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2020-09-25 13:38 | Report Abuse

The important question...why the righteous people suffering virus in the hospital now and the wicked neighbour is having fun on the beach...where is the justice you may have asked God.

The wickedness flourished like the weed, growing every where like at the driveway, by the road side...pull one next three came out.

The wicked got the level of you call that a success?
For example, one jumped from the Twin Tower, flying down from...passing floor 95 you saw and asked "how are you?", he replied "i flying can see the whole KL". Next , he passing floor 50, you asked "how is Jalan Yap Kwan seng?", he replied "i can't even see Ampang Park". Next reaching floor zero, what happened? Smashed to pieces.
MEANS, at various high floors, not success.

King David recorded...

7. that though the wicked spring up like grass
and all evildoers flourish,
they will be destroyed forever.

8 But you, Lord, are forever exalted.

9 For surely your enemies, Lord,
surely your enemies will perish;
all evildoers will be scattered.

Close higher, good.


2020-09-25 12:52 | Report Abuse

Got funds, can buy/averaging even from below RM6...then came RM7...then came RM8, why refused?


2020-09-25 12:31 | Report Abuse

Here is not Heaven and is packed with wickedness and so should aware of our own naivety, not smart enough...

Jacob also experienced his life, was played by bad idol worshipper Laban, given Leah instead of Rachel, worked for another 7 years, later his son Joseph was sold to Egypt...eaten by the birds, heart breaking for Jacob...however, even a righteous person could be given a tough life like Jacob's.

When low, buy and when high can sell even within the minute, keeping screaming "market crash, market crash!" daily, not helping yourself...


2020-09-24 13:32 | Report Abuse

Yes, the Warrants, questionable, very BIG question.


2020-09-24 13:26 | Report Abuse

Ignorance is the most serious problem. If one parcel received from the PM department, wouldn't you be curious to open it and find out the contents? You may dislike the PM/President, because he/she disagreed about transparency, corruptions, fairness, rule of law....

Should go and learn...the Word of God. Once you have started to learn, you will know the contents and the purpose. You can not say "I am on atheism, gay boys, hate the Word, hate God...", because God has sent down his Word and blessing from the beginning.

BUT when at Tesco, you sure check the details...the expiry date, the ingredients, how to apply, the price, the restrictions...

Close higher good.


2020-09-24 11:46 | Report Abuse

When you have bought at RM6.10, How to close at RM8.10? You tell how, just how?


2020-09-24 11:37 | Report Abuse

The diseases of the mind/mental...want to steal the show, telling lies, ego, laziness, anger, selfishness, pride, confidence in God, lack of human doctor can cure you.

God, the same God giving the cures to all mankind and humanity, He is the doctor for all mankind, doctor of the soul...

Only through His word can that cure...

Bought some at very low price, now price up


2020-09-24 11:05 | Report Abuse

Bought for averaging reason, say RM6.10 now made already.


2020-09-23 10:21 | Report Abuse

Got the funds, can buy even few days ago, for averaging also can, how low you want it to improved.


2020-09-22 17:43 | Report Abuse

Can issue warrants, if the Shares are deposited with the authority as safe-keeping , kept for the warrants holders who would convert to Shares.

IB not allowed buy back the warrants. They may want to justify that eventually no one will convert the warrants to Shares because got premium, it is cheaper to buy Shares directly, there no storing of Shares when issuing the warrants. In the recent events, the good value of the Shares will cause big losses to IBs if many warrant-holders wanted the Shares.

SO, what the IBs will do?


2020-09-22 16:50 | Report Abuse

Wasn't Moses being torn into pieces by his followers if they did not see and heard God was speaking to Moses?...Moses came down from Mt Sinai started to tell them about the Commandments related to him, don't charge interest when lending money to your brothers, don't work on each 7th day, no pork, don't marry your father's wife, the oral laws, circumcision....

U Don't have to believe Moses but it is true...others are that one need to believe, just have the faith and believe, but is it true? U heard and saw that God was commanding them?

Is true, the Shares not expensive already.


