sifu" in the forum. The "sifu" making the most money by declaration or help other forumers made good money before, you will follow 100% without any question. Down fall of this - when the "sifu" turned demon, accidentally or intentionally picked up lemon , they themselves looking for exit, they ask the followers to support. That time still fresh mah, who dare to go against "sifu", don't know what is lemon & what is not, so obediently follow without head & tail. When price keep on dropping, keep on asking "sifu" how come price no up? "sifu" will said patiently , sang Warrent Buffet strategy - buy & hold long term. If not, the "sifu" never put gun on your head to buy will be quite popular defense statement by other followers. When other forumers started to give valid different opinion which was making the counter vulnerable, you will start to panic & counter attack to protect you interest ( your 2 foots already inside ), die die defend like crazy ppl daily. End up - "sifu" went missing , you went to holland.

5) after 1 to 4 failed, you will started to be emotional. You digged a big hole & you was thinking how to recover this losses as fast as possible. The faster you want to recover, the faster you sink inside the quick sand / magnify your losses.

wah....if continue like this, my grandfather stories cannot finish. You continue your parts first, I got time , I come back chui sui later