
Trevor777 | Joined since 2020-12-06

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2021-04-09 09:54 | Report Abuse

Engine started, but tyre punctured...


2021-04-09 09:05 | Report Abuse

My humble opinion and rationale that the price will stay 0.82 or upwards BUT not Down...

1) The additional of nearly 23 million listing today may not have selling pressure. Those warrants prices 2 weeks ago were at 0.33 to 0.355 and gives negative premium today. Unless, those converted were institutional at FREE price or collectors back then at 0.10 sen. But these people would wait till July before converting.
2) The new PP price would require mother price to be above 0.85 for the moment. Price should stay 0.82 to 8.88 if not higher.
3) Volume has dropped yesterday to only 64.9 million, and no heavy selling in sight.

Not a BUY or SELL call.


2021-04-08 11:11 | Report Abuse

What happened?..engine failed to start again? Drifting again?


2021-04-08 10:43 | Report Abuse

CK101,... taken completely out of context... that's what usually separates the levels of IQ of homo sapiens.

What you wish FOR is in the future tense and something to target, working towards.......

Seeing something they only want believe to be happening is an imagination manifesting only within one's mind.....Someone wants to believe that a Malaysian would become the President of the United States in the next decade....BUT is that conforming to reality and happening? FYI, Presidents of US MUST be born and citizen of the States.... Phew! to explain to such a juvenile.


2021-04-08 07:23 | Report Abuse

Foxconn made bid but terms was CONTROLLING stakes in Silterra. Do you think they would take up 30% of Dnex for a diluted, indirect interest in Silterra (Newco) jointly with chinese party? (Pray tell, which country is Foxconn from again????....must be best buddy of Chinese party)

Moreover, the chinese party is paying only RM109.2 million cash for 40% stakes in Silterra (Newco).

Sometimes, people believe what they wish to be happening.


2021-04-07 20:47 | Report Abuse

@Huat... you must be a greenhorn or a gamble.. all in or all out?

If you hold 1,000 lots, separate the long investment from the trade portion. Lock up 300 lots, use 700 lots to trade if there's some money to be made. Buy back should it fall since the price is still volatile.

If you're an old cock, I don't think need to teach you how to suck eggs.


2021-04-07 20:02 | Report Abuse

Fitting = the shoes or pants fits your body or feet....

Suitable = appropriate.


2021-04-07 19:59 | Report Abuse

Personally, we are long and short on Dnex.

Long term tickets are already in the freezer and those on short term would not blink an eye or hesitate to take profits should they present themselves.

But that does not stop us from criticizing or voice our concern and perhaps get some clarity in our minds.


2021-04-07 19:54 | Report Abuse

I share the same opinion as Mabel said yesterday, "forget the son, get the mother"...

After seeing the warrant converged with the mother the past 2 days, I too am of the same view.

Not a BUY or SELL call, trade on your own decision.


2021-04-07 19:51 | Report Abuse

Many layman having bought some Dnex shares and reading the TSMC on this forum, might be hugging their pillows tonight, dreaming sweetly of owning shares similar to TSMC or Foxconn....that's the effect of fake news.


2021-04-07 19:16 | Report Abuse

CK101, I didn't say the plans for TSMC are not true. Anyway, it up to you if see Dnex in the same level and category of financial capacity and credentials.


2021-04-07 18:39 | Report Abuse

Need to blow water or make comparison also must see who are the Readers...


2021-04-07 18:38 | Report Abuse

The whole country of Malaysia has USD108 Billion in Reserve.....USD100 Billion to be channeled to up-grading of PLC semiconductor plant...WOW!


2021-04-07 18:35 | Report Abuse

Sometime, people's imagination gets ahead of them....what to do? feet not planted firmly on ground.


2021-04-07 18:34 | Report Abuse

Does this mean that DNex still have to upgrade with USD100 Billion? Wow! Malaysian PLC has USD100 Billion to invest in up-grading....


2021-04-07 18:28 | Report Abuse

Engineering company also can be in Pharmaceutical......Malaysia Bolih! Greatest joke of the Bursa.


2021-04-07 18:27 | Report Abuse

Pharmaniaga remained in the red with a net loss of RM6.33 million for 4QFY2020 ended Dec 31, owing to lower demand from its concession business. This prompted Kenanga Research to cut its FY2021 net profit estimate by 20%, with a lower target price of RM2.50 from RM3.15 previously. Maintaining its “underperform” call on the stock, the research house believes that the company’s near-term prospects have been overpriced following a spike in its share price since 3Q2020.


