
ToneeFa | Joined since 2020-08-03

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2021-07-30 14:08 | Report Abuse

@MoneyMakers Tonee Will get some chips/tuna sandwich ready 4 the coming QR massacre..should be great slaughterfest
30/07/2021 2:00 PM could hardly be called a slaughterfest, after all its only the chopping of your little weenie, quite a non event actually.


2021-07-30 13:52 | Report Abuse

@Citadel9999 @tunafa u said last time Ur cost around 3.1 because u average down heavily at 3.05. so u sold or still holding??
30/07/2021 1:47 PM

Haha, as I said, my chicken feed investment is hardly worth discussing. Whether I still buy or sell have no impact on Supermax price at all.


2021-07-30 13:45 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-07-30 13:42 | Report Abuse

@Citadel9999 answer my question leh toonefa , u sold or add more??
30/07/2021 1:33 PM

Haha Citadel-seikau, I m nobody la, my investment is chicken feed , not worth to mention here at all. I m just giving free opinion to lend moral support to Supermax supporters as a hobby only. Just like u giving your alternative Devil's advocate's view FOC as a hobby too.


2021-07-30 13:32 | Report Abuse

@pjseow Kossan capacity increased to 42 billions from.current 32 billion per annum by end of 2022 . Supermx capacity will be increased to 36 billions per annum by end of this year and 48 billions by end of 2022 from the current 26 billions per annum. That means supermx will surpass Kossan in terms of capacity by end of 2022 besides having another source of income from the supermx distribution business.
30/07/2021 11:40 AM

Good you reminded us pjseow. Supermax end of 2021 will overtake Kossan alrdy and then overtake another time by end 2022. End 2021, capacity will increase by 38% from 26b to 36b. If ASP can maintain thru to 2022 then revenue should increase by 38%.

Now lets do another simple maths:
US population = 332mil , latest fully vaccinated = 49.3 % or 163 mil ppl.
So unvaccinated = 169mil ppl
If in next 6 months 20%(conservative est) of unvaccinated ppl got infected = 33,800,000 ppl
divide that by 180 days(6 months daily average) = 187,770 mean average new cases per day.
As of now the latest daily cases in US has touched 92,000, still far from the estimated mean average over 6 months. Which means at peak of this wave, we may witness 300,000+ peak daily cases in US in 3-4 months time. Looks like US may need to impose more lockdowns eventually when cases surge very high to control the situation. They are also seeing >50% of hospital cases needing ICU treatment now. How much glove do u think US will need for this wave?, and subsequently may need to order huge amount of stock pile to counter future variants.

That's why I believe, bcos of the Delta effect, the ASP will not go further down , and may even go back up or maintain at elevated level for the next 6-12 months or even longer. Imagine this would be repeated in many other countries with low vaccination rate. We are alrdy witnessing now the building up of daily cases in many countries. The global demand for gloves will be unprecedented in the history of mankind from 4Q 2021 going into and thru 2022. Therefore China glove have no impact bcos they may struggle to meet demand too. Moreover, US and UK may buy from China only as a last resort , only if others cannot meet their demand.

Therefore, likely the 38% increase in capacity by Supermax end 2021 will lead to 38% increase in revenue by 3QFY22. If base on last QR revenue of ard 2b then = 2.7b revenue.


2021-07-30 12:36 | Report Abuse

@Citadel9999 genetec new high gloves new low, mata buta and otak rosak??
30/07/2021 12:07 PM

Wow Citadel-seikau, u r real genius investor , I hope u got buy a lot of Genetec.


2021-07-29 23:58 | Report Abuse

MM, sure, the last 3 months there were drop in daily cases, hospitalization and death in US, UK and Europe. So glove demand was reduced causing ASP to drop. But in the next 6 months, we are going to see huge surges of daily cases and hospitalization again, but not limited to the few countries but would involve 3-4 times more countries than before, esp developing countries. Quite possibly the daily cases will exceed 1 mil / day later., a record milestone.


