
StingRay | Joined since 2015-11-12

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2016-12-15 11:06 | Report Abuse

OK... let's me make one last serious comment here. Hang Seng is a market that is heavily controlled by those bankers. The put and call warrant pricing are determined by the future index. It is heavily manipulated by those bankers to suck your hard earn money. Bear in mind, the put and call warrant are not like equity. Overtime, the price will decay due to shorter timeline to maturity. IT IS THE BIGGEST CON JOB. If you want to make money, follow the crook that is the mastermind behind the con job. Currently, players are holding heavily on C while banker is holding majority of the H. If you are the banker, tell me... would you push Hang Seng up ending you to pay more to players? Oooiii... pakai otak sikit lah. Who give a shit about the chart lah... it is all about money. Chart is a tool used by bankers to convince you to buy or sell but again... the bottom line... what is the bottom line for the banker. You think they are running a charity home? Simple logic common sense which I have proven again and again and again... yet, you still get suck into the con job. Anyway, would be my last serious post on this topic. Best of luck.


2016-12-15 10:42 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo... lagi mau kait C kah? itu banker kui sudah dapat x'mas pinya bonus... lu olang lagi mau kasi CNY ang pow kah? sudah manyak kali warning alarm sudah kasi sound... sikalang jari sudah jadi charcoal... mau tunggu sampai tangan sama tubuh simua jadi arang kah? kuikuikui.


2016-12-15 08:37 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo shermen... itu ah seng mau naik sampai itu levek kah? And what is the reason to do so? Simalam langsung jadi lembab even when koboi and ang moh dax naik 3 digit leh. So, ini hali ah seng mau tunjuk terror kah? Banker kui sudah untung banyak kah? Mau kasi ang powkah? Kikiki.


2016-12-15 08:31 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo ah lui kor... 356pts kah? Itu warrant votality 20pts per bid pinya... C mati kudasai loh. Kikiki.


2016-12-14 18:51 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... good also mah. otherwise Naga pinya business van mayat mau chap lap liao loh. he everyday complaint no business in the cave... nee to come here to get business. kikiki.


2016-12-14 18:48 | Report Abuse

aiyooo shermen... mm trying to scare the player to sell C kah? why would the mm wanted to that? player hold... the decaying price put ah long interest to shame leh. everyday lose 1 bid... 5 hali how many percent leh? wakakaka.


2016-12-14 18:39 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... kalu sudah kina tipu sama itu banker kui dulu, lagi tarak belajar... kasi satu million pun tarak cukup kalah ooo. so, apa macam? ada butut boh kita pinya analysis? kikiki.


2016-12-13 11:43 | Report Abuse

Woi flyingkite... ini wa pinya nasihat sama lu. Ini hali sama besok, luluk tiam tiam. Jangan kait dulu. Wa pikir itu ah seng sana jugak luluk. Tarak mau pigi mana mana. Lu sabar tampok tunggu. Kikiki.


2016-12-13 11:30 | Report Abuse

aiyooo flyingkite... no problem. jangan kasi itu banker kui untung banyak sangat mah. kikiki.


2016-12-13 11:18 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... minggu lepas alarm sudah kasi sound. tapi tak apa lah... sini manyak olang kaya kaya. suka main kijar kijar. untung 1 2 sen... lugi 10 sen. apa macam? still think you can beat the system? kikiki.


2016-12-09 15:25 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... have I not proven my case to you over and over and over... like a broken record? so far, you should know the result hor. kikiki.


2016-12-09 15:22 | Report Abuse

ah lui kor... you should have gone in to H67 this morning. sui sui... too many people in C want to give you money also you don't know how to take meh? kikiki.


2016-12-09 15:20 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... smart move. why should you try to beat the hand that will give you money loh. kikiki.


2016-12-09 15:10 | Report Abuse

still think you could beat the system? wakakaka.


2016-12-09 15:08 | Report Abuse

lu tengok... sikalang player manyak bili C. lu ingat itu banker kui manyak baik hati kah? juat sama lu, lepas itu bili balik mahal kah? lia angkat lu pinya lui pigi short sama itu ah seng. kasi index tulun kau kau. tarak picaya kah? lu pigi tengok itu short transaction for sands and galaxy. tell me... what is the short quantity today. more than 20% of the transaction belongs to shorties. who do you think will have that sort of stocks if not banker kui. lagi tarak faham kah? kikiki.


