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2014-04-15 15:49 | Report Abuse

head and shoulders technical reversal?


2014-04-15 15:46 | Report Abuse

4.80 DROP TO 2.80 - transponder turned off. radar not detecting. #prayfor5216


2014-04-15 15:43 | Report Abuse

badly affected by the 'heartbleed' bug.


2014-04-10 09:45 | Report Abuse


Announcement Type: General Announcement
Stock Name DSONIC
Date Announced 9 Apr 2014
Category General Announcement
Reference No DG-140409-BFC91

Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS

The Board of Directors of Datasonic wishes to announce that Datasonic has on 9 April 2014, entered into a Share Sale Agreement with Formosa Prosonic Industries Berhad (Company No. 172312-K) for the acquisition of 24,861,790 ordinary shares of RM1.00 each, representing 99.45% of the equity interest in Asia Pacific Card & System Sdn Bhd (Company No. 418808-K) together with its wholly-owned subsidiary, Constant Ahead Sdn Bhd (Company No. 656294-M) for a total cash consideration of Ringgit Malaysia Twenty One Million Eight Hundred Seventy Eight Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Five and Twenty Sen Only (RM21,878,375.20).

Please refer to the attached file for the details of the announcement.

This announcement is dated 9 April 2014.


2014-04-04 13:38 | Report Abuse

endless possibilities to hit PN17?

News & Blogs

2014-04-04 13:35 | Report Abuse

looking good. on its way to 1.50 in less than 2 months.


2014-04-01 03:03 | Report Abuse

Malaysia changes final words of MH370 pilot
Authorities change pilot's last words to control tower, amid criticism of their handling of MH370 disappearance.
Last updated: 31 Mar 2014 18:42

Malaysia says the plane was likely to have been diverted deliberately far off course [AP]
The last words spoken by one of the pilots of the missing Malaysian Airlines plane to the control tower were "Good night Malaysian three seven zero", Malaysia's civil aviation authority said, changing its previous account of the last message as being a more casual "All right, good night."

The correction of the official account of the last words was made as Malaysian authorities continued to face heavy criticism for their handling of the disappearance, particularly from families of the Chinese passengers on board Flight MH370 who have accused Malaysia of mismanaging the search and withholding information.

"We would like to confirm that the last conversation in the transcript between the air traffic controller and the cockpit is at 0119 (Malaysian Time) and is "Good night Malaysian three seven zero," the Department of Civil Aviation said in a statement on Monday, according to the Reuters news agency.

Malaysia's ambassador to China told Chinese families in Beijing as early as March 12, four days after the flight went missing, that the last words had been "All right, good night."

"Good night Malaysian three seven zero" would be a more formal, standard sign-off from the cockpit of the Boeing 777, which was just leaving Malaysia-controlled airspace on its route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.

Minutes later its communications were cut off and it turned back across Malaysia and headed towards the Indian Ocean.

Search effort

More than three weeks later, a huge international search effort is taking place in the southern Indian Ocean,off western Australia, but has so far failed to turn up any wreckage.

The statement from the aviation authority came after Acting Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein was questioned at a news conference on Monday about the last words from the cockpit and fended off demands to release the official transcript.

The statement said authorities were still conducting a "forensic investigation" to determine whether the last words from the cockpit were by the pilot or the co-pilot.

Previously, Malaysia Airlines said the words were believed to have come from the co-pilot.

The civil aviation department said the investigating team had been instructed to release the full transcript at the next briefing with relatives.

Malaysia says the plane, which disappeared less than an hour into its flight, was likely to have been diverted deliberately far off course.

Investigators have determined no apparent motive or other red flags among the 227 passengers or the 12 crew.

About two-thirds of the passengers were Chinese nationals.

