
SinGor | Joined since 2014-11-26

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2015-01-09 15:39 | Report Abuse

If EPF push Cimb up to RM7.00 only MUFG benefit. Billions of our retirement monies goes to Japan. MUFG will be doing Korean " GanGnam style"


2015-01-09 15:18 | Report Abuse

The propose renegotiation of exchange ratio could be in favour of RHB. Over 1 million shares
traded today. For such a illiquid counter 1m shares traded is like 10m shares traded in CIMB


2015-01-09 15:09 | Report Abuse

EPF just want to leave RHB banking business (vested interest). That 1.4billion fiasco created
by former Transport Minister's son is probably still carried in bank asset. During Daim & Anwar's time I called OSk trading a casino house. Why RHB buys OSK stock trading License? Maybe
there are still alot skeletons in the closet. EPF wants to make the "Kopi Kaw Kaw" so that nobody
can smell the old problems in CIMB/RHB/MBSB


2015-01-09 13:02 | Report Abuse

Before the propose merger and now RHB got "BUY Tag" from All Securities House. Actually
merger has crushed RHB price because CIMB is actually quite broke. How can a "poke kai"
bank buy another bank--All politics


2015-01-09 12:50 | Report Abuse

Puncak is limping badly. Most likely taking another hit today. Hope KPS will be next Taiko


2015-01-09 12:41 | Report Abuse

One inverted Petronas Tower + 1Malaysia Debt Baby = salted Duck Egg for CNY 2015


2015-01-09 12:25 | Report Abuse

Hanting999- I don't think PM Najib dream of making CIMB bank the largest Bank in
Malaysia and his brother the CEO of this Bank can be crushed so easily. Next in
line will be Public Bank or HongLeong Bank in 2016/2017. You really believe Public
Bank price is RM20, they swallow a poison pill ( prop up their price). Economics 101.
Minority shareholders rights will be washed down the drain.


2015-01-09 11:20 | Report Abuse

I thought OSK pro shares are registered under OLH's son name and proxy. Got to Check


2015-01-09 10:59 | Report Abuse

Tail already salted Only mouth grasping for air. How to jump?


2015-01-09 09:15 | Report Abuse

I saw on Bloomberg tickertape that New exchange ratio is negotiated. Maybe in RHB


2015-01-08 10:21 | Report Abuse

Is yesterday price dropped due to dividend distribution date? Within 3 months (Am Research)
Any idea when is the Ex date?


2015-01-07 17:18 | Report Abuse

I would buy if the price is softer. A textbook example on why Razali is releasing so much
cash--he didn't know how to get a higher return for shareholders (2015-2016 will be soft year)
If you have alot monies to spare, keep the dividend (maxi bank interest is 4.5%). If you don't
then you must leave Before Ex-date. Most likely Post Ex-date Price is Minus the dividend
amount and stay there for awhile. Based on last cash estimated by HNG33, post dividend price should be around 2.50 if price goes up to 3.50 before Ex-dividend (just my guess)


2015-01-07 12:05 | Report Abuse

Previously before propose merger, RHB shares in OSK hld is very difficult to dispose.
Just like you can sell gold rings but cannot sell a 2 billion worth Gold nugget. Once
people know you can sell the nugget, you cannot keep OSK price low or else Umno
man will come in and buy OSK Hld shares. That is the main reason why the merger,
because OLH wants to increase OSK hld shares.


2015-01-07 11:23 | Report Abuse

I got to be vigilant because where ever I have business setup I buy other companies stock
there if they are earning more than my company. After you see Lehman Brothers crashed,
nothing frighten me again. OLH make money because he planned for it and there no law
against it. I don't care how much OLH makes but what I made is more important


2015-01-07 10:02 | Report Abuse

US congress is going to put up a oil sale tax on imported oil (Bloomberg yesterday). So the
Saudi "main-main" with oil is over. 1MDB payments can be resolved temporarily, there are 6
main highways Not built but funds already allocated in 2015. Just divert some over. Politicians
are good in this. Germany already prepare for Greek's Exit (Bloomberg 3 day ago).
Do you think Umno will pay Kelantan Flood damages? Just dream On. Ringgit depreciation
is a problem because there are alot foreign Bond holders and Shareholders.
This morning news, one expert say it is NOT just oil price going down but all commodities
are going down( economy not good) so maybe there are One more QE in USA
Hanting999, you forgot One thing-CIMB/RHB merger does not involved cash (Just Ratio).
Osk merger, Mr Ong doesn't care whether PJ dev want to convert or not. He is converting.
And OSK pro is already a done deal.

