
StingRay | Joined since 2015-11-12

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2016-12-17 17:22 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo wan... lu sudah bili itu ticket opera tuapekkong, lu tunggu tengok itu opera show saja lah. Apa pasat mau kasi juat ticket balik loh? Kasi tengok samada itu opera show ala sidap ka tarak sidap mah. Kikiki.


2016-12-17 17:17 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo... market tutup sini lagi bising kah? Mati kudasai loh. Apa pasat ini macam leh? Itu ahseng ala turun naik pinya. Itu pasat balu boleh untung rugi mah. Kalu mau untung saja, manyak senang pinya... wa ala formula sure win... kasi taruk wang dalam fixed deposit. Guarantee tarak rugi pinya.

The purpose of this forum is to share intel. If you choose to follow the wrong intel, then you need to figure out why you made the choice. Not why the intel is wrong. Ada paham boh? Nobody force you to make whatever decision you made. To blame others is like blaming your wife getting pregnant when you are the one that screwed her in the first place. So, be very clear of that. Kikiki.


2016-12-16 20:04 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo shermen leng lui... itu tiligram bukan wa pinya. Wa cuma one small part of the team nia. U can ask wank. He is the boss there loh. Kikiki.


2016-12-16 19:58 | Report Abuse

aiyooo windcloud... yes to both. warrant is based on future index. future index is the underlying index. kikiki.


2016-12-16 19:54 | Report Abuse

aiyooo windcloud... you will be rewarded by your 2 counters loh. I see some main wayang there but should be okay. kikiki.


2016-12-16 19:50 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lim arrr... don't be modest loh. the best way to learn is by teaching. because you get a lot of questions which would then make you to learn more. but I would prefer that you take it in a not so open manner. any question, you know where to find me. kikiki.


2016-12-16 19:40 | Report Abuse

aiyooo shermen leng lui... itu cbbc lembu sama beruang hor... can only be cook by cash index leh. not future index loh. so, itu future can go to moon or go eblow the deepest ocean also no effect on that mah.

As for Ah Lim's email, that one you need to ask him lah. It would be up to him to reveal or not mah. kikiki.


2016-12-16 19:28 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo Donald.. if you monitor the live trade, you should be able to tell very clearly if the banker is buying or the players are selling. From there you should be able to summed up this banker kui in what position. And thus, would be able to make quite a good and accurate decision loh. kikiki.

Maybe you could communicate with Ah Lim via email and see if he would be able to guide you on this or not. wa olang tua liao... always lazy and tired. wakaka.


2016-12-16 19:24 | Report Abuse

aiyooo shermen leng lui... there are always more to learn lah. the day that learning stop is the day we stop living. apa lagi lu mau belajar? Holland is a very beautiful country lah. beautiful houses, windmill and best of all the cheese and tulips. wakakaka.

Okay... let me be serious for one moment. I would like to comment as honest and straight forward as I can on you. You weakness is you get clouded by your own theory and imagination. Yes... you have manage to predict accurately but took no action or commitment towards your prediction. Also, you misjudge the timing as you were not focusing on the direction that the banker kui was heading. Parameter change and therefore result will change as well. You mange to keep the result but never change the parameter. So, my simple advise is to relook back on the parameter for the result to see if that change or not. If that change, I mean the result, then your strategy should also change to adopt the new result mah. Cannot lam tiao tiao on the decision that you have made cause that would only make more damage than cure loh. ada paham kah?


2016-12-16 19:16 | Report Abuse

aiyooo suremax... I have just gave you the ingredient mah. You want me to give you fish when I oledi told you how to fish meh? kikiki.


2016-12-16 19:12 | Report Abuse

aiyooo apa macam... now you can go pang sai peacefully liao. wakaka.


2016-12-16 19:07 | Report Abuse

aiyooo apa macam... you all so pro where I got the expertise to teach leh? I just want to check to see how many actually hear what I said. If there are not many people, then I don't see the purpose for me to continue to keep repeating mah. can save everyone's time from reading garbage I spew loh. but since you have responded, my only advise is never go against the very people who cook up the con game. they are the one that is in control and has all the methodology to beat you flat. so, the best way is to tag along with their method and nibble some of their ill gotten profit mah.

Today, as expected, the banker kui tried very hard to sell their H. but very unfortunate, there are still many players willingly holding on and happy to pay the banker kui the more than ah long "interest" in the way of price decay. So, what more to say if the people are still willing to contribute to their Christmas bonus and cny ang pow? wakaka.

Nevertheless they manage to collect back some C but just not enough. At the same time, the only manage to sell only a small fraction of their H. so, their only choice would be... take what they can get loh. the players are happily giving so why should they complaint?

