
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2015-07-17 17:42 | Report Abuse

You have to understand OLH's objective before you pick a fight with him.
He had depressed OskH's price for 2 years to collect bcoz he wanted to take OskH private.
Now he wants to collect 55% of OskH bcoz he wants FULL control of OskH in 2 months.
Time is NOT on his side.
For someOne who can depress OskH price for so long--can also move price to New height.
Trading stock is his only hobby especially his own companies.


2015-07-17 17:00 | Report Abuse

Yes--OLH will keep shaking this Durian tree for loose fruits until T4. I am going to piss him
off by putting 1 cent ahead of him in his highest bid every day until T4


2015-07-17 07:34 | Report Abuse

desmond. I don't know much about warrant but i can tell you i key in 200K @ 0.305 --3weeks
ago --didn't even get one lot. Now it is 40% gained. Really cannot swallow this loss.
Caution: Fast Up also means Fast Down. Trade with caution.


2015-07-16 18:26 | Report Abuse

Engtex will move next week to 1.30 - 1.40 ( Jaks is surging / Big collection in KPS & Puncak is
turning Green at T+4 )


2015-07-16 18:14 | Report Abuse

If you look at OskP---Not one one lot is done. The offer price is too low. This will happen to
OskH in 2-3 weeks time. If OLH don't increase collection price how can he accumulate 55% of
OskH. I am Not concern at all.


2015-07-16 13:00 | Report Abuse

Warrant is free. Hold for 1-2 years. In 2 months time you will get back your dividend. OLH
is controlling the price. OskH shares are part of the collateral to secure 1 billion loan
from RHB for this restructuring exercise. I think OskH will revert back to 2.50 after this exercise


2015-07-16 11:24 | Report Abuse

OskH is drying Up---Few sellers---Only OLH doing buying and selling. Sept. target for
completion--too short bcoz no many OskP sellers. OLH got to move OskH and OskP Up to collect
more. Next OskP report coming out soon--lift up OskP price more.


2015-07-15 17:41 | Report Abuse

OLH buys at 2.22 and put a big block at 2.23 / 2.24 / 2.25 but nobody sells to him at 2.22.
So let see What OLH offer tomolo?? If he wants to collect more--price will move up fast.
Incidently he loss many shares at 2.23---HaHa


2015-07-15 15:36 | Report Abuse

Competiting with OLH--Dried out OskH--After Ex-date. Price will be rebounce fast.
OLH has No choice but to sapu to achieve 55%


2015-07-14 23:08 | Report Abuse

Well said-arv18. Atleast someone is talking some senses rather than finding cockroaches


2015-07-14 23:04 | Report Abuse

Even if you negotiated for 60 years, you cannot breached the gap between 250mil and 2 bil


2015-07-14 23:01 | Report Abuse

Both Puncak and Splash got to surrender their asset to PAAB to have their liabilities lifted &
takeover by PAAB as a package. So if Azmin didn't resolved Splash pricing Why he is chasing
Fed to sign the supplemental agreement. As far as i know, Azmin is negotiating with KPS &
SweetWater Boss for 6 months.(Puncak is already a done case)


2015-07-14 20:18 | Report Abuse

Expect uptrend to continue.


2015-07-14 19:20 | Report Abuse

I gave all my RM550 vouchers to my Dogs and they really have a good time tearing it apart.


2015-07-14 16:57 | Report Abuse

hng33. Is buying KPS--Good one. I am the permanent resident there.


2015-07-14 06:55 | Report Abuse

HaHa. The cat is out of the Bag. OLH cannot swallow OskP with such cheap valuation.
That it is reason i keep collecting OskH at 2.12--2.15 bcoz OLH has artificially depressed
OSKP and PJD acquisition price. My most conservative price for OskH is around 2.65 - 2.85
which will arrived in 3--4 months time. Certainly the warrant will worth more than 65 cents upon
listing. First collected 15 cents dividend. Happy Hari Raya


2015-07-13 17:00 | Report Abuse

OskH offer 15cents dividend + 4:1 free warrant on 16 July Ex also hard to find buyers.


2015-07-13 16:32 | Report Abuse

Selling is by contra players only (hoping to makes a fast one--already heard complaints just now) 6mil done on Fri---1.6mil now
By tomolo 50-60% contra players will be gone


2015-07-13 16:00 | Report Abuse

New Pas will not win any seat in 14th General Election but will assist PKR & DAP. Every Seat is
now 3 corners fight in 14th General Election. But as usual they will get Wakil Rakyat seat in States control by PKR & DAP States.


2015-07-13 15:11 | Report Abuse

Roger & Hng33 gave sell order. I buy from 4.00pm Friday and still buying til today. Just previous
advise from Roger when ppl sell you buy. In 60 days time I will sell when ppl buys.


2015-07-13 13:20 | Report Abuse

Major announcement from Azmin must come within 30 days bcoz EGM is needed for KPS and
Gamuda (maybe between 2 weeks). So 60 days time frame is just about right.
Price movement after Hari Raya will be a Good indicator for progress report (Cronies getting
News from visiting MB's House. )


2015-07-13 12:51 | Report Abuse

kahhoeng. Don't worry. Big boys are relocating their funds. That is reason i said 3.05 is
only possible by Tuesday (if not a few more days--Greece's effect ) Syndicate(s) control price
NOT Kenanga's analyst. EPF is the biggest syndicate in town. Pump and Dump can only
be activated by Big funds.


2015-07-13 12:21 | Report Abuse

Most of the buying(s) recently are done by Insider--I think. KDBE--owner of KPS is full of cronies.
If they are buying, KPS must got a good deal..


2015-07-13 11:55 | Report Abuse

Smartly. Don't worry about the Land's issue bcoz you are holding Puncak Shares for 60 days
only. Even Puncak after disposing water asset is NOT involved in Land's problem so you
not aiming at the right target. The important issue here closed water deal and get paid.


2015-07-13 10:32 | Report Abuse

Roger. I have answer your Question.


2015-07-13 10:30 | Report Abuse

If KPS deal is No where in sight (as most ppl think) WHY Azmin is pushing to sign the supplemental contract (even threaten FED with exposure of U-Turn)?? Azmin is a opportunistic
he will use Fast Closing of Water Restructuring Contract to launch his leader Image in Pakatan.
60 days is too long for Azmin


2015-07-13 10:20 | Report Abuse

2 months is the max. date agreed upon but maybe only 3 weeks are needed. Now only discussed
with PAAB about finer details of debts structures ( major ones already agreed by Khalid--cannot
changed ) KPS already discussing with Azmin for 6 months. If there no agreement with KPS
why Azmin is so hurry to sign the Supplemental agreement (even threaten Fed to expose
that it is Fed who is doing ALL the U-turn). Azmin is a opportunitist he will use Fast closing
of the water deal to launch his Image as Pakatan Leader


2015-07-13 09:13 | Report Abuse

After "sweating" there is reincarnation----Roger best Quote


2015-07-12 19:26 | Report Abuse

I think only kahhoeng left in this blog. Most have sold out. HaHa.
Even syndicates have burnt-out after 5 delay---how to find incoming funds


2015-07-12 01:39 | Report Abuse

A rally on Bursa will help Puncak to break 3.05


2015-07-12 01:22 | Report Abuse

Kenanga(mostly retailer) is the largest stock broker house and very aggressive. RHB is almost
the same size except it is more on corporate clients.


2015-07-12 00:34 | Report Abuse

3.05 is the highest point in 02 Jan 2015(last bull run). Break this point means confirmed Bull run


2015-07-11 20:23 | Report Abuse

Break 3.05 by Tuesday---We are in Big Biz


2015-07-11 06:22 | Report Abuse

Wake up this morning already read Good news (Thanks iamnat for Rozali update)
Told you Rozali is a smart ass. ( Cheoky give Rozali a full dress down--haha)
I would expect yesterday vol. to be 10mil but only 6.5mil so Big fishes are still waiting.
To negotiate 7.694 billion liabilties in 60 days with PAAB is extremely fast operation.
Luckily most of the terms and conditions were settled during Khalid's time.
( selling a normal house needs 9 months for lawyer to complete the legal works )
Too short goreng time and too high puncak price stop ppl from entering Puncak--60 days Good


2015-07-10 21:07 | Report Abuse

KPS can move to RM2.( just my estimate) That why Roger is very interested. How accurate
is Roger News??? Confirm later


2015-07-10 20:12 | Report Abuse

yapie. You are correct but political and biz connection is equally important. I think the Pie is
big enough. You forgot water Pipe replacement in Selangor and KL which estimate around
10 billion ( to be completed in 10 years )


2015-07-10 19:45 | Report Abuse

kahhoeng. After 4pm i was concerned how i am get shares for less than 2.80 but suddenly shares
were flying to me however by 4.30 some very big buyer(s) suddenly emerged from no-where.
So there are many big players around. Can Puncak reach 3.60 by Tuesday maybe not.
I would bank on EPF to pushup and sell. Just pushing to 3.0 on Monday would drive punters
frenzy and then syndicate will operate from another price range.
Puncak got a Floor RM1/dividend ( around 2.70) Sell below this price will induce massive buying
so my bet is push up and sell.
How Good reviews by printed materials( sat ) will determine stock price on Monday


2015-07-10 18:07 | Report Abuse

With Langat2 and 60bil Pengerang Project going on streaming, Engtex will enjoy good income
stream in coming years. Good reviews is a foregone conclusion


2015-07-10 17:49 | Report Abuse

Puncak will be my TOP "Goreng Stock" for 2015--HaHa. Have plenty of sleep before Monday


2015-07-10 17:42 | Report Abuse

Once vol hit 10 million, Mon or Tue, you have to sell and buy back later.
60 days is a very Good Goreng period. Very Very sure EPF will use this time to unload all stock.


2015-07-10 17:36 | Report Abuse

Remember LTH didn't buy and didn't sell. i think they are waiting for 3.75 and above.
EPF will sell but vol maybe small


2015-07-10 17:34 | Report Abuse

Minimum 3.50 Maxi 4.0 After that no-man land


2015-07-10 17:27 | Report Abuse

I think kahhoeng will get a very big duit Raya--But remember to sell. All the news will filter out
by tomolo papers.


2015-07-10 17:21 | Report Abuse

Engtex shares are controlled by owner. So you cannot predict.


2015-07-10 17:14 | Report Abuse

Rozali is a very smart guy. Refused the deal and Splash will get the 2 bil. Killing Langat2
makes him the enemy of the states. Politican like Rozali knows the consequences. Fed will
turnaround and attacked Rozali with the help of STATES. Tell me where Rozali is going to hid.
Best place Kelantan and joined Pas lama


2015-07-10 17:02 | Report Abuse

Rozali can reject the deal if Fed and States are still at deadlock. Once extension and roadblock
removed, rejecting means killing Langat 2. Killing Langat 2 means you are Najib's enemy.
Rozali have to join PAS lama in Kelantan


2015-07-10 16:51 | Report Abuse

Puncak deal is rather straight forward maybe 2 weeks Rozali will receive 1.55 bil. Alot of documents got to be arranged and transfered within 60 days including Splash negotiation
bcoz it comes in a package. I think more announcement on Monday. Once the Land roadblock
is removed everything flows very quickly.


2015-07-10 15:54 | Report Abuse

Engtex always has slow pickup but got 6th gears


2015-07-10 15:43 | Report Abuse

Look Puncak price firing Up for RM1 dividend / share