News & Blogs

2015-01-06 17:29 | Report Abuse

#5 should OKU


2015-01-06 17:25 | Report Abuse

SomeOne came in and bought alot of shares at 4:30pm. EPF agents?


2015-01-06 15:23 | Report Abuse

CIMB/RHB and OSK merger already submitted documents to SC pending shareholders
approval. Can they removed proposals half way without shareholders vote? I think CIMB/RHB
merger will happened because a very Big potato is pushing from behind. I walked thru the same
proposal 2 year ago. It takes 30 days and 5 mins annoucements---Deal blown to pieces.
Now 2014, same Old Aabar demand with CIMB on uneven Keel (cimb Thailand & Indonesia
making losses ) and MBSB (dont know how many skeletons in asset ) is now 4++months
in making with SPA in sight.


2015-01-06 10:02 | Report Abuse

Puncak has broken the 30% retracement. Maybe KPS will take over the marching band leader.


2015-01-05 17:43 | Report Abuse

For many moons, I keep thinking what KPS will look like after disposing ALL its
water assets. The only option left is still Water Related Assets or services. Because
Oil & Gas = Petronas = Umno controlled. Palm Oil - where to find lands in Selangor for
palm plantations ( Industrial land offer better return ). Highways = Government Contract =
Umno controlled. Construction - Commercial Building - Dead for the next 3 years.
Textile Or Electronics factories (manufacturing) 75% already moved to China.
Tourism--maybe. But with--MAS and Airasia crashes tourism takes many months to recover.


2015-01-05 09:21 | Report Abuse

Thanks Hng33. Gross injustice indeed. B'cos the person who inked the deal is a real politician


2015-01-02 12:53 | Report Abuse

Osk's uptrend depends on RHB (for atleast 2-3 months before Mega bank merger happens). RHB has recovered less than 1/3 from latest selloff.
But TA has recommend buy on RHB because RHB has a new agreement with Tokio
Marine Life Insurance that pays about 210m to RHB


2015-01-02 11:29 | Report Abuse

KPS is tagging alone Puncak. But KPS has fully recovered from 1.10 to 1.48. However Puncak
has only recovered 50% from its recent dropped ( 3.40 to 2.35 ). So there is hope KPS might
reached 1.80 - 1.90 IF Puncak reached 3.50 on 8 Jan 2015. What a wonderfully 2015!!


2014-12-31 11:35 | Report Abuse

Buy on rumour sell at news! Next rally will come when Fed actually transfer money into
Puncak account. Maybe it takes time. Didn't intercept any news about transfers.
Many mini rallies to come


2014-12-31 09:48 | Report Abuse

SP0094701. I think AAX will suffer loads reduction too. For the whole of 2014 I am flying Qatar &
UAE plane even saudi because they offer Good fares and Full service (Leg room very
important for long haul). The Arabs are using oil to expand their market shares very rapidly.
Local AA has monopoly.


2014-12-30 18:06 | Report Abuse

haahaa. When Lehman Brothers goes Bankrupt in 2008, Bloomberg news said the world banking
system & stockmarket would collapse. But EPF contributed 2-3 billions ringgit (maybe more )to prop up the stockmarket every year until now. Foreign investor said Bursa has the biggest stock party in asia and if you missed it--you should be sorry. Sure 2015 is going to be soft but it also
depends which stock you choose. Afraid of oil price collapse Buy Airasia


2014-12-30 10:00 | Report Abuse

Hanting999. I have bought FireRetardant lotion this time. Thanks for your advice. 10% RHB is
worth 2 Billion++ Cash if OLH can sell them. What a 70++years Old man want? Money all the way
to next live ( China Emperor--Live Forever)


2014-12-29 10:55 | Report Abuse

GoodDay for Puncak. When Puncak runs out breath, KPS will take over. Rotational play


2014-12-27 15:05 | Report Abuse

New mover and Shaker is Puncak. The flag bearer for Water Asset Stock. Looks like for every
15cents Puncak gained, KPS goes up by 5 cents. So IF puncak goes back to 3.45, what is KPS price looks like? Maybe 1.68. However I think Puncak rally will be full off Ups and downs because many punters will cashout before 2015 CNY. Imagine RM 1 gained at 3.45 or so. Why wait for dividend.


