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4 days ago | Report Abuse


at this level, almost 100 % bad news already factored in,

in fact, is undervalued

Just prepare to use the

above mentioned method and

prepare to hold 6 months to 18 months,

anyday from now,

Jaks hit

0.18, = 50 % returns

0.24 = 100 % returns

0.36 = 200 % returns

It depends on what is the % of returns you want, and how many months you are

Prepared to hold, you don't have to monitor the Daily movement of JAKS

every minutes, everday, just Key in to sell or ask your remisier to Key in your sell

Order for JAKS until done, according to the target price you want

After you make profit from Jaks,

If can apply the same method on other counters


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Some of my friends, had used the above mentioned method over last 20 years, and results are very good With relatively low risks


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Correction for.. to buy during 2021

Should be not to buy during 2021


4 days ago | Report Abuse

Those who are honest, With integrity should have Strongly advised other retailers to sell all their Jaks from 0.82 to 50, or to buy during 2021 and not to prevent other retailers from buying Jaks at 0.12 - 0.15.
Say 100,000 shares

If drop further to
0.11 = double average down ( 200,000 shares x 0.11)

0.10 = 300, 000 shares x 0.10

0.09 = buy 400,000 shares x 0.09

0.08 = buy 500,000 shares x 0.08

0.07 = buy 600,000 shares x 0.07

In the next 1 or 2 years, relatively not to worry about going to be delistef


4 days ago | Report Abuse

HEXCAP ( Formerly known as OPCOM)
after Private placement around 0.43 in 2021,
within few months rockected up to around 1.70

In 2019, after shares consolidation of 4 became 1,
price dropped to 0.07 /08,
after Private placement to repay loans,
from 8 sens at beginning of 2020, within few months rockected up to 1.50 +/-


4 days ago | Report Abuse

RENONG ( code 1775), Asia financial crisis 1998, during 1999 dropped to below 30 sens,
before end of 1999, went up to 3.0 ++

Changed Uemworld, beginning of 2006, only 30 sens ++
, in 2007, rockected up to 5.0 ++

2008 subprime Loan in USA, dropped to around 50 sens,
Changed name to Uemland ( before merged With Sunrise and become UEMS)
from 50 sens++, rockected up to 1.70 ++ in 2013 and later went up to around 3.50 in 2017


4 days ago | Report Abuse

FRONTKN 0.16/0.17 in 2016, went up to 9.00 ++
After Bonus issue 1 for 1 in 2021, now hovering around 3.80 ++


4 days ago | Report Abuse

MPI, during 1996-1997 and 2000 hit RM 60.00+/-
Later dropped to below 3.0 during 2005-2009, this year 2024 hit 40 +/-

From 0.16/0.17 in 2016, went up to 9.00 ++
After Bonus issue 1 for 1, now hovering around 3.80


4 days ago | Report Abuse

BJCORP, in 2004/2005, after restructuring, dropped to 0.10 - 0.11,
for those who bought

1,000,000 shares x 0.10 = RM 100,000

kept until 2007/2008, before subprime loans financial crisis in USA,
went up to RM 1.50
During 2008 financial crisis, dropped to 0.40+/-
later during 2009-2010, rockected up again to 2.00+/-

For counters like YTL, YTLPOWER, BJCORP, banking counters and some Others,
historical low is a very Good chance in 5 - 20 years.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

If we look at many other counters, like

YTL, hovering around 0.50 ++ during 2022 - March 2023, for those who Bought addtional lot or all in, can make 500 - 700% within a year

Nov 2022 around 0.19
May 2023 around 0.22++

Jan 2024 - June 2024, traded around 1.20 +/-

And many other property counters like

and also So called tech stocks from 2021 - 2023

This year, JCY from 0.20 ++ to 0.90 ++

Notion from 0.50 ++ to 2.00++

Retailers should buy at historical low, after you have done your homeworks
Buy at the beginning of uptrend, and don't buy at the beginning of down trend


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Doesn't matter, if you buy and they press down to 0.10
You can double average down

100,000 x 0.125 = RM12,500

200,000 X 0.10 = RM 20,000

Your average cost

= 0.125 + 0.10 +0.10
= 0.1.0833

At this level, just average down although some people may say don' t average

AT historical low level, just average down

But at historical high, pls don't average down all the way
Like gloves counters during 2020 - 2022

Topglov at 29.++,
2 for 1 Bonus, price Adjusted to 9.0 ++

Many retailers could have Bought from 8 ++, average down all the way to 5.00+
or Even 3.0 ++

But When dropped to 0.56 historical low, they panic and may not have money to average down, So Topglov rebounded from 0.56 ++to 1.20 ++, then dropped again to 0.70 ++ and rebounded to 1.20++ again, now Hovering around 0.90 +/-


