
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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1 month ago | Report Abuse

where is Qr results??


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Hello EPF gets money from everybody---about RM300mil every week


1 month ago | Report Abuse

🤔🤔🤔 Whats wrong????


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I saw EPF dump 300m SAP shares @ 62sen when they detected something very wrong. Until EPF stops Dumping
the coast is not clear but what spook EPF is everybody guess


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Chances Notion will be Pull-down by Genetec---EPF dumping Genetec on a grand scale


1 month ago | Report Abuse

nowonder genetec keeps plunging EPF Dumps 14m on 23Aug. Still Got 61m in pocket ( not good idea to fight


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Stronger Ringgit is actually a Double Edge sword----Net profit Not necessary goes Down. Bcos spare parts
are bought at $......even workers are paid in US$ in Vietnam and Thailand Drilling site ( i have seen inter-Co.
service quote in $ even inside Malaysia Water )


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I think 1.05 difficult to hold if Notion keep plunging----Problem will notion is No Big Mountain backing like GenT


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I think today Nasi Lemak kosong also difficult


1 month ago | Report Abuse

OLH is really a stingy CEO!!!!!!!!!!! RHB give 15cents to OSK, we get 3 cents ( wtf )


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I donT know how KPS is going address Cenbond shares to investor---Cenbond was bought at 1.73....When
Cenbond is not listed, asset must be disburse at face Value back to investor---Am i going to get 1.73 for
Cenbond share if KPS gets delisted????


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Confirmed Toyo & CPI turned around ( a bit yoyo netprofit bcos recording KingCoil sale in 1Q24 ) However
3Q24 has Plaza KPS sale ( 46mil ) Can expect continue up-tick in water Chemical Sales plus Toyo & Co---
expect net profit in 3Q24 in a range 70mil----I think water Chemical requirement by Air Selangor will
be 5X more 2024 bcos another 17 Data Center in Selangor are expected to be launched in 2025 ( Rasau Dam
will be Fully utilised in 2026-2027 )-----From what i heard, Air Selangor need another 3 Dam in 10years time
even 2 new dam in Rasau running in Full Capacity ( bcos of population increment--new jobs in Selangor )


1 month ago | Report Abuse

My TP last Fiday is 80cents---I think I chicken Out after all Broker House in KL say No margin for Notion.
My next Tp depends on Friday results---forced selling D-day ( TP has to go much lower )


1 month ago | Report Abuse

not falling knives but most missed vital points----the heart and Brain Or Mouth ( still can Talk )


1 month ago | Report Abuse

it seems as of Today, nearly all broker house I called confirmed Notion Cannot be margin ( more drop coming )


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Genetec will be pull- down by Notion today---Nothing you can do


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Notion is full of Traps....Extreme caution is needed for Goreng Kaki


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Horse race between OskH vs Insas still on Or Not??? OskH will report good Qr results, both properties &
Cables are very consistent according to similar industries report


1 month ago | Report Abuse

southern cable Qr is consistent QoQ and raise 170% YoY ---I think OskH results will be very Good---I only hope
Big dividend


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Notion & Genetec overplay by Form 5 syndicate. Selangor expects another 17 Data Center by 2025---But who
are the real, real beneficiary----Always remember Notion Cannot supply AI Chip for Data Center. So Data Center are just Properties Development ...Long term suppliers to DC are TNB and Air Selangor (water )


1 month ago | Report Abuse

always SPM / street syndicate Wins in goreng scenario. Our PHD investors is too into Charts / PE and other
economics jargons usually Ended up in the bottom of Trap and can never be released in this Life-time


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Genetec is plunging Fast----your Call. DonT waste bullets until coast is clear


1 month ago | Report Abuse

one broker House has put margin Cap on Notion---Big fish holding Notion & Genetec has to Dump either
one or Both. If other Stock broker House make Call on limiting margin Acct, Friday is another Dumping Day.
( 3 days to Top Up Cash---Friday D day )


1 month ago | Report Abuse

everybody ALL-In ( with New Mercedes ) on last Friday, Monday going Home in Old conky Axia


1 month ago | Report Abuse

i think "one" stock broker House" is playing OskH----Ong LH has sold/transfer 33mil shares to them 2--3year
back----you can check in annual report


