
anbz | Joined since 2012-12-23

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2013-10-24 00:32 | Report Abuse

we'll see who is the the next episode...haha buying 50 cents , 60 cents , 68 cents for a company that will only has real value at 10 cents in near more stew-pit doubt..look who's talking..hahahaha


2013-10-24 00:27 | Report Abuse

DATA proves this is a loss-making company...always...every financial year...nta will be reduced to around 10 cents if it repeats its performance for the past 8 years...every year same outcome...
i'm giving advice to the other save them...if u both don't like it...u can go to hel#
do u i think i'm scared being attacked like that? with that words? u know...i can make your life more miserable if i want to..with more deep analysis...
u better watchout...if i make up my mind... bad things may come out ..gushing from gpacket pandora boxes...u'll be sorry then...


2013-10-24 00:20 | Report Abuse

fireball...i do not make big losses like u ..haha...i think my answer fulfills your question...haha ini lagi paku serpih..hihi lu jumpa wa kat 42 cents ok
and kakashi...if u do not believe me...everyone already knows la..just go ask akito and fireball...kita tengok apa macam diaorang nak dupe lu pulak..haha
fire tomorrow we'll see whose on fire...kahkahkah...42 cents


2013-10-24 00:14 | Report Abuse

why u like u re-post rubbish comments? don't u see what i've posted? what thing is not reasonable? what thing is dirty?..just claiming that dirty and this is not going to help u improve the perspective of the stocks...
i give u DATA man...and u defended with...? very weak indeed..sayonara..see u at 42 cents...bye..and please do not re-postyour old postings..including your friends' .....

haha paku dulang...paku selphi


2013-10-24 00:08 | Report Abuse

alamak satu lagi jepun sudah mari ..hait !!!

wa mau tengok nanti ada jepun nama watanabe ...hahaha


2013-10-24 00:07 | Report Abuse

o that...what i just did is giving an analysis based on why there's still no new announcement on disposal by osk..i just relates it with the "Portfolio rebalancing and adjustment to country and sector exposure"..not everything...what's wrong with that???

i'm trying to give reasoning...u cannot define an analysis when it relates to previous event as an old history...

may be u should read my post carefully...after all most japanese are weak in english

hahaha...hait bage##


2013-10-24 00:01 | Report Abuse

i think i will burst with laughter if tomorrow touch 42 cents...haha very dangerous future..if up just because goreng..nothing else..the problem is ULTIMATELY VERY LOW NTA LOSSES ANNUALY (always)...confirmed to lose more...good if made money...yet very doubtful hahahahaha


2013-10-23 23:55 | Report Abuse

nta 15 cents is not old news..thats quite new...

why the hell are u angry at me for investing in a loss-making company...

every year lose money ..from nta above RM 1...then becomes only 15 cents...

and the ceo puan always says...(every year) will be better next financial will be in the black next year..every duping and acting

and now with 'just' goreng and denied interest by digi and tm...just give hope ..u'll be thanking me one day ...believe me..if not ..hell is waiting...haha sorry i can't stand it
since u're dyed japanese...(this is not G-pa-n)...why don't u buy Yokohama stock..hahahaha

...dyed means celup..huh..not died...yet still true in your case...hahahahahaha


2013-10-23 23:44 | Report Abuse

getting into this like..what do u call that in japan..ya..harakiri...sayonara...pancung kapala...haha...nta 15 cents wakakakakaka


2013-10-23 23:42 | Report Abuse

may be akito like this Gpa-cket...because he thought he read G-pan ...haha jepun celup...matilah lu...Big Distribution Big Distribution Big Distribution
berani masuk...berani mati...memang mati pun...haha


2013-10-23 23:38 | Report Abuse

silly jepun celup..kikikito

News & Blogs

2013-10-23 22:53 | Report Abuse

market turun naik..OTB jugak yang untung..haha ada side income tu
OTB u kan dah kaya..tak payahlah charge...just give us some free info..haha


2013-10-23 22:50 | Report Abuse

confirmed ...overpriced doubt


2013-10-23 22:43 | Report Abuse

astro when it fell after ipo..many ..actually none of the analysts knows what is going on and who is selling...
i don't think with the bad news announced for westport in amazing timing that any of them has difficulty to make a good analysis


2013-10-23 22:36 | Report Abuse

hello epf has ceased to be the substantial shareholder


2013-10-23 22:34 | Report Abuse

that phrases :

""We are dependent on a small number of customers"...

from the prospectus tells us how small number can make a big different.....

not me saying.....westport prospectus is the one telling that...

so careful...this is not as seemed as it is...

....air yang tenang jangan disangka tiada buaya

....harapkan pagar..pagar makan padi...

