
Trevor777 | Joined since 2020-12-06

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2021-04-21 16:01 | Report Abuse

This lady likes to wear RED everyday, and waltz the 2 steps...2 bids down everyday...


2021-04-21 15:57 | Report Abuse

And Foxconn is a close buddy of the other Chinese partner? Or buy them out too?....maybe more interesting for WWIII at boardroom.


2021-04-21 15:41 | Report Abuse

Maybe Foxconn didn't get invited to the wedding which was 3 weeks ago. He's still trying to woo the lady.


2021-04-21 13:18 | Report Abuse

Like they said, so what is a 3-4 billions NOSH ctr? When they have what it takes....the sky is the limit. Yet after the fanfare,trumpet blowing and agreement signed,....sigh....announcement of another new PP of 891,000,000 shares to raise RM700,000,000 That to us is the last straw.


2021-04-21 13:14 | Report Abuse

Where are those people? Not around to hold your hands and pacify your sorrow? Waiting to prove Newton's Law of Gravity?...."the heavier you are the faster you fall" Getting more heavy each passing day, and the WORST is yet to come.


2021-04-21 13:11 | Report Abuse

And here we thought everyone was happy to follow those who advocate patience to wait out 2-3, TO SEE WHAT WOULD HAPPEN!


2021-04-21 11:32 | Report Abuse

By tomorrow, out of the 695,396,809 FREE Warrants, only 147,041,400 would be listed.

Dare not think of the balance 548,355,409 but then the bulk of them would be in July for the mad scramble before expiry.


2021-04-21 11:26 | Report Abuse

1 hour from half day and with total volume traded of 36 millions, seller dumped to buyer's price at the ratio of 2 : 1...might not even come up for air at 0.80 level again.


2021-04-20 20:07 | Report Abuse

Ignore....unproductive, ignorant, uneducated and unprofessional imbecile...


2021-04-20 20:04 | Report Abuse

You may criticize or contradict my opinions and views with backings, but don't humiliate others by name callings and unprofessional manners in a public forum.


2021-04-20 20:01 | Report Abuse

President Biden, Putin and Xi may be behind that, so what?...they shit nano chips?


2021-04-20 19:59 | Report Abuse

Pray tell from your perspective point of view, please.


2021-04-20 19:57 | Report Abuse

Pretty sure my command of English has no troubles understanding the interview.


2021-04-20 19:51 | Report Abuse

That is to say, Silterra is an unexpected disappointment for ROI and would surely need more capital pumped into it. The Chinese partner has a better advantage and leverage with lower capital up-front and product marketing inside China.

DNeX with a NOSH of 2 Billion would soon swell and balloon to 4 billions. The returns in investments would be so diluted in the coming years and may take more than 2 years to ramp up to a respectable level of dividends.


2021-04-20 19:46 | Report Abuse

Also, weight the purchase prices for PING and Silterra and you can find the difference. PING is more expensive than Silterra, although with Books Debts assumed, Silterra is heavier.But the debts are non-productive, whereas, PING would be paying back across the blocks with increased pumping and better Oil prices (if increased in time)


2021-04-20 19:43 | Report Abuse

Let the be shortages in semiconductor chips, nano and otherwise for the next 300 years....Silterra is only a foundry for 200mm wafers, mainly for cars. Albeit, shortage for the next 500 years, this foundry can produce only so much....and you expect the profits to jump into deep space just because the world has a shortage? Open you eyes and see logically,.... LIMITATION of productions!


2021-04-20 19:39 | Report Abuse

Means, capacity already at 100%, you cannot just expect the profits to jump at your whims and fancies. So, Silterra is over-hyped and certainly over-rated purchase, with profit figures so much down to ground.


2021-04-20 19:26 | Report Abuse

From the interview, it seems Silterra, as expected would not venture into Nano-chips which may need billions to build. They are only comfortable with their one and ONLY 200mm wafers and going 2 or 3 steps downstream to refining the chips for end-users.

So, investors may see the "turn-around" as only cosmetics and may not profoundly impact profits even after 2 years. It's to slim cut and better manage for slightly higher margin in generating profits. nothing extra-ordinary or exceptional transformation.

All said and as mentioned earlier, the foundry is already at 100% capacity, so how can investors be dreaming of profit doubling or quadruple in the coming years?