Bicycle man approved Solution to bring in CanSino...later more Private companies join in the still have hopes???????


2021-04-07 12:20 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-04-07 12:19 | Report Abuse

Miss me???..... I posted this this fcking morning at 8.33 am.-->

Posted by Trevor777 > Apr 7, 2021 8:33 AM | Report Abuse X

Dnex has come down more than enough for the present. Their new PP needs mother share price to be at range of 0.83 to 0.88. Think it'll be green today, without any new listing pressure or T3 due.


2021-04-07 12:05 | Report Abuse

@Sincere,...You've been here long enough to know there would not be any higher upside...we have already surrendered.


2021-04-07 09:45 | Report Abuse

Another 1 day show?...aiyaaah, same as usualy lah....1 day BEAR TRAP. BTW, where is the shit eating pond scum, always shouting LU?


2021-04-07 09:32 | Report Abuse

PP issue is hardly over, mind you. The price cannot keep dipping...or PP buyer would not take when you can buy cheaper from open market.

Uneducated person using foul language to shout "PP issue fizzle out"


2021-04-07 09:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by Trevor777 > Apr 7, 2021 8:33 AM | Report Abuse X

Dnex has come down more than enough for the present. Their new PP needs mother share price to be at range of 0.83 to 0.88. Think it'll be green today, without any new listing pressure or T3 due.


2021-04-07 08:33 | Report Abuse

Dnex has come down more than enough for the present. Their new PP needs mother share price to be at range of 0.83 to 0.88. Think it'll be green today, without any new listing pressure or T3 due.


2021-04-07 05:40 | Report Abuse

@Toyota,.... Thanks but we've read that too. It's an indicative PP price based on traded price at that time of signing and announcement and not on prevailing prices. The PP price is yet to be set.


2021-04-06 17:58 | Report Abuse

@Richard, also take a peep at the Net Liabilities and Outstanding Debts, supposedly above RM500+ mill and taken over by Dnex as new owner. (part of the agreement)


2021-04-06 17:54 | Report Abuse

@Toyota..well done...

Posted by Toyota78 > Apr 6, 2021 5:35 PM | Report Abuse

The pp price is this as disclosed by DNex is 78.6 per share and the gross proceeds is RM700.81mil which will be utilised to partly or fully finance the acquisition of SilTerra and additional general working capital for the group.

Normally PP price is determined by the preceding 5days average price and at a discount of 10 - 20% of the 5-day average

So if we were use the mean discount of 15%, working backwards the average 5 day price should be circa 92sen


Appreciate if you could share the news and link of this PP price fixed at 0.786....saved a lot of work for us.

PP at this price and today lowest at 0.78...


2021-04-06 15:20 | Report Abuse

Holy cow! rr88 hoot Volcano and now back to hoot Dnex sky high.


2021-04-06 13:43 | Report Abuse

@John, Can please share where is the news and link of ESOS priced at 0.30 sens, thank you.


2021-04-06 12:36 | Report Abuse

Only miserable 5 millions tickets supporting at 0.80, can be broken in a jiffy....and then....basement?


2021-04-06 12:34 | Report Abuse

Warrants and mother shares have converged....0.30 and 0.80 sens. Those converted last week and bought above 0.30 are having negative premium...not just zero but losses.


2021-04-06 12:21 | Report Abuse

Can please share where is the news and link of ESOS priced at 0.50 sens, thank you.


2021-04-06 12:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by very_goat > Apr 6, 2021 12:01 PM | Report Abuse

Must test 0.70 support first on order to resume uptrend...
Current price too high to absorb esos and pp...

Warrants until July, new PP by June...and believe me, should it drop to 0.70, you might still hesitate to buy.


2021-04-06 12:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by The Market > Apr 6, 2021 11:57 AM | Report Abuse

Penny stock 30% correction on the way counter moving hight is time to Flushing out aftee the perfect storm the next bull is waiting on the way !!!

What flushing are you dreaming about? The new additional and PP are all in-coming NON-stop. Bull run?...more like BS


2021-04-06 11:12 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-04-06 11:07 | Report Abuse

And where are those shouting TP 1.50, 2.00, 3.00, 5.00???? Must have cow dung stuffed up their mouth and can't talk now. These are the real destroyer of investment backed by basic fundamentals and logic.


