
Sslee | Joined since 2016-08-31

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Emotional Introvert Most defining characteristics: You are sensitive, melancholic and a perfectionist. You are a very emotional, caring and dedicated person. You believe that there is a bigger picture in life, one that we can’t really see, but we can feel. You are very compassionate, strong minded





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2023-05-05 08:35 | Report Abuse

Below from my 2018 comment:

Sslee Dear all,
The phrase: 財聚人散,財散人聚
Translate literary: Wealth gather people scatter. Wealth scatter people gather.
My understanding this phrase mean: If you gather your wealth by mean of backstabbing, betraying, dishonestly and zero sum gain, then you will loss all your true friends. Anyhow if you falls into hard times true friends will still gather together to help you rebuild.
I think a similar English phrase is: Hard times will always reveal true friends.

Thank you.
17/03/2018 8:51 PM


2023-05-05 08:30 | Report Abuse

Weight for weight human is among the weaker in the animal kingdom. What we lack we make up for by our brain power but nowadays many in i3 suffered brain damage and cannot think critically nor put forward the opinion/argumemt with facts/figures and reasoning.

They keep repeating their twisted lies and beleive when they repeat it a thousand times people will beleive its as truth.

My comments at i3 are all there from the day I posted my first comments till now.


2023-05-05 07:41 | Report Abuse

A Cockroach Can Bite With a Force 50 Times Its Body Weight

A Cockroaches' exoskeletons allowed them to withstand weights up to 300 times their own body weight in small crevices and a whopping 900 times their body weight in other situations.


2023-05-04 09:21 | Report Abuse

Be mindful of what you believe about yourself because you are merely the product of your thoughts. Cheers to Wesak Day!


2023-05-04 09:10 | Report Abuse

At least Bob and me have a plan to make million from Hengyuan adventure/misadventure but attention seeker Mike totally has no idea how to make million so out of pity, I just allow this attention seeker Mike: ka ki kong ka ki song and enjoy his chui Kong lam pa song moment.


2023-05-04 08:57 |

Post removed.Why?


2023-05-04 08:55 | Report Abuse

Should Supersmart StartOfTheBull ask Stony at AGM how many bigpay account holders account had been hacked and amount of loss from these bigpay account holders?

By the way If I am not mistaken should captalA apply for second time extention to submit the PN17 regularisation plan and if Bursa reject capitaA application then the counter will be suspend and after a year delist from Bursa.


2023-05-04 08:35 | Report Abuse

I try to return a favor to his MMC recommendation but alas I chose the wrong refinery and now he is trapped high and dry in HRC.

From Annual report:
The Company recorded a total revenue of RM21.1 billion in FY2022 compared to RM12.0 billion in FY2021. The increase in revenue of RM9.1 billion or 75.8% were attributed to a 58.9% increase in product prices that averaged at USD125/bbl, coupled with 9.4% increase in sales volume supported by better market demand.

In FY2022, the price of Brent crude oil averaged at USD101/bbl.

So I am right that the refining margin/crack spread was USD (125 -101)= USD 24/bbl for FY 2022.

The queations then why HRC only make miserable:
Current Cost of Stock margin (CCS) of USD0.47/bbl (FY2021: USD3.44/bbl) and gross profit margin of USD2.47/bbl (FY2021: USD 7.23/bbl) including the effects of crack swaps.


2023-05-04 08:28 | Report Abuse

Someone turn GREEN knowing me making 250K+ from Insas-WC and most likely in 2027 I will make more from Insas-WD.


2023-05-04 08:24 | Report Abuse

If I am not mistaken should Bursa reject capitaA application to extend the time for submitting the regularisation plan then the counter will be suspend and after a year delist from bursa.


2023-05-04 07:42 | Report Abuse

So what have you learn from CapitalA annual report and what questions you want to ask Stony at the AGM?

Going Concern Assessment
As at 31 December 2022, the Group’s current liabilities exceeded its current assets by RM8,509 million. In addition, as at 31 December 2022, the Group reported a negative shareholders’ funds of RM5,725 million.


2023-05-04 07:17 | Report Abuse

From Annual report:
The Company recorded a total revenue of RM21.1 billion in FY2022 compared to RM12.0 billion in FY2021. The increase in revenue of RM9.1 billion or 75.8% were attributed to a 58.9% increase in product prices that averaged at USD125/bbl, coupled with 9.4% increase in sales volume supported by better market demand.