2014-12-27 14:15 | Report Abuse

hanting999. You are right that OLH throws some coins and pocket ALL the Big Notes. Pls dont
mention OSKIB again--I burnt all ten fingers that time. I am a small fish so what ever bread crumbs
OLH is throwing out I will pick it up. Looking at 2015 this 30 cents offer ( 15%+dividend+warrant)
is next best things compare to Puncak. Warrant price between 30 - 50 cents is achievable now
because Saudi has just projected oil price $80 for its 2015 budget and China 3rd largest oil world importer is estimating oil price @75 for 2015.
I have no benchmark for OSKH share in 2015 so based on NTA 2.85 is next best things. For a small run up 5% after RHB/CIMB merger is RM 3.00 And a Good run said 20% is RM3.42
I am keeping my fingers crossed


2014-12-20 14:51 | Report Abuse

franceong--MBSB is Not a bank to start with. Basically it is Property Lender therefore it does not
need to adhere to banking standard for its asset. That is reason MBSB is bought with Cash( no question ask). Who set the banking standard? Bank Negara. Who wants the Mega Bank-
PM Najib (Bank Negara Boss). I remember reading CIMB Boss said ALL options on the Table.
What ever Aabar's voting advantage has right up to now could be diluted rapidly if ALL options
are on Table. Somebody already plan to take down Aabar by all means.


2014-12-19 20:50 | Report Abuse

Sorry. Your projection is 10cents@40cents warrant and my is 7.5cents( just projection on the
safe side.)


2014-12-19 20:26 | Report Abuse

Hng33- Actually I based dividend for 2015 to be 7.5 cents (same as 2014) after Sept 2015.
Special dividend @ 15 cents. So dividend alone is 22.5. Now the hard part, warrant value?
It really depend oil price on second half of 2015. I got a banker projection on oil price. So I go
around asking people who know about warrant price. And the range is between 5 - 15 cents
I took the mid range ie 7.5 cents. So this is how I came out with 30 cents.
But a new oil projection came from China friend which place oil price @ $75/barrel-end 2015(rather upbeat) I checking with others. Even with 30cents, Osk can go down to RM 1.55
and I am still breaking even Next year. Bcos I bought between 1.72 to 2.00 average around


2014-12-19 16:50 | Report Abuse

Another Good day for KPS. All the scary chickens(perfectly normal) has returned back to the
coop. Now we have to march in One direction only, left foot first towards 1.70 (second blink)
Don't dive into Pao kung's guillotine the moment you hear explosion(bad news).
Company book closing next week. No time for posting
Merry Christmas and Very Happy New Year


2014-12-19 16:09 | Report Abuse

Thank Hng33 for breaking up the #. But I am looking year end 2015 bcos merger complete
in sept 2015


2014-12-19 13:23 | Report Abuse

Regardless what ppl said about Osk Hold, I will be receiving 30 cents/share in 2015.
The bursa guy who rejected EPF request will be selling Salted Duck eggs in some Kampung
market. But damn I really admire his courage. The whole mega bank initiative is PM Najib
Pet project. He is going to park Mega Islamic Bank in Tun Razak Exchange and Mega Islamic
Insurance and so forth. All these for his father Tun Razak. Do tell me what are the changes
that this Mega bank not forming?