The best part of my observation is... there are players that are so clueless about the whole con game and still get suck into it. Then when they started to lose money... all the anger, unhappiness and regret will come. Hey... nobody force you people to play the game and even if you are the one that decide to play... nobody stopping you to understand how the game is played so you could win... isn't it? So, yeah... how many people actually monitored what was the position of the banker kui today? if you would have known the answer to that, you would have probably sitting in a pool of winning profit. There is no easy way and there is no free lunch. You want to play the game and want to win... then you will need to work toward that. Ask our Lee Chong Wei lah... how he become badminton number one. by sitting on his arse and look for tips to beat his opponent kah? wakakaka.

I am willing to share but would not want to go in detail openly. however, any question thrown to me, if I can answer openly, I would try to do so. Hey, I don't like to see people taken for a ride by those banker kui and would wish if everyone through what I saw and said could help in anyway to help anyone making some weekend pocket money from those banker kui. But, as I said... if there are nobody interested, it is no loss to me as well. wakaka.


2016-12-16 17:37 | Report Abuse

aiyooo wan... I just want to know how many people are actually interested in what I comment nia. itu banker kui end of day report would be of no use during trading hour leh. what reported yesterday could be obsolete within hour in the trading day. kikiki.


2016-12-16 17:23 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... ini hali how leh? anyone can tell me how is the banker kui pinya position? I want to see how many people actually took the initiatives to look into this. If there are no respond, then I would assume that most are not interested and therefore I would not be putting my comment this anymore. kikiki.


2016-12-16 16:51 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... mau pigi cuti, jangan ingat sama ah seng lah. apa pasat mau manyak pening itu kepala? kuikuikui.


2016-12-16 16:49 | Report Abuse

aiyooo fairplayer sifu... ayam naik kapalterbang consider flying mah. wakaka.


2016-12-16 16:47 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... sijuk sijuk balu ala song bbq pari mah. wakaka.


2016-12-16 16:42 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... Hanoi kah? boleh jugak. sikalang sana manyak sejuk loh. kikiki.


2016-12-16 16:41 | Report Abuse

aiyooo doncaliente... next week pinya hal, mana wa tau leh? kalu wa tau, lebih baik wa predict apa jackpot number for toto besok liao loh. kikiki.


2016-12-16 16:38 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... lu mau bbq pari kah? mati loh wa ini macam. wakaka.


2016-12-16 16:36 | Report Abuse

aiyoooo... ah don... banker heavy in H means that banker holding a lot of H and player holding a lot of C. now, if you are the banker, would you push ah seng up or down? kikiki.


2016-12-16 16:30 | Report Abuse

oopssss... solly hor... banker is heavy in H and player heavy in C. wakaka.


2016-12-16 16:29 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... apa macam? song boh? again and again, I have reminded that banker is extremely heavy in C.... and you still want to go against the banker? kikiki.


2016-12-16 13:44 | Report Abuse

aiyooo rchi kor... of course no market would be able to raise forever and no market would be able to drop forever as well. The current state would be... market go no where. Dow has been having the best run over in their history... the run has extended to 8 years and when the time for an actual correction... many people will be hurt. and as usual, their way of hurting is to get others to hurt with them together. example: the subprime. all shit started there but the whole world suffer for that. but at the moment, there is still too much cheap and easy money around for them to get hurt. just too much. merry xmas to you and family as well. huat ahhh.


2016-12-16 13:37 | Report Abuse

aiyooo birkincollector... lu jangan pandang rendah sini pinya member. simua manyak kaya pinya. bili tarak bikin homework pun tarak apa. simua kaya kaya sampai itu moollah tarak nilai. hali hali kijar sana, kijar sini. kikiki.


2016-12-16 13:34 | Report Abuse

aiyooo rchi kor... itu semua yellen, trump, Europe... simua gila pinya olang. itu koboi sama angmoh dax lali macam trader tepi jalan tarak lessen... ah seng jugak pondan. sudah lama jadi pondan mah. kalu tarak mau jadi jantan, terus pigi operate jadi betina loh. oledi overdone with their market manipulation lah. kikiki.


2016-12-16 13:31 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... apa kungfu in fungshui pun kasi keluar kah? kikiki.


2016-12-16 13:27 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... itu tuapekkong lately manyak report positive data loh. itu clamp down on money outflow should also be a good direction. hali hali itu tuapekkong mali bulan. ini macam hor... tuapekkong tarak muka liao loh. showing the international business communities that they make wrong decision mah. misti kasi sapot loh. kalu tidak, manyak susah liao. kikiki.


2016-12-16 13:22 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... ah lui kor... apa macam? wa pinya view this morning make sense or not? wakakaka.


2016-12-16 13:21 | Report Abuse

aiyooo rchi kor... itu yellen would be the last person to be trusted loh. from 4 times mau kasi up in 2016... ending only 1 up. that one also kina bash by trump baru mau up. how to trust a person solely rely on spreadsheet? wakaka.