In FY2022, the price of Brent crude oil averaged at USD101/bbl.

So I am right that the refining margin/crack spread was USD (125 -101)= USD 24/bbl for FYR 2022.

The queations then why HRC only make miserable:
Current Cost of Stock margin (CCS) of USD0.47/bbl (FY2021: USD3.44/bbl) and gross profit margin of USD2.47/bbl (FY2021: USD 7.23/bbl) including the effects of crack swaps.


2023-05-03 16:23 | Report Abuse

Can I heave a sigh of relief, ular is here now and mad dog mike can play swing and throw with his master ular?


2023-05-03 16:12 | Report Abuse

Long time no see, how is your Credit Su?

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Credit Su ave price 11.95. Ular get at discounted price at 9.04 leh. If mau mati kudasai. Credit Su worst leh. Haiyoh. Correct?


2023-05-03 15:28 | Report Abuse

US is more like a Corporatocracy to me. The election money/donation come from big business corporation and thus the President, senate and house representatives are beholder to big business corporation and will do or pass law that benefit the big corporation.

Corporatocracy (/ˌkɔːrpərəˈtɒkrəsi/, from corporate and Greek: -κρατία, romanized: -kratía, lit. 'domination by'; short form corpocracy) is an economic, political and judicial system controlled by corporations or corporate interests.


2023-05-03 15:07 | Report Abuse

Repost: Attention seeker know how to read English?
All my comments is still in Netx. So don't be lazy go and read it again and again to understand what I said.

Apr 22, 2023 5:40 PM | Report Abuse

Go to Next forum. Tap Social forum then tap to page 1201.


2023-05-03 14:56 | Report Abuse

Repost: Attention seeker know how to read English?

Apr 27, 2023 9:44 AM | Report Abuse

Blog Dashboard - My Blogs
Blog Title Posts Views Comments Last Published
Sslee blog 220 741,432 7,340 Jan 28, 2023

I thanks i3 for giving me opportunity to share my thought in i3 blog.

But lately I feel disappointed with attention seekers can't put forward their thought/argument with facts/figures and reasoning has to resort to insult, trolling and name calling.

Remember: Whoever calls names is called that himself.

Apr 27, 2023 9:30 AM | Report Abuse

Since when I approached Mike in Netx forum?

Another typical attention seeker Mike: ka ki kong ka ki song and enjoy his chui Kong lam pa song moment!..

Apr 27, 2023 9:20 AM | Report Abuse

Sometime out of pity, I just allow this attention seeker Mike: ka ki kong ka ki song and enjoy his chui Kong lam pa song moment!..


2023-05-03 14:47 | Report Abuse

One of the good news you can find in the Annual report is Refining margin swap contract for Maturity date: January 2023 to September 2024 Gross margin per barrel (USD): 9.50 to 36.10

Page: 134
Refining margin swap contracts (continued)
The effects of the refining margin swap contracts on the Company’s financial position and performance are as follows:
2022: 2021
Carrying amount liability, net (RM’000): (830,596): (179,886)
Notional value (USD’000): 180,413: 265,421
Maturity date January 2023 to September 2024: January 2022 to September 2024
Hedge ratio (%): 100: 100
Change in fair value of designated hedging instruments (RM’000): (829,075): (97,395)
Change in value of hedged item used to determine hedge effectiveness (RM’000): 829,075: 97,395
Gross margin per barrel (USD): 9.50 to 36.10: 8.00 to 12.30


2023-05-03 14:17 | Report Abuse

Repost: Attention seeker know how to read english?

Apr 24, 2023 1:52 PM | Report Abuse

Please check your bigpay account. My colleague bigpay has been hacked.


2023-05-03 12:59 | Report Abuse

It will be a very painful and crude joke of century if what US can produce is a rematch of Biden VS Trump for 2024 President election.


2023-05-03 12:07 | Report Abuse

Will prepare upcoming HRC AGM questions this weekend.


2023-05-03 08:49 | Report Abuse

Bryan Ng Yih Miin
On 1.5.2023, the flight of AK 117 from Guangzhou to Kuala Lumpur faced with plane technical malfunction on flight and was directed to return to Guangzhou and we were told it was due to depressurisation. However, the plane continued to hover on the airspace for 3 hours to burnfuel

Bryan Ng Yih Miin

however, it has be rescheduled to 945 am but we were informed that they only changed pilot but not the plane. All the passengers were very worried to be on the same flight. I believe Malaysians and Chinese national had phobia of the flight accidents.


2023-05-03 07:05 | Report Abuse

Income and Mike please get a room! Hahaha


2023-05-03 06:59 | Report Abuse

Good morning i3lurker,
I am glad I sold Jaks and Jaks go up further.
So when should I sell Insas?


2023-05-02 08:54 | Report Abuse

Carbon Sink of Oil Palm Plantation and Forest
Indicator. Tropical Forest : Palm Oil Plantation
Gross assimilation (ton CO2/ha/year) 163.5 : 161.0
Total respiration (ton CO2/ha/year) 121.1 : 96.5
Net assimilation (ton CO2/ha/year) 42.4 : 64.5
Oxygen production (O2) (ton O2/ha/year) 7.09 : 18.70
Source: Henson (1999)


2023-05-01 10:15 | Report Abuse

If Tan Teng Boo still have a little bit honor/worthiness in him, he should has do the right thing liquidate icapital and return the money to shareholders.

Insteads of comparing Icap to Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust PLC (Scottish Mortgage) and degrade Icap as a spring chicken.


2023-05-01 09:57 | Report Abuse

So another promise broken by Stony to annouce the regularisation plan by end of April 2023.

So fans boy and girl of Stony, can Stony promise/words be trusted again?


2023-05-01 09:52 | Report Abuse

With associate companies, the parent does not consolidate the financial statements of the associate company. By comparison, a subsidiary is a company with a parent company that owns a majority share. In this case, the parent company will often consolidate the financial statements of the subsidiary.

So what is CapitalA talking about starting from 1Q2023, Capital A is consolidating all four airlines under the Group, which consist of AirAsia Malaysia, AirAsia Thailand, AirAsia Indonesia and AirAsia Philippines when CapitalA hold less than 50% effective equity in AirAsia Thailand, AirAsia Indonesia and AirAsia Philippines?

Note: Annual report 2022 treat AirAsia Thai as associate but AirAsia Indonesia and Philippines as subsidiary. Why?


2023-04-30 18:20 | Report Abuse

SuperStxxxx StartOfTheBull,
Go fly a kite!


2023-04-30 15:49 |

Post removed.Why?


2023-04-30 15:41 | Report Abuse

Some quarter can make losses because Insas holds 200+ million of financial assets through profit or loss ( Investment in listed companies equity that are mark to market at end of each quarter)

Cumulative six months end 31/12/2-22
Dividend received: RM 30,042,000


2023-04-30 11:29 | Report Abuse

Finance costs
Group Company
2022 2021 2022 2021
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
Interest expense
- bank borrowings (210,224) (101,584) -
- lease liabilities (705,152) (500,044) - -
- provision of retirement benefits (4,809) (5,350)
Impact of discounting effect on financial
instruments - (70,101) - -
RCUIDS profit payment (61,879) - (61,879) -
Others (22,858) (2,728) (2) (1)
(1,004,922) (679,807) (61,881) (1)

(c) Foreign exchange (losses)/gains
Group Company
2022 2021 2022 2021
RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000
Realised (99,544) (21,088) (23,673) 1,998
Unrealised (545,316) (49,996) 56,783 (7,184)
(644,860) (71,084) 33,110 (5,186)


2023-04-30 08:41 | Report Abuse

From CapitalA annual report year end 31/12/2022

Name of entity Country of incorporation
Group’s effective
equity interest
2022 2021
% %
PT Indonesia AirAsia (“IAA”) Indonesia 47.43 49.10
Philippines Airasia Inc. (“PAA”) Philippines 40.00 40.00

2022 2021
RM’000 RM’000
Accumulated balances of material non-controlling interests:
IAA (1,384,050) (1,494,015)
PAA (2,226,942) (2,215,947)
Other individually immaterial subsidiaries (180,873) 669,359
(3,791,865) (3,040,603)

2022 2021
RM’000 RM’000
Loss allocated to material non-controlling interests:
IAA (256,534) (344,971)
PAA (349,719) (328,360)
Other individually immaterial subsidiaries (71,535) (56,369)
(677,788) (729,700)


2023-04-30 06:49 | Report Abuse

CapitalA group effective equity interest:
PT Indonesia Airasia: 47.43%
Philipines Airasia Inc: 40%
Both even equity is less than 50% but still considered as subsidiaries.