2021-04-19 10:20 | Report Abuse

Seriously????..Really????...RM4.00?????? my toes are laughing so hard.


2021-04-19 09:45 | Report Abuse

Back to 0.165 as bear trap ctr and worst performing on Bursa....see you in 5 years, still at 0.16


2021-04-14 13:16 | Report Abuse

@10Bergkamp,....try touching RM1.00 and we shall see who has the FACTS for sure.


2021-04-14 13:14 | Report Abuse

@Goodboy,... True if there's good future prospect, but be realistic of the FACTS and the FIGURES too. Business if matured and generating good profits would create wealth to shareholders not BEFORE. If you're one of those who doesn't like arithmetic, then you're trading like "uncles and aunties"


2021-04-14 13:09 | Report Abuse

Not seeking to gloat or to be praised. That's nothing to do with clear, rational, logical, unbias and totally for the purpose of information gathering. Not here for childish squabbles or to fight for right or wrong. If you cannot see the way we have or what we've shared, please skip all postings from now onwards. We're not calling for a BUY or SELL.


2021-04-14 12:55 | Report Abuse

Promises broken too many times....

And I can assure you those converted Warrants are waiting to get out at 0.90. The rest of hundreds of millions shall be waiting at 0.98-1.00. Come and get it....bring it on!


2021-04-14 12:50 | Report Abuse

And why are the Chinese partner so excited and interested in this deal? Their part of 40% cost them only a mere RM109.2 million, wet, wet water. They get to market the products back into China and still have a 40% rebate profits (they own 40%). It's a total WIN for them at barely advertisement costs.


2021-04-14 12:46 | Report Abuse

Someone may deliberately blew the production and profits margins out of proportions earlier today. It's been reported that Silterra has been running at 100% FULL capacity and for the past 3 years making turnover of RM600 mill with RM60 mill margin. Yet people can expect production to exponentially explode and even making over RM1.2 Billion profits. Ridiculous shot.


2021-04-14 12:41 | Report Abuse

@Goodboy..., Please show us a cat that doesn't like fish, and I'll show you a dead cat. You mean Investors don't like profits? Which universe did you come from?

Part of them might hold for mid term, but when they see things not to their expectations, something else speaks louder than holding's money in the banks.


2021-04-14 12:40 | Report Abuse conversion needed to earn that 0.30 sens. Just sell in the open market. No need to go beg for fund to pay conversion fees, and then still make only 0.30 sens profits.


2021-04-14 12:32 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-04-14 12:17 | Report Abuse

Which part of Warrant has CONVERGED with mother price, do you not understand? Even assuming 30% is in circulation, the mother share would not be even touching 1.00 with hundreds of million units awaiting to rain down.


2021-04-14 12:01 | Report Abuse

Sadly,...Dataprp is not's LIMIT UP.


2021-04-14 11:42 | Report Abuse

This ctr ain't going anywhere for weeks or even months to come. Dead wood in the water.


2021-04-14 11:19 | Report Abuse

By tomorrow, only 124,813,000 units out of 695,396,809 warrants would be listed. The balance of 570,583,809 warrants has about 2.5 months left. Can the mother take the heavy weight? Not to mention the 891,000,000 new PP if taken up but not for holding.


2021-04-14 11:09 | Report Abuse

And with the convergence of warrants the past 2 weeks, conversion for listing tomorrow, 15th April is only 110,000 units. Dwindling and the jeopardy on warrant exercise.Can see only those FREE warrants and bought at 0.10 sens to be converting in July, 2021.


2021-04-14 11:04 | Report Abuse

You might be in for a long haul and then disappointed. The bear traps set at 0.98 to 1.03 would need something like 10 nuclear bombs to breakout. And those converted warrants land mines hanging around 0.90 to 0.95 to be set off.

For the moment, all dressed up and nowhere to go, just tight ranged for new PP price setting.


2021-04-14 09:27 | Report Abuse

OMG!, like Titanic..0.20 ==> 0.19 ==> 0.18 ==>0.17


2021-04-14 05:41 | Report Abuse

Been here long enuff to smell a loser. And where's that soh chai calling LU every time it moves half a sen?