-------------more b.s. from those in charge-------------


2014-03-31 08:53 | Report Abuse

--------typical, can't take responsibility. must accuse others--------


2014-03-31 08:51 | Report Abuse

Interpol hits back, says Home Minister has not learned from MH370 tragedy
Business & Markets 2014
Written by Surin Murugiah of
Monday, 31 March 2014 08:07

A + A - Reset
KUALA LUMPUR (March 31): The responsibility or blame for the failure of Malaysia not to consult Interpol's Stolen and Lost Travel Documents (SLTD) database before allowing travellers to enter the country or board planes rests solely with Malaysia's Immigration Department, according to Interpol.

“Interpol has no idea why Malaysia’s Home Minister chooses to attack Interpol instead of learning from this tragedy,” it said.

In a scathing rebuttal on March 30, Interpol said the failure of the country to consult Interpol could not be defended by falsely blaming technology or Interpol.

“Interpol’s SLTD database takes just seconds to reveal whether a passport is listed, with recent tests providing results in 0.2 seconds.

“The fact is that the US consults this database more than 230 million times per year; the UK more than 140 million times; the UAE more than 100 million times and Singapore more than 29 million times. Not one of these countries, or indeed any Interpol member country, has ever stated that the response time is too slow,” it said in a statement.

Interpol said the truth was that in 2014 prior to the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH 370, Malaysia’s Immigration Department did not conduct a single check of passengers’ passports against Interpol’s databases.

“Consequently, two individuals possessing stolen Austrian and Italian passports were able to board MH 370.

“Had Malaysia consulted Interpol's SLTD database, the fact that both passengers were using stolen passports would have been discovered almost instantaneously,” it said.

It said the country’s Immigration Department owed it to all passengers boarding flights originating in, or passing through, Malaysia to make sure that passports registered as stolen or lost in Interpol’s databases cannot be used to board any flight.

“In this regard, despite this unjustified attack on Interpol, we remain ready, willing and able to help Malaysia better safeguard its citizens and visitors from those seeking to use stolen or fraudulently altered passports to board planes.

The international policing organisation said that after years of witnessing countries fail to consult Interpol’s SLTD database prior to allowing travellers to cross borders and board planes, it created I-Checkit which will allows airlines and cruise lines to ensure that no passenger can use a stolen or lost passport registered in Inetrpol’s database to board one of their planes or ships.


2014-03-29 09:49 | Report Abuse

Interpol hits back at Malaysia claim that int’l police to blame for MH370 passport confusion
Published time: March 29, 2014 01:36 Get short URL
Accident, China, Police, Politics, Scandal, Security

Officials from Interpol refuted a claim from Malaysia Friday in which the government said it could not check through the international police agency’s passport database because the process was too much of a burden.

As international investigators continue their search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight that disappeared weeks ago, the Malaysian government revealed it had not checked the passports of the missing passengers with Interpol’s database, which lists stolen passports.

Interior Minister Zahid Hamidi told the Malaysian parliament Wednesday that Interpol’s vast database of lost passport records was “too large” and would be too much for Malaysia’s database management system, according to Reuters quoting the local Malay Mail Online.

“Furthermore, Interpol’s information of lost (passports) may slow down the process of immigration checks at counters,” Zahid said.

Two passengers were able to board flight MH 370 with stolen Austrian and Italian passports. The plane, which has still not been recovered, was last tracked over the South China Sea on March 8 with 239 people on board. The authorities have said they do not think the two passengers in question had anything to do with the mystery.

Interpol has taken exception to the country’s assertion. The Lyon, France-based agency said Friday that no member country has ever complained that the process is too slow, in part because it takes under a second to find out if a passport is listed as stolen.

“Malaysia’s decision not to consult INTERPOL’s Stolen and Lost Travel Documents (SLTD) database before allowing travellers to enter the country or board planes cannot be defended by falsely blaming technology or INTERPOL,” it said. “If there is any responsibility or blame for this failure, it rests solely with Malaysia’s Immigration Department.”

Frustration with Malaysia stretches far beyond the offices of Interpol, though, as a large boycott of all things Malaysian has been organized in China in response to what millions of people perceive as a flawed investigation.

