
Sslee | Joined since 2016-08-31

Investing Experience Beginner
Risk Profile Moderate

Emotional Introvert Most defining characteristics: You are sensitive, melancholic and a perfectionist. You are a very emotional, caring and dedicated person. You believe that there is a bigger picture in life, one that we can’t really see, but we can feel. You are very compassionate, strong minded





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2023-04-28 09:10 | Report Abuse

Since when I become con and did I conned anyone here?
So Mike how much you make from con people in PA forum from your con job TA teaching?


2023-04-28 09:08 | Report Abuse

Repost my late father from icapital forum.
Apr 23, 2023 6:15 PM | Report Abuse

My father come from China with gradpa. He was uneducated but work hard to put food on the table and provide for his children education and insist his children to study hard.

We the children are thankful for the education we have and grateful for our father' hard work he had to endure for the better tomorrow of his children.

My father is just an ordinary person but a great father to us and we the children will past down this better tomorrow to our children.

My late father we love you.


2023-04-28 09:06 | Report Abuse

Tell me what happen to your parent. Did they teach you any manner?And why you still live in your parent house? Did you also get your pocket money from your parent?


2023-04-28 08:54 | Report Abuse

Good morning i3lurker,
Long time no see, I already take profit on Jaks and sold some of my plantation stocks ready some money to collect Pchem as I beleive Pchem next two quarter results will be very bad.


2023-04-28 08:24 | Report Abuse

Did Stony hold IBs analyst briefing on the regularisation plan as promise or another broken promise by Stony?


2023-04-28 08:20 | Report Abuse

Small minds worrying about the tiniest little things that don't matter at all to anyone else.
Great minds discuss ideas.


2023-04-27 17:32 | Report Abuse

Your advise noted with thanks.


2023-04-27 16:48 | Report Abuse

Does anyone know under a treaty known as the Cape Town Convention (CTC), airlines are able to secure better financing rates in return for their nations making it easier for lessors to repossess jets in the case of missed payments.

The treaty allows for jets to be de-registered, or removed from the host country's airplane register, in the event of a lawful request from the lessor and placed on an international register, allowing the owner to fly the aircraft away.


2023-04-27 16:37 | Report Abuse

Lease liabilities
The lease liabilities amounting to RM15.0 billion includes deferred aircraft leases of approximately RM2.4 billion. The lease liabilities are supported by ROU assets of RM10.2 billion and finance lease receivables of RM0.4 billion.

The Group had completed the restructuring of a total of 133 aircraft leases up to the date of this report including the waiver of lease rentals in arrears, as well as reducing future lease rates with a corresponding longer lease term, where necessary, and return of

Does anyone know what is depreciation on right of use asset and finance cost-lease liabilities in CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT?


2023-04-27 14:40 | Report Abuse

那事实上真的有如我们所看到的那么美好吗?其实这亮眼盈利的背后,真实的情况却没有表面看上去的那么乐观, 因为在这 RM 256 million 的盈利当中,主要是获得了外汇收益以及 Reversal of Impairment 的提振,因为美金汇率在 2022 年第四季度可以看到是有明显的下滑,因此外汇贡献了 RM 208 million 以及 Reversal of Impairment RM 340 的盈利。此外,如果我们仔细地看他们核心业务运营状况的话,我们可以看到他们是蒙受将近 RM 200 million 的营运亏损,也就是说没有了这些外汇收益以及 Reversal of Impairment, CAPITALA 在这个季度其实是亏损的


2023-04-27 09:44 | Report Abuse

Blog Dashboard - My Blogs
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Sslee blog 220 741,432 7,340 Jan 28, 2023

I thanks i3 for giving me opportunity to share my thought in i3 blog.

But lately I feel disappointed with attention seekers can't put forward their thought/argument with facts/figures and reasoning has to resort to insult, trolling and name calling.

Remember: Whoever calls names is called that himself.


2023-04-27 09:30 | Report Abuse

Since when I approached Mike in Netx forum?

Another typical attention seeker Mike: ka ki kong ka ki song and enjoy his chui Kong lam pa song moment!..


