
arv18 | Joined since 2013-03-07

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2014-06-03 20:39 | Report Abuse

"I don't when or where this arse hole got the impression that I encourage people like him to invest in this counter , pardon the language..."

Hmmmm, I wonder how I got that impression?

Posted by minahkarant > Mar 20, 2014 11:57 AM | Report Abuse
CecilIT you need two coconuts and a coin . Buy don't buy is base on what? These so call theories are based on information from company records and sc . Your question would it go up a after hitting twenty ? My binoculars says yes but not within the next two weeks but perhaps in a few months.

Posted by minahkarant > Mar 27, 2014 01:06 AM | Report Abuse
Got Project? What project ? I do not know but I know a loss making company can turn around with proper restructuring and carefully managed. This company have the potentials. Don't watch too many cowboy movies whereby only the white men will win and the Indians are bad likewise don't think that someone announce they have project the shares will shoot up.

Posted by minahkarant > Apr 8, 2014 04:33 PM | Report Abuse
Market talk is that the new directors are positive in making this company into a super company. Extol have very good infrastructures especially the licenses. You are right that small investors are jumping in . I still say hold on to your shares if you read my earlier posting I said farewell to the twenties, thirties and even forties. For I believe come May/June you will be looking at the fifties. Once there my satisfaction is the analysis is spot on . You can say it is an ego problem in me.....
--------------------------not my words, yours (talking c**k)

But why is he interested in this page ? Is he helpful , does he keep us informed of the situation? No.! I suspect from the trend of his writing he must have a vested interest in this counter.

----No positions in Extol. Why? Just go back and read my postings from Page 6. I have been consistently AGAINST investing/speculating in this counter, WAY before these shenanigans even began.

you're a bit emotional and upset, understandably, but just admit you made a mistake and move on.


2014-06-03 17:19 | Report Abuse

why is everybody so quiet, friend? where are all your kaki's when you need them most? maybe you should login to your other i3 accounts so that you can support/back up your view?


2014-06-03 17:11 | Report Abuse

i'm an a-hole is it? excuse me, i believe you need to take a good look in the mirror my friend. you're the one encouraging people to "invest" in this stock for "long-term". anyway you made your bed, now lie in it lah.

if you were advising like other, to buy based on technicals or Murasaki system or whatever, for like 2 weeks or something, then sure, i understand that. you are just speculating/gambling. but NO, you're taking about some miraculous "turnaround"..."long term" or something, whatever that means.

so who's leading this "turnaround"? some tech wizards? somebody with a track record? do you have some solid facts? or just taking c**k as usual?


2014-06-02 22:40 | Report Abuse

no i am not "with you" or "with us" whatever that means. if you want to buy, go right on ahead. enjoy the drama and excitement unfolding. you'll get a ticket to some fun shareholder meetings by the sounds of it.

i don't understand how on earth you could be encouraging other i3 members, promising "some kind of turnaround" from new management. what about the current old mgmt f-ing things up. why would anyone in their right mind encourage others to dive into this mess???

we all want one thing. to make a return on investment - ROI. I'm not trying to be Warren B, and it ain't going to happen every time (profit), but I do believe in using some wisdom and common sense in making investment/spec decisions.

---even if there is a turnaround, it will take at least 12 - 24 months, and the stock ain't going to jump in advance of Q results showing proof (unless there is some asset injection or 1000 hectares in Iskander). Look at counters like SMRT, SEAL, GPHAROS all took at least one or two Q of (massively) growing profit, BEFORE seeing a dramatic rise.

Counters making or maintaining profit....

Company losing money ... Again .... EXTOL .... as expected. enjoy!

Quarter Revenue PBT Attb. to SH EPS
2014-03-31 2,122 -694 -694 -0.50


2014-06-02 20:09 | Report Abuse

4 Weeks Range: 0.34 - 0.745

come on man ... price already goreng up massively. what are you taking about?


2014-06-02 17:40 | Report Abuse

maybe you feel there is not enough stress in your life? need some drama and excitement? try bungee jumping or sky diving. stocks, not so much.


