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2020-11-11 11:38 | Report Abuse

1. The appearance must have attracted you, else you can not choose her. She can be tall, short, fat or thin. As long her appeared beautiful to you then is fine. It does not matter if she seemed not beautiful to another man.

2. Her heart must be good, good heart. Not having many opinions on each item in your family, high standard of moral and ethic, supportive. Else, it will be difficult to organize your family.

3.Buy AT, good


2020-11-11 11:21 | Report Abuse

after this very fast go 0.25?


2020-11-10 16:28 | Report Abuse

OK, let go your hands, else strangled alive


2020-11-10 16:27 | Report Abuse

can't be like Abraham hentam Nimrod until Damascus!

Wanted to choke TG alive?


2020-11-10 16:17 | Report Abuse

Why who Battling it until RM7.60 , there got buying 1.8M units, can tahan, good!


2020-11-10 12:42 | Report Abuse

Actually, one need to separate the vaccine from the gloves/socks/boots,

because people all over need those items for protection/prevention of contact with bacteria/germ/viruses when dealing with their daily works, such as doctors/nurses/food handlers.

When Vaccines started means no need gloves is an illusion.

There no end to this, the point is who can start the manufacturing capacity apart from those which are already up and is easy. You need huge amount of knowledge, land, talents and capitals to take off. And if AT can take off, why not?


2020-11-10 12:22 | Report Abuse

AT got subsidiaries in China and Thailand in the past, maybe slow became dormant?

But now not engineering alone, the nature of its business in the engineering has got the advantages, so, it will involve in manufacturing, producing gloves with the capitals from numerous parties (including like Asiabio 12% a major shareholder) which took up the stakes, raised almost RM50M for this venture. Of course, unlike if the news is a fake one.

A company that going to make Panadol tomorrow, it does not mean it wanted/wished many people to become dizzy/headache regularly.


2020-11-09 19:00 | Report Abuse


the Chairman's statement in the AR2020,

Key Corporate Development:-

On 5 July 2019, as part of the Group’s initiative to streamline the business dealing with Rieter, the Group has
terminated the Old BPA with FEM and entered into New BPA directly with Rieter for the supply of high precision
machine components to Rieter and its subsidiaries. The New BPA allows the Group to supply high precision machine
components directly to Rieter without involving an intermediary. It represents a continuation of the Group’s supply
relationship with Rieter Group.

On 22 May 2020, the Group has successfully completed the Rights Issue with Warrants 2020 and raised cash proceeds
of RM34.69 million. The said cash proceeds are to be used mainly to fund additional specialised machineries and
working capitals to support production of high precision machine components to Rieter, as well as to pare down
the Group’s bank borrowings.

THIS one...

In June 2020, the Group further announced its intention to venture into glove business. The Group’s expansion plan
will adopt a three-pronged approach:-

(i) Acquisition of a glove manufacturer (i.e. Pearl Glove (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd) (“PGSB”) that is presently
manufacturing work gloves;

(ii) Install and commission up to 20 production lines in the manufacturing of medical grade nitrile examination
gloves with annual production capacity of up to 3 billion pieces per annum within 36 months; and

(iii) Venture into the design, fabrication and supply of glove-dipping lines to glove manufacturers within 3 years.

The abovementioned expansion plans shall be funded via a combination of internal generated funds, bank
borrowings and/or fund-raising exercises to be determined.

I GUESS, may need to uplift your FDs to place your bet on this company...


2020-11-09 17:15 | Report Abuse

Last time, at Supermax, those fellows kept until RM12, then Bonus, after that , now still holding at RM10 only, AT hold until RM1.50...


2020-11-09 16:36 | Report Abuse

Lesson learned from the big entered at 18 sen, who can know later may become RM1.80 only


2020-10-22 19:15 | Report Abuse

A story...there was one billionaire and his businesses were wiped out during the short moment of market downturn in the business caused by the economy crisis.

Later, the committee members of the organization were unsure if this yearly sponsor/donor should be invited to give a speech like before during the opening of the Annual G Meetings.

BUT, there is a principle in the Book of God, that we should remain "pause" with plenty prayers whenever there is difficulty in making a invite or not to invite the donor to attend the coming AGM/to sell or buy 7106 or hold.

SO, the committee members were keeping a "pause" and waited with prayers...until... surprisingly, one morning where the former billionaire called up and said he not only wanted to attend the AGM but also wish to be the first speaker in the opening of the AGM. WHY?


2020-10-19 15:24 | Report Abuse

Saliva dripping...


2020-10-19 12:19 | Report Abuse

When RM10 soon, each jump is 2 sen... Lah.


2020-10-18 20:02 | Report Abuse

God took the soul of Moses out from the body, but not by the usual Angel of Death, until today nobody know the whereabout of the body. He died at Moab.God buried Moses at another place/location.

