
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2015-03-13 09:40 | Report Abuse

Gamuda vol increase significantly. Buying by EPF last few days. Maybe same reason


2015-03-13 09:32 | Report Abuse

Volume small. Looks like ppl averaging. Granting operating license to splash--Restructuring
off the table???


2015-03-13 09:28 | Report Abuse

Operating license for splash--Malaymail Online. No more restructuring???


2015-03-12 20:56 | Report Abuse

I hope you are right--Winwin8888. But I cannot confirm what you said


2015-03-12 20:45 | Report Abuse

Khalid is having Old age problem. He forgot that Splash is offer only 250M. So he must
explain where corruption coming from. Did he over offer Puncak??


2015-03-12 16:48 | Report Abuse

Break 2.40 will accumulate 50K. Najib is in the driver seat all the while. So Azmin is asking
who to solve the problem??


2015-03-12 16:34 | Report Abuse

A real eel (very slippery)


2015-03-12 11:45 | Report Abuse

Dr Maxi Ongkili graduated in Agricultural Economics is trying to educate me Law. Let me
see the "Master Agreement FIRST" or open for public preview. Then we know whether he
is telling the truth.


2015-03-12 09:43 | Report Abuse

Putrajaya and KL will be the first to get hit if "Rich" plan to cut water. Umno is NOT stupid.
All mega pumps are ready at pond site--preparing for water shortage. Only low pressure
for highRise. Don't be fool by what you read in paper. Selangor got MORE rain water than
it need. Every week there are flooding in KL. We didn't plan water usage like Singapore does.


2015-03-12 09:20 | Report Abuse

Puncak price will languish at this level for a long long time. For those who need Odd job like
selling Hot Dog or Chicken Rice please make plan now. I am going fishing. Yesterday mantra
"money money" catch NO fish. Need to change mantra--Any suggestion


2015-03-11 08:42 | Report Abuse

EveryOne in Azmin & Co hold a law degree. "Land Grab" is just a pretext to kill the master
plan which is heavily biased (advantage to Fed). Today going fishing--"No eye See"


2015-03-10 19:20 | Report Abuse

If this is another DRB fiasco, EPF & TBH might joined hand to push the price down further
before accumulating as much as their heart desire


2015-03-10 19:15 | Report Abuse

This is a selloff. Another DRB fiasco (borrow from CaoCoa) Everybody buys because of RM1
dividend and when the deal is off--Dividend is GONE!!!! Next round maybe Rozali gets
different offer and RM1 dividend might not in place so sell now.( Quote from Ah Pek in


2015-03-10 15:58 | Report Abuse

Dear Jacklintan. You have to wait for atleast 3-4 weeks for things to settle down. Right now is all
finger point days--politicians are so damn good at this. You have to understand--Puncak
got the Selangor water deal from Umno (No bid--signed by Khir Toyo former MB). Puncak has
to do what Umno wants --No question ask. If Puncak tries to be funny--Rozali will end up like
Renong boss( lost billions). So just wait for a while- Langat 2 cronies will do the ground work


2015-03-10 14:46 | Report Abuse

Ah! Nothing. Just blowing Water Bubbles. We are in the same boat. Once sink All drown


2015-03-10 13:59 | Report Abuse

hng33. You are wrong in thinking 45 years is nothing--dead wrong. I do construction so i
know the Fed has somethings going ( maybe High Speed Railway ). All the land beside a
highway or public infrastructure will be gone. If water pipe is buried under the land, no
commercial buildings can be constructed but Electric pylon, railway tracts, sewage ponds
Elevated Highway pillars and many many others can be built. Once built the land is gone.
Now Fed have to ask States for Land for every project. Fed has huge list of projects in
Selangor so land is very important


2015-03-10 12:52 | Report Abuse

Confirmed NEW water restructuring Plan coming.--Azmin said


2015-03-10 12:49 | Report Abuse

hng33. I repeat what I said yesterday. On the ground one week ago, i heard Selangor Gov
wanted to revamp the master Plan. I just don't know how it could be done but now i know.
You have to kill the original plan first on 9 March.


