
StingRay | Joined since 2015-11-12

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2016-12-05 16:50 | Report Abuse

woi flyingkite... hope you understand my earlier message when I say don't focus on H but see chun chun enter market hor. kikiki.


2016-12-05 16:45 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... wa besok mau makan apa pun tarak tau... Christmas lagi tarak tau. anyway, in June, I have mentioned ah seng will hit 23k in Sept... ala olang kitawa sama wa. tak apa loh. he who laugh last laugh the loudest mah. wakaka.


2016-12-05 16:39 | Report Abuse

aiyooo gigy... wa ikan saja mah. mana tau main share market leh? wa pinya kawan sotong manyak chun world cup tapi lau sai predict market loh. The way I look at it, beside the federal reserve rate hike, most of the negative element has been taken out one by one. Even the rate hike has been factored in by the market. If itu EU lagi mau kasi cheap money with their infinity QE... itu ombak sampai... panjat pokok kelapa pun boleh kena air loh. So, wa pinya nasihat... pegang kuat kuat tengok itu ombak bila mau sampai loh. kikiki.


2016-12-05 16:34 | Report Abuse

aiyooo burung... as promised to duit, I just want to do my part in being the alarm if the tide goes the other way lah. So, I have done my duty and will hibernate back in my cave again loh. kikiki.


2016-12-05 16:29 | Report Abuse

aiyooo 2bits sifu... as mentioned in my email... tight range. market is bullish but banker heavy with H and the end will be... sana jugak. Not much meat. However, give you a head up... the momentum is changing as banker not able to seduce player to buy more H. Tarak jual tarak untung hor. kikiki.


2016-12-05 15:22 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... fairplayer... naga purposely make noise because when a person with good intention make noise was made fun of. I don't see you complaint as well? now you want to complaint about naga kah? let everyone have some fun.


2016-12-05 15:03 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ayam sifu... wa pinya team sudah manyak kali Nampak itu cbbc banker kui main wayang loh. kikiki.


2016-12-05 14:58 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ayam sifu... wa pinya nasihat on cbbc... jangan picaya 100% sama lia. manyak tipu punya. itu banker kui sedili makan sendili kasi bikin to nombor sui sui mau jerat player pinya. kikiki.


2016-12-05 12:14 | Report Abuse

woi flyingkite... before I signoff... my only advise is... don't look at H lah. Gamble kurang sikit tarak mati punya. Monitor closely banker's hand and move in at a good level then baru ada meat mah. Minang 1 2 sen kalah 10 sen. mati loh. ok... sayonara. kikiki.


2016-12-05 12:11 | Report Abuse

aiyooo naga... biasa lah. simua herd mentality pinya. tarak tengok mana mau lari. terjun gaung pun simua ikut buta buta. kikiki.


2016-12-05 12:08 | Report Abuse

woi.. flyingkite... wa luluk tipi tipi tunggu masa saja. been tied down with other things so not able to monitor closely. rely on my group in the telegram cave to update saja. kikiki.


2016-12-05 12:07 | Report Abuse

wakakaka... that I cant help you loh. don't be lazy and keep reading more and understand how market work lah. kikiki.


2016-12-05 11:57 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... sudah manyak kali explain lagi mau explain lagi kah? OK... one final time...

When you buy a put or call warrant... who gets the money? Banker... right? Using that money, they use to bet against you but shorting or long the future as your put and call warrant price is based on the future index. Do you know how many put and call warrant the banker issued all over the globe? Imagine this... they use your money to bet against you hor. Bear in mind, they too can short or long the cash market. Study the fluctuation of the call and put warrant price and cash price... maybe you can see some light in that. Yeah... you mentioned billions... but that billions are contribution of the people in the market. Using your money to make your money. wakakaka.


2016-12-05 10:29 | Report Abuse

Woi 2bits sifu... to answer to your question... the market should be bullish but bankers will not allow that if it is not to their favour. So, trade with care and good luck. kikiki.


2016-12-05 10:26 | Report Abuse

Woi 2bits sifu... just track the banker's hand lah. 3 C sold out to players and most of the H in banker's hand. What you think the banker running a charity home kah? If they do that, how would it be possible for them to show year after year of improve profit? profit fall from the sky is it? At the moment, up will be slow and down will be fast. if the banker's position remain heavy in H, then you should know what would be their main objective loh.

Lim123 tried to warn the people here even when he was in C. Glad that some of the people chase after C this morning and those that is prepared for this action manage to sell off at a higher price. Now waiting to see what is banker's action.

So yeah... laugh all you may but the person that laugh last laugh loudest loh. kikiki.


2016-12-05 09:57 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo... ketawa lagi kah? ah lim kor bukan tuhan tapi lia play by the rules lah. lia manyak bagut pinya student loh. macam mana? sudah untung kah? lagi pigi kijar tinggi tinggi awal pagi kah? kikiki.


2016-12-01 12:51 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo ah lui kor... sini reban jugak lu lepak kah? Wa sikalang butut butut sibuk loh. Itu harga minyak mau cecah langit. Apa macam? Apa boleh poh? Lebah kah tebuan? Kikiki.


2016-11-18 17:18 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... ah lui kor... nanti wa kasi hadiah... kapak karat... to be hand over to you by Naga. wakaka.


2016-11-18 17:17 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... how can you make money if you predict the market wrongly? kikiki. chicken and egg. give that some thought over the weekend.


2016-11-18 17:15 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor... I would be extremely surprise if you have not made that move. kikiki.


2016-11-18 17:14 | Report Abuse

aiyooo shermen... that would depend on each individual loh. what is quality to you? making money or to satisfy your urge or addiction of predicting the market correctly. kikiki.


2016-11-18 17:03 | Report Abuse

okay lah... wa ini hali ada sikit hepi... wa mau bagi cerita sikit. kikiki.

"A long long time ago, there are 2 wood cutters. One is extremely hard working. Chopping wood from dawn to dusk and only stop for meals. No other matter would stop him from chopping wood... day in day out. At the end of the day, this wood cutter will be too tired for other things. On the other hand, the other wood cutter would also chop wood but every now and then he would stop to take a break and sharpen his axe. At the end of the day, the second wood cutter is not as tired as the first wood cutter and able to enjoy the evening with the people he cared very much. However, to some people, they would assumed that the second wood cutter is a lazy bugger. Stopping every once in a while when he should be chopping wood like the first wood cutter. Until one day... an observer noticed that the quantity of wood being chop by both the 2 wood cutters are similar and in certain occasion, the second wood cutter produced more wood. Why???"

Just remember this... in investment... it is not in the quantity of trade but quality of trade that would give you good result. At times, a good player would need to take a step back and fine tune his/her strategy. Strengthen the weakness in the method just as the second wood cutter... rest and sharpening the axe. You get better result with less effort with better tools.

So, do heed some of the advise that was given to you by all the sifus here. Otherwise, there is no point of coming here and waste your time reading cause you never listen anyway. Wakaka.


2016-11-18 16:44 | Report Abuse

aiyooo Sherman... in investment hor... you don't buy and hope leh. you look at all the indicators and events that is currently happening throughout the world market. do you see anything that will make ah seng drop 300 pts or not? kikiki.


2016-11-18 10:48 | Report Abuse

aiyooo fairplayer... ini macam kah? okay loh. kikiki.


2016-11-18 10:43 | Report Abuse

aiyooo fairplayer... itu ah seng mau bikin itu shenzen connect roadshow loh. kalu kasi itu ah seng lau sai... mana ala olang tongsan mau minat leh? itu tuapekkong dulu lausai satu kali kau kau... ini kalu ah seng kasi lausai masa bikin roadshow... tarak business liao loh. kikiki.


2016-11-17 07:07 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo... macha bro... itu common term pakai sini jugak. Lebah itu C dan tebuan itu H. Kikiki.


2016-11-17 06:30 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo... bbchan kor... chun chun untuk scenario 1 & 2. Scenario 3 ada sikit lain. Scenario 3 adalah nang bo ti nang, kui bo ti kui. Mau naik tarak boleh.. mau turun tarak boleh. Player hali hali duduk sana kasi parking fee due to decaying price. Kalu turun banyak, player masih boleh untung kasi bili tebuan. Ini, lebah sama tebuan... dua dua kina tanam. Tuapekkong mau kasi naik tapi banker kui mau kasi turun. Golek sini, golek sana... last last itu lubang kubur jugak kasi masuk. Kikiki.


2016-11-16 23:50 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo ah lui kor... itu lembu sama beruang hor... refer to cash market index leh. Itu future tarak untuk lebah sama tebuan saja. Wa sikalang harap scenario 2 (most likely) tapi ada sikit bimbang itu scenario 3 akan jadi. Itu banker kui sudah cuba manyak kuat mau makan itu lebah tapi tarak cukup leh. Last last banker kui kasi jual balik lebah sama player liao. Mau tengok besok mana satu scenario mau main. Kalu scenario 3 main... manyak jialat liao. Kalu scenario 2 main... manyak cepat scenario 1 mau start loh. Sikalang itu banker kui masih manyak berat sama H loh. Kikiki.


2016-11-16 10:58 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor. sikalang lu sama wa pinya target untuk hujung tahun sudah match liao. kikiki.


2016-11-11 22:17 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo flyingkite... dont give up hope. Though the future may point lower, the cash market is still up there. Lu pun tau itu banker kui manyak pandai tipu olang punya. Sometimes... miracle do happen. Kikiki.


2016-11-11 21:32 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo flyingkite... tengok dulu sebelum terjun loh. Tengok itu ah seng buka dekat level mana dulu mah. Silap terjun nanti lagi teruk. Tapi wa tengok, itu 22k sana ada trump bikin punya tembok lah. Lagi... ini dua tiga hari, tuapekkong ada kasi sapot sikit. Tadi ah seng pinya data oun ada sui sui. Tapi kalu mau naik banyak... ada sikit susah. Mau turun banyak cepat tapi tengok itu trump pinya tembok boleh kasi tahan kah. Kalu ah seng isnin buka kedai terus junam, lu mau juat pun tarak guna. Tengok ini weekend ala cerita bagut bagut itu tuapekkong kasi or not. Kikiki.