2021-07-29 23:25 | Report Abuse

yes agree winterwolf, tmr morning we likely see a new high again , possibly breaking or close to breaking the 700k mark for global new cases. As mentioned before, US in on the way to 100k+ daily cases soon. Unlike the May spike which was dominated by India, this time the surge is much more wide base geographically compared to even last year. Daily death yesterday exceed 10k mark. Meaning, many countries around the world will be in need of gloves desperately soon, if not happening alrdy. They will definitely need to stock pile lots of gloves, just in case things get out of control. There is likelihood lead time may start to get stretched again. Many countries, especially those with low vaccination rate will need to order lots of gloves for stock piling early, in case there is shortage. They need to standby for vaccination and treatment purpose.


2021-07-29 22:40 | Report Abuse

@myinvestor US new cases exceed 100k.
29/07/2021 9:28 PM

I think that is weekly cumulative number. So far for today its only 3k+


2021-07-29 03:35 | Report Abuse

Delta surge: How a Covid-weary world is facing a distressing reality check

Just a few weeks ago, much of the world seemed poised to leave Covid behind.
US President Joe Biden declared the US close to independence from the virus. Britons hit the dance floor to celebrate “Freedom Day.” Singapore’s legendarily strict government signaled it would begin to loosen its zero-cases approach and make life and travel more manageable.
But if those places were ready to be done with Covid, Covid wasn’t done with them.

Around the globe, people and governments are finding out that Covid won’t be thrashed into extinction, but is more likely to enter a long, endemic tail. With that will come delayed recoveries in the places that have had the least access to vaccines. And vaccine- and resource-rich countries will still face their own health and economic aftershocks, as the US and UK are discovering.

The virus is going to do what it wants to do,” said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, “and not what we want to do.”

But after racing ahead, the now-stalled US vaccine campaign will take eight or nine months to reach 75% coverage because of entrenched pockets of vaccine resistance in parts of the country. Other places are in more dire straits: Indonesia, with a raging outbreak, is a year and a half away. India will need another year, at its current rate. In Africa, countries like Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa are at least a year away — or far longer, according to Bloomberg’s analysis.

Inequitable distribution of vaccines also could enable the virus to keep circulating and spawn more worrisome variants that could escape the immune protection from vaccines and pose a threat to everyone, including rich countries. That would be especially alarming if those strains advance at the start of winter, when conditions are ripe for respiratory viruses.
“We are letting this virus run wild in most of the world,” said Saad Omer, director of the Yale Institute for Global Health.

What we’re seeing is irrational exuberance,” said Bruce Aylward, a senior adviser to the WHO. The view instead should be “cautious optimism,” he said.
“We’re in the heat of the battle with an enemy that we’re only starting to understand and come to grips with,” he said.

We’re still early in this fight,” Moss said. “We are going to continue to see widespread transmission in most countries in the world.”
After more than 4 million deaths and almost 200 million cases, the world is weary.

And like a track sprinter easing up too soon before the finish line, leaders and people around the world have been too quick to want to declare an end — or the beginning of the end — to the pandemic. The 1918 influenza pandemic that killed 50 million people before it burned out had three major waves running from March of that year to the summer of 1919, according to the CDC. Meanwhile, vaccination campaigns against other major viral diseases have taken many years to reach the far corners of the world. More than 60 years after the first polio vaccines, rare cases of polio still occur in some countries.
“Wanting the pandemic to be over has really caused many people to just not face the facts,” said Osterholm, the University of Minnesota infectious disease expert. “I don’t think the final script has been written for this pandemic at all.”
Its like what I have been saying all along.


2021-07-28 21:33 | Report Abuse

I think tmr morning we shall see a new high for global daily cases and death. Things seems to hint at >600k++ and death > 10k


2021-07-28 21:31 | Report Abuse

While young people are generally at a much lower risk of dying from Covid, doctors say they are increasingly witnessing them become severely unwell. Dr Samantha Batt-Rawden, senior intensive care registrar, said the patients they were seeing were “getting younger and younger”.

The latest data from the Office for National Statistics shows that coronavirus in England is now largely an infection among young adults, with cases in 16- to 24-year-olds almost six times more common than in 50- to 69-year-olds.

n Australia, the Nobel prize-winning immunologist, Peter Doherty, said on Sunday: “Young people are at considerable risk and at higher risk than with the earlier variants of Covid. Young people shouldn’t think they’re at no risk or even minimal risks. Because it’s going to kill.”

Stupeed Boris has underestimated Delta. He will regret his decision to open up. He is allowing the virus to spread into every nooks and crannies in UK, searching out all the unvaccinated and immunocompromised ppl. Many of their young ppl will suffer. Likely the next more powerful variant will rise up from UK. Only way to save them is for UK to buy more gloves than before.


2021-07-28 17:34 | Report Abuse

@Maridien2 Ya Toneefa, sharks taiko making a statement. I suka up then up, suka down then down you blow ah...
28/07/2021 5:07 PM

Something happened at 3.29 maybe operators are rolling over the shares or something. 6 mil units on a single transaction. That's not normal.


2021-07-28 17:26 | Report Abuse

NatsukoMishima Hope super thursday tomorrow ! Health care FA will beat tech stocks especially genetec !
28/07/2021 5:05 PM

Super Thursday will come if tonite global Covid daily cases shoot pass 600k+, with death >10k+
and DJ down < -400 points. So keep your eyes on these 3 numbers.


2021-07-28 17:04 | Report Abuse

@Maridien2 This counter is crazy, stay away. last last can throw from 3.36 to 3.29.
28/07/2021 4:56 PM

Ya this counter is crazy bcos of shortists and sharks operating this counter are crazy ppl. Mostly are drama queens attitude.


2021-07-28 14:00 | Report Abuse

Kossan caught up with Supermax, maybe soon Supermax may catch up with TG before and after QR


2021-07-28 13:58 | Report Abuse

MM, why Kossan keeps going up before and after QR?


2021-07-28 01:14 | Report Abuse

Our Health DG is doing the right thing. If many other countries were to do the same as Msia, the numbers of global daily cases will be shooting thru the roof now, easily exceed 1 mil cases per day. Msia testing rate is 5-6 times higher than most SEA nations such as Vietnam, Philippines, Myanmar and Thailand. Actually, in reality these countries have much more cases than Msia.


2021-07-28 01:07 | Report Abuse

In a way what Msia is doiung is correct, ie searching out the Covid at every nooks and crannies with increased testing everywhere. That's why our numbers are increasing. Whereas in UK, the Gov't is allowing the Covid to spread into every nooks and crannies, allowing it to search out for all the unvaccinated and immunocompromised ppl. Therefore, if this is allowed to go on, and the Gov't do not carry out enough testing to continuously stamp out the Covid, then a huge disaster is coming for UK. It will have catastrophic result later with record hospitalization and death, which u cannot hide under the carpet.


2021-07-26 11:22 | Report Abuse

If one really study closely, its clear the Delta story is only at the introduction stage. The havoc its about to create is hardly felt yet at this stage, though we have some snippets of it in India, South Africa and Indonesia. With the world only at 25% vaccinated, its got plenty of room to wreck havoc as yet.


2021-07-28 00:38 | Report Abuse

Downing Street and scientists remained cautious about declaring a turning point in the outbreak on Monday night despite a huge drop in Covid case numbers for the sixth day in a row. But the prime minister’s official spokesman said he still believed the UK was “not out of the woods yet” and highlighted the fact that the full impact of the 19 July unlocking has not yet been reflected in case numbers.
Experts also pointed to the number of Covid-19 patients in hospital in England, which passed 5,000 for the first time since mid-March, as a sign that the pandemic was not over. Hospitalisations tend to reflect the Covid rates around two weeks earlier.