5 days ago | Report Abuse

If you buy around 0.53-0.55, and able to sell

0.63, returns = 0.63 ÷0.55 = 14.50%

0.68, returns = 0.63 ÷0.55 =23.63 %

0.75, returns = 0.75 ÷ 0.55 = 36.63 %


5 days ago | Report Abuse

If you buy at 0.125 - 0.135, your cost is Lower than the Major shareholders

Your only risk is the company goes bankrupt, at this moments you are relatively safe


5 days ago | Report Abuse

Gtronic is trading at 10 years historical low, subject to misuse of funds and
cases like
Fitters and CFM, it appears an opportunity for Short term rebound.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

For those who Bought Jaks around 0.125-0.13 during
24 /05/2024 - 5 June 2024, and
Sold around 0.19 - 0.205 during 11 June 2024 - 20 June 2024,
Can make around 50 % returns within a month

0.195/ 0.13 = 50 %

If you buy

100,000 x0. 13 = RM 13,000

300,000 shares x 0.13 = RM 39,000

500,000 shares x 0.13 = RM 65,000

and Sold at 0.195

100,000 shares x 0.195 = RM 19,500

300,000 shares x 0.195 = RM 58,500

500,000 shares x 0.195 = RM 97,500

so, the returns are very good

Hopefully, Jaks can drop back to 0.12 - 0.13

If one year can happen 3 rounds, you returns

= 50 % x 3 times

= 150 %

Same buy tactics can be used in many other counters


2 months ago | Report Abuse

For those who Bought 0.13 on 5 June 2024, and able to sell 0.20 on
20 June 2024 can make a profit of 50 %.

If you buy 100,000 shares x 0.13 = RM13,000
Sold all 100,000 shares x 0.20 = RM 7,000

Before Commission and other charges

and if you are skillful enough, you may be able to buy back at 0.165 on
24 June 2024,
Then wait for 0.33 to make another 100 % returns

If they don't want to push up for you to make the 100 % returns, then no worry, Wait for 1 - 3 years, to test who can hold longer


2024-03-05 16:24 | Report Abuse

Need to Call more PTD in 068, 073, 065 and nominees to do the dump and pump


2024-03-05 16:19 | Report Abuse

I know the tactics very,
Will accumulate according own schedule

Hopefully they make mistakes and wrongly press down to


2024-03-04 18:05 | Report Abuse

EG Warrants panic sell to 0.06 in 2014,
Later rebounded to 40 sens ++ within few months

So many examples,
So many counters mentioned before

From the Daily price movements,
5 years charts, 10 years charts,
and the accounts

I know which counter can rebound, which one is going to Close shop

Nothing to worry at all


2024-03-04 18:00 | Report Abuse

I have given So many examples, So many counters over So many years

Nothing to worry at all

Just be patient


2024-03-04 17:58 | Report Abuse

I had done a lot of homeworks and had gone through So many crisis as mentioned earlier,
Nothing to worry,
Just be patient


2024-03-04 17:56 | Report Abuse

dropped to around 0.04 in 2019,
rebounded to 40 sens ++ before end of Dec 2019

then during covid march 2020, panic sell again to around 4 sens,
Rebounded back to 0.30 ++ in middle of 2021

Thheavy before delisting,

Panic sell to around 0.06, later rebounded to around 0.26

Later panic sell again to 0.04, then rebounded to around 20 sens ++

2 rounds sharp rebound before delisting


in 2020, during pandemic, dropped to around 3 sens before suspended for trading,
Main shareholder acquired few Millions shares before suspended for trading

After some months about 1 year, relisted for trading,
Rebounded to 20 sens ++ to redistrubute to retailers
Then delisted


2024-03-04 17:47 | Report Abuse

Hopefully they make mistakes and wrongly press down to 0.05 or 0.035, So that we can have a golden opportunity in a life time to buy at such a historical low price of 3-4 sens


2024-03-04 17:38 | Report Abuse

Hovering around 0.40 sometimes in May 2023,
Disputes among major shareholders, create panic story,
its shares price dropped to around 0.135, but later rebounded to around
0.40 again in Aug 2023.

Oct 2023 from 0.10 panic sell to 0.05,
Jan 2024 rebounded to around 0.40 ++

Number of shares issued =2,369 billions before coming Private placement

After Private placement around 2.70 billions shares

If jaks drop to 0.10
Total market capital = 2.70 billions x 0.10
= RM 270 Millions

To acquire
51 %x RM 270 Millions = RM 137,700,000

If jaks drop to 5sens as some people said ,

Total market capital = 2.70 billions shares x 0.05
= RM 135,000,000

To acquire
51 % x RM 135,000,000 = RM 68,850,000

Total Directors Remunerations
Around RM 13.33 Millions
Based on last year accounts

RM 68,850,000 ÷ RM 13,330,000 = 5.165 years to recovery back your 51 % shares Investment in JAKS, just based on Directors Remunerations.