2020-09-22 13:00 | Report Abuse

Like airline companies hedging against the price of the oil, the losses will be absorbed by those risk takers/insurance when the oil price going up. How the price for oil can be manipulated?

How those IBs to absorb/manipulate the higher price of the Shares for those warrants issued when the market value of the Shares were lower?


2020-09-22 11:55 | Report Abuse

Some wrongdoings can be forgiven but certain wrongdoings can not be rectified/forgiven/repaired, so the Creator to have execute him without the help from the court/police/judges in the country. No wasting time of others.

For example, why God executed Er and Onan? Because their sins were done on purpose and beyond repaired. They rebelled against God and hate the teachings. But, bad/dirty mouth against others still can be repaired if he/she must admit the insults and ask for forgiveness...

Got funds, can buy for averaging the cost...


2020-09-21 15:22 | Report Abuse

2 types of people that living in the darkness, spiritual darkness...

1. One who has just found out...he cries out loud to God, broken heart, ask for forgiveness, admitted his sins, sad feeling....

2. Another one who does not know yet... laughing, joking, don't know the price that needed to be paid in due course, God will invoice him,

Which one is the worse one? The one who has started crying is better. He is prepared to do the corrections. However, it takes time to rectify the wrongs even though he has detected the mistakes/damages.

For example, 3 hours for the mechanic to detect the problem about the engine, already waited so long at the garage, next the subsequent 2 hours to repair the problems. At least that 2 hours are for the "on the way to perfection", still all in all is 5 hours.

SO, the earlier to detect the wrongdoings and quickly repent and admit the sins in front of God, will be better than delaying it.

Can buy if got the funds...


2020-09-21 08:43 | Report Abuse

What makes a man happy?

1. His house, he enjoys the space, got the shelter, the facilities at home.

2. His wife, does not matter how ugly is her look to others, as long she is pretty in your eyes, is fine.

3.Your belongings/wealth, children, got some money in the bank, car, gold, silver, horses/cattle, land..

Keep the holdings, no shaking.


2020-09-20 23:02 | Report Abuse

first, admit. No playing any trick.
The moment your conscious made feeling guilt, still got a chance

second, be grateful, still breathing, already a miracle.
This will distinguish you from the rest.
P Nathan confronted King David, about Bathsheba, straight away he admitted, no playing game.

Btw, Moses can not be a faker because they know, millions were present, got the Commandments at a public event, the voice of God talking to Moses, at Mt Sinai, is true, split the Red red, bread from the sky...

Another QR will be due on 30 Sept 2020, last two months profit could be huge...


2020-09-19 19:49 | Report Abuse

What did we see from here?

The Satan usually wanted to kill 2 birds with one stone.
After lured you to talk bad about others, the satan will remind/tease you that that you are worthless, low life, worse than a dog even you got high school education, guidance from good parents, reading God's word...SO, you lost your bearing, depressed, unhappy, revengeful,...

BUT an angel would tell you "don't worry, go seek forgiveness from the Merciful God, He is your Creator, even though many sins, His kindness is unlimited, still can read God's Word after the sin and the forgiveness...He can pardon you for one thousand joke, serious.

The Company got the good prospect, no trembling hearts..


2020-09-18 14:01 | Report Abuse

The bet on whether the rain will come this evening? One said "yes" the other said "No".

You also bet on somebody's durians quality from the farm which you have no hand in it?
What you need to do now? Boycott the durians or burn the farm?

Round them up, gambling, the police went to the coffee shop near Taiping...


2020-09-18 11:35 | Report Abuse

Sin can be committed by an individual, a corporation/organization, a nation.

You see the Babylonians/the Greeks/the Romans Empire, some companies, you name the dictators...gone.

Make sure seek the favour from God, Noah found favor of in the eyes of God,

The amount we spent on upgrading/enjoying those materials, losses in the share market are not counted but those we spent on helping others will be counted by God when we leave. There is a special place up there for these good people. No "politically-correct" affairs in Heaven.

The conversion price was halved, the ratio was halved. Got premium.


2020-09-18 10:17 | Report Abuse

The says make the laws effective, the warrants issuing be better monitored, supervisory, enforcement...remember one man can bring down a bank..