2016-12-09 15:02 | Report Abuse

aiyooo shermen... lu tunggu sampai player kecut juat balik manyak manyak C pada banker kui dulu lah. banker kui kasi juat manyak manyak kasi H player. ombak busat misti mali pinya. guaranteed. wakaka.


2016-12-09 14:58 | Report Abuse

and what I said has been proven again and again. you think is based on chart kah? the banker make the chart so you can follow and being cowed into buying or selling. the end result is... for the banker to drain you from your money so they could declare a good profit lah. wakaka.


2016-12-09 14:55 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... lu pigi itu banker kui pinya website lah. end of day report. tapi mau jaga jaga. kadang kadang itu banker kui pun tipu tarak kasi semua number sana. to know the existing, take for example, the latest C48 transaction 441,100k. that is one "smart" player buying off the banker kui hand. kikiki.


2016-12-09 14:48 | Report Abuse

aiyooo shermen... the transaction banker kui buying or selling is very obvious. plus the end of day report will let you know their position. kikiki.


2016-12-09 14:46 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... proven again and again. numbers don't lie loh. kikiki.


2016-12-09 14:43 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... kalu bukan tipu, apa macam achieve great result? lu ingat itu lui jatuh dari langit kah? lu Tanya sama semua olang sini... berapa olang ala minang pinya? simua kina bakar kau kau. satu dunia hijau, banker kui pigang manyak H dari C... ah seng boleh merah. apa logic? bukan tipu kah? wakakaka.


2016-12-09 14:34 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... tuapekkong sana average PE 33X. ah seng sana average PE 12X. itu banker kui mau tipu cakap mau tipu lah. tapi tarak apa, sini manyak ikan bilis suka kijar kijar pinya. kikiki.


2016-12-09 14:28 | Report Abuse

aiyooo naga... ini ah seng tarak boleh main lagi loh. itu banker kui butut butut manyak kuat tipu. satu dunia hijau, lia kasi merah sibab lia pigang lebih H. kasi player pigang C mati kudasai. butut butut manyak jahat pinya olang. angkat lui pigi main india pinya saham lagi bagut. patut lah manyak fund manager mau lali dari sana. kuikuikui.


2016-12-09 11:34 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... wa mau dengar jacky pinya lagu lah. kikiki.


2016-12-09 11:24 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... hot plate kah? nanti jari juga kina hot hot loh. but I got your message and I do hope you are right. kikiki.


2016-12-09 11:19 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... ah lui kor... wa ikan leh. mana ala finger loh. watch the banker kui closely. kikiki.


2016-12-09 11:16 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... wa tau lu sikalang ala perancis pinya girlpren... nama punkasi tukat perancis kah? itu banker kui mana ala manyak baik hati ini macam loh. kikiki.


2016-12-09 11:14 | Report Abuse

aiyooo flyingkite.... market is still bullish. but player keep chasing C, banker hepi hepi sell them loh. if market bearish, today turun 300+ point liao loh. after banker kui hepi hepi sell C and buy back H, lu ingat iu banker kui mau kasi tolak itu market kah? wakakaka.


2016-12-09 11:10 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... watch also doing work lah. you think watching porn kah? you need to see what is the banker kui action lah. only buy can have action meh? wakakaka.


2016-12-09 11:06 | Report Abuse

aiyooo tangen... you back and read the woodcutter story lah. tin kosong kah? wakaka.


2016-12-09 11:04 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... there are times to sit and watch and there are time for action. action without knowing is only a ticket to lose money. you prefer to be tin kosong or you prefer tin pun kena kasi sama banker? wakakaka.


2016-12-09 11:00 | Report Abuse

aiyooo tangen... wa luluk tipi tipi... mau tengok wayang mah. tarak payah bili ticket pinya loh. tengok olang kasi itu banker kui tipu. kikiki.


2016-12-09 10:55 | Report Abuse

aiyooo shermen... dia kasi sana jugak itu ah seng duduk hor... lama lama pun simua kati kudasai loh. many thought that they are better than the banker and could beat the system. bongok... you all think the banker profit come from the sky kah? wakaka.