2014-12-19 12:42 | Report Abuse

Oosh I was worry about Dato K (Umno man). Cannot return to KPS ( PKR flag bearer now)
Anyway One blink from Ongkali - KPS arrived 1.40. Two blink 1.70. One blink from Azmin 2.20
Going to see my ampang jaya Parlimen representative--YB Azmin ( No Dato this year. Maybe
KPS at 2.50 I will arrange a birth Party for him to blowup his change of receiving Dato title
Next Year )


2014-12-19 11:33 | Report Abuse

Jolie-Now I know who is Dato K. Raja Petra once said Dr M offer the PM job to him instead of Najib
But Dr M condition is He (dato K) must listen/and do what he wants him to do. So you know who
is the PM now


2014-12-19 09:28 | Report Abuse

Thanks crownford_bl. Don't know Datuk Karim. All I know is KPS always give me dividend so I
like this stock. Any business that can afford dividend yearly got to make good money. All hail Datuk Karim to return to KPS


2014-12-18 20:43 | Report Abuse

Jolie. Since you are so stress, Let me calm you a little using KPS history. KPS known today actually came from the restructuring of SAP. Sap(Shah Alam Properties)is a badly managed, small time contractor building PKNS flat ( The group that restructure Sap is most likely KDEB ) After restructuring I got 30% more shares. Over the years, dividends were paid without failed. Then came the big surprise, Khalid sold a associate co. and give me a big bonus. To be honest I did'nt know water asset were injected into KPS until 2014. So SAP has grown from a Peanut into a Coconut. If history is to prevail, KDEB will restructure KPS again after KPS sold all its water asset ---Surely for something Bigger. Those MBAs in KDEB wears Huge political hat and as we know politican always made friends & shareholders Rich


2014-12-18 17:03 | Report Abuse

hng33 You got the whole Puncak train moving. Good work


2014-12-18 16:56 | Report Abuse

Koi Koh--Najib has political muscle. Cimb really don't want this mega bank(according to
reports I read) But Najib (bank Negara) insist and approved merger in days with No out
side bidding ( most likely Maybank)


2014-12-18 16:28 | Report Abuse

Those that sold off KPS are buying back today. Good volume. Political stock can have very strange results indeed. Somethings is cooking by Anwar, I hope.


2014-12-18 15:29 | Report Abuse

Money168--Cimb had similar dropped in 2011. Dropped RM 2 in one month period and then bounced back slowly. Maybe 5.50 is closed to bottom. TA securities recommend buy


2014-12-18 14:44 | Report Abuse

Saw article in MPH bookstore on 17 Dec. Sorry can't link


2014-12-17 16:41 | Report Abuse

Hng33 Wow Puncak on viagra today. Can sleep well tonight. Your non stop postings have pop up
investor confident.


2014-12-17 14:00 | Report Abuse

jkhoo99--pls read the latest The Edge. Some problem with asset evaluations between MBSB and the 2 banks. This is just my Day dream, EPF will scoop RHB shares and dump them in some unknown co. so that Aabar voting % will stay at 36%. Already EPF is buying CIMB shares for the last 2 days so maybe it is RHB's turn


2014-12-17 09:20 | Report Abuse

But hng33, the $1/dividend is fully diluted by the market today. Maybe the market is just looking at the cash position of Puncak ex dividend. So if I jump in at 2.29 and exit after Dividend Ex date to collect my Gold $1 coin--the market could discount my dividend again. I think selling after Ex-date would be very heavy and probably done by fund manager to realize their gain.


2014-12-05 10:21 | Report Abuse

Sudahkena Thanks for Edge update. Let Splash go for 1.14B extra. Some side track, I went to (look -see )the Langat 2 project area (plan available at MPAJ lobby) with my Malay business partner. He mention maybe 90% private land there belong to Malay and usually Malay want Land for Land basis. And most likely the land are given by previous BN mentri Besar. So the title is questionable. Without current state Gov help, Langat 2 cannot proceed because Fed can dug a tunnel and No land to store and distribute water. Okay signed agreement but nobody said you cannot delay 5-10year to acquire the land
Azmin is having the Upper hand. Maybe he can arm twist Fed to cough up 1.14B


2014-12-04 16:21 | Report Abuse

GheeKong- I only fear US interest rate and Europe. Low oil price is God blessing to China and Japan industries. If these 2 Giants are not collapsing, Malaysia's export will be okay. Just delay GST and lower electricity rate--this will have effect on inflation. Addicted/abused to Petronas subsidy is really a big headache now.