
SuperPanda | Joined since 2017-05-13

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2020-03-18 11:59 | Report Abuse

paktua still buying and ave down but im not.. and i dont have dayang share like rr88


2020-03-18 11:54 | Report Abuse

your hope will vanish in the air, 60c coming soon, end next month will be 50c
rr88 MACD will stage a crossover in 3 days. By then it will jump > 20 cents. Keep on buying within these 3 days.
18/03/2020 11:27 AM


2020-03-18 10:29 | Report Abuse

keep your cash.. keep your cash.. dont buy in yet, pls check out what the us economy expert says abt the debt market, the 0% rate failure, the QE failure and now the liquidity stimulus which seems to fail too

arent you people reading and listening?? it can save you from bigger loss, spend time to read, listen and understand, do it now.


2020-03-18 10:23 | Report Abuse

next month when all the additional millions barrel load to market, the price will go even lower, the tension will rise and market will dump more shares

dayang for sure will back to below 60c again, it will be coming soon


2020-03-18 10:19 | Report Abuse

rr88 has stakes in dayang and think it was the right decision to go in again, now become promoter

unfortunately, many like him still unable to understand the situation

you only can buy oil stock when supply is low and demand is high..that will be the right time to go in and now is not


2020-03-18 10:11 | Report Abuse

apanama should sell like bullrun sold at .17, bullrun should be glad he made correct decision


2020-03-18 10:04 | Report Abuse

whoever bought at .14c - .16c should sell if they have chance, us economy just about to collapse soon, every coming week signal become more clear, its not what i see, its the economy expert itself


2020-03-18 09:29 | Report Abuse

apanama has bought back and now become promoter, im not yet buying and still hold to my stand - recession is coming and market will further drop

i disagree with apanama stating that arabs cant stand low oil price.. of course they can.. their production cost is the lowest in the world.. less than 10usd

and us shale is the highest, so its easy to predict whom going to be out of business soon


2020-03-18 00:46 | Report Abuse

i already knew dayang will continue drop last week and remind here but some still not able to understand the situation we are facing causing them to buy low and sell lower later

Mar 13, 2020 1:12 AM | Report Abuse

we have give warning but some dont want to follow, so have to face the consequences

Mar 13, 2020 1:10 AM | Report Abuse

no matter how rich you are, do not against the market force

Mar 12, 2020 11:03 AM | Report Abuse

every trade day it will come down slowly and then final destination will be in the peak of crisis which is?

a) 80c
b) 70c
c) 60c
d) rm3

Mar 7, 2020 6:50 AM | Report Abuse

next week sure will be below rm2 as oil is -4.46 in a day trade... you think market can hold above 2? market is sensitive and it will react


2020-03-18 00:36 | Report Abuse

you will not see a v shape until recession is over and that might take another 6 to 24 mths later, might even longer

your money will stuck and you will be out of cash

the best approach now is to let the market run its course until the peak of crisis

and the crisis im talking about is not the virus effect alone, but the bubble in usa market which going to explode soon


2020-03-18 00:31 | Report Abuse

0.02 is not impossible if usa economy burst but the outcome may surprise all... that oil will be up back again when supply is short


2020-03-18 00:27 | Report Abuse

oil will be pressed down further and next month will be harder.. oil cant up when supply is high and demand is low..

if you want high oil price, you need to increase demand and cut the supply, this will not happen until most of high cost drillers out of business.. the first that go to bankrupt will be shale oil

the rest will be hold to its feet if it can meet their obligation in paying their debt, if not they will face risk of default


2020-03-18 00:19 | Report Abuse

if you know can get cheaper, why hurry buying at high, thats why im still not buying

ive been stockpiling my cash for better bargain later


2020-03-17 23:18 | Report Abuse

oil is just another commodity, demand supply curve like face mask and hand sanitiser now, low supply high demand price go up vice versa


2020-03-17 23:07 | Report Abuse

if you think now is cheap, wait next mth


2020-03-17 22:58 | Report Abuse

bcoz can get 10c later


2020-03-17 22:58 | Report Abuse

14c for me still expensive


2020-03-17 18:58 | Report Abuse

there is no good news for now, no for the virus and no for the world economic esp usa economy

700b QE also not help to sustain market, what else usa can do?

the answer is market will be lower and lowest


2020-03-17 18:51 | Report Abuse

as market continue falling, so do the price, 10c is coming to us, be ready


2020-03-17 18:49 | Report Abuse

no need to agree with me, see it to believe it, it will come soon, recession has just started and it will come badly this time


2020-03-17 18:06 | Report Abuse

i wait below rm1 to buy


2020-03-17 18:00 | Report Abuse

oil producer now running on -ve margin, shale oil will be the first to suffer, big players will review contracts and cut expenditure budget, service provider once again will be back in trouble..