2014-06-02 17:35 | Report Abuse

as i said before, why on earth speculate and waste time here when there are so many other counters? bursa and the SC aren't going to do you any favours. so why stress out over a fundamentally rotten counter.

imagine they get the books back and discover some massive fraud has been perpetrated e.g. Silverbird (aka High5). Then what?


2014-05-22 13:05 | Report Abuse

0.85 - 6mth target... that minimum holding time over here.


2014-04-18 23:04 | Report Abuse

i'm not sure if they booked the sale to Datasonic in this Q earnings.

my initial target is 1.04, which will close the GAP in price from 2010. then we can look at challenging 1.17


2014-04-18 22:56 | Report Abuse

i've noticed a trend whereby previous year Q4 and following year Q1 is always weak. strongest EPS is traditionally recorded in Q2 and Q3.

If you do a comparison (just doing Q4/Q1);

Q4'2012 + Q1'2013 -> 1.0 + 0.7 = 1.7 sen, whereas
Q4'2013 + Q1'2014 -> 1.6 + 0.4 = 2.0 sen

which is an improvement. take a look for yourself. would appreciate some feedback.


2014-04-18 00:07 | Report Abuse

sizzlin. good stuff. 69 sen up next...


2014-04-17 18:38 | Report Abuse

MERS is spreading. Zhulain, Dsonic, now Bonia? what is next Pmetal?


2014-04-17 17:57 | Report Abuse

anyway, bought at 2.50, sell at 3.50 after 3 weeks, who cares why right?


2014-04-17 17:53 | Report Abuse

price movement has just been tracking the movement of aluminium on LME.

price has risen from 1680 - 1900 over the last 6 months. thats has been the main driver.

however, that is only because indonesia has banned bauxite exports (demanded by RUSAL to justify building a smelter there).

where is press metal getting its bauxite from? - which means costs are also going to go up for PMETAL

this is from reuters in Jan, just as the LME price was going up...

Indonesia's export ban to curb China aluminium expansion
Thu Jan 30, 2014 7:49pm EST
Basic Materials ยป
* Indonesia supplies about 60 percent of China's bauxite import
* China has around 10 months of bauxite stockpiled - analysts
* Gap of around 10 million tonnes of bauxite possible - Macquarie

By Melanie Burton
SYDNEY, Jan 31 (Reuters) - China has found an inadvertent ally in its efforts to slim down a bloated aluminium sector, with Indonesia's ban on exporting metal ores set to boost costs of the raw material bauxite and pile more pressure on struggling smelters.

Beijing has been issuing broadbrush rules aimed at reining in overcapacity in sectors such as aluminium and steel for about a decade, but plans have usually been thwarted by resistance from local governments anxious to boost growth.

In the aluminium sector, ageing and inefficient smelters are already grappling with rising power prices, but now face potential bauxite shortages after Indonesia halted ore shipments on Jan. 12, as part of efforts to make miners process minerals at home.

China is the world's biggest aluminium producer and curbing expansion could ease a global surplus of the metal and even lead to the country resuming sizeable imports of refined aluminium.

It is also likely to provide support to the price of a metal that has been depressed for years.

"(Indonesia's ban) will have a huge impact on the Chinese aluminium industry in the medium term," said Citi China commodities analyst Ivan Szpakowski.


2014-04-17 17:16 | Report Abuse

the free float is small. so the price can be easily manipulated (up/down). better watch out, if you didn't get in early....


2014-04-17 17:10 | Report Abuse

current PE (TTM) = 119

this is truly a keeper!


2014-04-17 17:08 | Report Abuse

latest financial results like this....

F.Y. Quarter Revenue Profit before Tax Profit Profit Attb. to SH EPS DPS
2013-12-31 2013-12-31 805,886 -8,715 -40,811 -28,411 -5.58 1.00

can lead to a breakout. nothing ceases to amaze!


2014-04-17 17:02 | Report Abuse

big aluminium breakout. haha check out the other counters like LBALUM and PMETAL


2014-04-16 15:29 | Report Abuse

vincent. what about those that already grabbed @ RM 4?