2021-04-14 05:38 | Report Abuse

NTA does not mean good profits. Earnings are used for price evaluations. NTA only for liquidations, bankruptcies....this going that way?


2021-04-11 07:24 | Report Abuse're one of the latest who commented on the 1.00 resistance/barrier. We have accepted this fact when she had 6 attempts to break 1.03 and stay above 1.00. Unfortunately, she's just a penny stock. She failed each and every tries and shall not have any more attempts for the next few weeks, if not months!

This ctr shall have one and only one mission now, and that is to stay tight bound to enable the new PP price until approval. It may not drop below 0.80.


2021-04-10 12:59 | Report Abuse

Sure circus acts lah...monkey likes to u-turn, riding bicycle.


2021-04-10 10:46 | Report Abuse

This is also partly to put blame on RFID, for they see money more than their partners. Green color of money is better looking that the multi-colored suits and red noses on their partners.


2021-04-10 10:42 | Report Abuse

IT Software company can be pharmaceutical supplier...WOW! Malaysia Bolih. No wonder the Vaccine registration is lacking far behind. You'll never know what is shot into your arms next.

Look at Solution, Kanger and Bintai...goreng with MOU, LOI... plant also don't have. How to manufacture? How long to set up? How about the costs? And the gestation period to completion?

No wonder Bursa is for easy come, easy go money. And with a bought Oxford degree...apa pun bolih, u-turn easy on bicycle.


2021-04-10 09:23 | Report Abuse

As for the price, it's already been plotted. Just work the new PP price backwards and that's the daily trading price range for now. Someone also correctly pointed out that those caught at penthouse price are looking to dump when near 1.00, capping her tightly below 0.95

Warrants price already more than well done steak and left to fend for itself. Their prices already CONVERGED, no premium, unless you think RM10-15 is worthwhile....


2021-04-10 09:17 | Report Abuse

And please do not belittle our intelligence by saying the Chinese partner will work wonders. They just need to report for work?

Bitter pills : There will be more funds injections....and not small tiny FIGURES.


2021-04-10 09:14 | Report Abuse

The FACT are all laid bare and well known. But are investors looking at the FIGURES? No? That's because this is Bursa, roulette, baccarat, DaiSai, one arm bandits are all here. They are not thinking straight and look at FIGURES for self-inflicted fear of the worst or too lazy to even bother, since money is easy come, easy go. Mind you, money doesn't grow on trees.

Silterra has the capability to ONLY manufacture 8 inch, 200mm chips. And they are already operating under 100% FULL capacities. Their annual sales is RM600 mill with a profit of RM60 mill.

So, how can the small income generated justify the ROI and how can the income double or triple with same status production and equipment?


2021-04-09 20:51 | Report Abuse

There is no change of decision as SnP has been signed. The next step is the Cash payment, which Dnex has deployed PLAN B, that is to raise RM700 mill by way of new PP.

Their (PLAN A) warrant conversion rate may not be in time since expiring in July and at present, only less than RM50 million cash raised from 93 million warrants listed.

There is a brought forward existing PP balance of RM65 million which would expire in August, 2021.

Cash in hand of about RM66 million which should suffice, if added to the old PP and warrants (if 50% converted by June) in the acquisition of both PING (cash RM165 mill by July) and Silterra (RM163.8 mill by June) but the company has proposed to raise new PP of RM700 mill.


2021-04-09 20:31 | Report Abuse

Now we have a re-cap of all the FACTS we already know, nicely summarized. May we also have the FIGURES?

Silterra only has the capacity to produce 200mm, 8 inch chips for cars? Their current production is at full capacity. How much further in terms of income generating can be expected? The up-grading and additional equipment would be expensive? Where would additional funding of several billions come from?


2021-04-09 12:02 | Report Abuse

Those who still thinks the ctr will surge as before from 0.72 to 1.03 would be grossly, grossly go suck your bottle of milk in your sleeping cot.


2021-04-09 11:59 | Report Abuse

Price shall move sideways and limited swings for new PP pricing. If it stays that way for weeks and months, but you the hell can you be staying for years? All fake commitments and self-indulging promises...blah.


2021-04-09 11:57 | Report Abuse

So much for..we're all for raising funds via warrants, RI and price stays and disappointment? Child's mentality...cry when your toy is taken away.