....kusangka cerah hingga ke petang, rupanya hujan di tengahari

....ingat astro masa jatuh lepas ipo..tak da berita buruk...tapi westport dengan berita buruk besar


2013-10-23 22:26 | Report Abuse

yeah sang jero...may be it is true like u said ..this is a good question apa pasal berita buruk macam ni tak pernah terkait dengan westport...apapasal lepas 2 hari..apa pasal??? nasib baiklah RANHILL tak listed itu hari...kalau listed mampui


2013-10-23 22:06 | Report Abuse

i think all the owners are very intelligent..they just know when to list this stock ..then gave approval for the bad news to be to published
my question is..why the hell bad news like this never never exist for wesport before???

why the hell now???

why never before???

why after ipo???

aiyo what is this bursa/SC???

just after a couple of days???

if the news was released before the will will be another listing cancellation ...remember RANHILL???

...or at least the ipo will be ..may be RM 2


just think over some points, isn't it? so don't be angry


2013-10-23 21:58 | Report Abuse

siap guna capital letterrs utk MATERIAL IMPACT ..and using word such as "sounds" positive..haha..good effort oily..yet i smell gas here..oily sudah farted hehe


2013-10-23 21:55 | Report Abuse

oil gassy ni cakap positif tapi berkali2 posted that negative links...haha..pandai acting dia ni


2013-10-23 21:50 | Report Abuse

i think this is how the sharks started their plan with osk tigers...
16/01/2013 Sedco Holdings International Ltd (Previously named AHL Holding Company Ltd) Portfolio rebalancing and adjustment to country and sector exposure
09/01/2013 Sedco International Holdings Ltd Portfolio rebalancing and adjustment to country and sector exposure
08/01/2013 PacificQuest Portfolio rebalancing and adjustment to country and sector exposure
31/12/2012 Sedco Holdings International Ltd (Previously named AHL Holding Company Ltd) Portfolio rebalancing and adjustment to country and sector exposure
27/12/2012 PacificQuest Portfolio rebalancing and adjustment to country and sector exposure
24/12/2012 Sedco Holdings International Ltd (Previously named AHL Holding Company Ltd) Portfolio rebalancing and adjustment to country and sector exposure
24/12/2012 Sedco International Holdings Ltd Portfolio rebalancing and adjustment to country and sector exposure
18/12/2012 PacificQuest Portfolio rebalancing and adjustment to country and sector exposure
may be that's why u still can't see newest announcement of disposal by osk .. :)
smart transfering by sharks and osk ... mati
i change my opinion before about the price may goes under 40 i think they will keep the price above 40 cents ..untill they can unload all their shares..what do u expect for a company with nta 15 cents which certainly be max 12 cents nta (that's with not so bad condition..if semua mati) after next quarterly financial being announced.
don't worry i'll will be present at the burial ...haha


2013-10-23 21:38 | Report Abuse

this stock..has only one title now...Big Distribution Big Distribution Big Distribution
berani masuk...berani mati...memang mati pun...haha


2013-10-23 19:45 | Report Abuse

Chicken prices up on wages, weak ringgit, not shortages, say poultry farmer
Prices of chicken, the most popular meat in Malaysia, had spiked recently due to a weaker ringgit, higher minimum wages and rising cost of feed but not due to any shortages, a farmers group told The Malaysian Insider.

Federation of Livestock Farmers of Malaysia (FLFAM) secretary-general Jeffrey Ng said higher costs have caused chicken prices to rise although its members are producing more birds - 11.9 million birds weekly this month against 10.7 million birds weekly in July 2012.

“Broiler producers were faced with the double whammy of higher cost of feed which is imported, which makes up 60 percent of the cost of production and the depreciation of the ringgit.

"Cost per bird had risen to RM5.12 a kg in July this year compared to RM4.67 a kg in July 2012,” Ng said in an interview with The Malaysian Insider in Kuala Lumpur this week.

He said the situation has been compounded by the imposition of the minimum wage of RM900 per month by the government this year.

"FLFAM members were paying their farm hands an average of RM600 per month and the new wage is a rise of 50% exclusive of allowances,” added Ng.

He also said wet market prices for chickens factored in the cost of special chops and removing the skin of the chicken. Retail price for chickens had soared to as much as RM9 a kg this month from the previous level of RM6 to RM6.50 a kg in mid-June.

Ng said the Competitions Act and Anti-Profiteering Act regulated the industry, preventing wanton price fixing to capitalise on the Ramadhan fasting month and Aidilfitri celebrations.

“The price of chicken is determined by the laws of demand and supply but on the part of the suppliers we have increased production whenever there was excess demand. Have you ever encountered a situation where you run out of chickens in hypermarkets and wet markets?” Ng asked.

The Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism had proposed to import chicken and recommended that consumers boycott the meat while saying prices would be fixed for the festive season.

Yesterday, it set the price of chickens at RM7.70 a kg for a period of 17 days.

Ng said FLFAM members were satisfied with the price set by the government to control the spiraling price of chickens.

But Federation of Malaysian Consumer Associations (Fomca) president Datuk N. Marimuthu said the issue of high chicken prices was surrounded by hype and a perennial story played up every Ramadhan season.

“Fomca has no issues with chicken prices and we believe that the high prices during festive seasons is a normality as it was demand driven.

"People have alternatives, those who cannot afford wet market chicken prices should buy from hypermarkets,” he told The Malaysian Insider. - July 27, 2013


2013-10-23 19:42 | Report Abuse

after i checked...nope but just in top 10


2013-10-23 19:40 | Report Abuse

today's volume is the highest for this year..i think


2013-10-23 19:38 | Report Abuse

Ruben Emir Gnanalingam Bin this guy a Muslim?..why does he need to change his father name and put it behind 'Bin' while 'Bin' means 'son of...'?


2013-10-23 19:33 | Report Abuse

ok increase in term of value... but per share decreased


2013-10-23 19:31 | Report Abuse

wah orang melayu kat sini semua baik2..percaya dan redha dgn qadha' dan qadar Allah...thumbs up


2013-10-23 19:26 | Report Abuse u read well? quarterly decreased and first half also i the wrong one or u?


2013-10-23 17:30 | Report Abuse

wah saufi ni memang anak melayu ...guna bahasa melayu walaupun kaya raya...tak macam org lain..asyik2 english...gua pun sama...rasa rendah diri jumpa orang hebat yg humble macam ni...


2013-10-23 16:59 | Report Abuse

What, besides chicken?
Why is chicken the choice for all Malaysians? In the past, before the 1970s, chicken meat was quite expensive. Some families only ate chicken once a week or once a month. Those who were poorer only ate chicken during the festive season. Currently, chicken is a cheap source of protein when compared to fish, beef, lamb, etc. Chicken is also very inclusive, because it can be enjoyed by all races in Malaysia.
As we mentioned earlier, people’s reactions show their annoyance and inability to face the sudden increase in the price of chicken. Consumers should be given more alternatives to choose food. At this time, the decision made by consumers is based on what is offered by the market, their budget, the price of substitute products and alternatives.
Communities should be encouraged to carry out small-scale farming including poultry rearing, and the government should provide assistance in terms of initial capital, land ownership, education and training. In addition, the government should rejuvenate the fisheries sector as the price of fish and marine produce are expensive, which also affects consumer choice in selecting protein sources besides chicken.
The issue of price hike of chicken and chicken shortage is just one part of a larger issue – the management of food resources in Malaysia.
The writer is president of the Consumers Association of Penang


2013-10-23 16:58 | Report Abuse

Every day, every year – chicken chicken chicken!
July 20, 2013
FMT LETTER: From SM Mohd Idris, via e-mail
The increase in the market price of chicken has caused dissatisfaction among Malaysian consumers. In the two weeks since the beginning of Ramadan, the dramatic rise of chicken price has become a hotly discussed issue among consumers, traders and policy makers. Previously, the price of chicken was around RM7 per kg. Now, at the Jelutong Market for example, chicken price is between RM8 to RM9 per kg. The Consumers’ Association of Penang (CAP) has received more than 50 complaints from consumers regarding this issue.
According to media reports, the link between producers, intermediaries (distributors) and retailers is one determinant of the price of chicken. Farmers and traders insist they have no choice and must conform to the market price that is sensitive to price of chicken feed, transportation costs and the cost of labour. The shortage of chicken in the market has prompted some traders to increase prices at will. This ultimately affects and burdens Malaysian consumers who have chosen chicken as their main protein source.
The Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism (MDTCC) has proposed to import chicken, recommended that consumers boycott buying chicken, and would announce a ceiling price on August 1, 2013 (the price control for chicken is only during the festive season). The Ministry did not clearly state the causes of the rise in chicken prices that has caused panic among consumers. The issue of increase in the price of chicken is not new. It can be said to be an annual occurrence, repetitive, synonymous with the festive season. We urge the Ministry to find a solution that is consistent and benefits both consumers and producers.
Ceiling price of chicken announced on Aug 1, 2013