Barbara Demnick of the Los Angeles Times reported on Friday that the families of the missing passengers who have gathered at Beijing’s Lido hotel since March 8 protested a Malaysia Airlines press conference rather than listen to another update. There were 227 passengers onboard the flight, 153 of them Chinese.

“I just want to say to the Chinese families – it is not just them,” Malaysian transportation minister Hishamuddin Hussein said Friday at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur. “Fourteen other nations have lost family members.”

A number of Chinese ticketing agencies have prohibited the sale of airplane tickets to Malaysia, with a spokesman from eLong travel saying the agency would keep the policy in place “indefinitely until the Malaysian government and Malaysia Airlines release every piece of information they have in order to find out the truth of the missing flight as soon as possible.”

--------blaming interpol, not taking responsibility for f-ups-------

--------m-boleh, yea?------------------



2014-03-29 06:44 | Report Abuse

TOURISM MINISTRY some more. Isn't it Visit Malaysia 2014??????


2014-03-29 06:42 | Report Abuse

-----Malaysian/Bumis making headline for all the wrong reasons-----

------can't our incompetent foreign affairs dept advise staff properly?----

Malaysian couple in Stockholm jailed for hitting children
PUBLISHED : Saturday, 29 March, 2014, 1:31am
UPDATED : Saturday, 29 March, 2014, 1:31am

Azizul Awalludin (centre), 38, and his wife Shalwati Norshal, 46, were sentenced by a Stockholm court to 10 and 14 months respectively for beating their children, aged seven to 14, over a three-year period with a bamboo stick, a clothes hanger and their hands. Photo: AFP

A Malaysian couple were jailed yesterday by a Stockholm court for beating their children in a case that has shocked Sweden, and raised questions about how it informs foreign parents about its smacking ban.

Azizul Awalludin, 38, and his wife Shalwati Norshal, 46, were sentenced to 10 and 14 months respectively for hitting their four children - aged seven to 14 - with a bamboo stick, a clothes hanger and their hands. They denied the charges.

But the court rejected the defence's claim that the oldest child had made up the three years of abuse. "That the children could conspire and agree together to put forward a false picture of domestic violence appears to be highly unlikely," the court said, adding that the children had been reluctant to give evidence.

The couple - in Sweden on an assignment for Tourism Malaysia but without diplomatic immunity - have been held on remand since December, when staff at the children's school reported suspicions of abuse to social services.

The case has shocked child rights observers in Sweden - which was the world's first country to ban corporal punishment of children in 1979 - and sparked outrage in the couple's home country, where hitting children is not a criminal offence.

"These cases are so extremely rare in Sweden today. This is much more severe than what we're used to," child abuse analyst Staffan Janson said.

"They may not have known [about the ban], though they may have thought that they had some kind of immunity."

But some have questioned whether Sweden is doing enough to inform newcomers of the law, as foreign-born parents are over-represented in official statistics on child assault.

Janson said smacking was more common among foreign-born parents when they first arrived, but it usually tapered off as they integrated into Sweden.

------don't beat-up/abuse your kids m'kay--------


2014-03-29 06:37 | Report Abuse

you can't blame anyone but yourself for dumb decisions mate. no one is holding a gun to your head. take some responsibility and grow up.


2014-03-28 15:49 | Report Abuse

March 28, 2014
Company announcements: MARCO

Announcement Type: Listing Circular
Stock Name MARCO
Date Announced 28 Mar 2014
Category Listing Circular
Reference No ZA-140328-50409

Kindly be advised that the abovementioned Company’s additional 8,542,800 new ordinary shares of RM0.10 each arising from the aforesaid Exercise will be granted listing and quotation with effect from 9.00 a.m., Tuesday, 1 April 2014.


