
apini | Joined since 2014-08-22

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2017-04-04 15:51 | Report Abuse

but luck is also very important
if the recommendation is good
but your luck is low
you also can't win the real money
if your luck is ONG,
you want kopi but you will gain abalone
this time bones gor really had made an abalone recommendation
thank you bones gor

News & Blogs

2017-04-04 15:43 | Report Abuse

people can recommend and we must have the wisdom to know whether the current price is still got meat or not

News & Blogs

2017-04-04 15:27 | Report Abuse


Thank you for your kind and unselfish sharing
tonight I can bring my family out for abalone meal

News & Blogs

2017-04-04 12:33 | Report Abuse


you know 90% of the klse companies, I believe your picks can't be bad
I only know 1 or 2 only , very boring to play 1 or 2 counters only
so I rely on your generous sharing to join in sikit-sikt for funs to pass time
hopingfully i can tumpang your luck to make some kopi money

News & Blogs

2017-04-01 17:30 | Report Abuse

this morning there is on talking about DAP
that is very bad.... I suspect the intention is most likely to safeguard some BN crony companies which they have put all their monies in


2017-03-31 11:16 | Report Abuse

Technically I think it will move higher
since most the penny stocks are one by one moving like mad
I believe very soon , it is our turn to shout : HUAT AH....


2017-03-31 11:09 | Report Abuse

that is very bad,
last few years the company wasn't performing well
you should sell without any hesitation

never mind....
the worst is over
now hoping for a better tomorrow and there after

Posted by vin575 > Mar 29, 2017 04:50 PM | Report Abuse

I hold the share of this company for four years dy


2017-03-31 11:03 | Report Abuse

I roughly calculated , if everything goes well,
it s possible for digista to achieve an EPS of 3.6 sen for the FY2017
current price is 20 sen
then the forward PE is 20/3.6 = 5.5
there is room to move on


2017-03-30 11:37 | Report Abuse

abang albukhary,

thank you,

I fully agree with what you said, especially this statement,

"So, as long as we have holding power, we understand the company business, we believe the company can turnaround, then we should patiently collect the share and wait for it to perform."

I am one of the beneficiaries of this statement


2017-03-30 11:15 | Report Abuse

Now I am just hoping the coming QR, the EPS will show us some positive signs , then I am very happy and more confident that my decision to buy is right .

Thanks abang abukhary, your hardworks had really helped me and many here a lot to know the potential of digista for the years to come .
Don't worry , you have done a good job, we make our best or right choice and decision . The outcome is God to decide. If win we win big together, if can't win, then it is our fate or God's will. Happily accept whatever outcome. Remember there is always a better next time. We can always win more next time


2017-03-29 17:15 | Report Abuse

you must evaluate your portfolio every year,
if there is any stock that doesn't perform up to your expectation ,no more growth , making loss in most of the quarters, and you do not see the prospect it will perform better, then you should SELL without any hesitation. keep you cash for better opportunities later
i guess , most likely the number of shares you are holding must be very small amount, that is why you don't even bother to do anything


2017-03-29 16:15 | Report Abuse

you are right, just wait patiently....
we can't move the price, but we know very well digista has all the prerequisite conditions to attract the big kaki to do their works here.


2017-03-29 12:47 | Report Abuse

the worst period is over for digista, now is the period of growth and improving recurring income
ev/ebit around 11 is due to high long term debt for the construction of JKR building , with the improved cash flow contributed by the 3M monthly rental and lower net debt, I think it is a reasonable price to enter at the current price.