So, nobody can have his picture/belongings to worship, God knows the weakness of his children, may turn Moses grave into a huge idol worshipping site.

They always wanted the "things" to worship, the picture/images, the stone, the have to give them something for the worship otherwise there is no feeling of the connection to God the Creator.

Moses, the man of God, God told him to go up the mountain to breath his last breath. God showed Moses what was promised about the lands...God told him to go up the mountains to view the lands...until the Mediterranean, just before he died on the mountain.

7106, even slowly/gradually but surely it will go up and up..


2020-10-18 19:22 | Report Abuse

Where was that written.... bunch of stiff-neck people. IF it is written then one can not repel against the truth.

Moses in the last day of his life, even during the last few hours, he had a very tough Test...had to finish writing of the Commandments, saying goodbye to his friends/people...before he went to Heaven.

For forty years, he acted as the baby-sitter for the group of people, eventually he still can't get to the Promised Land for having displeased God at one moment...he was supposed to speak to the rock to get the water but because of those complaining people/idol worshippers, Moses had to knocked on the rock.

In the final blessing, with pure heart, Moses gave his blessing for those who caused him to unable to enter the promised Land. IF you were the person...bearing the burden of those stiff neck people, how have you reacted then? BUT Moses still gave them the final blessing to cross the Jordan...of course in between, there were many miracles.

RM11 coming...


2020-10-17 18:20 | Report Abuse

Why are we interested in equity/shares of those companies?
1. Capital/value appreciation in those public listed share value.
2. Regular payout of dividends

3. The returns are basically higher than the FD interest rates in the banks.(In some economies, the bank interest rate are very low, so saving money in the banks is just not the the case of USA the interest rate will remain low, very low for at least another decade otherwise the economy US will suffer further, which can cause other countries to suffer together... )

In our environment, the extraordinary investors are those who has avoided/cut lost/sold in time.... those shares like AirAsia/GENM/PBank...(just to name a few) because of the continuous/imminent depreciation of these shares value since the beginning of this challenging business condition...COVID19.

SO, what kind of companies do you want to invest during this pandemics of COVID19? Understood.

The ideal/extraordinary investors are those who has refocused/shifted their portfolios from OIL/Hotel/Airlines/ to 7106/7113...even lest than a month ago. Look at PBank...even MBB will be taken over by 7113 soon...

WHY take so long/years to have accumulated the wealth like those traditional cases....just Supermax alone, appreciated for almost more than 80% since a month low as RM6 then..

New norms...only if we can read the games seriously.
HOW many percent we wanted to gain going forward? THAT'S the important/smart question.


2020-10-14 22:31 | Report Abuse

RM11.10 is coming soon , after RM6.10 , RM7.10, RM8.10, RM9.10 & RM10.10....

RUN to where? So much time and ample of avenue/slot for one to take position since RM7....


2020-10-14 16:55 | Report Abuse

Black or white cat, so long can catch the rats...


2020-10-14 15:20 | Report Abuse

3M units, no joke,


2020-10-14 15:19 | Report Abuse

Eaten all RM9.50 like carrots


2020-10-14 11:45 | Report Abuse

wait some more, one buy at RM11.10?


2020-10-14 11:43 | Report Abuse

How to buy at RM10.10 , already RM10.50


2020-10-14 11:01 | Report Abuse

9.25 finishing, very fast.


2020-10-14 09:12 | Report Abuse

9.21 all taken up, by one shot.


2020-10-13 14:41 | Report Abuse

Now buying at RM10.10 also not easy to get...

Asked to by at RM9.10, no want...RM8.10 no want, RM7.10 no want,


2020-10-13 09:23 | Report Abuse

RM6. 10 didn't by, now buy at RM10. 10.


2020-10-13 09:21 | Report Abuse

Crossed RM10 already,


2020-10-12 18:21 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-10-12 11:53 | Report Abuse

Deutoronomy 4:39
Know therefore this day and keep in mind that the LORD alone is God in heaven above and on earth below; there is no other.

Isaiah 43:10
Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.

Isaiah 43:11
I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.

Isaiah 46:9
Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me.

No fairly tales, they heard the voice of God at Mt Sinai....they can attest to it. Unlike someone telling you he/she saw God yesterday, and wanted to promote another ideology, is your word against their words, lack of evidence but just believe with faith...

Better pricing now....


2020-10-12 11:44 | Report Abuse

Isaiah 55: 6-7

Seek the LORD while He can be found, Call to Him while He is near.

Let the wicked give up his ways, The sinful man his plans; Let him turn back to the LORD, And He will pardon him; To our God, For he freely forgives.

More valuable...RM10..


2020-10-11 23:24 | Report Abuse

Whereupon the LORD said to me (Moses),

I will raise up a prophet for them from among their own people, like yourself: I will put My words in his mouth and he will speak to them all that I command him;

The Lord told Moses.
Moses already 120 years old, Joshua son of Nun was nominated by the Lord to lead them to cross the Jordan...and as Moses laid his hand on Joshua, the splendors of Moses was passed to Joshua, all the people listen to leadership of Joshua...