As in previous years, the Ministry has introduced the enforcement of the Festive Season Price Control Scheme under the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011 (formerly the Price Control Act 1946). Under this scheme, a number of essential items (including poultry) are identified as price-controlled goods for the festive season at the maximum price set at different levels i.e. manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers in a given period. The scheme is implemented throughout Malaysia and the price set differs according to region and district. For this year, the Ministry will announce the ceiling price for chicken and other items on August 1, 2013. The question is, by learning from past experience on price hikes, why doesn’t the Ministry ease the burden of consumers by enforcing the scheme earlier, i.e. at the onset of Ramadan? Are the issues on the causes of price increase and measures to be taken to overcome this problem discussed annually only when consumers feel the burden and begin to complain?
The Act that protects consumers from increases in prices of goods
The Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011 prohibits traders from profiteering and being unreasonable in the sale and supply of goods. Under the Act, profiteer means making profit unreasonably high. If convicted of the offence, action will be taken against the trader. In addition, the Minister responsible must establish a mechanism to address the issues of profiteering, to determine unreasonably high profit. CAP would like to get confirmation from MDTCC whether the mechanism is in place? If the mechanism is in place there is no need for the Ministry to wait until Aug 1, 2013 to enforce the price control scheme. If not, the parties concerned should justify why the mechanism has not been fixed? Is the issue of rising prices a trivial issue?
We are also aware of the role of the Price Controller as stipulated in the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering Act 2011. “The Controller may, with the approval of the Minister, by order published in the Gazette, determine the maximum, minimum or fixed price for the manufacturing, producing, wholesaling or retailing”. CAP is confident that the mechanism developed by the Ministry would certainly work well with the help of the Price Controller.
The Price Controller’s role would definitely be more effective if located in every district and every branch of the ministry and given the autonomy and authority to carry out operations and enforcement at the local level.
In addition, the Ministry should intensify cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Agro-based Industry (MOA), particularly in addressing the issues of shortage and rising prices of goods during the festive season. MOA has provided an alternative to urge consumers to buy goods at the Farmers Market (FAMA – Federal Agricultural Marketing Authority). Prices here are reasonable. We also welcome the introduction of the ‘Save Kitchen Expenses” programme. We believe that if both the Ministries cooperate from the beginning and consumers are provided information, consumers will not panic when there is a shortage and the price of chicken increases.


2013-10-23 16:33 | Report Abuse

very risky plays


2013-10-23 16:32 | Report Abuse

someone bought repeatedly at 0.685 ..many people throw at 0.685 yet this guy always come back and just tadah at 0.685


2013-10-23 15:59 | Report Abuse

posted by saufi buy 250k@ 2.70..financing..
banyak gila lu punya duit saufi...wp just financing...brrr...


2013-10-22 16:35 | Report Abuse

SC=SCam..? how to investigate?


2013-10-22 16:33 | Report Abuse

psychological supports that are so reluctant to make a move...might disappear unexpectedly..except for trapped in victims


2013-10-22 09:24 | Report Abuse

wait for crash...all will loose hell


2013-10-22 01:02 | Report Abuse

the signals for all mui related down it will be


2013-10-22 00:50 | Report Abuse

this calvin talks about how good pmcorp and iskandar are..yet:
Posted by calvintaneng > Oct 18, 2013 11:44 AM | Report Abuse

Dear Friends at FOCAL AIM,

Yesterday I went to Iskandar for house renovation job. To my surprise paint price has gone up to RM105 from RM90 per five liter.

Many of my contruction friends could not get workers. Govt clam down on illegal vietnam & indon workers have caused them to flee Malaysia.

Those remaining ones the Construction bosses are afraid to hire. A RM5,000 fine for harbouring any illegal worker.

And with petrol price rise developers are facing higher cost.

Also with the impending 5% property purchase tax for Singaporean will dampen interest.

So guys & gals, better sell Focal and switch to PM Corp(4081)
talks about flip flop


2013-10-22 00:30 | Report Abuse

just like before...will go to its original price 5 cents


2013-10-21 20:09 | Report Abuse

my friend said the 2nd bridge of penang has just been opened but not officially...u wait for PW to scream


2013-10-21 20:07 | Report Abuse

not copy cat...i'm a copy rooster kok kok kok kok ...calvin..if only u take a look at the good side of PW con...i would not make a not so good comments against pm..what happened has happend...if your pm is so good..why my PW is not good...i put my argument well
i notice the lands owned by PM are only a few of them ..u can count them with your fingers..while the lands owned by PW are too many...the directors of PW have futuristic approach..well done


2013-10-21 19:59 | Report Abuse

i know what puripuri...he's an averagizer.. :)

News & Blogs

2013-10-21 19:46 | Report Abuse

is this kondom syariah approved? anyone can tell me?


2013-10-21 18:20 | Report Abuse

the TP of RM 10 by calvin shows us how intelligent calvin is....we are no match against calvin who has invested and averaging since 2007...i wish i'm calvin..don't u all too? :) lol


2013-10-21 17:52 | Report Abuse

like i said man...

man your history shows your intelligence in since 2007..LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL