
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2015-08-15 13:35 | Report Abuse

Usually foreign airlines don't want to create a mess bcoz M'sia Airport can reduce their landing
rights. But Tony is different, he likes to throw his weight around. Maybe he has Big Big Potato
supporting him.


2015-08-15 12:49 | Report Abuse

I think Tiger Air and AirAsia pricing are about the same because I fly regularly to Thailand and
Bangladesh using both airlines. So how can Lion Air makes money while Tiger and AirAsia
are hanging by their nose. Strange.


2015-08-14 21:50 | Report Abuse

Cheoky. Once documents enter Gov. Dept, almost all news will be officially release thru
press esp. thru Paab ( not the same previously where politician has the final said )
I can pickup some news here and there but it is Not complete.
Therefore i don't trust what Roger said
So keep watch at official press release.


2015-08-14 21:35 | Report Abuse

Bcoz asia bought AAB at 3.50 and cannot average down even AAB is 10 cents


2015-08-14 21:02 | Report Abuse

However I am against spending Selangor's Reserve. It should spend on Emergency like
floods or Fires. Depending on Fed's fund means we have to beg on knee


2015-08-14 19:56 | Report Abuse

kahhoeng. My budget allocated for Puncak was all taken up (3 weeks ago) I detected no abnormal activities or delayed. No worry at all.
For your info, i overheard a PKR and DAP (big Potato) conversation during Open house that
Pakatan will spend all Selangor reserve before next election so that Umno will have no money
left in case PAS support Umno to capture Selangor. About 2 - 3 billion in reserve so Splash
deal can happen.


2015-08-14 17:43 | Report Abuse

I don't think Roger selling at 2.52. I think he bought at 2.75. Just now sale maybe margin call


2015-08-14 17:36 | Report Abuse

Next week if have meeting bet. Paab and States then " New " News will be leaking out.
Fed and States Staff are very straight forward ppl -- nothing close to politicians (always
hiding somethings)
Don't worry--official news from newsprint are equally fast. I saw them all the time waiting


2015-08-14 17:20 | Report Abuse

i have closed my book on Puncak ( no buying no selling ) Just waiting. Playing Osk stock
and AirAsia
Oh Oh I taught Roger is selling at 2.52 ( sorry forgot to mention )


2015-08-14 17:15 | Report Abuse

Margin call my remisier opinion. Every remisier is the same--keep clients form cut loss and/or
lost clients


2015-08-14 17:11 | Report Abuse

I missed 4 AAB run -up--every one is about RM1.00 and every missed opport. i said next time.
This time has steepest fall so is going to be my bonanza


2015-08-14 17:01 | Report Abuse

Syndicate NEVER entertain hopeless stock. Only AAB has turnaround hope. Except "asia"
opinion is different.


2015-08-14 16:58 | Report Abuse

Sell at 2.52. Major loss


2015-08-14 16:32 | Report Abuse

This hng take so many warrants while i waiting for big lots to come by. Change tactics.


2015-08-14 16:09 | Report Abuse

If you buy at 0.78, i will be doing what you did here everyday until it falls to 40 cents. Working everyday--day and night even Sat & Sun except Public Holidays


2015-08-14 15:59 | Report Abuse

wow. Very yummy. 1.15 / 1.10 / 1.05 / 1.0 --Fatt Fatt
asia go and do something good for your life instead of getting frustrated here everyday.
Bursa no more good stocks--- meh. Buy Maybank now--get Tiger return later.
Buy AAB too late--get parachute at wing tip.


2015-08-14 15:18 | Report Abuse

hng33. Your definition of Institutions is very small. This morning i am with my Banker and
he said he got sell order from HongKong Institutions yesterday. After only 10 minutes of talking
he said margin call alerts, he started making phone calls. Then he said Institutions also no
money --request sell shares. Since he very busy i left.
Later, even my remisier said OLH is supporting OskH---one Billion loan from RHB---margin call coming.


2015-08-14 12:15 | Report Abuse

Institution margin call---force selling. Good time to look for bargain.