2017-03-28 12:17 | Report Abuse

Your sharing is most useful for us to ascertain whether our durian is still musang king . Thank you


2017-03-28 11:45 | Report Abuse

digista is a good buy at current price,
we see the company is working hard to generate strong recurring income, income from JKR rental (3M per month), income from hotel, income from home and business protection and crime prevention ,income from VNO and small properties development with a good proposal to the Melaka Govenment
if you want to make big money, to take your family out for holidays, to buy a new car or a new house , this is the time we hit hard , but do not be too greedy until you have no say in your own investment , can't live well or unable to hold your share in case the market turns bad
we do not know how the market will move, but we can wait, we are not anxious to see the durian tree we have just planted to grow taller and bear fruits tomorrow , but we are very confident we are going to get musang king one day as long as the during tree we have chosen and planted still remain a musang king in our eye ,every year and every quarter of the year
if you have the wisdom to make a right choice ,have a beautiful dream to make big money and have the courage and determination to make your dream comes true , then it is not difficult to be successful.
of course, the final say is still the God, so we must also have the courage and the willingness to accept the truth if things do not come out in the way we want. but we have no regret , at least we have worked hard and tried to realise our dream.


2017-03-27 19:29 | Report Abuse

just wait patiently for the day to come , then you can buy a whole new car bought by cash term and drive you family out for holidays


2017-03-27 19:26 | Report Abuse

remember that no one can predict the market
always keep some cash to buy at a lower price
we want big money but not anxious to make fast money, but if the market wants to give us big money faster, then we are more than happy to accept the outcome


2017-03-27 19:19 | Report Abuse

panther911 provides crime prevention and protection for homes , businesses, infants , senior citizens, hihers and also vehicle tracking
the lowest monthly subscription is RM72.00 per month.
currently the company has about 6000 subscribers, I see the marketable value and potential of this product, for the coming few years , if they can achieve the targeted 300,000 subscriptions, I think it is achievable and most likely can be achieved very much earlier than expected,
then you see how much money can be generated
72 X 300000 =21,600,000.00 per month
21,600,000.00 x 12 = 259,200,000.00 per year
this figure still have not included the sale of VNO , hotel operation, government concession , and land property in Melaka.
so I dare dare go in and ready to wait patiently, like I am waiting for gadang, to give me a good return.



2017-03-27 16:19 | Report Abuse

Not easy to buy cheap


2017-03-27 11:24 | Report Abuse

I will show you my calculation of the monthly income from the securities system later. Now minum kopi first...


2017-03-27 11:20 | Report Abuse

Bought 500k @0.2
Quota today cukup
Up happy , let it flies
Down also happy can buy more earn more later
Successful investing is known the winning at the time you buy. I can wait,1 year ,2 years or 3 years
as long as profit grows and borrowing reduces every year.


2017-03-26 18:47 | Report Abuse


thank you very much, you had save a lot of my time to know the earning potential of digista.
intend to buy 10 lorries starting with 5 lorries this Monday


2017-03-26 13:24 | Report Abuse

once you have identified your target buy, it is time to spread your net and catch big fish


2017-03-26 11:32 | Report Abuse

don't buy if you have doubt
don't buy if you do not know clearly how alipay and ghl work to become a good partner or a threat to each other.
we can not put all the beautiful pictures together and think the outcome must be most beautiful
GHL is not a good risk or a good buy for me
I feel Digista safer, i can see clearly the security system can generate good recurring income , The cash flow and the financial position are improving , and most importantly now the price is cheap , very cheap compare with GHL. not a bad risk to make a good gain if you have faith in the management


2017-03-26 10:57 | Report Abuse

I am now convinced this is a good buy

News & Blogs

2017-03-25 15:35 | Report Abuse

if there is still an uncertainty don't write in such a way that sound like a sure win . people like lazy to do homework, rely on tip here, If I have not read this article by stockmany , I may have bought a few lorries of GHL waiting to huat with many sifu here

News & Blogs

2017-03-25 15:10 | Report Abuse

now a days , people like to play with business sense,
putting all the things with some similarities together to form a big picture that may be a real later .....