Marching toward to cross week


2020-10-11 23:13 | Report Abuse

It was a public event, millions of people were at the kaki Bukit Mt Sinai, Moses went up to receive to Commandments, God the Creator spoke to Moses directly and not in a dream because Moses was awake and alert. All of them heard the voice, no lack of evidence. BUT, they did not know how soon that Moses could finish the Project. So, they made a golden calf, turned idol worshipping...lack of patience, no confidence & lack of faith. Actually They have seen with their own eyes, no sweet talk/coating at all, but in a while they U turned... so they faced the music soon after that, angered God..

The evidence pointing to... RM10, with confidence, faith, no U turn please.


2020-10-10 12:39 | Report Abuse

You know horse racing?

Buy win/Place inside, but what about buying outside?

IF the bookies received plenty of bet on the favorite horse to win, the bookies can influence that horse to lose,the stake is so high...bribe the jockey/jockey pulled the horse/don't rotan/whack the backside of the horse...

Not exactly the same (CW) but got some similarities.

CW - Put your will lose if 7106 will win AND you will win if 7106 will lose. In order to win, what will be your aim/could engineer to achieve your ambition?


2020-10-10 12:22 | Report Abuse

IF the corporate tax rate is 25%, means the amount is RM250,000,000.00 when the PBT is RM1B, in the case of Supermax. One gloves maker alone, the government can earn/collect that huge amount.

Comparing to many others' Balance Sheet, their total assets could not make up to that amount. Guess how serious/thankful our government should be when assessing/considering the kind of contributions that brought about by these profitable gloves makers especially during those challenging business environment now..


2020-10-09 20:07 | Report Abuse

When standing in front of God, plenty of sins...bad mouthing, stealing, cheating, tell lies, robberies, sexual offences/immorality, ladies not dressed modestly...thousands of violations just in a year and the satan who is the prosecutor will justify our punishments in front of God.

BUT even before the repentance, you could clean the sins by saving the souls of God's children...guiding even indirectly back to the right path...there is a special place for this type of people in Heaven as related by God to the holy people.

God talked to who? God doesn't talk to those people out there who violated His rules/commands daily...even just from the mouth - filthy language, cursing/swearing every now & then, deceiving, scammers,

For saving His children/the souls, that satan can not proceed to charge/testify against us...our God will be convinced that our good deeds, at least will let us survive(no dead sentence yet)for some more years if we could do away with our bad traits that displeased God.

Go higher the share price next week/


2020-10-09 14:37 | Report Abuse

WHAT r we going to do now? There is only one way. From this moment start, not to be a liar. Never to lie anymore. To start with this, you will see how it will change your life tremendously. Try for 3 weeks, your entire life will change. Not to say even one that is not true.

Pay attention, not to tell lies to your wife, neighbors, partners, customers, the Policemen who pulled you over...,no manipulate the share price/deceitful,

RM9.60 , no nervous breakdown.


2020-10-09 13:54 | Report Abuse

Even you are one the Founders of any of those KLSE companies dealing with constructions, IT, consumers product, etc I should have assumed that you have taken your participation in SuperMax. WHY?
You could have gained 50% if you entered at RM6 less than 4 weeks ago, 30% less than 3 weeks ago...

As for the tuna fish/retailers, each RM100,000 became RM150,000 already. Imagine those multi millions poured in from their deep pockets...the cash rich people, like Mr Koon...


2020-10-09 13:02 | Report Abuse

Funds Flow Statement/cash flow is momentum/momentarily...
Balance Sheet is the Financial POSITION, the position/health of the business of the company.

You can have billions being received but much more being flowed out, no profits HOW? Of course, once you detected unusual losses, you can zoom into the accounting entries/movement of funds.


2020-10-09 12:54 | Report Abuse

In the past, RM0.10 for the Par Value of the shares also not normal even the same RM0.10 can get one bungkus of nasi lemak.

Now RM1.00 nasi lemak also no more, mostly RM1.50. But they still put share RM0.10 one unit, so backward already.

You see, what if the value is RM0.06? You paying RM0.10 to the Sellers. RM0.10 is the very next bid. 50% increment, overpriced!

Unlike, if each jump/bid is supposed to be one sen for share priced at RM0.10 to RM2, two sen for RM2 to RM5, 5 sen for RM5 to RM10, RM0.10 for RM10-RM20, etc.

PUT a more realistic PAR value for each share and the issued quantity will be helpful...


2020-10-09 12:21 | Report Abuse

Like the Teacher said, "you don't delay in showing me who are your friends, I can tell who you are".

Same, don't delay in showing us the Balance Sheet, we can know how good the company.

Enhancing the health of the Balance Sheet is very vital in each business.