
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2015-01-28 14:21 | Report Abuse

OH OH I want to answer this question!! Do you know OSK had traded at RM8.00 before. I remember i sold OSK at RM 5.25 ( made 5,000 profit). So the "water fish" still think he
can get RM400m/year profit from share margin. Did OLH put a loaded Double barrel shotgun on pjdev head when he signed the deal. I think OLH is like me "pure biz man"--make money on
willing buyer willing seller basis.


2015-01-28 13:17 | Report Abuse

The art in supporting One stock price is rather easy. Just take out the day traders but make sure foreign funds do not sell. I see this in RHB cap many months ago and Cimb yesterday and today.
If US initiate QE4 which is useless, it is good news for us b'cos foreign funds are here to stay.
Our FD is 3.5% And US is zero or Negative rate ( you pay interest to Bank)
Falling ringgit is neutral to me b'cos we buy raw material (high price) Sell at US$ (converting
back --no gain). The only big problem is Gov's GLC who had US$ loan -- Tenaga/1MDB/Telekom
Our sovereign bond rating is going to be downgraded


2015-01-28 12:32 | Report Abuse

Another Sandiwara by Azmin. If Puncak thru Syabas cannot solved the problems in 10 years
I don't think Azmin can reverse everythings in 2 hrs speech. Be more practical Azmin, hire
a New CEO like RHB Bank CEO


2015-01-28 12:18 | Report Abuse

Your lost is my gain. My lost in other counter is probably your gain. Then the market is in
equilibrium. My only concern is dividend and possible capital gain(M&A) that can beat FD.
Why worry personal altitude? Ah Loong is no better but still getting biz everyday.


2015-01-28 11:19 | Report Abuse

Heavy collection in RHB stock--last 2 days. Maybe EPF is pushing. Same goes to CIMB.
I may miss the topup in CIMB


2015-01-28 11:07 | Report Abuse

You will Not see a tsunami if China is insecure with USD rather a gradual selling of US bond.
China had close to a trillion in USD Bond Notes. Why rock the boat?? Actually in 2014, China
had explicitly inform US that they are not comfortable with QE


2015-01-28 10:24 | Report Abuse

In 2014, foreign funds list Bursa as a Old man, when the rest asia stockmarkets goes up bursa hardly move. But when everydody falls, bursa is not dropping b'cos EPF & local funds goes
in and support the market. You see it today EPF supporting CIMB. So don't rock the boat
and caused foreign funds to leave Malaysia


2015-01-28 09:53 | Report Abuse

Let our Court decide Anwar's freedom And nobody else can has a say. From a business angle,
Puncak sale is a very boring deal. Just like buying Old car. Just technical details are putting up
alot of resistance. All those " Sandiwara" put up by Politicans are for show Because there
is a " Willing buyer And a Willing Seller ". All the monies are on the Table, Nobody can steal
a ringgit.


2015-01-27 20:50 | Report Abuse

It is Pak Lah faults to release Anwar and now Najib try to put Anwar back in jail. Malaysia has a court system and water deal has nothing to do Anwar's freedom. It is all about Money and contracts. Cronies contribute money And Anwar wants to hurt these cronies as bad as possible.
Kahhoeng you have forgot about Langat 2 project. You should visit these area--really massive.
How many umno's contractors had sunked money into this project? They can dig a
tunnel across the mountain but they cannot distribute the water WITHOUT dam and land for
piping runs. "Only states has rights to land used".The whole restructuring exercise is a exchange
between Selangor water assets And the rights to built Langat 2( this is what cronies want)
Azmin is nobody without Anwar because DAP has a bigger twisting arm. Beside Anwar has
a PKR president wife and a daughter---very potent adversary
With money Umno can hold Pakatan march to Putrajaya, I have to believe this possibility
after 2 previous elections


2015-01-27 16:57 | Report Abuse

Short selling are allowed for certain counters. S/S is for big boys. You need to borrow or buy
the shares first.