2016-12-16 13:19 | Report Abuse

woi ngwt... ini hali ala belajar macam mana itu banker kui kasi juat dia pinya H boh? kikiki.


2016-12-15 22:57 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo ngwt... they have done it before and probably will repeat it again as not many people seems to notice. Kikiki.


2016-12-15 22:55 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo flyingkite... wa sudah cakap manyak kali mah. The biggest con job on earth. Wakaka.


2016-12-15 22:52 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo ah lui kor... ini macam kah? Nanti sendili pinya pocket pun kasi derma sama banker kui loh. Tapi wa ala picaya sama lu pinya strategy. I just explained to our group. Wakaka.


2016-12-15 22:50 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo ngwt... tarak payah tengkiu. Lu mau tau satu saja... banker kui mau untung. Untuk untung, lia olang misti mau juat. Itu C, dia olang sudah juat. Sikalang, dia olang mau juat itu H. Macam mana itu banker kui mau juat? Kikiki.


2016-12-15 22:46 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo ah lui kor... tarak... wa tarak look down mah. Lu ingat wa tarak tau lu pinya strategy kah? Itu index naik 150pts pun itu out of stock pinya harga tarak sampai lanun pinya harga loh. Tapi lu hepi hepi mintak ang pow dari banker kui loh. Tapi hor... lu mau ingat hor... itu banker kui manyak kiam siap pinya. Kikiki.


2016-12-15 22:36 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo shermen... lu tau berapa C out of stock kah? Kikiki.


2016-12-15 22:23 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo... simua olang sudah hilang liao. Kuikuikui.


2016-12-15 22:18 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo... wa cuma tau 2 saja... the oldest virgin named tarakkasi and the youngest non virgin... itchibawa. Lu lagi tau manyak. Kikiki.


2016-12-15 22:13 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo ah lui kor... lu jangan ajar jahat jahat pigi intip ah moi telanjang lah. Tarak baik loh. Karma nanti manyak marah kasi mati kudasai loh. Kikiki.


2016-12-15 22:11 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo suremax... ya loh. Tapi hor... manyak olang hor... suka itu lok pinya. Kijar macam itu wang tarak laku pinya. Wa pun manyak pening liao. Kikiki.


2016-12-15 22:05 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo suremax... bukan suppose to turn around. Itu market hor... go in cycle pinya. Uuu si ki... uuu si lok. The down cycle oledi done... oledi down more than 10% off peak chor. Apa mau lagi? Mau 30% kah? Tapi hor... manyak olang degil mah. So, banker kui syiok syiok kait moolah while lu olang kait toilet paper loh. Wakaka.


2016-12-15 22:01 | Report Abuse

Woi ngwt... let me give you a hint. The objective of itu banker kui is to sell as many H57 before maturity so that they could maximize their return. What do you think those banker kui will do? Sikalang, banker kui pigang manyak itu H57. So, apa macam? Kikiki.


2016-12-15 21:58 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo ngwt... wa expect itu ah seng suppose to enter itu uptrend window starting today or tomolo. Tapi hor... manyak olang mau sedekah sama dia olang pinya xmas bonus sama cny ang pow. Mana dia olang mau kasi miss ini chance? Mana ala olang komplain kalu ala olang lain mau kasi bikin dia huat huat. The window for this uptrend should be around 6 weeks. Tapi wa tengok sudah ala sikit susah liao. Kikiki.


2016-12-15 21:53 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo shermen leng lui... many ma lat lou also blur blur cannot see road when see you loh. Ooiii... jangan marah ahhh... wa celita kosong saja. This is my only advise to you... you want to see the road of the banker kui, then you will need to know how they think. On top of their head is money... how to make shit load of it from people like you and me. So, you want to see their road, then you need to see which path they will take to achieve their objective. That is to take shit load of money off everyone. Wakaka.


2016-12-15 21:42 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo.. ini reban tarak orang kah? Simua olang sudah titun kah? Kikiki.


2016-12-15 21:40 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo ah lim... keep up the good work. U have progress much. Ho liao. Kikiki.


2016-12-15 21:38 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo tan9232... itu cbbc cuma as reference to what level index mau pigi. Sebelum itu, lu mau tau which direction banker mau jalan. Kikiki.


2016-12-15 11:38 | Report Abuse

Skyhawk... as I have mentioned before... this put and call warrant is not equity. The differential of the price is not dictate by buying and selling activities but based on Hang Seng Future Index. Put price go up does not mean more buyer and Call price go down does not mean more seller. What more to say?


2016-12-15 11:19 | Report Abuse

AllBigWin... do a search on their end of day report. This has been mentioned so many times chor. If common sense applied...tell me, how many C currently the banker has sold out? who is holding? sigh.