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2021-04-20 10:30 | Report Abuse

Many of us asians hate the west, especially the USA...but we love everything that they have created..which we eat, see, hear, use, travel in etc...we use skin whiteners (even if we are already fair) so that we look a bit like them..dye our hair ..not purple or blue but blond or brunette .. so that..i guess you know why..we wear their clothes, not our traditional clothes..often even on our wedding day..and toast with liquor from the west...not our own ..displacing ours at such an event would be cheapskate...use their names even when we are not that a bit of the west would rub on to us...our children learn the violen, piano, ballet...instead of what are traditionally ours..and we love to send our children to their universities..because..i will let you think why we do it... when we fall sick we want to be treated by western medicine, especially those from the USA, not by what was created by our own people..i can go on and on..the list is short, we are immersed in the civilization created by the west, in large part by the USA...and if we are sincere, we will realise that up to this point of time the west has been vastly superior to us...deep down we realise it...that is why we try our best to imitate them..

News & Blogs

2021-04-19 22:52 | Report Abuse

Personally I see this country is harming itself more through its style of diplomacy. Instead of offering sympathy and help for people affected by the pandemic that originated from within that country, it ridiculed and boosted that its system was superior to that of others. Everybody saw it bully another country for just saying that the spread of the pandemic should be investigated. After agreeing to a 2 minute intro for their talks, its rep spoke on unrelated matters, some of which that happened in the last century, for about 10 minutes. If it does not like to relate trade to human rights, it could have just so said firmly and walked out of the meeting. Why all the fuss? There are a lot more that has happened ..that people will not forget easily.. The botton line is it has done itself a lot of damage that wll take a long time to undo..Its people will pay the price..unfortunately

News & Blogs

2021-04-19 22:25 | Report Abuse

There are so many pressing issues in the world but KYY always wants to discuss US-China issues. It is not difficult to see that his ethnic feelings are seeping into his discussions. It is possible that he is affected by what is happening to his favoured country..but those who follow the news closely will know that it has brought these circumstances upon itself..and unfortunately,it looks like there is no turning back.

News & Blogs

2021-04-01 13:08 | Report Abuse

Its balance sheet based on equity trackers does not appear to be great to me. Approximately, short term loans- RM217m, cash & equities - RM43m,receivables-RM171m, payables- RM49m. Its latest quarterly report may provide more up-to-date info. I am still learning and so not implying anything on this stock.

News & Blogs

2021-03-30 16:05 | Report Abuse

I feel this website should be devoted solely to discussions on stocks and related issues. It should not be a forum for vested interests to promote their partisan views on local and international politics.


2021-03-30 15:59 | Report Abuse

Nike may take a hit because of their many factories in China. But global demand for Magni's products would still be there. But wonder where they souce their cotton from. Some stats show that the US is the largest producer followed by countries like India.

News & Blogs

2021-03-28 23:32 | Report Abuse

The GDP per capita for 2019 according to for USA is USD65,297.50, for M'sia is USD11,026.50 and PRC is USD10,216.60. It is possible that some countries may have progressed on this score since the outbreak of covid91. Also, in my view allowing more freedom of expression as found in the west would help dispell the impression that things are kept under wraps with regards to sensitive issues like state's involvement in racial discrimination.


2021-03-28 17:33 | Report Abuse

Based, "A quarter of China's sportswear production is idle, the result of global brands moving production because of the U.S.-China trade war". This is old news before the current controversy of cotton from Xingiang. I wonder whether this new development is a positive for Magni...

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2021-03-27 22:35 | Report Abuse

Due to our identification with certain groups like ethinicity, religion, economic status etc., discrimination between people can be seen almost everywhere. What should be our concern should be state administered descrimination which targets certain ethnic and religious groups due to their inability to conform to the state's acceptable believe system, a notable feature of authoritarian societies. The normal descrimination between individuals of different groups of people could only be managed through education and better social upbringing. Noted that you always seem to be targeting the US. Would like to see what you think about countries like China - which is so much in the news these days, for instance, in relation to Tibet, Xingiang, Inner Mongolia etc. I really like your analytical approach to discussing social issues.


2021-03-25 16:18 | Report Abuse

Price drop could be due to reports that Nike commented on situation in Xingiang and fear that some people boycott its products. I feel this may affect Nike business in China where it has more than 100 factories. But since Magni does not esport its stuff to China, I feel its sales may not be affected very much.Hope a clearer picture on this emerges soon.

News & Blogs

2021-03-22 23:48 | Report Abuse

The country spoilt its relationship with itsthe immediate neighbours and the west by adopting an agressive "wolf diplomacy" following the covid crisis.It created territorial issues with HK, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, India, Nepal, and the Phillipines besides ridiculing and bad mouthing european countries and the US on how they handled the covid crisis. And to top it all, the CCP is claiming almost the whole of the SCS, something that would be difficult to swallow by any country on earth. So it is difficult not to sympathise with the US and the other countries i have mentioned for the difficult situation they are put into by the CCP.