2014-03-28 15:47 | Report Abuse

Chinese online travel agencies ban Malaysia Airlines ticket sales
Friday, 28 March, 2014, 2:48pm
News›China Insider
Flight MH370
Amy Li

Popular anger in China against Malaysia's perceived mishandling of the MH370 crisis continues to boil, as several top online travel agencies announced boycotts against Malaysia Airlines until it "gets to the bottom of the truth on Flight MH370.”

Agencies including eLong,, Qunar, and Mango, which are among the largest online ticket and travel vendors, said they had banned sales of Malaysia Airlines' tickets due to public anger against the carrier and the Malaysian government.

However,, the country's largest online travel agency, had not put a similar ban in place as of Friday "due to objections raised by the sales department," one Ctrip employee told the South China Morning Post on the condition of anonymity.

“We will continue the ban indefinitely until the Malaysian government and Malaysia Airlines release every piece of information they have in order to find out the truth about the missing flight as soon as possible, ” reads a statement eLong published on its official Weibo page.

Two passengers on the missing fight MH370 had booked their tickets via eLong, the agency said in its statement, and it would offer each family 100,000 yuan (HK$125,873) in compensation..

In its online statement said it would offer a full refund to clients wishing to cancel bookings of the airline's tickets and would carry on the ban until the company “sorts out the truth and offers a satisfactory explanation to all the victims and the Chinese people”.

The announcements seemed to have pleased some net users. The eLong statement had received over 7,000 comments and more than 10,000 reposts as of Friday.

“eLong has proved it has a conscience, and I will book from them in the future,” read a comment by one microblogger. Others said they were displeased by the fact that Ctrip didn’t join its competitors in banning MAS ticket sales.

“I am not using Ctrip to book my tickets anymore,” wrote another microblogger who criticised the company for not showing the same support as its competitors.

Ctrip, Qunar and ranked among the top three most influential online travel agencies in China, according to a 2013 research [2] conducted by China IT Research Centre.

As of the third quarter of 2013, Ctrip represented 48.9 per cent of the total sales of China’s online travelling booking, while eLong and represented 9.5 per cent and 6.3 per cent of the market share respectively, according to a research released by iResearch, a market research firm in China.

Amid growing calls on China's social media to boycott Malaysian tourism and products this week, some bloggers and columnists have warned against stoking further tension between the two countries and urged for calm and help for the passengers' families.

-----------just keeps getting better


2014-03-28 15:39 | Report Abuse

Chinese online travel agencies ban Malaysia Airlines ticket sales
Friday, 28 March, 2014, 2:48pm
News›China Insider
Flight MH370
Amy Li

Popular anger in China against Malaysia's perceived mishandling of the MH370 crisis continues to boil, as several top online travel agencies announced boycotts against Malaysia Airlines until it "gets to the bottom of the truth on Flight MH370.”

Agencies including eLong,, Qunar, and Mango, which are among the largest online ticket and travel vendors, said they had banned sales of Malaysia Airlines' tickets due to public anger against the carrier and the Malaysian government.

However,, the country's largest online travel agency, had not put a similar ban in place as of Friday "due to objections raised by the sales department," one Ctrip employee told the South China Morning Post on the condition of anonymity.


“We will continue the ban indefinitely until the Malaysian government and Malaysia Airlines release every piece of information they have in order to find out the truth about the missing flight as soon as possible, ” reads a statement eLong published on its official Weibo page.

Two passengers on the missing fight MH370 had booked their tickets via eLong, the agency said in its statement, and it would offer each family 100,000 yuan (HK$125,873) in compensation..

In its online statement said it would offer a full refund to clients wishing to cancel bookings of the airline's tickets and would carry on the ban until the company “sorts out the truth and offers a satisfactory explanation to all the victims and the Chinese people”.

The announcements seemed to have pleased some net users. The eLong statement had received over 7,000 comments and more than 10,000 reposts as of Friday.

“eLong has proved it has a conscience, and I will book from them in the future,” read a comment by one microblogger.

Others said they were displeased by the fact that Ctrip didn’t join its competitors in banning MAS ticket sales.