2023-04-27 09:20 | Report Abuse

Sometime out of pity, I just allow this attention seeker Mike: ka ki kong ka ki song and enjoy his chui Kong lam pa song moment!...


2023-04-27 09:06 | Report Abuse

Someone cannot understand for capacity expansion you need CAPEX and not increase labour cost alone.


2023-04-27 09:01 | Report Abuse

TianChoi1 is right. OCP Asia only want to loan USD 100 million or USD 100 million worth of capital injection to ADE.

No commercial banks want to loan to capitalA aviation nor capital injection to CapitalA aviation.


2023-04-27 08:42 | Report Abuse

If this is a credit facilities is this mean CapitalA is now facing problem in getting credit facilities from commercial banks?


2023-04-27 08:35 | Report Abuse

So is the US100 million a credit facilities or CapitalA sold some ADE equity to OCP Asia?

Asia Digital Engineering secures USD 100 million investment from OCP Asia Ltd., gaining significant boost for next phase of growth

About OCP Asia
Established in 2009, OCP Asia is an investment manager with a long-term track record of providing financing solutions for enterprises across the Asia Pacific region. With offices in Singapore, Hong Kong and Sydney, the Firm’s franchise has been developed with a commitment to establishing corporate governance incentives through credit facilities which align the best interests of its investors with those of key stakeholders of its portfolio companies.

About ADE
Asia Digital Engineering (ADE): Founded in 2020, ADE is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Capital A based in klia2, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ADE is a cast from AirAsia’s Engineering Department best practices and experience. While ADE was founded in 2020, they have been a solid backbone for AirAsia for over 20 years and counting. ADE offers a broad spectrum of aircraft services such as line maintenance, base maintenance, component repair and overhaul, warehouse management, technical and design organisation services along with digitally driven engineering solutions and engineering support services. With vast experience in airline engineering managing the world’s best low cost airlines, ADE aims to deliver the best value and customer experience by providing the highest standard of professional services in quality, reliability and safety.


2023-04-27 06:30 | Report Abuse

If the answer is CapitalA can't make any profit from this 10 million free seat promotion pay now and travel period between 4th September 2023 to 13th August 2024.

That can only mean this is a desperation move to use future revenue (advance sales) to pay for the current working capital aka Ponzi scheme/scam.

I am sure CapitalA auditor will raise a material uncertainty related to the going concern of the Main Market-listed CapitalA in respect of the financial statement for the fiscal year ended Dec 31, 2022 due to CapitalA’s current liabilities exceeding current assets by RM 9,067.50 million,


2023-04-27 06:18 | Report Abuse

Apr 7, 2023 3:09 PM | Report Abuse

The fact:
The 10 million free seat sale is currently available and it is applicable only for the travel period between 4th September 2023 to 13th August 2024. The promo covers local Malaysian destinations including Langkawi, Penang, Johor Bahru and more with all-in prices from RM23 one-way. Meanwhile, ASEAN destinations under the promo include Jakarta, Bali, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City and more, with all-in prices from RM60 one-way. The advertised all-in price includes airport taxes, MAVCOM fee, fuel surcharge and other applicable fees.

The questions:
Rephase can CapitalA make decent profit with Malaysian local destinations all-in prices from RM23 one-way and ASEAN destinations under the promo include Jakarta, Bali, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh City and more, with all-in prices from RM60 one-way?

What is/are the reason/reasons for such cheap price promotion pay now for travel period between 4th September 2023 to 13th August 2024 if travel demand is like hot cake?


2023-04-26 17:06 | Report Abuse

Sources told The Edge that Capital A has called for an analyst briefing on April 27, a day prior to the current deadline, to give an update on the group’s development

D day April 27. Will Stony keep to his promise or another broken promise?


2023-04-26 09:17 | Report Abuse

Pity Mike, attention seeker craving for attention and you know what his real life look like from his writing, he thought he was all popular – a classic example of Andersen’s emperor not knowing he had no clothes on fable


2023-04-26 08:23 | Report Abuse

GE14: I HAVE A DREAM; Democracy, Liberty, Justice, Unity and Prosperity.
Author: Sslee | Publish date: Fri, 27 Apr 2018, 6:01 PM

Above is what I wrote for GE14.


