
AhMoi | Joined since 2014-04-03

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2015-02-04 11:50 | Report Abuse

And...................... bear in mind... the mother is just isn't moving at all.....................


2015-02-04 11:48 | Report Abuse

if mother is on the up trend.... warrant may get a higher premium... hell Inari premium is gonna be fantastic too...

Based on Insas at 0.80 now... what is the premium if warrant at 0.30??


2015-02-04 11:45 | Report Abuse

logical or not.... given mother price is so low??


2015-02-04 11:37 | Report Abuse

will get 2000 free Warant? plus 1000 RPS

then 850 + 380 = 1230 that is same as the 1230 you paid

if you are lucky the warrant is 0.19..... if it goes lower you will make a loss... same if the RPS goes lower....


2015-02-04 11:10 | Report Abuse

Just think... think

If the mother doesn't go up even now, what make you think the RPS wont' go down and the warrant will go up?????

You want to hear rational thinking or wishful thinking???!!


2015-02-04 11:07 | Report Abuse

If thing doesn't look good and Thong is cutting it too thin between breakeven and making a loss with the warrant later.....

You can sell the RP NOW!!


2015-02-04 11:05 | Report Abuse

HaHa murali

of course you are hoping the PR will go up to beyond 0.23 so that you can sell the one you bought at 0.23 and get the hell out of Insas as fast as possible


2015-02-04 11:01 | Report Abuse

and.... so... all the O&G counters is living happily ever after................

Yes? No? Yes? No?

or are they just doing a dead cat.... ????


2015-02-04 11:01 | Report Abuse

and.... so... all the O&G counters is living happily ever after................ Yes? No? Yes? No?

or are they just doing a dead cat.... ????


2015-02-04 11:01 | Report Abuse

and.... so... all the O&G counters is living happily ever after................ Yes? No? Yes? No?

or are they just doing a dead cat.... ????


2015-02-04 10:59 | Report Abuse

and.... so... all the O&G counters is living happily ever after................ Yes? No? Yes? No?


2015-02-04 08:16 | Report Abuse


At least 0.95.. to heal the wound.. to boost the confidence.. to restore the faith.. of all those shaken and stirred to their very core souls in Insas

At least 0.95

At least 0.95

News & Blogs

2015-02-03 18:15 | Report Abuse

African offshore oils required high production cost per barrel is right though...

News & Blogs

2015-02-03 18:13 | Report Abuse

.... They owned directly the FPSO, OR they rented the FPSO from another FPSO provider.

This is wrong....


2015-02-03 18:07 | Report Abuse

thong or Thong or both? ; )


2015-02-03 14:47 | Report Abuse

Trouble is...... there are just way too many shaken and stirred to their very core souls here wondering if they should go for the RPS rights...

Big Trouble is...... KYY who is also shaken and stirred to his very core too is wondering if he should go for the RPS rights...

Big Big Trouble is.... if Thong even at this very crucial moment also can't show you a sign that Insas Boleh! so that you could go for the RPS rights...


2015-02-02 16:56 | Report Abuse

Sure operation cost in Nigeria is just $63 / barrel???

Anyway, that would be much higher than a lot of those shale oil frackers'.......


2015-02-02 16:33 | Report Abuse


At least 0.95 to heal the wound to boost the confidence to restore the fate of all those shaken and stirred to their very core souls in Insas

At least 0.95

At least 0.95


2015-02-02 16:30 | Report Abuse

Thong may ended up having to make MGO for Insas in future due to his undertaking to take up 48.43% of the un-underwritten RPS

Is undertaking to take up a whopping 48.43% of the un-underwritten RPS... confidence or desperation???

Have to undertake to take up 48.43% because IBs is not interested in the RPS??

Have to undertake to take up 48.43% because else ikan bilis would not have the confidence... would not be interested in the RPS??????


2015-02-02 16:30 | Report Abuse

Underwriting commission of between 0.5 - 1.5% of the total value of the underwritten.... is almost always a sure thing... buta...... then how come no Investment Banks want to participate in this RPS rights issue??

Is it because Insas's figures just don't jive??? The risk is just too overwhelming??

IBs know this kind of stuff, right?? If IBs are fearful should you be greedy??

And, take note that the biggest underwriter is M&A securities, a related company...............


2015-02-02 16:27 | Report Abuse

Sure Nigeria no issue??

What is the production cost for Nigeria major??


2015-02-02 16:14 | Report Abuse


My man.... obviously you haven't seen the tiniest barely there OMG is that even an underwear..... underwear

I have a few of those.... try to imagine


2015-02-02 15:10 | Report Abuse

Thong may ended up having to make MGO for Insas in future due to his undertaking to take up 48.43% of the un-underwritten RPS

Is undertaking to take up a whopping 48.43% of the un-underwritten RPS... confidence or desperation???

Have to undertake to take up 48.43% because IBs is not interested in the RPS??

Have to undertake to take up 48.43% because else ikan bilis would not have the confidence... would not be interested in the RPS??


2015-02-02 12:23 | Report Abuse

Let me show you how an otherwise ok company becomes technically insolvent due to a USD loan and dropping RM.....

RM at 3.15

Shareholders' fund RM 315
USD loan USD 100 = RM 315

It is OK

RM at 3.64

Shareholders' fund RM 315
USD loan USD 100 = RM 364

Shortfall in shareholders' fund RM 49...

Technically insolvent as the USD loan is not due for payment yet....

If USD:RM > even 3.15 when the USD loan is due for payment... company is bankrupt

SKPetro's leverage is rather high as you have noted.... a problem... an even bigger problem if there is huge USD loans.. and, USD 3 billions loan is huge...

Company going under even before execution of its billions RM of projects??


2015-02-02 12:21 | Report Abuse

Who have been in charge of Armada Perkasa and Armada Perdana?? A team or I Team??


2015-02-02 11:46 | Report Abuse

Underwriting commission of between 0.5 - 1.5% of the total value of the underwritten.... is almost always a sure thing... buta...... then how come no Investment Banks want to participate in this RPS rights issue??

Is it because Insas's figures just don't jive??? The risk is just too overwhelming??

IBs know this kind of stuff, right?? If IBs are fearful should you be greedy??

And, take note that the biggest underwriter is M&A securities, a related company.......................


2015-02-02 08:04 | Report Abuse


Pray for blue sky

908... kam cii meh pit lo.....

You will likely have only a small window of time to act...


2015-02-02 07:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by gweilo > Feb 1, 2015 05:03 PM | Report Abuse

One pair does if its the right pair.

O.... you must be a very happy man then.. being stuck with your one and only.... INSAS

Variety when it comes to underwears

Diversity when it comes to shares


2015-02-01 13:21 | Report Abuse

Ya.... ya... I know I know... who can resist... rite??!

A thousand pairs of underwears anytime beat a thousand pairs of shoes.. anytime


2015-02-01 11:30 | Report Abuse

No.. professing luv.. even blind for r°Moi will no get you the ticket to get to see r°Moi's thousands of pairs of underwears.... thousands pairs of red black white and more....sensual hot and more.... .. tiniest barely there and more.... satin silk and much much more.. underwears

As for facial.... get it from Gweilo 1st in the meantime... as you have not made even a sen on Insas so far

But TQVM for the support


2015-01-31 15:02 | Report Abuse

Des.. can't answer... and has gone hiding...

Taking my beauty nap now....


2015-01-31 14:57 | Report Abuse

rajasaham adding salt to the wound.....


2015-01-31 14:56 | Report Abuse

kyy.. the worst spinner of all times..... spinning to get himself burned everywhere... From Jtiasa Mudajya Xingkuan to Insas..

The ultimate selling pressure


2015-01-31 13:52 | Report Abuse

murali Kc,i hope u could advise kyy to sell all....having kyy in insas is not a blessing....more like a curse...

31/01/2015 09:13

Instead of begging like this.. Kor Lian...... try to get a scholarship from kyy instead la...


2015-01-31 13:46 | Report Abuse

You have done a 360° and are now following what I have said... but you can't tell me why??

You just following r°Moi blindly ka????


2015-01-31 13:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by murali > Jan 31, 2015 07:34 AM | Report Abuse

........i think kok khee will push up mother price very soon.....

Anwway just curious why this sudden change of heart to be in line what what r°M??Moi has been saying ?

Thought your whole reason for jumping in at 0.28 0.29 was that Thong wanted all the excess that he can get???


2015-01-31 12:38 | Report Abuse

Now that USD is strong.. very strong..... USD holders especially those in USA will go for higher premium products as they are becoming more and more affordable to them now....

WTF haven't they suffered enough from the frugal lifestyle and austerity for the past few years???!!! Will they still going for these cheap and sub-prime products from EM....?? Of course not.

Sales of exported Malaysian products will drop in the coming days, months and quarters. .... except for Jimmy Choo.

Now that EURO also drop to multi year low vis a vis USD... all will buy continental products instead, for sure.

Malaysia rubberwood furniture can take on the Italian's the European's furniture??

Malaysia products are like Bonia the pretender.... still buy Bonia when you can get a LV... ya... right

SELL SELL SELL your furniture companies shares!!!

Sales of exported Malaysian products will drop in the coming months and quarters .... except for Jimmy Choo


2015-01-31 12:33 | Report Abuse

No la no reason to be angry la.... buying a winning share like Inari will cheer anyone up ler

Wah you were like waiting to post only...

I didn't know you have replied o..

I have posted and went for breakfast now only back o


2015-01-31 11:44 | Report Abuse

Just want to let you know.... you are such a baloney... you can talk to youself long time... and never ever count on me to be around

Dont be angry ya... worry yes.. but don't be angry


2015-01-31 11:35 | Report Abuse

Anyway nice to see that you have been predictably... obviously... smartly let yourself influenced by r°Moi

1st sign of intelligence I see in you... keep it up


2015-01-31 11:31 | Report Abuse

While cheapskate is your 1st criteria to choose a stock... not everyone is like you ler

r°Moi has thousands of pairs of underwear and none of them is cheap... and they are all stored in an air conditioned room... quite a sight.. will turn any man weak on the knees.. but you can only imagine la


2015-01-31 11:25 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Des Kor Lian lo you Des... talking all by yourself all morning... Kor Lian lo


2015-01-30 12:37 | Report Abuse

I am off for a facial... later la


2015-01-30 12:37 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.... so much money why you didn't go for INARI OR instead????


2015-01-30 12:36 | Report Abuse

Ok la later.................... INARI up 0.13 today..... I am off for a facial... later la


2015-01-30 12:34 | Report Abuse

Ok... this is more like it..... should aim for laughing all the way to the bank le..... not just sleep well eat well with my 12300....


2015-01-30 12:26 | Report Abuse

murali the desperado.... bye bye.... I shall leave you desperado alone here.... as you are bullying an ahmoi and no longer civil


2015-01-30 12:25 | Report Abuse

this desperado is playing insas warrant as a proxy to INARI

Truth is to buy Insas warrant as a proxy play of Inari is one of the worst ideas

If Insas will be good or not all depends on Inari than you should freaking by Inari OR which is still on at the moment

Apply the same high premium you are giving to Insas warrant to the Inari warrant ... you will be making much more profit with much less uncertainty too



2015-01-30 12:24 | Report Abuse

Bye Desperado Bye


2015-01-30 12:23 | Report Abuse

who say I am lonely..... you are the only one not listening