
alphajack | Joined since 2013-10-25

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2014-05-20 20:42 | Report Abuse

actually I have to agree a bit with slts. I too kept Inari all the way from 1.80 to 2.80 but sold a lot ready recently because the price has been pushed up a lot ready because of this news. May not be able to huat as you all expect, just my opinion


2014-05-20 20:41 | Report Abuse

wah sei inari lai liao


2014-05-20 20:39 | Report Abuse

Decent safe and stable stock which is also growing quite fast. Surely can hit RM2 in a year or two.


2014-05-20 20:38 | Report Abuse

plus technically , future outlook in this company may not have much growth as compared to net profit from synergies. In other words, this will not last long lol


2014-05-20 20:37 | Report Abuse

Cause of the new acquired business la. But still mmg very risky. If expectations are not met aka. didn't hit as high as last Q, then maybe will fall up to 20-30% in days. That is the risk you have to take when you chase an extremely hot growth stock like this


2014-05-20 20:34 | Report Abuse

drop cause a bit overvalued la. simply states, after rights issue discount, price is too high to sustain. Will be normal for many people to sell if off and will take some time to stabilize as this stock already reached its fair value 2-3 months ago. After a while will slowly go up again. This company is quite in debt ma..don't expect it to fly all. You want a stock that can maybe fly a lot, pick Uzma.


2014-05-20 20:29 | Report Abuse

lol talk nonsense. bonia got presence in Thailand meh? Mostly Malaysia, Singapore and now growing in Indonesia la sohai. This is someone selling a lot, normal market fluctuations la. Later go up again chill


2014-05-20 20:11 | Report Abuse
Acquisiton lai liao heh. More synergy and cash flow + RSC later end of this year kasi huat ah..You check again la use Cap IQ and Bloomberg to check.


2014-05-20 20:07 | Report Abuse

haha pls go below 0.70 so I can buy more :p


2014-05-20 15:41 | Report Abuse

That's why reason to drop..will go up back


2014-05-20 15:35 | Report Abuse

oversell d. Good stock eventhough they a bit lembap still no reason to go below 7.50. Will rebound a bit tomorrow


2014-05-20 14:35 | Report Abuse

I try all rdy ma..The price all based on satisfaction provided :p Baru cuba baru tahu, then lu hari hari mau


2014-05-20 13:48 | Report Abuse

BV still hold 3. His individual still around 1.8. Then he got his private investment company to buy the sdn bhd de, but not creador.
Oh I'm only in my early 20s..


2014-05-20 13:37 | Report Abuse

^That's why you better catch Uzma now while still cheap hehe.
China ah moi and Vietnam ah moi +1
Russian +2.
Huat more first than can cheong with Russian


2014-05-20 13:17 | Report Abuse

wa if huat again I can go cheong with many Vietnam ah moi la so much $$$ liao


2014-05-20 12:29 | Report Abuse

come share with me also ma..hehe


2014-05-20 12:06 | Report Abuse

Last minute cheap sales la..Aiya results come out later fly..they wanna collect more at cheap price


2014-05-20 12:01 | Report Abuse

EPF buy then sell then buy cheap..Price manipulator. EPF love to bully small ikan bilis kikikiki


2014-05-20 11:59 | Report Abuse

Creador he has GHLs, Bonia
Now got SMRT, UZMA
Last year got MYEG, Scicom but sold liao after 100% +

All his stocks also huat de. I think the Bonia and Uzma can move a lot again..still not that hot


2014-05-20 11:52 | Report Abuse

Yep..I also noticed that by accident. Suddenly saw his name in the annual report and I was shocked. seems that he entered very recently. last time xde ma. Something coming soon there FX Lee..need to get it before it huat


2014-05-20 11:50 | Report Abuse

siao eh..directors dispose so much liao.. and HLG tp so high. niaseng. 70% of revenue come from MAS contract, if cut sure kena la..HLG analysts trolling la..better sell guys and buy when MAS gets stable


2014-05-20 11:46 | Report Abuse

btw bros..I just read Uzma annual report 2013- and if you look at shareholders- No.17 - Brahmal -1.8 million shares. Hehe this is interesting..


2014-05-20 11:45 | Report Abuse

sklyte how much u made from smrt


2014-05-20 11:44 | Report Abuse

Haha if you know the real story. Uzma haven't game over..the chart may show that but it is slightly undervalued rdy. Pe of 23 only for its kinda of growth is too low..Most analysts know the real value of Uzma cause they have the insider info on the RSC contract given, look at all the TP given- 25-30% above current price. Uzma is more long term la, keep 1 year can huat 30-50% but might be slow for you..hehe..enough for me la..I not greedy de


2014-05-20 11:39 | Report Abuse

hehe notla not that much..Most of bet is still with Uzma..If you all heard of this stock..I made 10k from smrt nia :p. I bet most of my money on companies which are less hot now but when huat will huat like siao like smrt now but you get it before it even begins hehe


2014-05-20 11:35 | Report Abuse

today enough liao..Engine slow down a bit..Dont overheat..too fast also not man better..