2023-04-25 10:25 | Report Abuse

Even with air travel broadly recovering as 2023 progresses, high fuel prices and wider economic issues may continue to limit demand, and the days of ultra-cheap flights look numbered as airlines try to scrape out profits.

“There hasn’t been a great return of capital,” said Fernandes. “I think airfares have been too low.”

Yet AirAsia is still offering US$70 return fares between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore for the Labor Day holiday weekend in May. The cheapest ticket on Singapore Airlines Ltd for the same travel dates stands at US$186, figures from show.


2023-04-25 08:28 | Report Abuse

Mike call you ethical Sifu 3iii.
Do you feel ashame of his behaviour of going every forum to insult and namecalling others who gave their opinions based on facts, figures and reasoning?


2023-04-25 08:21 | Report Abuse

What have went wrong with our education nowadays. Do school or parent teach their children mannerisms and critical thinking anymore?

Why so many can't think logically with reasoning and have to resort to insults, namecalling, cyber bullying and what say you?


2023-04-25 08:19 | Report Abuse

What have went wrong with our education nowadays. Do school or parent teach their children mannerisms and critical thinking anymore?

Why so many can't think logically with reasoning and have to resort to insults, namecalling, cyber bullying and what say you?


2023-04-24 13:52 | Report Abuse

Please check your bigpay account. My colleague bigpay has been hacked.


2023-04-24 12:33 | Report Abuse

He explained, “The scheme will not involve shareholders’ value dilution.

The question to be ask is will AAX shareholders accept shareholders’ value dilution since AAX already undergone debts restructure, capital reduction and 10 to 1 share consolidation?


2023-04-23 19:20 | Report Abuse

A wounded lion
The US has degenerated itself into a state that is always in self-denial. It is now a shade of its former self. Biden is evil.

I also now use the lack of zhì qì to describe the majorities in the West and the pro-West nations. Few can now stand up to the right cause! And they are voting in more and more intellectually or philosophically deficient leaders. These leaders in turn brought in yes men and women to manage national and foreign affairs. They seem incapable of reflecting, and they go around wielding canes.


2023-04-23 19:19 | Report Abuse

The war in Ukraine has wakened the world of the danger of the America today. The weaponization of the US Dollar and SWIFT has led to concerns about the reserves you have in the US and its allies, and the vulnerability of your currency. The US will sanction you if you do not toe its line. Russia is bearing the brunt; the next one can be you. Nonetheless, many Europeans hold strong grudges against Russia, which is understandable, especially those who have lived through the Soviet era. But this time around, Vladimir Putin has been pushed to a corner instead. And you now have a NATO Secretary General who imagines everyone in Russia is a Putin and must be got rid of. Ditto the sentiment of von der Leyen. They fit into Biden’s script perfectly. Biden’s evangelism against totalitarianism was most persuasive, even Singapore decided to throw in their lots with the Ukrainians when the war first broke out. But the truth is emerging; the situation there is not a simple black attacking white case. Volodymyr Zelenskyy is no angel. But it is too late; much destruction has taken place. Unfortunately, many people still choose to be blind to the cause.

Fortunately, Saudi’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has also seen through Biden. He must have realised that Xi was no monster but a leader who is only trying to make Chinese live a better tomorrow. So have several others. Even Honduras defied US wishes and broke off with Taiwan to establish diplomatic ties with China. Australia’s Anthony Albanese also know they cannot put all their eggs in Biden’s basket.

Yes, many of Biden’s hoodlums in are still on his beck and call – Japan’s Fumio Kishida, South Korea’s Yoon Suk Yeol, Canada’s Justin Trudeau, NATO’s Stoltenberg, EU’s von der Leyen, and new recruit Marcos Jr – and China must continue to maintain absolute vigilance against them, but also the weaklings in the Chips and several technology supply chains.

Yes, we still have many Ah Qs and Qin Huis amongst Chinese. (Several days ago, I was watching a video clip featuring a forum in Stanford. A keynote speaker, a China-born assistant professor, began by speech by arguing that Xi’s suppression of high techs in general and Jack Ma in particular was the beginning of America’s loss of love for China. How shallow this academic can be! She must have been thoroughly brainwashed by the Western and pro-West media.) And you also have a President in Taiwan who openly wants the US to “protect” the island! She forgets that she is Yellow!