News & Blogs

2017-03-25 15:05 | Report Abuse


thanks for pointing out the reason that alipay may not benefit GHL
in fact, i want to buy a few lorries this coming Monday,
Now, I think I better not ....
if can not tahan ...
just buy 1000 shares play play luck minum kopi

News & Blogs

2017-03-25 14:36 | Report Abuse

after reading all the article , I am still not convince and believe the ali-pay which very much more established needs GHL in Malaysia and share part of the profit with GHL. I have a feeling this is just a construe of the writer. putting similar thing together to form a big picture that may not happen in real life. in fact ali-pay may turn a big threat or challenge to GHL
my 2 cents views. please ignore if you do not agree


2017-03-17 18:56 | Report Abuse

After reading all the comments,
Conclusion :
A good bet , not a good buy


2017-03-11 11:00 | Report Abuse

Do you have such problem or not


2017-03-11 10:57 | Report Abuse

Tksw sifu,

Now version , got to log in again
Got to verify email if not can not write comment


2017-03-11 09:17 | Report Abuse

good morning


2017-03-02 14:31 | Report Abuse

Thanks for your valuable views
This is the way we help each to make good decision , though may not be right later . But it is OK since all of us know very well nobody can predict the market . Not even KYY


2017-03-02 13:45 | Report Abuse

now my problem is to sell not to sell.
initially planing to sell at 3.1 but couldn't do
now don't know what price to sell

News & Blogs

2017-02-15 16:00 | Report Abuse

what is art????? what is science????
science is straight line , can not turn back....
art is a curve, can turn back
so, what is art? what is science?
if you know the answer,then it is science
if you are not sure , then it is art


2017-02-14 10:36 | Report Abuse

kimlun should be my next target after gadang, gkent and ekovest


2017-02-14 10:35 | Report Abuse

when others do not want then it is the best time to buy good stock cheap


2017-02-14 10:21 | Report Abuse

I am waiting for my TP 3.10 if not enjoy the dividend first


2017-02-13 20:38 | Report Abuse

Bought 110K warrant @0.71
I am not greedy , just hoping to get 30% gain by the end of the year


2017-01-20 10:29 | Report Abuse

I am very comfortable with gadang business model now
very confident to have another good harvest for 2017


2017-01-06 12:04 | Report Abuse

Good afternoon


2016-11-30 10:20 | Report Abuse

if you take it i am cursing you, then you really have to listen to my advice and take care

young man , do not be so rude

your mother do not want you to behave so badly to others

whey-whey :@apini read properly my comments before u want to act smart ok.
30/11/2016 10:03


2016-11-30 10:17 | Report Abuse

am I cursing you ?????


2016-11-30 09:59 | Report Abuse

Mr. whey-whey,

if you trade with such a mentality , I believe you will not be happy, you will get high blood pressure or heart attack before you get the profit


2016-11-30 09:56 | Report Abuse

one more and the most important...

Why should I sell if I believe the company still can grow stronger and stronger


2016-11-30 09:53 | Report Abuse


why should I sell if I do not know what better company to buy?
why should I sell if I do not need the profit to live well ?
why should I sell if I bought other company that I do not know well and can not sleep well ?


2016-11-30 09:50 | Report Abuse

tell yourself KOK ONN has more shares than you, if Gadang does not perform well he will lose more than you . if Gdang does not perform well, you can cabut anytime but he can not or difficult to do so


2016-11-30 09:45 | Report Abuse

today gadang may drop 20 sen , who will know tomorrow it may go up 50 sen.
so what's the problem?
why should you dance with the price up and down everyday
why not leave everything to KOK ONN to manage for you
any worry let KOK ONN worries.
what to do? Let KOK ONN do it
you just sit tight and see how he performs to help you become richer and richer
OK ?
relax my good brothers and sisters .


2016-11-30 09:32 | Report Abuse

why are you so uneasy?
why are you have no faith in what you believe?
I have seen gadang moving up to 2.00 then falling nonstop to 1.1,now 0.95 equivalent to 2.37 plus free warrant before ex.
but so far Gadang never fail me, the best performer and the main profit contributor each year to my investment portfolio. I don't see any reason to sell now , I also don't see any reason why I dare not buy more now . I do not when to sell my gadang , I only strong believe and I am confident Gadang will still remain as a major profit contributor to my portfolio next year.