2024-03-02 22:36 | Report Abuse

20 - 50 is an associate company, can recognise the share of profits in Jaks accounts

If more than 50 %, say 50.10 %, then can consolidate all subsidiary's accounts including all assests and liabilities


2024-03-02 21:31 | Report Abuse

Jaks has 30 % share in Vietnam power plant ( joint venture With a china company 70 %)
So, the Vietnam power plant is an associate company of Jaks in which Jaks can recognise the 30 % profits in its accounts


2024-03-02 20:51 | Report Abuse

For jaks Case, just stop all the local loss making projects,
employ few beatiful lady personal assistants and sitting there, do nothing, enjoy the profits sharing on Vietnam power should be Good enough


2024-03-02 20:46 | Report Abuse

For those who have read an article or survey done by some USA Big Investment Banks in
1994/1995, the conclusions made was if you hold a stocks for 10 years, but you Missed the 42 working days rally, you could have earned nothing or sufferred Losses.

For those who wish to check whether the conclusions were correct, May be can have a look for 10 years charts on KLSCREENER APPS


Penny stocks, HONGSENG, EURO, DATAPREP CFM, LKL, and many others


2024-03-02 20:33 | Report Abuse

Take example like UEMS and YTL

For Uems, A lots of retailers were flushed out or took few sens profits When Uems ding dong, ding dong around 0.23 - 0.28, later 0.32 - 0.36

For YTL, a lots of retailers were flushed out after YTL hit above 60 sens,
Later from 99sens dropped to 0.88 sens.

Retailers want to make more profits
must do more homeworks,
have patiance
Brave to buy more When the price is Hovering at historical low ( subject to the company's fundamental and its future prospects


2024-03-02 20:23 | Report Abuse

Not to worry

If jaks can hit 36 sens from 18 sens within a year,
a 100 % returns should be acceptable

If jaks can not hit 36 sens within a year, then the targeted selling price Will be
revised to 54 sens just to Cover opportunity cost.

If jaks can not hit 54 sens within 2 years, then the targeted selling price Will has to be revised
to 72 sens in order to Cover the opportunity forgone

Just be patient


2024-03-02 19:17 | Report Abuse

If you buy 10000 shares x 0.18 = RM 1800
100,000 shares x 0.18 = RM 18,000
1,000,000 shares x 0.18 = RM 180,000

If you buy 20,000 shares x 0.18 = 3,600
And average down 30000 x 0.16 = 4800
And average down 50000 x 0.15 = 7500

Total = RM 15,900

It doesn't matter,

If they have accumulated 2 billions,

Just a game of patiance


2024-03-02 19:09 | Report Abuse

Seems funny and weird,
few person everday make a lots of comments to discourage Others from buying Jaks
and also to panic Others When jaks is at historical low?

If they discourage Others from buying Jaks When jaks was traded above 70 sens of 80 sens is more logical.

Already accumulated some at 0.18, Will keep on average down level by level, and prepare to keep for 5 or 10 years, it doesn't matter,
Not to worry.


2024-03-02 18:10 | Report Abuse

I know how to read accounts and notes to the accounts
And hod gone through So many crisis as mentioned earlier.
Not to worry
It is not a issue at all


2024-03-02 18:08 | Report Abuse

Fixed Deposit rates around 3.50 - 4.00% per year
Let say 4 %, for 10 years = 40%++

if jaks hit 27 sens from Current price of 18 sens in 10 years
the return per year = 50 % ÷ 10 years = 5%
still better than fixed Deposit rate of 4 %


2024-03-02 18:04 | Report Abuse

Just hope the PP as mentioned can be completed as soon as possible
Once they have taken up the PP, they have no choice but to push up and redistrubute to the retailers.
If they want to keep the PP for 5 years or 10 years, it doesn't matter, just a game of patiance


2024-03-02 17:59 | Report Abuse

PP is just a way for the syndicates to acquire shares or accumulate shares at Lower price and to their advantage, in order for them to push up the price and redistrubute to the retailers. As mentioned earlier for the Case of HWGB during 2019 - 2020 and Opcom in 2021


2024-03-02 17:43 | Report Abuse

Whether the price for Jaks Will drop to 0.165, 0.155 or 0.10 or below 0.10
is not a issue.
The main issue is whether Jaks is worth to buy / invest and whether jaks Will go up or not

If the answer is yes, then just buy and hold,

If your target is 20 % within a year from 0.18 x( 120%) = 0.216

If you target is 50 % within a year from 18 sens
0.18 x 150 % =0.27 or 27 sens

I believe for jaks to go up to 0.215/0.22 within a year shall not be a problem,
Downside risks very minimum and we can average down some more at 0.15
this is not an issue at all


2024-03-02 17:29 | Report Abuse

I am a person With dignity and integrity, just to share my views for retailers to recovery back some of their money or Losses, or for those retailers who wish to make some money from the market.
I Will never promote or influence the retailers to buy a counter if the counter is at historical high and totally out of money and With very high risks or down side risks


2024-03-02 15:45 | Report Abuse

Since Jan 2021, When Jaks was hovering around 60 sens after it was pushed up
from 40 sens ++,
there were few person promoted Jaks and gave a target price of 1.50,
they also formed a Private group which attracted a lot of followers.