2015-08-14 12:13 | Report Abuse

Institution buyers margin call. Good time to look for bargain


2015-08-14 09:45 | Report Abuse

Another hit on your head(asia) by skyu. No need to add more hits, we still need opposite's


2015-08-14 09:26 | Report Abuse

You know who push up OSKP price to 2.80. I almost camped in Osk Plaza to wait for new TP news.


2015-08-14 09:05 | Report Abuse

asia. Give some credit to moi. You pluck # from your dream, moi just give simple math #


2015-08-14 09:02 | Report Abuse

OLH does his own evaluation and goreng-up OskH price after restructuring. His goreng strength
should be well known by now.


2015-08-13 20:23 | Report Abuse

TAA sure give Good results. Contra IAA results. So Group result still Okay for 2Q.( always lowest
among 4Q ) 3rd Q and 4th Q load factor 83%- & low oil price. RM2.0 by November


2015-08-13 18:32 | Report Abuse

I just hold for 5 months and "asia" is talking 5 years. The current market trend is anticipation,
"buy on rumours" Sell on News. Buy now in anticipation 3th & 4th Quarter are Good.
By November AAB will be 2.0 ( AAB is infested with Gamblers ) You want warren Buffet's method
look for stock with 7% gain P.A and Hold for 10 years ( Hopefully 100% gained in stock value).
But made sure you can Out Live the stock---haha


2015-08-13 17:47 | Report Abuse

I think " asia " is doing the monkey biz. His reaction is very fast--feel the pain.


2015-08-13 17:36 | Report Abuse

I just bought 300K at 1.21 before closing. Scared the shit out the Guy who is doing all the
monkey biz of throw 1000 shares every 2-4 minutes to bring the price down. Tomolo same


2015-08-13 17:11 | Report Abuse

asia. Ringgit going to 3.0 in 2020. Keep dreaming. Buy now at 1.20 and sell at 2.0 in Christmas
2015--more sound prediction


2015-08-13 17:06 | Report Abuse

The mandate ends 21 Sept. 2015. Got to request OskH shareholders again. What is OLH
going to offer them.??


2015-08-13 16:58 | Report Abuse

Lamb. I am sure you would Not buy AAB shares again in your life time. Good luck and peace
in your mind (sleep well every night )


2015-08-13 14:43 | Report Abuse

Just got another donation-bought AAB at 1.21. Wait until Christmas 2015--sell at 2.0


2015-08-13 13:00 | Report Abuse

Need some donation to buy AAB---very cheap now


2015-08-13 10:22 | Report Abuse

My friend is a agent, if Shandong sale price is good why not. But cannot disclose now---agent
rice bowl.


2015-08-13 09:48 | Report Abuse

Yes, hng33 it correct. I have told kahheong previously, Rozali is planning to cashout from China operation from a friend ( loss making --could drag further in future--better cut and go )


2015-08-13 09:32 | Report Abuse

Cheoky. from the states side documents have moved from tables to tables so it is good. Cannot
get much news from PAAB bcoz it is a small office (info off limits). Expect news start flowing next week. More meetings arranged next week bet. states and Paab--means solution coming.
Splash is still a blackhole (but it could be a done deal too--nobody knows)


2015-08-12 20:26 | Report Abuse

Above reaffirm what i said today to asia and Jackychanbv, 1997 is far worst than now.


2015-08-12 08:23 | Report Abuse

Maybank offer me 18% for 2 years FD during the 1997. Now you are lucky if you get 4.25 for 12 months (2015)


2015-08-12 08:16 | Report Abuse

1997 currency fallout is 3X worst than current one. Mahathir son Mercedes is on second hand
car dealer parking lot. ( You know nothing--just shout like headless chicken )...Jackychanbv


2015-08-11 16:12 | Report Abuse

sky. i like flying parang--expression. HaHa.


2015-08-11 05:44 | Report Abuse

You must be kidding or rarely read newsprint. China has raised the issued on numerous times in 2013 - 2014 about US printing too much currency.


2015-08-10 20:54 | Report Abuse

Just now Alan Greenspan(former Fed Chairman) said on Bloomberg that US is having a impending Bond Bubble bcoz nobody knows the Real bond Interest rate (sound strange).
However i remember other experts also said so but if it is coming from Alan things must
be quite serious.
When bond holders start dumping US bonds, what will happen to US$? Your guess is as
good as mine.