Yes, a lot of hope is being placed on BRICS to change the world’s financial system. But I do have my reservations. The joker in the pack is India. Narendra Modi swings to whatever that is deemed good by him for India, and India alone. He thinks India should always stand taller than China. Hopefully, realities will bring him to his senses


2023-04-23 19:11 | Report Abuse

Obama must also be the most intellectual President America has ever produced, but he is Black, and was sabotaged left, right and centre by the Republicans. But the “Deep State” was too formidable for him to change things. American politicians’ intellectual paradigm began to shift. They became increasingly delusional, self-centred, ostrich-like, arrogant, and what-have-you.

The nation’s collective intellectuality also began to take a deep dive. Showmanship rather than delivery credentials became the pick. Donald Trump got voted in. The tide enabled the Republicans to go on to control of both houses of the Congress.

Trump must be intellectually one of the most deficient Presidents in America’s history. Nonetheless, his non-conformist personality appealed (and still is appealing) greatly to the increasingly ignorant yet chauvinistic lot there, even though the decline of the country was very obvious for all to experience.

But Trump is a zero-sum businessman by nature, not a strategist or a good manager by any measure. (He was totally clueless on how to contain the coronavirus pandemic, except to keep pointing his finger in the air and shouting “China, China, China!”) Leaders joked behind his back in functions. But being a delusional man, he thought he was all popular – a classic example of Andersen’s emperor not knowing he had no clothes on fable. But he was not as vengeful or deadly as his successor. Trump loved bargaining; and China played along.

Entered Biden in 2021, which gave China a false dawn. China soon learned about this reality – during the Alaska meet between Yang Jiechi/Wang Yi and Blinken/Sullivan. The scar that Yang has inflicted on Blinken during the Alaska encounter must also have made Blinken a Sinophobe-extraordinaire. Their mission: to hold back China technologically at all costs. Never mind if this hurts them economically and geopolitically.

Fortunately, unfortunately…

Fortunately, the key people in Biden’s team are very weak. Biden himself does not know much about economics, let alone international economics. Blinken has few grey matters in his brain. (He keeps preaching his rules based world order, but has he ever defined it coherently?) Yellen is wearing her academic halo but in reality, she has become a Bidenomics apologist. Austin is a big potato and Raimondo is shallow, yet arrogant. The US ambassador to China, Nicholas Burns, must be playing his smartphone 24-7. (What is there for him to do there?) And where is Katherine Tai? And each time Harris opens her mouth, she transforms herself into a 5-year-old forever-giggling kid.

Fortunately, the US is in bad shape. The political and race divide is deep, except for the common enemy, i.e., China, that their politicians and media have helped to create in their mind. Its economy is perilous, its gun violence is unstoppable, its homelessness is hopeless, and its infrastructure is Third World. Yet it is sending billions to Ukraine to fight a proxy war with Russia, instigating Tsai Ing-wen to raise cross-Straits tensions, and working with midgets like Marcos Jr to stage naval exercises to provoke China. The US is always talking about national security, yet a 21-year-old air national guardsman could leak highly classified defence documents with little efforts? Whose head should roll? Austin’s, of course!


2023-04-23 18:15 | Report Abuse

My father come from China with gradpa. He was uneducated but work hard to put food on the table and provide for his children education and insist his children to study hard.

We the children are thankful for the education we have and grateful for our father' hard work he had to endure for the better tomorrow of his children.

My father is just an ordinary person but a great father to us and we the children will past down this better tomorrow to our children.

My late father we love you.


2023-04-23 13:34 | Report Abuse

At least General Raider dream big and have a plan to make million.

Pity many kids here only like to wet dream and chui Kong lam pa song every day!....


2023-04-23 08:54 | Report Abuse

I am waiting for PChem next two quarters bad result to buy Pchem.

So whoever wants to make million please get your money ready.


2023-04-23 08:06 | Report Abuse

CapitalB is smarter than QuestionJ!
One keep questioning the other keep collecting.