When Jaks was hovering around 60 sens ++, a Broking firm also gave a target price of 82 sens.

There is a very high possibility that the syndicates ( included some major shareholders) took the opportunity to distribute their shares at high price. On the Other hand, they also worried that they may Lose control especially they worried KYY may come in again.
So, they have to engage some writers to give a Good story about Jaks.

After a lots of retailers jumped in, they pressed the price and issued few batches of PP at Lower price to accumulate Jaks.

When their plans are completed, they engaged some writers to talk bad about Jaks With intentions to panic retailers to sell back to them at very low price.

After they have accumulated enough Plus subsription for PP, they Will creat Good story to Goreng up again.


2024-03-01 22:02 | Report Abuse

Let Wait and see the price after 6 months, 1 year or 2 years before we make the Final conclusion.

Many of us had gone through the superbull runs in 1993,
Second Board super hot and manipulated market
Asia financial crisis in 1998,
Dot. Com crisis in 2000
Long down trend from 2000 - 2005
Market really in 2006-2007

USA Subprime LOANS crisis 2008-2009

Covid crisis during 2020,

Jaks is a small case compared to the abovementioned crisis,
Nothing to worry, just accumulate.


2024-03-01 21:51 | Report Abuse

Bitcoin and listed shares have a lot of similarities.
The difference is they are traded on different platforms

Their prices are mainly controlled by the syndicates behind.
Bitcon has no transprency at all Whereas listed shares are more regulated and more transparent in trading.

The syndicates behind always try to accumulate at Lower price or as low as possible, in Order
to acheive their plans. they Will create panic scenario to panic retailers

When they want to redistrubute to retailers, they Will create Good stories to attract retailers to buy So that they can make profits out from the price difference.
They buy low and sell high, just simple as that


2024-03-01 21:08 | Report Abuse

BITCOIN was traded below USD 1000 before 2018

Its price went up to around USD 17000 in 2018, then dropped to below USD 8000

Later, during 2021 - 2022, Bitcoin price rockected up to above USD 60,000,

By end of 2023, its price sharp dropped to below USD 20000 again,

Currently, Bitcoin price is trading above USD 60,000 again

Is there any Big changes in fundamental value for Bitcoin over last 5 years?
Nothing, any one has read the accounts for BITCOIN,? CASH FLOWS?
Nothing at all,


2024-03-01 19:32 | Report Abuse

Once they have completed their plans and accumulated enough, and a lot of retailers have Sold their shares to them,
Jaks shares price Will Ultimately go higher


2024-03-01 19:27 | Report Abuse

Can also look into the accounts for

And compare to the accounts for JAKS


2024-03-01 19:24 | Report Abuse

rockected from below 20 sens to RM 6.0 ++
just within few months

rockected up from below 20 sens to
2.0 ++ within few months

rockected up from 16 sens to above 4.0 just within 2 months

LKL, MMAG, CFM and many other counters also rockected few times just within few months,

Compared to them, Jaks fundamental is very much better than them


2024-03-01 19:12 | Report Abuse

There are some unknown reasons behind for PP


2024-03-01 19:10 | Report Abuse

Another example,
HWGB completed a 30 % PP ( After shares consolidation of 4 became 1) at around 8 sens sometimes in 2019, just within a year
In 2020 HWGB shares price rockected up to 1.50 ++


2024-03-01 19:06 | Report Abuse

HEXCAP ( Formerly known as Opcom). had completed a PP ( 30%) on 9 Sept 2021, 53,212,400 shares at 0.435, after the listing of PP, Opcom shares price rockected up from 40 sens ++ to around 1.70 within few months


2024-03-01 18:55 | Report Abuse

If jaks market price is Hovering around 30 sens or 40 sens, Bursa is very unlikely to approve the PP at 0.18, So its price has to be pressed down in Order for the Planned PP to go through


2024-03-01 18:34 | Report Abuse

Rights issue is for all existing shareholders according to their sharesholdings
Whereas Private placement is issued to a selective group of people, normally at a discount on 5 days average market price.
Many existing shareholders are wiling to take up rights issues at the price same as PP, but they are not given the choice