2014-05-20 11:33 | Report Abuse

too much roadblock..enough for today would be happy if can fall back to 0.70 so I can collect more :D


2014-05-20 11:25 | Report Abuse

Lol yea seems like no correction d. That's why Brahmal bought yesterday. Gonna keep flying


2014-05-20 11:17 | Report Abuse

And this business is actually very profitable and got cash, low liabilities all. LAI LIAO LAI LAI MAKE$$$$


2014-05-20 11:17 | Report Abuse

I think the Q results gonna be BLOODY AMAZING. They really gonna push this to rm1 ready. remember pmcorp last year which went up 150% in a month because of one bloody amazing Q? About to happen liao


2014-05-20 09:13 | Report Abuse

FX Lee you seem really confident in this stock and well, you are right to be. This coming Q they would have really amazing results, and might lead to another double digit day gain. Huat ar


2014-05-19 20:32 | Report Abuse

I also got some of 69cents. Nah no need to scared la. Cause if you see the biz, profits gonna soar a lot in the coming next few months and then slow down a bit. So the uptrend is still there. Of course hold, you think this is a contra stock ah zz. Hold another 5-6- months

News & Blogs

2014-05-19 19:47 | Report Abuse

ramkarpal tiam tiam please. I studied at a top university in the States where I practiced my 1st Amendment rights openly and I still do even at this shit hole country because I know one day people like me will lead the nation. Nothing wrong with transparency and freedom of opinions, the government may suppress us but they cannot stop us from exposing their fallacies.


2014-05-19 19:42 | Report Abuse

End of the month TP 0.80 then will consolidate around 0.70. End of the year TP 1.00-1.10


2014-05-19 19:41 | Report Abuse

walao eh that Brahmal taiko bought again today 233, 000 units..Seems like aiming RM1.00. Kanneh, tomorrow I add again 1000 lots. Seems possible for another UMA hehe. Lai liao P/E still 15, so much lower than Prestariang, maybe got inside news for coming Q result in 30/5, limpeh BUY BUY BUY gonna huat again


2014-05-19 17:02 | Report Abuse

Going to 6.70 soon..lai liao


2014-05-19 16:58 | Report Abuse

Sell liao..Will fall to 1.50 after MAS bankrupts..Another 'legacy' left behind by Umnoputras..sei liao..die die die..
Btw my bad, not all Malays are incompetent, some are very intelligent and know how to run a company well, like the management in Uzma which is slowly rising to be a powerhouse one day. Just not MAS lol...MAS's comment la


2014-05-19 16:52 | Report Abuse

another run up is due. Just relax and wait another super high day lai 0.80 come to daddy..


2014-05-18 19:59 | Report Abuse

yea no analyst covered at all. If cover this like Tambun sure easy can go up. Not enough volume ma, actually intrinsic value way above 1.20...quite undervalued. But need more interest and institutional investors..

News & Blogs

2014-05-18 19:46 | Report Abuse

Lol no one can predict the future ramkarpaldouche, not even good stock pickers. That's the fun thing about investing and also the reason why 95% of day traders and contra players lose money. Look at some straight up undervalued and really awesome companies like Uzma, Plenitude, Eupe..all not as high as their intrinsic business value should be. Mr.Market may not be right all the time, so take it easy and go drink some todi.

News & Blogs

2014-05-18 19:40 | Report Abuse

Exactly. Many people are too busy chasing hot stocks like Inari, OCK etc. that they managed to miss out good stocks like Bonia, Eupe or Uzma which does not move as fast on a regular basis but their depressed price makes them very valuable growth stocks and the fact that they're not really popular yet. Imagine when a big fund sees the potential in them and pump inside an enormous amount of funds. Easy money right there. Always realize that in a semi-efficient market, the market may not be aligned with intrinsic value sometimes, and there may be many overvalued stocks like DBHD which could fall anytime and undervalued stocks like Uzma which could shoot up anytime. One thing is for certain, financial statements never lie!!


2014-05-18 19:32 | Report Abuse

Not Holland la but will correct a bit cause a bit overvalued now. Maybe 4.50 then stable d. Still profitable ma for those who got the rights issue.


2014-05-18 19:30 | Report Abuse

refuse to believe that MAS will not get bailed out. It's like announcing to the world how incompetent Malays are and as we all know-they are all known to be very stubborn people due to many years of affirmative action etc. , this would cause other people to totally laugh and ridicule them and might lead to a domino effect where surely Drb Hicom another trash company will be next. Surely gov. will step in again as usual to 'jaga' their image. A bailout will cause Brahims to fly back to 2.70 and then slowly move to 3. It's like a gamble, but the probability is way higher they will get bailed out


2014-05-18 13:13 | Report Abuse

they will bail de la. Where can let their 'legacy' fail


2014-05-18 13:06 | Report Abuse

Look at annual report 2013. Very good..keep one more year and surely will huat


2014-05-16 14:55 | Report Abuse

Chill..Mas wont die de..Will privatize that and Brahims wouldn't be so affected. The worse case is MAS go bankrupt and totally default. Highly unlikely they will let the 'national carrier' end in such embarrassing fashion. Brahims still can huat


2014-05-15 19:57 | Report Abuse

damn I didn't collect because it wasn't cheap enough for me haha. Wow I wanted to collect around 0.275,0.28..failed. Looks like I miscalculated the take off. Aiya, too late liao lol I wouldn't chase now..


2014-05-15 19:43 | Report Abuse

Damn good company. I should've held on to this longer..oh well :o