
Trevor777 | Joined since 2020-12-06

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2021-06-15 12:04 | Report Abuse

Back to 6.00?.....dream on..

Back to 7.00?.....try catching smoke.


2021-06-15 11:39 | Report Abuse

Price stays at 5.20 for BI.


2021-06-15 10:22 | Report Abuse

Sputnik V doesn't have approval from FDA nor WHO. Malaysia NPRA will not approve under EUA. So, how can Dpharma proceed even with Term papers signed with Russian. For show only and "back-up singer". Price will stay only for BI.


2021-06-11 09:08 | Report Abuse

Gentlemen, thank you for your compliments, we feel your vibes and love. Also, we sense your loss, mental anguish and regrets. As mentioned earlier and many times before, our collection of Pharma and Dpharm was in March 2020 (1.55 to 2.10) Have disposed the last batch of Pharma circa 6.70 in this rally.

We feel there's "No such thing as a free lunch" or "Such big bull frogs jumping all over the streets" 4:1 Bonus?

Did you see Public Bank earlier this year, dropping from run up and pre-bounus at RM23.00? No, right? Or TG dropping from 28.30 pre bonus? No, again..... Well, we are seeing Pharma dropping from 7.25 to 5.20, and that's where she shall stay......hahahahaha.


2021-06-11 00:19 | Report Abuse

Heartiest Congratulations to the MD of Dnex, YBHG. TAN SRI DATO' SRI SYED ZAINAL ABIDIN SYED MOHAMED TAHIR on being conferred Darjah Kebesaran Pingat Panglima Setia Mahkota (P.S.M.) which carries the Title "Tan Sri"


2021-06-10 20:49 | Report Abuse

Is he for real??? When the deals are done, transfer captured by Bursa and reported, it's out of Bstead's ownership. OMG!


2021-06-09 09:02 | Report Abuse

Another "Morning Glory" day for today? Bear Trap again at 5.60 yesterday.

The penthouse price at 7.25, you averaged down at 6.00, then 5.10..and now you've more bullets stuck and diminishing funds but heavier in losses and tickets. It could spike and dumped all day long, just to stay at 5.20 the rest of the way.


2021-06-09 08:56 | Report Abuse

Looks game over with Pharma and the BIG 2 institutions are selling there. On the other hand, EPF is back BUYING Dpharma. Is this a good sign of things to come? Another play might be in sight.


2021-06-08 15:45 | Report Abuse

Nice recurring story...rock solid hard-on in the morning. Before noon, flaccid like a balloon with all the air let out. Climaxed at 5.67, dumped till 5.23, from the top skimmed of 44c.


2021-06-06 18:00 | Report Abuse

Doesn't matter and deepest condolences for your losses.


2021-06-06 17:59 | Report Abuse

So, what's the price going to be pre-bonus? 10.00? would higher be enough to sustain price valuation? Where's grounds for 10.00? Out of hot air or a magic wand?


2021-06-06 17:09 | Report Abuse

Some people just refuses to accept what has happened. Still think the help would be forth coming to push back to 7.20 for your escape or benefits?

This company has so much retained profits for the BI? Where will the share valuation stands when increased 5 times? Dreamers still think it would be 1.50 to 2.00 for a current 10.00 valuation....grossly intoxicated.


2021-06-05 11:01 | Report Abuse

This kid really belongs to the kindergarten....IF YOU ARE A MILLIONAIRE, WOULD YOU BE BUYING ONLY 1 LOT?

I think we are now aware of the intelligence levels of these whom we are sharing with. Waste of time.


2021-06-05 10:04 | Report Abuse

Psychiatrist has confirmed that most patients avoid direct encounters with mental pains, depressions and losses.

Similarly, some people conjure stories to hide the facts and avoid looking at huge losses. But deep down, they are in such excruciating pains.


2021-06-05 09:54 | Report Abuse

Local institutions with tens of million shares already sent message, "Thanks a hundred million times for your 7.00 Cash"

Now, they can slowly collect back at 5.00 (sideways) and you'd think they'll push back to penthouse 7.00 to cover your asses?


2021-06-05 09:46 | Report Abuse

Now I see,'re one of those with a time machine? Wait till you don't like what you see and then travel back in time to change the outcome? Kids!


2021-06-05 09:41 | Report Abuse

What about distribution of Pfizer? AZ? they don't count? Read recently, Pharma would be doing what, 10 to 12 million doses of Sinovac? Rise in profits, definately yes...BIG rise? How big? How much can you earn in FnF and logistic? Hundreds of millions????? A bit short in maths, huh?


2021-06-05 09:35 | Report Abuse

@LK..your crystal ball tells you the ex-bonus 4 : 1 price cannot be at RM1.00 and below? The NOSH increased to 5 times, you know.


2021-06-05 09:34 | Report Abuse

Yeah, soon... manufacturing ....and soon I'd be the Emperor of the Roman Empire.


2021-06-05 09:11 | Report Abuse

Hmmm...curious to know and wondering why Pfizer is setting up in Singapore, AZ in Thailand, SinoVac in Indonesia...BUT, BUT, BUT...Malaysia was so loud last year on FnF, transfer of Tech and manufacturing, still a monkey clowing on an expensive (more than a car) bicycle!


2021-06-05 09:03 | Report Abuse

Why should we wait for another 6 months, since we have waited from March 2020 (RM1.55)

And why should we wait when Sputnik was supposed to be approved by now?

Are you still waiting for cases to reach 10,000 per day? Talking in your sleep?


2021-06-05 08:33 | Report Abuse

Maybe, their off shore accounts are not filled to the brims yet. And perhaps, we haven't reach 10,000 cases with 200 deaths per day, whichever comes first.