2015-08-10 12:14 | Report Abuse

Roger is very smart to buy at 2.50 ( Good value )


2015-08-10 11:53 | Report Abuse

You check other states water restructuring--it is the same. Many are put into one package and
KIV for later discussion but never appear again bcoz nobody care to dig it up again.


2015-08-10 11:04 | Report Abuse

Roger. Najib & Ongkili & AG said land under pipeline belong to Fed---Check Mate by Muhyiddin.
Many things are complicate but usually sweep under the carpet when vested interest is
involved. Now process is inside Government Depts, no politicans can touch/change the
final direction until the package is out ( then emergency meeting will be arranged secretly )
Once News is out to public it is very difficult to change final outcome (esp. nowadays)


2015-08-10 10:35 | Report Abuse

Roger. Look at bursa carefully. Many goreng stock already down 20%-25%. Now as good as
puncak in fast upward push. I have stop buying 2 weeks ago. But started again today - small
qty. Market not good. After this week --goreng stock will come back.


2015-08-09 06:38 | Report Abuse

Have this urge to answer some of Roger comments while waiting for my plane this morning.

1) US$ is going to peak soon. Do you think US Fed will destroy its own Export economy??
See attached Rate Hike and US$ (historical Facts)
2) Puncak doesn't belong to Rozali---Surprise Roger!!!
Rozali is just a nominee. Who own Puncak is for Roger to find out.
3) 1MDB is going Bankrupt
Not so bcoz 1MDB's asset can be sold off quickly if the price is right (fire sale--maybe)
Even a Big potato from China ask me whether i have connection to buy TRX land
4) Do some real math on US$ interest rate-Roger
Fed at best is going to raise rate to 0.35% in 2015 ( Malaysia 3% for 3 month = 0.78%US)
The most US rate will hit 1% in Dec 2016 considering 0% inflation and possible
Deflation in US due to lower Oil price. RHB bank is offering me 4% in 2016 (till June)
5) Azmin is caught when Khalid signed the Master Plan and Now Fed is caught when
Muhyiddin help to sign the supplementary contract. So what to do--Roger. Both Fed and
States are trapped by their own People.
6) By the way export is Good. I received 10% more request for quotation from taiwan and
korea in this week alone. Depreciating Ringgit ( 2 sided knife )
7) Don't know what Roger is talking about (last 3 sentences). ....Plane arrived. Bye


2015-08-08 12:30 | Report Abuse

Jackychanbv. Your wish that AA's price will plunge bcoz of falling ringgit will Not come true.
Falling ringgit and low oil price is Counter Cyclical to Tourism Industries (Tourism is booming
in Greece ) 100-150 millions Chinese Tourists are expected to visit another Country in 2015-
2016 and ASEAN is top destination bcoz of falling currencies. AAX transfer Chinese tourists
from Thailand / Malaysia / Singapore and Indonesia in package deal.
The only stock that is Good at this time And you Missed it.


2015-08-08 12:04 | Report Abuse

OLH need about 61,065,072 OskP shares to mandatory takeover OskP. It looks like rather
difficult task. See my collected statistics:
1) 7,426,600 shares done on 17 July - 23 July ( first week--give and take 2% error from estimate)
2) 2,617,000 shares done on 24 july - 31 July ( 2nd week-- expected no error )
3) 582,900 shares done on 03 Aug - 07 Aug ( 3rd week--expected no error )

Another 6 weeks to go. Can OskP minority shareholders hold on to their shares???
If collection stay at below 500K a week (for next 6 weeks), OLH will end up with only 13,626,500 shares on 21 Sept


2015-08-07 14:29 | Report Abuse

I think IAA should forget about competing for local Indonesia market and concentrate on bring-in
foreign tourists using LCCT as a hub. Too many local competitors. Also cut flights from remote
Sarawak and Sabah area to Indonesia ( nobody ask Tony to do national service). Just concentrate on money making routes. Tony head has gone too big when he see Indonesia
as a huge pot of "Gold" but it is Not true (senseless competition )