Whereas after restructure CapitalA hold 43% AAV holding company of Thai Airasia Co. Ltd is reclassified as associate company.


2023-04-29 12:35 | Report Abuse

Somone do not read or till now still has no idea that Stony plan for CapitalA to exit PN17 is to exit aviation by divest CapitalA' aviation group with its billions liabilities to AirAsia X in exchange of shares for subsequent distribution to its shareholders.

So what is he talking about CapitalA will be a fully functional airline???


2023-04-29 11:40 | Report Abuse

AAX will do well without Tony and capitalA plan injection of CapitalA aviation with its billions liabilities.


2023-04-29 09:20 | Report Abuse

For the first quarter of 2023, Intel booked $11.7B in revenue, a precipitous 36% drop from the year-ago quarter. As was the case in Q4, Intel is in the midst of a major industry slump, which has hit revenues hard and operating/net incomes even harder. Intel closed the quarter in the red on an operating income basis, losing $1.5B, and the company’s overall net loss was a staggering $2.8B on a GAAP basis.


2023-04-28 12:02 | Report Abuse

With High debts, billion in lease liabilities and high operation and maintanance cost CapitalA can ill afford to fight for market shares with cheap ticket prices.

Stony is captaining CapitalA for a nose dive to the ground.


2023-04-28 11:32 | Report Abuse

Agree with supersaiyan3

Apr 27, 2023 6:30 AM | Report Abuse

If the answer is CapitalA can't make any profit from this 10 million free seat promotion pay now and travel period between 4th September 2023 to 13th August 2024.

That can only mean this is a desperation move to use future revenue (advance sales) to pay for the current working capital aka Ponzi scheme/scam.

I am sure CapitalA auditor will raise a material uncertainty related to the going concern of the Main Market-listed CapitalA in respect of the financial statement for the fiscal year ended Dec 31, 2022 due to CapitalA’s current liabilities exceeding current assets by RM 9,067.50 million,


2023-04-28 11:27 |

Post removed.Why?


2023-04-28 11:23 | Report Abuse

StartOf The Bull,
Are you talking about yourself?
Now you can read Chinese.


2023-04-28 10:22 | Report Abuse

I too do not hate Tony nor anyone, my contention is with Tony repeat broken promise and his insistence that PN17 status remains an accounting issue but cannot come out with plan on how to address the elephant in the room of net current assets of RM (9,067,503,000)


2023-04-28 10:03 | Report Abuse

superbullklse 航空业今年将强势反弹吗? CAPITALA 是否即将跟他们的航空业务说 Bye Bye?
27/04/2023 2:22 PM
Sslee 那事实上真的有如我们所看到的那么美好吗?其实这亮眼盈利的背后,真实的情况却没有表面看上去的那么乐观, 因为在这 RM 256 million 的盈利当中,主要是获得了外汇收益以及 Reversal of Impairment 的提振,因为美金汇率在 2022 年第四季度可以看到是有明显的下滑,因此外汇贡献了 RM 208 million 以及 Reversal of Impairment RM 340 的盈利。此外,如果我们仔细地看他们核心业务运营状况的话,我们可以看到他们是蒙受将近 RM 200 million 的营运亏损,也就是说没有了这些外汇收益以及 Reversal of Impairment, CAPITALA 在这个季度其实是亏损的
27/04/2023 2:40 PM

My comment is higlight from superbulklse link.


2023-04-28 10:00 | Report Abuse

Have you read the Insas AGM key matters discussed before you concluded : Why nobody question the management?


2023-04-28 09:38 | Report Abuse

Tell me which of your comments post in Insas or CapitalA is a fair comment?
And do you really know what is fair or malicious comments?


2023-04-28 09:28 | Report Abuse

I rest my case.
Mike is just a pitiful lonely old man. No wife, no children and had to seek attention in i3 to stroke his ego.


2023-04-28 09:23 | Report Abuse

So Mike,
Your wife run away with Bangla and your children disown you. Have you make a polis report?


2023-04-28 09:20 | Report Abuse

So Mike dare not answer my questions? Meaning yes your wife run away with Bangla and your children disown you.


2023-04-28 09:16 | Report Abuse

So Mike,
Did your wife rum away with Bangla? And did your children disown you?


2023-04-28 09:13 | Report Abuse

Don't talk and soik sendiri. All my comments still in Netx forum so tell me which of my Netx forum comments is wayang skrip to Kon ppl?