News & Blogs

2021-03-14 21:28 | Report Abuse

It is very obvious that the analysts referred has seriously erred on their price targets for topglov..and predictions were made not very long ago. They are supposed to advise investors so that they make a good choise when buying stocks. But those who followed them blindly would have made serious losses. No excuses for that. When they are wrong, they are wrong. No point making a defence which obviously does not hold water..


2021-03-12 11:11 | Report Abuse

Read that topglov has the second highest number of patents registered among the companies in msia, . Can't figure out how much they would contribute towards its competitiveness in the glove business


2021-03-12 10:44 | Report Abuse

Topglov was doing well even before the pandemic. Glove has always beeng a low margin business until very recently. So if need be, it could easily force new entrants and other small time players out of the business through its pricing power.


2021-03-12 10:33 | Report Abuse

Many factors going against topglove stock price.But i feel it is unlikely to drop a lot below the current price. Even if the eps drops by 30-50%, the share is still reasonable priced at current levels. As the biggest glove mnf, it has advantages in terms of economies of scale, technology, market reach and financial strength. If i am not mistaken, it has also undertaken to give quarterly dividends


2021-02-21 10:24 | Report Abuse

Stock investing is not a exact science so it is unfair to blame others when some predictions go wrong or when certain ideas are not applicable in all situations. Ideas given by people like KYY allows us to to think and do more reseach if necessary to make decisions. Personally I just skip posts by people who habitually give negative comments or try to be a smart alec since there is nothing that one can gain from them.

News & Blogs

2021-02-14 13:57 | Report Abuse

It is good to go to the WHO website to know what it says. Too many fake news out there created by people who want to hide the truth. What we know is lots of people were prosecuted for initially breaking the news about the virus. And a international investigation was unduly delayed, lots of obstacles were put in their path. Now we know the team were only allowed to see prepared data and not allowed to carry promary research or access to raw data. It is your guess what it all shows....

News & Blogs

2021-02-14 13:09 | Report Abuse

Knowing the origin of a virus is important for academic reasons. But knowing whether a country did all it could to stop a disease from spreading within the country and to the rest of the world as required by WHO guideline is even more important whenever there is an outbreak. A lot of evidence point to the fact that the neccessary steps were not taken to prevent the disease from becoming a world wide pandemic. So it is understandable why the country where the outbreak happened is so secretive and touchy on the subject..


2021-01-21 10:45 | Report Abuse

Biden says he will vaccinate 100m people in US in 100 days or slightly more than 3 months. That is only about 30% of its population of 330m. So looks like the need for masks and gloves may lasts longer that many people expect. Of course it will be better for all of us if the pandemic goes away..


2020-12-30 12:21 | Report Abuse

Was refereing to the US


2020-12-30 12:20 | Report Abuse

Falling prices of glove stocks are partly linked to the news on vaccines..But from newsfeeds, it looks like it will take a long time to vacinate 80% of its population to achieve herd immunity. At the current rate some people estmate it may take as long as 2 years. but of course if more vaccines comes to the market and distribution improves things could change


2020-12-29 16:29 | Report Abuse

EPF is still holding huge number of shares i.e. 411.59m. Much of them could have been bought when it was cheap. Selling some will help them show more profit for FY2020. I am of course just guessing


2020-12-29 16:20 | Report Abuse

Need to be wary whenever there are large shareholders who make money by trading


2020-12-29 16:17 | Report Abuse

Big disposal by EPF but very small compared to what they are holding 411.59m shares Could be selling off some of their holdings that were bought cheap to show profit for FY2020

News & Blogs

2020-12-13 16:17 | Report Abuse

According KYY's post, a possible reason for TG's downgrade by JPM could be:
"Perhaps JP Morgan has issued too many call warrants at much higher prices. If Top Glove share price remains so high, JP Morgan will lose a lot of money.

A call warrant is a financial instrument that gives the holder the right to buy the underlying stock shares at a specific price on or before a specified date."


2020-12-12 23:00 | Report Abuse

News sources indicate that Topglov too have long term delivery orders till April 2022. It is also reported that glove stockpile in the US is critically low now - from 16.9 billion pieces in Dec 2019 to 2 billion pieces in October 2020.


2020-12-12 22:53 | Report Abuse

At supermx's AGM, the company said that its production has been booked till end 2021. It shows that glove demand wll be strong for atleast the next few quarters. In my view, JPMorgan's assessment seems to be way out of sync with is actually happening on the ground.


2020-11-24 11:41 | Report Abuse

One reason could be it is not covered by analysts due to its relatively small size. Bpplas has a market cap of roughly 298m compared to teguan's 1.1b and scientx's 6.4b But value wise i feel it is a good stock to hold..