2020-09-18 10:14 | Report Abuse

Got spare cash, can buy one not RM12 (RM24 before BI)..RM4 possible unless got earthquake/tsunami/ww3/nuclear bomb


2020-09-18 10:02 | Report Abuse

IBs should have been made to have purchased the shares before issuing the warrants. The duty of the authority.

IF the warrants said, add 10 Warrants with RM7 to convert to a share, the market value of the share on that day is RM7, make the IBs to store the supporting shares, before allowing them to issue the warrants to the public.

So, the IBs will not suffer the losses if the warrants holders wanted to convert the warrants into shares when the shares price have gone up. What happened to the IBs in the cases of the gloves companies now is unprecedented ones.

Now, the warrants price which is connected to the share price, needed to be dampened by attacking the share price so the IBs will not have to buy the shares for the warrants holders because there is still premium in the conversion, else the IBs will have to honor with expensive shares for those warrants holders who are asking for the shares.


2020-09-17 23:48 | Report Abuse

He does not prize the strength of horses, nor value the fleetness of men;

but the LORD values those who fear Him, those who depend on His faithful care.

THE accounting entries for BI likely are as such...DR Retained Profits and CR Share Capital, no money involved, and the cash(purchasers' deposits) is still in bank and so the company can obviously buy back shares for safe-keeping/treasury shares.


2020-09-17 22:13 | Report Abuse

The satan carries the big Files..tonnes of all our wrongdoings...prosecute people in front of God. Surely, the lawyer quickly came into the courtroom, "Objection my Lord", said the "lawyer", "my client is important to the world, he saved many people/souls, many people depending on his charity/donations/generosity". Straight away, the prosecution by the satan carried no weight. God gave him another many years.

The Court in Heaven is actually like here, so that the people can understand it. Was arranged God.
One great man said "you can't touch him, his score is very high in the eyes of the Creator...even the donations/charity done by a sinful man", is written there".

IF keeping for months to come, why can not buy if got the funds...


2020-09-17 20:16 | Report Abuse

Understandable. The losses caused by selling the shares downward could be lesser than committing the shares at high price under those Warrants. Therefore, continue to dampened the price.

Possibly the IBs can work on the concerted effort basis, one part lending shares to another party to cause the panic selling so achieve the dampened price of the shares. By doing a Transfer form via the CDS will suffice for the purpose. The borrowing and lending could among/within the IBs and you don't need the Short Selling facility by the authority.

The plan is working against the interest of the founder of the company and also the investors in the public.

Was the company inside the scheme when allowing the IBs to tap on the Company in issuing the warrants every now and then?

Btw, EVERY sin deserve a punishment but not 2, any punishment that is not billed in this world will be accounted in the world thereafter. The satan is the prosecutor and the Lord is the Judge. The Angel of Death will bring the soul to the Court of Heaven, cases will be deliberated "measure by measure".


2020-09-17 14:06 | Report Abuse

Yearly Profit tax alone already RM397M, fantastic.


2020-09-17 10:26 | Report Abuse

Not many can entered at RM5.90 lately and sold at RM9 recently, entered at RM8.40 2 days ago sold at RM8.60 just now...HOW many person can do that?

Even turned zero value also can not damage you because must know that the risk involved, should be can afford to lose all if needed be.

I learned from others' opinion also, thanks.


2020-09-17 10:09 | Report Abuse

About the PE rate, the best is Comfort and next is Supermax.
Without the loan stock is Rubberex. Why so many warrants here warrants there?

Bonus monthly salary means you still get the basic pay and the another one month pay.

Sometimes, BI not as good as retaining the profits in the bank/ (no increase of NOSH) to match against the existing issued shares. Not even reinvested already into the machines/goodwill/debtors. The cash piled up, got USD145B, who? Those negligible dividends are not material at all...but improving the market value of the shares. To many shares in circulation can be a disadvantage.


2020-09-17 00:25 | Report Abuse

Go CNN now and watch how the media non stop attacked Trump.

The voters are just happy as long the President is other than Trump, they are fine.