2016-12-09 10:49 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... ah seng masih pondan lagi kah? itu C bili pinya olang lagi tarak picaya kah? masih mau kijar lagi kah? kasi tengelam sama dia loh. that is the power of banker kui... satu dunia hijau, dia boleh kasi merah. kuikuikui.


2016-12-08 16:24 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... lagi mau panggil dia olang naik kapal tengelam kah? jangan lah. tunggu itu banker kui bili balik dulu. sikalang banker kui masih juat itu C leh. kikiki.


2016-12-08 15:57 | Report Abuse

apa macam? mau kijar lagi boh? kikiki.


2016-12-08 15:55 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo ah lui kor... itu C manyak berat. olang pigi kijar kijar, sikalang mau tengelam sama sama loh. kuikuikui.


2016-12-08 07:45 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo ah lui kor... itu ketam ketam counter hor... was once a darling in bursa. Manyak garang pinya lanun... dia boleh naik sampai twin tower pun kalah tapi bila not ready... can crawl under the rock and mud. Misti mau ada patience kalu mau tangkap ketam manyak daging pinya. Kikiki.


2016-12-08 07:28 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo ah lui kor... itu rakan semua bagut bagut. Minggu lepas dia olang declared 100% winning rate. Tapi wa in out meeting pasat project. Kikiki.


2016-12-08 07:20 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo ah lui kor... wa pun manyak sibuk loh. Ini ah seng, wa boleh untung K saja tapi wa pinya project wa boleh untung M. Tapi itu group dalam tiligram ala manyak bising tiap tiap hali masuk keluar. Hali hali ketawa busat. Kikiki.


2016-12-08 07:08 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo ah lui kor... ini macam kalu, ah seng mau pigi itu Mars liao loh. Bulan pun manyak dekat hor. Banker kui sudah kasi bikin dia pinya stock sui sui simalam. Sikalang lu sudah balik, wa boleh pigi titun. Wa pinya assignment sini sudah habit liao. Kikiki.


2016-12-07 17:23 | Report Abuse

Connie leng lui... tumpang lalu sikit. wa mau kasi twobits a short message.

Twobit sifu... followup to what I mentioned in my previous email, and if my data is correct, ah seng would be singing a different tune. Previously was down fast and up slow as mentioned... but I believe starting tomolo or even tonight, the tune will be change to up fast down slow. Hope that would help in your wave surfing. cheerio!


2016-12-05 17:14 | Report Abuse

okay... wa masuk balik wa pinya cave liao. happy trading and always huat huat. kikiki.


2016-12-05 17:11 | Report Abuse

aiyooo flyingkite... manyak berani loh lu. naik kapal lanun. tapi tak apa. harap itu lanun boleh kasi balik sama banker kui loh. kikiki.


2016-12-05 17:08 | Report Abuse

aiyooo 2bits... when you see the news, tell me what are the elements that could cause another whirlpool? ada kah? brexit over. trump over. Italy over. Austria over. even new Zealand kee poh chee also over. only one more event and the market already factor that in. economic reports.... most are in positive territory. apa macam? mau kasi tembak itu trump kasi koboi hangus kah? kikiki.


2016-12-05 17:04 | Report Abuse

aiyooo gigy... nasib baik itu nama ala chun sikit... silap silap nanti gg... I would give the same advise as Duit. Don't focus on H but focus on C. However, don't rush in to buy and set your entry target as well as cut loss level. The market will ding dong with favour to uptrend. No need to be kiasu and chase the market like money has no value. I think that should be clear enough. kikiki.


2016-12-05 16:59 | Report Abuse

aiyooo 2bits... itu ombak kasi naik mah... whirlpool balu kasi tengelam loh. lu surf ombak atas air kah lu surf underwater? kikiki.


2016-12-05 16:58 | Report Abuse

aiyooo shermen... nasib baik lu pinya avatar ala chun sikit. lu pigi baca itu news apa itu EU cakap mah. Yes kah No kah... EU masih lagi sapot sama itu itali loh. kikiki.


2016-12-05 16:56 | Report Abuse

aiyooo gigy... wa cakap kanan, lu cakap kiri liao loh. kuikuikui.