The seven-day average for hospital admissions, which smooths out irregularities in reporting over the weekend, has risen by 26% in the last week. Meanwhile, hospital bed occupancy for coronavirus patients has also increased significantly in the last week, with occupancy of mechanical ventilation beds rising by 31% and other bed occupancy up by 33%.
With hospital admissions from Covid still rising, NHS Providers, the group representing hospital trusts, warned Johnson and Rishi Sunak, the chancellor, that the NHS was as stretched now as it was at the height of the pandemic in January and that things would get worse before they got better.
Hospitalization in UK has increased but the real daily cases numbers are not reflected yet. Means ppl are not coming forth for testing and likely the number of infection will be exponential and will become explosive later, with exponential hospitalization. UK is in danger.


2021-02-26 10:55 | Report Abuse

@myinvestor DJ down (-239) just 9 mins of opening.
27/07/2021 9:40 PM

Maybe tonite another DJ meltdown.


2021-07-27 21:42 | Report Abuse

Genomics expert Eric Topol noted that Delta infections have a shorter incubation period and a far higher amount of viral particles. “That’s why the vaccines are going to be challenged. The people who are vaccinated have got to be especially careful. This is a tough one,” Topol said.

Experts are really worried about Delta as they now better understand its capabilities.


2021-07-27 21:25 | Report Abuse

I think Intco would have difficulty selling to US market soon.


2021-07-27 21:24 | Report Abuse

haha pjseow, that guy is a wimpy key board warrior. Once he kept insulting someone until the guy invited him to meet face to face, and he chickened out.


2021-07-27 21:01 | Report Abuse

and likely will announce ASP has stabilize and stop dropping due to additional glove demand generated by Delta variant.


2021-07-27 20:46 | Report Abuse

Actually pjseow, MM did bet with me to chop his kuku if Supermax net profit >RM 500 mil. If net profit is =<500mil then I will chop my kuku. If I lose he will call me Ms Tonee Braxton , but if he loses then he will change his ID to MommyHomeMakers and he shall address me as Sir Toneefa.


2021-07-27 20:03 | Report Abuse

He knows he will be the biggest joke when Supermax QR announce later.


2021-07-27 19:20 | Report Abuse

@Mainstreet Kossan QR result is out, impressive.
27/07/2021 6:25 PM

Supermax result should beat Kossan easily.


2021-07-27 16:19 | Report Abuse

All signs are pointing towards US & UK daily cases and hospitalization rate explosion coming soon.


2021-07-27 16:17 | Report Abuse

Israel critical cases have gone from 0 to 120+ within 2 months and climbing.


2021-07-27 15:31 | Report Abuse

The biggest risk to the world at the moment is simply Delta,said microbiologist Sharon Peacock, who runs Britain's efforts to sequence the genomes of corona ..

Israeli health officials have said 60% of current hospitalized Covid cases are in vaccinated people.


Israel shows 3-6 months into the future of what a fully vaccinated nation at 80% of population looks like. With the vaccine effect waning fast, daily cases have risen to 2000+ and 60% of the hospitalized cases are fully vaccinated ppl, this is not good news as even when many nations have yet to reach 30% of vaccination rate, Israel with 80% is alrdy starting to succumb to Delta. They may need booster jabs soon, while the rest of the world are still less than 25% vaccination rate. Delta may be an intermediary variant mutating towards a more powerful variant that can totally evade current vaccines and cause serious illness to fully vaccinated ppl soon.


2021-07-26 23:04 | Report Abuse

No worries Covid uptrend is intact , so gloves uptrend is also intact.


2021-07-26 21:54 | Report Abuse

Will Covid become a disease of the young? The world is watching England to find out.