2015-03-10 09:33 | Report Abuse

I think it is not a good idea to rush in now. Najib is facing pressing problem by 1MDB. 3 billion
interest payment is going to due soon. Cabinet is in "derhaka mood"--ejecting Najib's request
to bail out 1MDB. Azmin is running his victory lapse now. So who are in the negotiating Table?


2015-03-09 20:14 | Report Abuse

It depends on how many proposals ahead/filing when oskh submit their proposal. I waited 4-5
months for CIMB/RHB and still is not out. I think OskH submitted around Dec/Jan 2015


2015-03-09 19:38 | Report Abuse

That is what I said when Anwar was put in jail bcos PKR will retaliate. First victim will be Rozali
(Umno man). But Najib wants Langat 2 so why not start with Splash and then 6 months later
Puncak get it chance again. Of course this upset many people in Puncak blog, nobody
believe Selangor will cancel the deal bcos too many projects & money are involved.
Do not underestimate what politician can do.


2015-03-09 16:43 | Report Abuse

Don't worry Kahhoeng, in one month time "pucat will be puncak again". Umno cannot walk
away from a 12 billions DEAL ( Langat 2). Datuks already forming lines infront of Najib's
office. New agreement means New deal and New opportunities


2015-03-09 16:07 | Report Abuse

I will miss Anwar speeches. Many funny jokes


2015-03-09 15:56 | Report Abuse

On day one Anwar said he will kill the deal. Now he is happy. Two weeks ago Azmin
when to see Anwar in jail maybe to reassure Anwar he will finish the job for him. But rest
assured FED will not give up bcos Langat 2 is too big a project to waste (White Elephant).
Now, alot of horse trading will be going on including Anwar's release from jail.


2015-03-09 15:31 | Report Abuse

Wow. Jolie2 will be voted in as new KDEB director in charge of KPS restructuring. Make sure
you " goreng " the stock a little bit


2015-03-09 14:57 | Report Abuse

Selangor will revamp water restructuring Plan. KPS will get NEW DEAL---HA HA


2015-03-09 14:47 | Report Abuse

Moi. Of course SC will not interfere bcos shareholders have to vote on OLH's proposal.
Last time OLH wants to take OSKH private, I voted NO and so are many many shareholders.
This time around, OLH offer me many Goodies. He will get my vote


2015-03-09 14:38 | Report Abuse

Affin Hwang gave puncak fair value 2.90. Hng33 gave FV 2.70. My estimate EPF cost 2.70
So Puncak will be smack in between 2.80. So long friends. As sudah kena said" hard to
make money nowadays"


2015-03-09 11:59 | Report Abuse

I heard last week Selangor wants to revamp the master plan. So i told my Bumi partner not
to bid for work on those Langat 2 contract ( small works) unless "Datuk" pays us 30%
upfront. I don't trust Fed Or States when money is concerned


2015-03-09 11:01 | Report Abuse

"Roger aka Rambo" Second vote. CaoCao--cash flow kills a company not balance sheet.
Even Puncak win, Selangor Gov could ignore any payments (already running deficits).
What Rozali can do --Bankrupt Selangor.? Not a good idea because you get "Rakyat
Selangor Derhaka"


2015-03-07 13:38 | Report Abuse

Lucky you. Most of my friend sell at 1.55-1.60 hoping to buy back at 1.00!!!!!!


2015-03-07 13:25 | Report Abuse

Are you caught--CaoCao! I know many many friends spitting at EPF until today--bcos of DRB


2015-03-07 13:06 | Report Abuse

EPF is a very sophisticate Trader. You don't know when they are buying Or selling because
EPF has many operatives trading in tandem with him on particular stock. When EPF buys,Stock
price actually falls and when sell price will rise. Printed reports actually give you a false image.
After Lehman Brothers crashed, Banking stock crashed too but look at today bank stock.
Foreign Investor Reports said EPF created the biggest stock party in Malaysia And if you
are late you missed the party.


2015-03-07 12:05 | Report Abuse

hng33. "Puncak fair value should be at RM2.70". Strange I have seen this number 2.70
in "some documents--for your eyes only" And i also estimate that EPF cost is around 2.70
( written in KPS blog yesterday)


2015-03-06 20:15 | Report Abuse

I have to agree with Roger123 on LTH. We need outside/fence sitter buyers to rush-in to push puncak price to next level and new level. Once you see almost no sellers but just buyers. That "rush" feeling will make everybody willing to jump in. But if LTH suddenly throws in a 500K block, it immediately become a anti-climax and blocked any price increases. I think this what Roger


2015-03-06 16:33 | Report Abuse

For a small cap like Puncak and KPS, Big players will dictate the final price. Small players
like us has no said. Unlike Cimb whether EPF can buy 4M shares but small players can buy
up to 6M shares a day


2015-03-06 16:23 | Report Abuse

Dear Tornado, Puncak first run didn't break 3.15 has surprised many in Puncak blog.
Everybody were looking for the Sellers but no avail. I found who the seller by accident.
It is a Bank mutual fund that is doing the selling. The mutual fund manager even provide
me a list of stock price that they are trading ( for my eyes only)


2015-03-05 15:44 | Report Abuse

"TA" Tak Ada Apa-- ha ha. TA is a security house


2015-03-05 09:32 | Report Abuse

Why Mr S is still collecting yesterday( 1.573M )? I think it is the possible gain from 1.50 to
2.50 ( 1.00 gained ) I based this on hng33 calculation that KPS will have RM2.00 nett cash
per share from asset disposal (provide splash is offer 1X). KPS has only one majority share-
holder--KDEB ( 60.7% shareholder ) that is unlikely to sell compare to Puncak.
Puncak is most likely to gain around 3.50 if the deal goes thru..But the problem is will Tabung
Haji let go its shares (6-8%of Puncak) since Puncak is no longer shariah compliant.
If THB let go, then Puncak share will be capped at 3.20-3.50. Another possible seller is EPF,
whose cost is around 2.70. When so many sellers let go because of huge demand, puncak
will mostly capped at 3.0 - 3.10. The possible gained of only 35 - 40 cents ( cost at 2.70)


2015-03-04 11:25 | Report Abuse

The ball is in Fed's leg And state is sitting on the side line. Now it is up to langat 2 cronies
to apply pressure on Putrajaya. But made no mistake, once Najib Okay the deal there no
time for people on sideline to make money--stock price will leap bcos the demand is huge
after such a long wait. It is really a gamble you have to take.


2015-03-03 18:46 | Report Abuse

EPF never loose money on stock. Never buy high And Sell low. I have known this decades
ago. EPF goes into any stock with atleast 2-3 agents. They are trading between themselves.
Unless a Big shareholder decided to sell then only you will see EPF supporting the share
price --provided EPF is a big shareholder of that stock--(Eg Cimb )


2015-03-03 09:50 | Report Abuse

Once EPF stop supporting Cimb, Rhb should received more attention. Considering EPF
spending up to 10-15 million ringgit(ave) per day to support Cimb, buy 1M rhb shares/day
is not overdone.


2015-03-02 19:18 | Report Abuse

Dear Roger--You sound like 123 Gremlins singing in my BirthDay Party


2015-03-02 16:02 | Report Abuse

For one thing I don't think Petronas is going to collapse. Petronas need tobe frugal. Stop paying
personnel posted overseas like King's ransom. Cut cost and operate like normal company
with 5-10% margin. There is nothing we can do with ringgit bcos it is tied with our country
debts. 1DMB goes down, you cannot retired until 99 years Old. Okay 100 is your funeral.


2015-03-02 14:46 | Report Abuse

Some News, Cimb Group is proposing 10% shares buyback so EPF no longer
has to support Cimb. So I think EPF money will be channel to support Maybank and RHB.
In a way OskH will benefit.


2015-03-02 14:35 | Report Abuse

EPF might be pushing up the price to sell back to Cimb Group. Since Cimb is proposing 10% buyback. Are Cimb using dividends to buyback shares? Wow it looks like heavy volume
in coming months. And then there is MUFG--buyer Or Seller?


2015-03-02 11:42 | Report Abuse

Look at Today stock price Freestylepunk. Should reflect Great Year.!!! And it didn't.
Now it is up to EPF to push Or Not to push up the price.


2015-03-02 09:39 | Report Abuse

2.20 resistance is remarkable strong. Once broken i think 2.50 can easily reached bcos
I don't remember any volume at this level previously


2015-02-27 19:18 | Report Abuse

RHB result is not good. But maybe better than many banks