2020-03-17 17:52 | Report Abuse

next month when report out, with the rise output from saudi and co, do you think oil price will jump?

the technical rebound is faking for another dive, see it to believe it


2020-03-17 17:45 | Report Abuse

next couple mth when oversupply oil fill the market, oil will drop to the bottom as 1998 financial crisis

if that time comes, dayang will be 40c-50c only


2020-03-17 17:40 | Report Abuse

dow will continue fall, 18k soon, then 15k and so on, it has never been such drop like this before and you can expect what will be coming


2020-03-17 17:37 | Report Abuse

its not the virus issue alone, the virus is the pin to the bubble that been build up for the last 9 years

the fundamental is on the problem with largest economic in the world when debt in trillions and printing money will not help then this time, it will collapse

keep cash.. keep cash.. keep cash.. long way to go


2020-03-17 17:18 | Report Abuse

it was said that us that dollar will collapse and they had to print more money to save the economy... it will fail

ive been keeping cash and wait to buy later, possibly 40c later


2020-03-17 17:11 | Report Abuse

its not my own view, it has been predicted by 1% of us economic expert which predict the prev crisis and now he predict it right again (0% rate and QE) .. and i was right to follow his advise on current market direction and inform people here that it will break 70c..

lol, it really break below 70c..
SuperPanda if you ave is above 70, better sell to take profit before it turn to paper loss,.. then buy back below 70 and keep probably till end year to gain back above 90c

if this work as plan, you wont lose a penny and even can earn more
12/03/2020 10:58 AM


2020-03-17 16:53 | Report Abuse

when us fed set rate to 0% it has been predicted that they will do that and when the approach taken, it has been said too it will not help market so they proceed with QE

and it has been predicted too that QE will fail


2020-03-17 16:50 | Report Abuse

my insight and share here is based on the expert that predicts correctly for this coming crisis, its up to you to believe or not

i have cl at .335 from .375 ave and i was right not to buy back until now

it not based on my sole knowledge as im not the expect


2020-03-17 09:03 | Report Abuse

will drop below 50c for sure, market will give 80-90% discount when recession


2020-03-17 08:32 | Report Abuse

stop buying now, if you wait longer you can buy cheaper when market drop to the level as previous asian financial crisis or sars


2020-03-17 08:31 | Report Abuse

many people still dont get the big picture, the virus is just the trigger of the bubble built past 9 years, the main issue is us dollar will be collapse, its a fake money and fake economy with trillions of debt

dow moving towards below 10k pts, keep your cash, its just started, market will be 70-90% discount bcoz this time of recession will be bigger than the past


2020-03-17 08:09 | Report Abuse

us dollar will collapse and lost value, its fake money and fake economy, it cant hold the bubble anymore, trillions of debt, it cant be saved now


2020-03-17 08:06 | Report Abuse

bursa will be below 500 pts, stop buying now, just wait and be patient

oil will rebound back once shale oil out of business


2020-03-16 23:36 | Report Abuse

if recession really comes due to us bubble, we might see dow at 7k pts and bursa 200 pts only


2020-03-16 14:10 | Report Abuse

you will see armada .10 next month


2020-03-16 14:08 | Report Abuse

usa economy will burst, dolar will collapse, welcome to recession


2020-03-16 14:06 | Report Abuse

i have remind bursa will below 1200 soon, then 1k


2020-03-16 14:05 | Report Abuse

why rush buy now, next mth can buy below 50c


2020-03-14 12:39 | Report Abuse

60c might happen, along the way ups and downs is for you to short, can win but most probably lost


2020-03-14 12:37 | Report Abuse

technical rebound just another cycle for another drop, dow will move below 20k pts and bursa will be below 1.2k pts soon

slowly will become obvious, world is in serious pandemic disease, even in msia no of cases getting higher


2020-03-14 12:32 | Report Abuse

next mth when saudi output load into market, oil will move below 30usd


2020-03-14 12:30 | Report Abuse

bursa will below 1.2k pts by then


2020-03-14 12:30 | Report Abuse

trump declare national emergency, usa and europe cases increases

dow direction towards below 20k pts still on track


2020-03-13 11:58 | Report Abuse

us shale will first to die if oil remain below 40


2020-03-13 11:57 | Report Abuse

bullrun, wait until shale oil out of business, then oil will up back


2020-03-13 11:07 | Report Abuse

been warned of what would coming, like spinninglotus predict correctly on impairment, somehow he’s already gone, bursa casualty?


2020-03-13 01:23 | Report Abuse

buy would not based on price, but timing, only buy once less supply, high demand, when? discover it yourself


2020-03-13 01:18 | Report Abuse

should have run earlier but better late than never