One year into the pandemic, richer countries embarked on a mass vaccination programme to protect not only older age groups but entire adult populations. The success of vaccines in weakening the link between hospitalisations and deaths is clear (although the link is not completely broken). With vaccinated adults now largely protected from the severe consequences of Covid-19, the questions for children have changed. In the UK, there has been a surge of infections among children and adolescents. These will only increase when the school year starts again in the autumn.
Will Covid become a disease of the young? Will children who suffered under restrictions for 18 months now have to face a wave of infections with unknown consequences? There’s no good path forward until we have approved vaccines for all age groups. Until then, we need to continue to have an open and honest debate about how to put children first, protect their health, education, and general welfare, and listen and learn from other countries discussing this same issue.


2021-02-24 15:20 | Report Abuse

Hundreds of children are dying in Indonesia. This is evil Covid new victims. This will strike new fear to the society in general. Hospitals must be prepared for this.


2021-02-24 15:17 | Report Abuse

@onhands just started towards all time high !
26/07/2021 9:20 PM

Its -40 la.


2021-02-24 15:13 | Report Abuse

Tonite could be another meltdown on Wallstreet and looks like Covid chart could continue its uptrend movement.


2020-02-24 13:15 | Report Abuse

@hanna20 Aiyooo. Really bad days for super

Big decrease
26/07/2021 8:19 PM

No worries, its good opportunity to buy on dip. But only for long term holder, coz short term the shortists can move the price at their whims and fancies.


2021-07-26 20:57 | Report Abuse

@Start_0f_the_bull When windfall tax is mentioned by someone that is not in power such as the Muar MP and couple of days ago the Langkawi MP it just doesn't carry any weight, no doubt it did cause some shiver on glove counters.
26/07/2021 8:51 PM

Maybe the guy got some reward to push for this windfall tax. After all, when one is not in power why keep harping on it? He also manage to convince his atok to push for it. Question is why this is so important for them to bring up ? Really no reason at all , except hmmm...


2021-07-26 20:53 | Report Abuse

@onhands Smax earning per share RM0.3883
26/07/2021 8:10 PM

Prediction is quite right but MommyHomeMakers would not agree with you. But who cares


2021-07-26 20:50 | Report Abuse

@pjseow After almost 10 days of rebound, citadel and money re appeared when there is a big correction today.
26/07/2021 8:24 PM

They finally got paid by their bosses. Payment got deferred due to overclaim. They kept spamming non stop but yet the Supermax price kept going up.


2021-07-26 20:47 | Report Abuse

@planta Windfall tax will not work. If it’s implemented we can wave goodbye to all fdi. Who the hell want to do business in a country with windfall tax?
Govt at most ask gloves tauke to donate out of courtesy only, but that’s behind the scene.
26/07/2021 8:15 PM

If 3% windfall tax on net profit for all companies that made >100mil for FY2021, should be reasonable, as burden shared across the board public and non public companies. Amount should less previous donations paid out.


2021-07-26 19:53 | Report Abuse

If Windfall Tax is reasonable, its ok to contribute to help the nation, but the burden should not fall on a few companies but spread out across the board.


2021-07-26 19:32 | Report Abuse

Every time some idxixot mention about Windfall Tax, the glove prices start to cascade downward. I wonder if he is paid to speak out. Can make easy money. Really help the shortist a lot. The shortists immediately pay off the deferred payment to their macai to come here and kacau.


2021-07-26 19:53 | Report Abuse

Some ppl who talk about Windfall Tax should put more focus on dealing with their own problem first.


2021-02-24 08:47 | Report Abuse

Windfall Tax of 3% on net profit across the board for all companies (public and non public listed) earning 100mil net profit and above for FY21 should be quite fair . ( Less any precious donation/contribution)


2021-07-26 08:44 | Report Abuse

Many countries in the West will be facing huge protest coming weeks on vaccine pass. This is a dilemma many Gov't will have to face.


2021-07-26 17:25 | Report Abuse

Lets see the Covid global cases and DJ tonite. DJ Futures looks shaky. Europe is down due to Delta.


2021-07-26 17:04 | Report Abuse

Supermax only for long term players. Only buy if u got holding power. The shortists and sharks will move the price at their whims and fancies.