2023-04-23 08:00 | Report Abuse

Who know most likely this time will make 500K from Insas-WD


2023-04-23 07:56 | Report Abuse

No worries will top up again when near 2026.


2023-04-22 18:47 | Report Abuse

By the way you don't make millions by daydreaming or night dreaming.

Posted by stockraider > Nov 3, 2020 10:36 AM | Report Abuse
Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream of Netx;
Last night I had the strangest dream
I never dreamed before
I dreamed i saw a big screen showing Netx is price Rm 1.00
then i checkTo my cds there is 2.62m of netx
and the warrant cds there was 1.31m at 90 sen
i key & filled my netx sell orders they matched at 2.62m share at rm 1.04
i key & filled my netx-w 1.31m & that was matched at 95 sen
And 3 days later & go to the bank there is rm 3.96m showing in my bank account


2023-04-22 18:42 | Report Abuse

I do not see it as an issue.
Life is too short to bother about this insignificant issue.


2023-04-22 17:40 | Report Abuse

Go to Next forum. Tap Social forum then tap to page 1201.


2023-04-22 17:38 | Report Abuse

And CharlesT make his millions from Glove call warrant in year 2020.

"The trick in investing is just to sit there and watch pitch after pitch go by and wait for the one right in your sweet spot.- Warren Buffett


2023-04-22 16:51 | Report Abuse

Below are how Philip (buy what you understand) make his millions in stock market.

To identify MOAT at early growth stage and continues invest every quarter if the growth story continues and enjoy the fruit of the best multi-bagger stocks.


2023-04-22 10:20 | Report Abuse

And kids even with 27 pages have you calculate how many posts should it be?


2023-04-22 10:16 | Report Abuse

According to popular estimates, as much as 90% of people lose money in stock markets, including both new and seasoned investors.

So what make you think you will make million in stock market?

Only people like Jon Choivo will make money in stock market. Can you see the different between him and kids here?

Jon Choivo’s:
“Wow, value is emerging. Well let’s hope it gets worse. I want more value for my money! I’m 100% in for my portfolio. Haha I don’t mind if prices go down even more. Just stay down at least until my bonus out. After bonus want to go lower also ok, just don’t go up before next month salary out hahah.


2023-04-22 08:50 | Report Abuse

Kid go and check my 100 page.
Is my 100 page still there?


2023-04-22 08:24 | Report Abuse

Someone cannot even notice system fault that put my post at 1325 posts.


2023-04-22 08:05 | Report Abuse

Dengan segala kerendahan dan keikhlasan hati ijinkan Kami sekeluarga mengucapkan:"Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri, 1 Syawal 1444 H."


2023-04-21 19:47 | Report Abuse

Another one from Netx forum.
Posted by Sslee > Oct 19, 2020 8:41 AM | Report Abuse X

Good morning everyone,
I recall General Raider leading his army and charge thro’ the enemy lines one by one but alas General Raider took too many bullets himself (especially back stabbing from the China owner) and had to be evacuated to Tibet for recuperation. He was given a second chance to come back as Tibet Monk to continue his mission of Peace, Love and Profit.

So General Raider why wasting your time in Next when you should be leading the charge in Lctitan, the petrochemical spread is looking very good and promising


2023-04-21 19:43 | Report Abuse

Repoat from Netx forum.

Posted by Sslee > Oct 17, 2020 4:25 PM | Report Abuse X

Do you read Netx financial report?
Proceed from issuance of shares: RM 12,853,000

For the current quarter ended 31 May 2020, the Group recorded revenue of RM3.15 million. The revenue mainly derived from project sales of network equipment and infrastructure in Non-Payment Services Segment and rental of EFTPOS terminal to merchants.

The Group recorded a profit before taxation for the current quarter of RM4.02 million, mainly due to unrealized forex gain of RM4.07 million and gain on fair value adjustment on investment in MLAB System Berhad of RM1.19 million, reduced by share-based compensation expenses of RM0.78 million for share option granted to employees.

Do you know from where Next get unrealized forex gain of RM4.07 million?
Why want to invest in loss making company?