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Fed cut rate in Sept so Oil demand will Not falls as in recession


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Genetec also falls 16% as Notion---so got 2 potential Goreng stocks on Monday


1 month ago | Report Abuse

after 2 years of Powell leadership, i have no doubt Sept cut will be just 25basis point ( nothing exciting )----


1 month ago | Report Abuse

okay i follow at 80sens ( 10,000 bowls of wanton mee )


1 month ago | Report Abuse

3 days ago i already warned those holding RM 1.0 will unload and remisier will surely pressure margin account
holders to unload before margin Cut call by management


1 month ago | Report Abuse

you are wrong about Data Centre construction speed---Real Delay is Authority approval ( need kopi money
from agent---nobody knows who they are ? Normally Gov officers are too afraid to ask kopi money nowadays.
TNB has atleast 30% spare capacity---and Selangor has atleast 35% spare Water capacity bcos 2 New
Dams ( used ground water in mining pool )started in 2020, completion 2025--2027-----as i said in KPS, it
will be main beneficiary as water chemical supplier to Mother Air Selangor ( even before DataCentre started
to get Hot )


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I am a Big promoter-----never trust Bank's Tp---They are trader just like you and me.....Why pay RM15,000
for a analyst so that Banker can give "FREE advise" to Public-----Just remember Bankers are so kedekut that want
to charge you 50sen for ATM transfer


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Those got "steel Nuts" can hold on----stock market is completely different from "stock fundamental" in short
Run ( could be 6 days Or 60years ) It is all about Money ( yours or my ). This is not Bank FD, you lose it., it's gone


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Durian in season. Buy small musang King durian---after eating used empty shell for mpox protection


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Today done vol. 14m is Large compare to nosh of 500m. I think those holding RM1.00 dumped today


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Just 3% increase from ringgit, BAT revenue will increase by 20mil----given out as dividend about 6--7 sen


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Strong ringgit is Good for BAT.... 100% BAT raw material are imported from Indonesia.....22--25mil Tourist
arrival will boost Airport Cig Tax free Sale-----100% VUSE vape raw materials are imported


1 month ago | Report Abuse

stronger ringgit, Cheaper spare parts from Japan and Korea ( even China---some Madza parts are from China)


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Quarter Result on 30-Jun-2024[#2] QoQ + 13.25% YoY + 45.78%. ( Lagenda Properties Results )
First property Co results announcement ( Good )---I think Big property Co announcing soon---- also Good.
Institutional Buyers grabbing OskH ( today) before announcement


1 month ago | Report Abuse

donT simply enter, might Hit toilet bowl ( all shit )----below 1.50 ( margin call possible )


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Wait---Drink Coffee first. Bottom not in sight yet


1 month ago | Report Abuse

99 Speed Mart IPO---I think 1.65 is too expensive. The Bumi portion might Not get any taker. Bankers
might have to goreng it Up and Dump to " aunty and Ah pek " ( 6 months down the road, you might get
under RM1.0 )


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I thought today no more selling. But today looks like control selling ( one off--no problem ) Let see what happen
tomolo......Anyway 1.50 should not be breached bcos the chart said 1.00--1.50 has very steep Rise. People
holding RM 1.00 will Dump to lock-in profit


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Break 1.80, next support 1.50--1.65


1 month ago | Report Abuse

KPS-HCM is a very small infrastructure Co ( 200-300mil GDV) But Selangor Gov can give "massive support"


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Rather interesting. PKNS is representing Selangor Gov---PKNS also holding 6--7% of KPS shares. As a matter
of fact KPS & Co has doing infrastructure works in Pulau Indah in 2016--2019 which is beside Carey Island...
200Bil Carey Island Container Port has been "Talking" during Umno times but never take Off...
If KPS wants to go Big on infrastruture , management has to JV with Big Name like IJM


1 month ago | Report Abuse

alot people bought today will be burnt "if" Iran attack Israel tonite


1 month ago | Report Abuse

donT cry if you sold today, Dow future is pending Down again.----maybe tomolo is another Bad day.....can
buy back in Sept after Fed's Cut----0.5% Fed Cut is Good, 0.25% Cut is neutral---0.75% Cut will turn Salted Fish
alive again