2016-11-11 21:21 | Report Abuse

Woi flyingkite... lu pegang C kah? Kuikuikui.


2016-11-11 21:15 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo flyingkite... ini macam susah loh. Ayam boleh tenggek lah... wa ikan... macam mana mau tenggek sini? Sini banyak sifu sifu kau kau punya mah. Wa ikan bilis saja... mana berani mau cerita lebih. Okay... wa kasi tau lu hor... itu banker kui super heavy dengan H. Player banyak pegang sama C. 2 C habit jual... lagi satu kurang setengah tangki saja. Lu paham lah wa punya message. Kikiki.


2016-11-11 20:57 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo flyingkite... wa ikan mah. Suka mau berenang sana sini loh. Tarak boleh satu tempat. Tapi bila wa ala senang... wa ala mali kasi baca sikit sini punya posting. Kalu wa ala nampak ala senget, wa kasi sound siren sikit loh. Wa mana tau main share leh. Wa cuma cakap cakap kosong saja. Mau dengar ka... tarak mau dengar ka... wa tarak paksa loh. Kikiki.


2016-11-11 18:47 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo... wa ada RM sama USD loh. Sikit sikit untung nia. Kikiki.


2016-11-11 18:36 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo... ah lui kor... have a wonderful vacation. Nanti balik, we hentam again. Kikiki.

Wa tarak tau lah, berapa olang ada baca wa punya message... tapi wa sudah bikin wa punya dutylah. Sekalang wa pun tarak mau bikin bunyi lagi. Wa mau ucap sama lu olang... happy trading and best of luck all the way. Huat ahhh.

Posted by StingRay > Nov 9, 2016 07:03 PM | Report Abuse X

aiyooo... ah lui kor... itu trump menang wa jugak ada cakap mah. tapi tarak cakap apasat itu ah seng mau lompat keluar lubang kubur mah. tapi hor... wa mau kasi sound sikit hor... jangan buru buru pigi bili itu C dulu hor. wa rasa ada lagi satu dip leh. kikiki.


2016-11-09 19:03 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... ah lui kor... itu trump menang wa jugak ada cakap mah. tapi tarak cakap apasat itu ah seng mau lompat keluar lubang kubur mah. tapi hor... wa mau kasi sound sikit hor... jangan buru buru pigi bili itu C dulu hor. wa rasa ada lagi satu dip leh. kikiki.


2016-11-09 18:26 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... ah lui kor... lu tarak kasi sound sama wa kah? kikiki.


2016-11-08 16:18 | Report Abuse

aiyooo fairplayer... asal untung bagut loh. kikiki.


2016-11-08 16:07 | Report Abuse

woi... fairplayer... sudah juat kah? kalu belum juat, ingat mau angkat untung hor. kikiki.


2016-11-08 12:19 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... fairplayer... itu pasat wa cakap lu manyak alert loh. tadi pagi wa sudah sound mah. tapi wa tarak tengok lu juat lu pinya H loh. kemudian baru ada baca lu sudah juat. wa hati pun ala lega. itu masa kalu kasi switch partner, lagi chun loh. kikiki.


2016-11-08 12:11 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... ah lui kor... wa punya cave tarak pintu pinya loh. senang mau lari keluar berak mah. kikiki.


2016-11-08 12:05 | Report Abuse

aiyooo fairplayer... very alert lah lu. good... good... kikiki.


2016-11-08 11:05 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... ah lui kor... orait. wa meet u at cave later. kikiki.


2016-11-08 11:00 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... ini macam wa pun mau tiam tiam liao loh. tapi wa sudah kasi sound sama lu liao. kikiki.


2016-11-08 10:55 | Report Abuse

woi ah lui kor... lu mana pigi? jangan goyang kaki banyak sangat. mau masuk sikit sikit loh. tapi opposite lu pinya. kikiki.


2016-11-07 17:19 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah lui kor. mai kia lah. sudah susah bikin analysis, mau ala konfiden mah. lu mau trump menang kah? mau kasi itu H limit up macam itu brexit kah? kikiki.


2016-11-07 17:02 | Report Abuse

aiyooo... ah lui kor. lu manyak konfiden itu ah seng mau mali bulan kah? kikiki.


2016-11-04 18:12 | Report Abuse

aiyooo ah rob kor... wa tengah hari sudah kasi sound siren kuat kuat mah. wa sudah janji sama sini pinya olang.... kalu wa tengok tarak bagut, wa buka mulut loh. mau picaya bagut loh. tarak mau picaya, wa tarak rugi jugak. kikiki.


2016-11-04 18:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyooo ah rob kor... market really love people like you. kikiki.