Mind you, the anger on the streets are tilting tepid points and soon boil over. Then,... HELL FREEZES OVER!!!!!


2021-06-05 08:28 | Report Abuse

Hmmm...curious to know and wondering why Pfizer is setting up in Singapore, AZ in Thailand, SinoVac in Indonesia...BUT, BUT, BUT...Malaysia was so loud last year on FnF, transfer of Tech and manufacturing, still a monkey clowing on an expensive (more than a car) bicycle!


2021-06-05 08:23 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-04 17:04 | Report Abuse

What about those who bought at 7.00? You forgotten about those losses but see only the present buying at 5.00? Don't mis-led newbies.


2021-06-04 16:27 | Report Abuse

Message from your friendly local institutions...."Thank you a hundred million times for your cash at 7.00" They have your Cash and you have their tickets. Round trip to nowhere completed.

Now, they might collect back a little to give you something to "Feel good" and then slaughter in 2nd trip.

These people who bought at penthouse price of 7.00, your tickets are framed and sealed in concrete.


2021-06-04 16:16 | Report Abuse

Regret to inform you that the drop from 7.00 to 5.00 is 28.57% How are you to recover with surplus of 3.75% (current ASB dividend rate)? This is only possible if you have bought in much, much lower.


2021-06-04 16:09 | Report Abuse

Be careful what you wish for.....5.01, close enough?


2021-06-04 16:00 | Report Abuse

Amateur uses the term "Limit Up" loosely without knowing it's technical meaning.


2021-06-04 15:46 | Report Abuse

Remember that day when Pharma opened at RM5.05? The LU went to 6.57...the next day shot to 7.25.

Today, it's back to's that for a round trip?


2021-06-04 15:44 | Report Abuse

Reported by FMT today at 1.57pm, still fresh.


2021-06-04 15:19 | Report Abuse

MOH approves purchase of AZ manufactured in Thailand. Sputnik would have to take a back seat.


2021-06-04 14:43 | Report Abuse

Please forgive my ignorance....but how much is the profit from FnF and logistics? Hundreds of millions?

PNB and EPF can have you for breakfast at 7.20, let alone 6.70

A Sucker is really born every minute.


2021-06-04 14:37 | Report Abuse

No, no..we are at different intellect levels here...

Just because of delivering several millions doses under FnF, would give you such a hard-on to have the price jumped from 3.20 to 7.20? And you chased at that level when PNB been holding at 1.50? Mind you, they can crack you and then pick up again below 5.00? Give yourself a kick in the ass.

Monopolistic supplies, of course, only for SinoVac. What about Pfizer? And the AZ which they are starting now? Not to say even more when Sputnik V is approved?

Recurring? Possible, but by that time, would Pharma be able to hold copyright or transfer of tech from China? Or Dpharma would be allowed to manufacture, pe se Term Papers signed with Gamaleya in March, 2021? Russian has intention for a Vaccine manufacturing hub, not limited to Sputnik V, in Msia logistically for Asian countries.


2021-06-04 13:45 | Report Abuse

@liar77...OMG!, you mean we can see what happens in one month and then travel back to where we are now?


2021-06-04 13:03 | Report Abuse

When Covid-19 starts to hit Msia, the initial pandemic in March, 2020, Pharma and Dpharma were at regions of RM1.55 to RM2.10 (our collection prices). Guess what price would PNB and EPF start dishing out, RM6.80? RM7.25?

RM7.20 is once in a century price.


2021-06-04 12:46 | Report Abuse

Goodness!!!....people still believe elephants can climb trees? Pharma is worth 7.20???? Now, story changing to RM20?????


2021-06-04 12:40 | Report Abuse

Sputnik V vaccines passed Earth's orbit and travelling to Venus?...Question for monkey on bicycle.


2021-06-04 10:40 | Report Abuse

Many Thanks, Tuan Faris for your kind words. From what had happened before, now we only share good information with people who have sensible minds.


2021-06-04 09:57 | Report Abuse

Fake brakes...very dangerous things.


2021-06-04 09:55 | Report Abuse

Fake Brakes!...the car crashed into the wall and burst into flames...Obituary, ..Our condolences on the sudden demise of Greencode. Our prayers answered, that is, may he rest for all eternity and never heard from again.


2021-06-02 17:29 | Report Abuse

Yeah, but this one is certainly not "color blind"


2021-06-02 17:28 | Report Abuse

And all failed at Maths and Economics. Never read Corporate Laws or Property Law and have no idea what Corporate exercises are.


2021-06-02 17:23 | Report Abuse

Really, really been a pleasure and entertaining now. So glad I'm back.

What was I thinking earlier, sharing Facts and Figures with a bunch of nitwits and nincompoops. These clowns can't even string together a line in simple English!


2021-06-02 17:15 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-06-02 17:04 | Report Abuse

And guess where the several hundred millions shares that was picked from this push 2 weeks ago shall go? Yes, that's right, the price was 0.66c until now.

Right on.....when they file to SC and announce the PP buyer and the transacted price.

And that's the rational why Beginner said would hit 1.00, although he used "mark my words" which is detestable.


2021-06-02 16:57 | Report Abuse

Still don't know what's happening? Throw you a's "Proof of Concept"


2021-06-02 16:56 | Report Abuse

Don't worry, I'll get out of your hair. But you should seriously improve your English if you want more work as a Trooper.

It's still bright, near dinner time, if not for the Daylight Saving hour.


2021-06-02 16:04 | Report Abuse

Collins English Dictionary : Pubic means relating to the area just above a person's genitals.

Your hair (if you are not a Kojak), not those on top of your head but at your groin area is called "Pubic hair"