Before Trump, who destabilized the countries in the Middle East and many swan across the Mediterranean to onward to Europe? Soon country like Germany will be overwhelmed by what? The Europeans, western power then as very naive fellows.

Trump is good for America. Who is good for Malaysia? We know Trump started the Trade War with China, but he also asked Korea to pay more for providing security in that country and pulled the armies out from those "case lost" wars in Iraq/Afghanistan. The wars made USA became poor. Trump knew it. But which President had alone caused the largest national debt more than the amount caused by all previous president incurred in combination? Who?

Trump have brokered the peace agreement with some Arab nations already and that was not even successfully done with the few recent presidents. Soon, the peace process could bring optimism to business communities.

The liberals would pass the laws for gays & lesbians in more states if they have won...disaster.

The media will still continue to attack him even though he has done more than these..


2020-09-16 23:14 | Report Abuse

Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway has acquired a slightly more than 5% stake in each of the five leading Japanese trading companies.

5% in each of these 5 companies.

We can understand that he selected Japan because the Japanese currency is favourable as compare to the USD in time to come. Reported that the investment is for the long term, yes got to long time, to hedge against the weakening USD (reasons like the US inflation rate is also included). Alas, Berkshire usually buy into companies that were under-value/discounted price and with good prospect but could be not making profit when they were buying.

Perhaps some other Funds like those Europeans Pension Funds, Norway Sovereign Wealth Funds...should also consider to a bit lah...


2020-09-16 12:10 | Report Abuse

What did you see from here?

From the lowest legitimate professions..putting/moving heavy stuff (sofas, stoves, pianos..)on the back and killing yourself daily, cutting trees, carry water due to disruption of water supply by SYABAS..still legitimate. Unless you are crook and making money using illegal means..

ALL of them are gathering in front the Creator. He knows your dirty tricks..all are exposed like naked bodies.

Buy the shares and keep for the appreciation of value.


2020-09-16 11:55 | Report Abuse

Being "politically-correct" means lying.
There is no "politically-correct" in the God's Word.
Either they are correct or not correct.
IF someone modified the Word or covered it with chocolate or sugar...

THE gloves got to be separated from the vaccine..
With or without the vaccine, they gloves are important for protection..
No deception.


2020-09-15 11:30 | Report Abuse

Buy affordably and not excessively. Paper lost only.

He is running the Show, until the nitty gritty
Measure by measure, on the basis of reward & punishment basis.
He will Reward the righteous and punish the wicked. That's the foundation of the creation of this world.

No contradiction.


2020-09-15 11:19 | Report Abuse

You made money when the price has gone up AND when the price has gone down.

How did you manage to make it? Either way, you still can make money.

After selling or while selling, remember to cause such a panic selling by others.

During the days of the panic selling, buy back when you know that the price was very low already.

Next day, selling when the price has gone up again?

Just repeat the processes...

See how you made money on others intelligence and sweat & blood...
ARE you not waiting for a complete wipe-out from above...


2020-09-14 16:26 | Report Abuse

Amongst the banking stock, hotels, airlines, fintech, plantation, ewallet, selected Golves,


2020-09-14 11:49 | Report Abuse

The problem is, so long the President is not Trump, they are OK. May the new one be a dog or a cat, it doesn't matter to them.

Have you seen Biden giving a public speech? He can't even remember names correctly. A president is controlling the button to the nuclear bombs, God forbid.

Soon, the world is on the track for the healing...even with the findings of the vaccine.

In the past months, We were made confused, the uncertainties...unsure what's the next step...a virus only. Helplessness. Who is more powerful? You or God?

But it was a wake up call from God, He is DISAPPOINTED with us..., ego, self-centred, boastful, what was saying is that all the wealth belong to Him, the oxygen you breathed every minute, your hotels, your bank accounts, houses, cars, businesses...within the few months all being wiped out..airlines/hotels/cruises companies suffered huge losses...unprecedented. He did not finish of with us completely but enough to cause us to focus on Him and His requirements.


2020-09-14 11:17 | Report Abuse

Can we say that the vaccine is like Vitamins and the Gloves are like rice?