“I am not using Ctrip to book my tickets anymore,” wrote another microblogger who criticised the company for not showing the same support as its competitors.

Ctrip, Qunar and ranked among the top three most influential online travel agencies in China, according to a 2013 research [2] conducted by China IT Research Centre.

As of the third quarter of 2013, Ctrip represented 48.9 per cent of the total sales of China’s online travelling booking, while eLong and represented 9.5 per cent and 6.3 per cent of the market share respectively, according to a research released by iResearch, a market research firm in China.

NASDAQ-listed Ctrip leads the market with a revenue of 5.4 billion yuan in the 2013 fiscal year, according to its financial statement.

Amid growing calls on China's social media to boycott Malaysian tourism and products this week, some bloggers and columnists have warned against stoking further tension between the two countries and urged for calm and help for the passengers' families.

-----------just keeps getting better


2014-03-28 15:35 | Report Abuse

Some people have T+10 accounts. Remember?


2014-03-28 15:34 | Report Abuse

Most people have been cornered/forced into the "long-term investor" mindset. Just need to be able to admit a mistake and move on. Its a hard thing to do...


2014-03-28 15:32 | Report Abuse

GP doing what GP does best. It has perfected the mechanics of dropping like a rock.


2014-03-28 15:30 | Report Abuse

GP doing what GP does best. Drop like a rock.


2014-03-28 15:03 | Report Abuse

back to 30sen perhaps?


2014-03-27 14:46 | Report Abuse

i think there is something wrong with your calculation its lower than that


2014-03-27 14:45 | Report Abuse

just use the fundamental analysis (capital IQ) tool in cimb itrade. click on the shareholder summary and click on LTAT. will give full ist


2014-03-27 14:26 | Report Abuse

@skng74 - concur with that succinct summary


2014-03-27 14:21 | Report Abuse

this just gives GP more room to breathe. for how much longer is anyone's guess. good on them for sorting out something. at least P1 has a future. they are offering the best wireless deals at the moment (cleanest dirty shirt).


2014-03-27 14:04 | Report Abuse

~155 million warrants still outstanding still. plenty of supply.


2014-03-27 14:01 | Report Abuse

Intel sues G-Packet for RM60mil

PETALING JAYA: Intel Capital, which invested in convertible bonds issued by Green Packet Bhd in 2008, has filed a suit seeking RM60mil from the telecommunications company.

In an announcement yesterday, Green Packet disclosed that it had to make changes to its contingent liabilities in its books for the financial year ended Sept 30, 2013 because of a suit served on it by Intel on Sept 27 last year.

The amount set aside is not known.

Intel claimed that the company did not fulfil its obligations under a put option and tag-along rights agreement (POTA) that was executed in July 2010.


----The court has set April 1 this year for decision.----

When contacted, Green Packet chief executive officer C.C. Puan said he was confident the matter with Intel would be amicably settled out of court.

It has also been speculated that Green Packet’s P1 was inching closer to a strategic merger and acquisition deal with either DiGi.Com Bhd or Telekom Malaysia Bhd. Insiders said if that deal were to materialise soon, then the obligation to Intel would be settled.

----this will have to settled with the cash


2014-03-27 13:59 | Report Abuse

GP has debts how much? i believe it owes in the region of RM400m


2014-03-27 13:57 | Report Abuse

GP p1 holdings have been diluted massively. money used to pay down debt. what rally? 70 sen? really?


2014-03-27 13:50 | Report Abuse

Thought that would have been affordable for Digi...


2014-03-27 13:49 | Report Abuse

Flash Telekom Malaysia buying Green Packet unit P1 for RM350m
Business & Markets 2014
Written by
Thursday, 27 March 2014 13:41

Flash: Telekom Malaysia buying Green Packet unit P1 for RM350m

----game over----


2014-03-27 13:07 | Report Abuse

Read the article..... RM1.93bil debt = massive rights issue.

also planning on consolidating current 10sen share into a 1.00 share...