2021-04-06 11:04 | Report Abuse

Gentlemen, the 110 million ESOS is at what price? These ESOS are not any worry as they may even out-price the market. Also, the exercise is not immediate, but for longer term.

What concerns more and immediate are the warrants and the PP. This needs to be completed by June and July. This ctr cannot with-stand the daily additional listing of 10-20 million shares, how to shoulder the complete 650 mill warrant and on-coming 870 million new PP?????


2021-04-06 10:55 | Report Abuse

Wonder where are those who said earlier that buying Silterra is like buy a Foxconn production plant?


2021-04-06 10:35 | Report Abuse

@7005, don't even know what killed the investors and the sentiments for this ctr. Warrants is ok if they proceed with supporting till complete. The additional PP for RM700,000,000 was the last straw that broke the camel's back.


2021-04-06 10:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by lalazai9 > Apr 6, 2021 7:57 AM | Report Abuse

Think urself lah if 70cent who will convert warrant at loss? Sure Dnex will push the price, Use brain to think before comment pls

These are the kind of people who would be killed first...Dnex push my ass. You think they are obligated to ensure you make profits????
warrant at 0.31..mother at 0.83...convert all you want for RM20 per lot.


2021-04-06 09:11 | Report Abuse

@yupeetan, hitting the nail on its head.. points most relevant and exactly being played out. Previously, mis-understood you for naysayer, but when the announcement for additional RM700 mill PP, we were shell shocked at the numbers. All these doesn't adds up....seems more like a bailout.


2021-04-06 09:01 | Report Abuse

Totally agreed and imagine he is both...


2021-04-06 08:56 | Report Abuse

@tuancapital, Silterra is a child's play with 200mm chips only, yet to be world class or on par with Foxconn. The Taiwanese company can nick this with loose change from it's coffer, not a big deal.

Dnex is not just paying RM273 million cash, just look into the books Debts.


2021-04-06 08:52 | Report Abuse

@lalazai, Dnex is obligated and confirmed assurance that ALL warrant conversion command a positive premium?

And if mother share falls, warrants would not fall?

I am humbly saying, my understanding of free float of prices would not fluctuate in open market?

The 695 million warrants were FREE in 2016 and until 17th Feb was traded at 10 sens. Those early days when this ctr exploded, the warrant was traded ahead of the mother share, warrant at above 0.33, whilst mother at 0.65. Now, how did that happen for a negative premium?


2021-04-06 08:44 | Report Abuse

@tuancapital, and Silterra is already in this class of semiconductor chip-making? Same products and level of nano chips? many still dreaming and equate the road side burger cart to the same as McD.


2021-04-05 15:12 | Report Abuse

There were 8 million tickets in support at 0.88, BUT 3 million withdrawn before the dumping.

Everyday dropping, when can see 1.00 again, let alone 0.90. But some shameless people still shouting..2.00, 3.00, 5.00 These people have no integrity, no dignity and nothing more than scums.


2021-04-05 10:30 | Report Abuse

We condone raising funds for the betterment of the company, i.e up-grading, new equipment, new technologies, increase production, new products......BUT never to be used for BAILOUT. Please scrutinise again the terms of agreement together with the debts settlement per se.

Do you think Silterra was bought for only RM273 million? Did you see the outstanding Debts in its accounts, to be taken over by Dnex?


2021-04-05 10:17 | Report Abuse

Deepest condolences and sympathies to those caught at 1.00 and above. Never again before August, 2021 or longer.


2021-04-05 10:14 | Report Abuse

Volume? what volume do you want some more? Silterra news out and price keep dropping everyday. Silterra is OVERRATED. Hype is gone, shimmer has faded.

What is the difference by buying today at 0.89 and buy at 0.89 in July?

For the hundreds of million warrants shares held, why do they need to convert now, since they were given FREE in 2016. Wait till July and then convert with only 0.50 sens. What's the rush?


2021-04-04 18:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by Trevor777 > Apr 3, 2021 11:56 AM | Report Abuse X

This is existing and new PP in pipeline :

Warrants 695 mill less 47 mill done, balance = 648 mill;
Brought forward 2020 PP, = 65 mill;
For PING acquisition in July, 2021, RM149 mill and assuming valued in number of share at 0.80 sens = 186 mill shares;
New PP to raise RM700 mill, and assuming at 0.80 = 875 mill shares.

Add those to current 2.2 B = 3.974 Billion NOSH