Needless to say, with or without the vitamins, we still need to eat.
Without any illusion, with or without any vaccine, now the gloves are necessary in conducting our the daily works.


2020-09-14 09:28 | Report Abuse

It has a high degree of truth, "Be Greedy When Others Are Fearful".
That time was like last Thursday?


2020-09-14 09:18 | Report Abuse

I did not dump the shares. Those who bought, say at RM6, now making the fortune lah. Good.


2020-09-14 09:12 | Report Abuse

The products are saleable with increasing volume in the future even after the vaccine has been found? Of course, YES.

The aftermath of the pandemic, people will surely continue to adopt/observe the hygienic standard as promulgated months ago.

The products can bring good returns to the manufacturers.


2020-09-12 17:24 | Report Abuse

that [my] whole being might sing hymns to You endlessly; O LORD my God, I will praise You forever.


2020-09-11 14:40 | Report Abuse

It cost lesser to cause the price falling than honoured those derivatives?


2020-09-11 12:06 | Report Abuse

Who is Haman?

He has the most dirtiest mouth...he know how to put poison, to instigate, Hitler came from Haman, they both Germany...Haman came from Agagite, Agag king of the the Amalek, Germans Hitler the Amaleks, Haman and Hitler the same tribe..

Mordecai did not bowed down to Haman. Hitler and Haman, everyone scared of them. They compare Haman to a dog. Someone killed others with his mouth...talked bad about others already killed him, destroyed the families, children, wife..


2020-09-11 11:42 | Report Abuse

A psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; I lack nothing.

2 Samuel 16:5-13

Shimei Curses King David.
5 As King David approached Bahurim, a man from the same clan as Saul’s family came out from there. His name was Shimei son of Gera, and he cursed as he came out.

David, as a Prophet can foresee that the salvation come from Shimei, Shimei's descendants Esther and Mordecai have saved the David had the vision not to terminate Shimei else


2020-09-10 19:55 | Report Abuse

Shares buyback, mitigate the dampen pricing, improved the NTA also.

Company like Berkshire is famous for not paying dividends or bonus issue.

Didn't the Founder/major shareholders also suffered the major losses since the post BI?

People would want to take the company private if the the shares are undervalued. People/individuals would not want to list their companies unless... The are companies that are very profitable so much so the families still refused the businesses be listed and succumbed to the ransom by the lenders/bankers/fund raisers.

For many companies, having enjoyed good profits, they should not proceed to expand or diversify their business. Reasons being expansion need time for setting up the plant and diversification can meet competition or the demand from customers may change.

Instead, The retained profits may be used for upgrading and improving the existing efficiency of the productions to meet the expectation of the customers. The cost is cheaper.

For example, Some Tobacco companies do have plenty of cash in the FD with the Bank instead of using the funds for diversification or expansion but improving the processes with lesser cost.


2020-09-10 18:48 | Report Abuse

I felt that the bonus issue of shares subsequent to the recent extra ordinary profits had increased plentifully the NOSH currently circulating in the market. Too many shares can jeopardise the pricing because the situation can be supply exceeded demand.

Companies can keep the cash/profits in order to do the buyback of shares from the open market so to reduce the quantity of shares which can improve the quality of shares.

Even during an IPO companies should issue share at RM1 a share instead of 10 sen. Issuing billions of shares at 10 sen for each share is not making any better unless the board not yet at 100 shares each.

Bursa should do certain reforms like do away these minimum lot of shares like 100 shares a lot now. Solving the odd lot issue. Investors can buy any number of units.

The commission rate should revised downward because most of the transactions are done online with minimum intervention from the staff from the brokers.


2020-09-10 17:30 | Report Abuse

What is the difference between fear and worry?

Which one of the two is permitted and which one is not permitted?
In some societies, saying somethings which are fearful, you will be blacklisted.

But did God wanted? To fear Him.
We have obligation to fear God.

What did King Solomon said? "Luckiest is the person that fear God all the time".

In some rotten societies, people got the wrong meaning about "fear our God". As much as God wanted us to be thankful and amazed about how He has blessed us wonderfully, He also wanted us to fear Him.

WORRY means the re is no faith in God.