2014-03-27 12:59 | Report Abuse

i guess many others enjoy too. :)


2014-03-27 12:58 | Report Abuse

i just enjoy the cream crackers only.


2014-03-27 11:52 | Report Abuse

30sen to 60sen in 4 days. i don't think there is anymore to give...


2014-03-27 11:50 | Report Abuse

hopefully it does. it will save billions of our dollars.


2014-03-27 11:40 | Report Abuse

From this article ....

Ranhill’s IPO plans were put on hold last year after it emerged there had been a disclosure breach related to the suspension of the licences of its affiliate company, Perunding Ranhill Worley Sdn Bhd, by Petroliam Nasional Bhd for an indefinite period.

Subsequently, the Securities Commission (SC) imposed a fine of RM200,000 on the company, while its substantial shareholder Tan Sri Hamdan Mohamad was reprimanded and fined RM300,000 for the failure to disclose the licensing issue.

Ranhill was supposed to list on Bursa on July 31, with about 70% of its RM753mil IPO proceeds to be utilised for the repayment of borrowings. The SC had instructed the company to postpone its IPO indefinitely on July 25 in view of the non-disclosure issue.

The following day, Ranhill announced that it had terminated its IPO.

According to the company’s prospectus, it had debts of RM1.93bil and a gearing of 1.61 times as at end December 2012.

Symphony recorded a net loss of RM40.84mil for its fourth quarter ended Dec 31, 2013, compared with a net loss of RM37.66mil in the corresponding period, which was mainly attributed to an impairment made in respect of its BPO business of RM40.6mil.

Its revenue during the quarter rose to RM14.66mil from RM12.77mil previously. Its total cash and cash equivalents stood at RM22.80mil as at Dec 31, 2013.

In its notes accompanying its fourth quarter earnings, Symphony said it expected to complete the sale of Symphony BPO Solutions Sdn Bhd by the first quarter of 2014.

“Upon completion of this sale, the group still has the remaining international BPO business for payroll solutions, which will focus on completing the implementation of secured projects in Japan and Europe.

“On the domestic outsourcing business which remains in the group’s core continuing business, we expect the stock market to be in a positive bias for the remaining period of 2014, which will provide moderate growth for these businesses,” it said.

----WAY too much debt here.... maybe that why this isn't performing like Barakah


2014-03-27 11:23 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-03-27 02:19 | Report Abuse

Time to end this MAS fiasco. Bankruptcy PN17 the only way out. Shut down like News Corp closed their newspaper after hacking scandal. Someone will buy out, rebrand and rebuid.... say NO to more govt bailouts.

News & Blogs

2014-03-26 07:58 | Report Abuse

Our close neighbours Vietnam #17, and Thailand #50 are better off. Wow, what of this big Vision 2020 BS???


2014-03-26 07:10 | Report Abuse

mas finished after this. its safe to say. PN 17 plus rebrand on the way

News & Blogs

2014-03-26 06:45 | Report Abuse

plain as daylight that our ministers themselves are in need of a decent education. glaringly seen through the international media recently.


-Malaysia #52 our dear neighbours Singapore #2. Is it any wonder Johor parents send their kids to Singapore for public school education

News & Blogs

2014-03-26 00:13 | Report Abuse

haha. poor kids. just learn how to invest and stay out of or have low debt...

News & Blogs

2014-03-25 23:57 | Report Abuse

this is quite shocking. having studied outside Malaysia my entire life, i fortunately do not face this problem.


2014-03-25 22:30 | Report Abuse

also no one on i3 discussing yet. no one paying any attention. plenty of potential.


2014-03-25 22:27 | Report Abuse

very important to clear 0.69 sen. was high in jan 2010.


2014-03-25 21:46 | Report Abuse

prestar resources (9873)

- poised to break .60 tomorrow, you might want to take a look.


2014-03-25 21:41 | Report Abuse

with prestar resources (9873) poised to break .60 tomorrow. you might want to take a look.