2014-04-16 14:32 | Report Abuse

what rubbish are you talking. bursa is bursa. they are an exchange. the make money from listings (IPOs), data feeds, transactions etc. they aren't market makers.

UMA is there for a reason. if you don't listen, then its your own fault.


2014-04-16 14:26 | Report Abuse

aiyah, stop blaming bursa. they already warned you twice via UMA. you made the decision to buy, so deal with it.


2014-04-16 14:20 | Report Abuse

not sure if someone has posted this, but some wise words from Mr Alex Lu courtesy of his blog -

Dsonic: Where is the support?

Dsonic broke its strong horizontal support at RM3.50 this morning. It broke its psychological support at RM3.00 this afternoon. It is now rebounding off the horizontal support at RM2.70. Is the worst over or has it begun? Who knows...

If you are really nimble and you can take the risk, the RM2.40 level is a good level to take a punt on this stock. Still I would be quite surprise if the stock would break through 2 support levels in one day. Thus I believe the RM2.70 support will hold for now.

My earlier caution for not-so-good traders still remain. Be careful with Dsonic.


2014-04-16 13:52 | Report Abuse

i don't know. could go up. could go down. i'm not in it . not for me la.

side note - it is making a ton, a TON of money from its passport scam. earnings are through the roof.


2014-04-16 13:50 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-04-16 13:47 | Report Abuse

listen, @ IPO was 0.40 sen (post-split). therefore, even now, the early birds are sitting on a nice profit of over 715% at todays price. Those that bought at RM4+, i can't even imagine what you were thinking ...


2014-04-16 13:34 | Report Abuse

there has to be enough dumb players to feed the smart ones.


2014-04-16 12:43 | Report Abuse

they all mostly talk cock. mostly.


2014-04-16 12:11 | Report Abuse

dead duck.


2014-04-16 12:09 | Report Abuse

looks like Karex is catching the DSONIC bug.

hey how come the glove counters are affected by the water crisis and higher gas prices. this company immune ke?

isn't this company also making 'gloves' for something else?


2014-04-16 12:07 | Report Abuse

Everyone trading this counter should also be holding Bursa stock since you're all creating the massive revenue for it.


2014-04-16 12:06 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-04-16 11:49 | Report Abuse

anyway, those that bought at IPO still sitting on a MASSIVE profit.


2014-04-16 11:48 | Report Abuse

only when the price crashes, accusations of 'price manipulation' get thrown around. how come no 'price manipulated up' theories huh?


2014-04-16 10:34 | Report Abuse

many traders are now locked into a 'long term' dsonic investment.


2014-04-16 10:24 | Report Abuse

just imagine a number, but must be less than current price haha


2014-04-16 10:24 | Report Abuse

any price you want can also


2014-04-16 09:40 | Report Abuse

GAP down perhaps???


2014-04-16 09:24 | Report Abuse

slip sliding away. oh no


2014-04-16 09:06 | Report Abuse

sliced through support @ 2.70 like hot knife on butter....oh boy


2014-04-16 00:55 | Report Abuse

will double down if it drops back to 0.35


2014-04-16 00:54 | Report Abuse

its a wee bit early to sell this counter, no?


2014-04-15 20:50 | Report Abuse

not to mention that this has happened in record time. for sure there will be a big correction. it is only natural.


2014-04-15 20:49 | Report Abuse

common lah. don't play dumb dumb. this stock has gone from around 40 sen to 4.75. how much higher were you expecting?


2014-04-15 20:46 | Report Abuse

stay away. do not buy this lousy company.


2014-04-15 20:45 | Report Abuse

payday loan company. this stock sucks bigtime! buybacks only to bail out big investors.


2014-04-15 16:21 | Report Abuse

plunging into the indian ocean. oh boy. the game is over.


2014-04-15 15:56 | Report Abuse

karex could be next...


2014-04-15 15:53 | Report Abuse

who forced you to buy? take some responsibility for actions la.


2014-04-15 15:52 | Report Abuse

thats your problem if you do dumb things and buy expensive call warrants


2014-04-15 15:50 | Report Abuse

a lot of margin calls that is for sure