2015-01-27 16:52 | Report Abuse

Even bigger collection today 2.8M. I didn't know there so many free RHB's floats


2015-01-27 16:41 | Report Abuse

Anwar raise Azmin political career. Just like yr father raise you. And then One day your Boss
said he is going to sue your father bankrupt (example only). Will you said I respect you (Boss)
for suing my father bankrupt every Day????-


2015-01-27 15:42 | Report Abuse

I spend my lunch hours listening to my friend explanations about the problems in
preparing the SPA And I ended more confused. So my last question to him
is cut the shits and find the easiest way. His last phrase " Sold AS IT, Where It is And with All
Faults". The same way Umno release water assets to Puncak. So if politicans are thinking
the same way I am thinking, there will be no puncak annoucement on 9 & 10 but on 11 Feb
some high ranking Puncak officer will meet Anwar And with just a handshake the deal is done.
Kong Hei Fatt Choy


2015-01-27 11:14 | Report Abuse

No Hang Over And OktoberFest today


2015-01-27 09:17 | Report Abuse

Actually Hng33 I was going to said what you address above. But I am afraid everybody in this
blog will tongue lash me to death. My Lawyer friend was so sure Puncak will failed the
first deadline that the bet is - he will paid every dinner and beer till the second deadline.
B'cos he had done legal work on water restructuring in other states


2015-01-26 17:00 | Report Abuse

Big collection today 2.6M. Maybe uptrend tommorrow


2015-01-26 16:55 | Report Abuse

Holland right Turn is Hang Over, Germany. OktoberFest. All drunk tommorrow. No more
pains and headaches


2015-01-26 14:03 | Report Abuse

Maybe all this show of force is a prelude to Anwar's sodomy verdict on 10 Feb. Show goes on


2015-01-26 13:57 | Report Abuse

Leap from one shit pit to another shit pit. Still smelly


2015-01-26 13:54 | Report Abuse

You are Right GoodCo. Give false news and sapu all the Ikan Bilis


2015-01-26 13:11 | Report Abuse

Already ask 2 politicans, Puncak very tight lip. Azmin seems to be uneasy--not so kind
words. Almost like a very loud warning (maybe just a show of power)


2015-01-26 12:41 | Report Abuse

So nothing to do with KPS. But KPS is making money all this while. Only Syabas is loosing
his shirt and later his pants. Better take my Puncak shares from the freezer and start
selling today. Maybe can buy back at 2.20


2015-01-26 12:20 | Report Abuse

Any News out there that might caused this selling


2015-01-26 12:16 | Report Abuse

Yes that is much better. But Sel Gov can play mahjong for 15 years. Many states Gov owed
Fed money since independence times. You cannot bankrupt a State because it
means you bankrupt the Sultan


2015-01-26 11:49 | Report Abuse

Have you initiate to a court case before--Samsoongyc? I have. Sued a tenant who owned me
RM 7000. Laywer fees was RM10,000. Five years in waiting/Queue and court declared
him a bankrupt. I didn't get back RM7000 rental but paid another RM10,000 for lawyer fees.
And my lawyer will sue me if his fees is NOT paid (plus interest)
So how many Water Defaulters are you talking about ?


2015-01-26 11:13 | Report Abuse

One analyst put CIMB at TP 6.30. So my strategy is buy @ 5.00 and sell at 5.30 (short term)
Rm 1.00 for All the errors he might missed


2015-01-26 10:23 | Report Abuse

I think the final deal will be a political settlement. Right now Azmin & co is trying to drag
Puncak thru the Mud. Those unkind words from Azmin in the last 2 days had me worried
Puncak will missed the 2nd deadline. I think a feeler might have passed to Azmin and from
the Ground level, Puncak is very tight-lip


2015-01-24 20:48 | Report Abuse

Sorry that I caused some confusion. Actually I don't intent to write what I know but it just
slip my mind. A lawyer cum politician has told me Puncak will miss the first deadline and
it is true. I buy Puncak share strictly for fun of it.( to see how far it can go). No interest
in the dividend


2015-01-23 16:38 | Report Abuse

If 1MDB collapsed, nobody can retired. "Kerja sampai mati"


2015-01-23 16:29 | Report Abuse

EPF the biggest stock trader in town. Going for early EPF withdrawal. Sure reject --"sudah
Goreng". Boleh dapat pisang bakar.


2015-01-23 15:24 | Report Abuse

Yesterday I watch KungFu jungle. Today Cimb's KungFu fighting


2015-01-23 14:37 | Report Abuse

Make small profits is okay to me. Don't want to be on someone menu. Just escape from
Cimb's fishman net. The biggest syndicate in town--EPF push up Cimb's price after the
merger failed and every punters rush in. Now all of them are walking around like zombie


2015-01-23 12:53 | Report Abuse

Go back to 2.00 and we call it a even this week. Next week, another fight in hand


2015-01-23 12:28 | Report Abuse

I am keeping my Puncak share in the freezer. If syndicate is around then when everybody throw
in their towel --give up, suddenly price will shoot up to 3.00


2015-01-23 12:17 | Report Abuse

lepaklangkawi--I nearly bought Brahim shares because one analyst said it is a must buy counter.
And now the same analyst said Brahim will worth 90cents in 2015. What a idiot?? Down 60%
Same handout policy from politician


2015-01-23 12:02 | Report Abuse

Cimb receives more than 50% share of All banking services in Malaysia (M&A, O&G, Bursa listing
etc) That is how Cimb becomes so profitable when their brother is the PM --Everybody wants
to be your friend. What Happen when Anwar becomes the PM????? And you have a mountain
of Debts??


2015-01-23 11:12 | Report Abuse

Cimb pays a whopping 2.3X BV for Thai Bank. But Thai Bank is writing down Debt from Foreign
collateralised Debt And Trading at 3.09BV later. 2015 result shows profit is not growing but
dropping instead. Cimb Indonesia is reporting 22% drop in profit 2014. And now in August 2014
Cimb wants to merger with RHB. As one banker puts it, they try to cover Indonesia losses by
merging with RHB--(1.38X). All I can say is Cimb is trying to expand to cover up losses And this
Only works when economy is expanding.
If Najib steps down, there is One word from Lehman Bros---Not too Big to failed.


2015-01-23 10:41 | Report Abuse

Why Azmin is pressuring Puncak And say nothing about Splash? Maybe he knows something
about Puncak that we don't Know. As far as I know, during Umno period land is loan to rather
than sold. But you don't owned the Land--No Title. So maybe Puncak has built structures on
land he doesn't owned. How can you transfer Asset if you don't own the land--Strata Title??
Some monkey business. Just my opinion


2015-01-22 17:09 | Report Abuse

RHB and OSK move in tandem. Strong correlation today


2015-01-22 17:04 | Report Abuse

I have mention before syndicate might move into Puncak because RM1 dividend is a big
inducement to ikan bilis like us. The signal is flashing they are already here


2015-01-22 16:22 | Report Abuse

KPS cranking engin bcos Puncak moves


2015-01-22 16:16 | Report Abuse

Maybe MUFG will support at 5.20 (last time). When MUFG sells, local fund don't support.
When local funds sell, MUFG buys at very low ends. That the reason, i collect my pant and
leaves for Good.


2015-01-22 09:53 | Report Abuse

Big Headed Potato is playing RHB. One day up One day down for collection


2015-01-21 11:14 | Report Abuse

Break 1.55, we are in biz


2015-01-21 10:49 | Report Abuse

Old man starts to move


2015-01-20 09:33 | Report Abuse

The Edge rumour mill is on. Maybank has a vision----RHB


2015-01-20 09:29 | Report Abuse

The Rumour Mill is on. The Edge reports that Senior Maybank officer is envisioning RHB
in Portfolio (yesterday news). But I think HongLeong Bank (dark horse) will get a leg start
first. HL's share price is higher than Maybank--whether Cash Call or Share swap is in his
favour. Mr Qwek has to prevent Cimb from swallowing his bank and also to remove one
pesky investor (dilute his shares) by cash call.


2015-01-19 16:48 | Report Abuse

Forgot to say if you buy puncak, pls be warned that the post ex-date price will be lower than
you would expect ( lost the RM1 from price) and hold for a long time. Unless Puncak can
find New Biz fast in 2015 (just a dream from the AGM's annoucement)


2015-01-19 16:30 | Report Abuse

Strange!! A rally in cimb also caused a rally in RHB. Thought they were sleeping in different


2015-01-19 15:51 | Report Abuse

Puncak give close to 30% return(RM1/dividend) OSKH about 15% All In. But it is about the
same if you look from Asset injection And asset removal point of view. After water asset sale Puncak is PN17 co(cash rich) But OSKH balance sheet is very Strong ( big profit from asset injection) And the Good things is management don't have cracked their head to find New Biz in 2015/2016. Good dividends follows 2016 (OSKH) also