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2020-10-09 12:07 | Report Abuse

Even in each IPO, SC/KLSE allowed issuing billions and billions of unit at RM0.10 a unit, RM0.10 a unit a the "gula-gula" at the news stand BUT not the company share that making profits...then the planned raised capital is say comical also.

Exposing your own stupidity only...


2020-10-09 12:02 | Report Abuse

Buying gold in gram don't gold by ton/KG each morning.
So, when your shares are so valuable like gold, the yardstick don't hold the shares in billions/millions even in your own company, but numeral/some thousands units only, like many investors only have almost 20 units of Berkshire shares lately...

Billions and billions units in hands, value at RM0.05/RM0.10 a unit, embarrassing...


2020-10-09 11:53 | Report Abuse

Unpopular move, is to consolidate the shares, say each 10 shares (Par value at RM0.50 for example) to become/merge to 1 Share (means RM96/RM100 a share for 7106), you can you buy 8 or 10 Shares (KLSE should do away with the primitive odd lot/board transaction), investor can buy any unit, like you sometimes buying 2 units of Warren company shares..


2020-10-09 11:41 | Report Abuse

In the case of APPLE, it was a split of shares, each APPLE share was so expensive/valuable the company, each share has to be sub-divided/split so that it can be affordable by every person.

Typical BI, is this instance, the retained profits/amount moved (Debit) to the paid-up capital account(CREDIT, double entry) despite both resulted the enlarged issued units of shares.


2020-10-09 11:26 | Report Abuse

Share buy back up to 10% , seeking the approval from the Shareholders...

To enhance the balance sheet and the share price...

BI is got its disadvantages...

IF i were the company the example of Warren Buffet...don't pay dividend & no BI, keep the cash in the Balance Sheet, boast about it, buy into related businesses in others' companies...plenty of extra cash from deposits/prepayment from customers from the windfall wealth...making the Shares much more valuable. Also, with the excessive funds, the loans with banks can suppressed to the minimum level...surely the price of the Shares will automatically surge and surge...


2020-10-07 15:16 | Report Abuse

Why no saying blessing God who is still keeping us a live?
FREE oxygen, no appreciate - many others are fighting for it know?

Many people become religious only when inside the hospital? You don't believe? Try walk pass the hospital beds, they asked to pray for their loved ones...

Nothing that happened, happened for no reason,
Begin the purity process...God will have plenty of mercy on us, forgive our sins, saying blessing b4 the food & blessing also even after the meal for we are mercifully being kept alive to enjoy his provision...

RM10 coming?


2020-10-07 14:50 | Report Abuse

Is 100% reality, God our Creator doesn't tell lie. Nobody suffer unless he deserved it, WHY? Made sins....cheat people in the business/got to pay back now or later in one form or another/no escape, rumor mongering/dirty the record, God is keeping the Record Book, all in the Files/Folders, God looked at what he did...and He will decide and to teach him a lesson..

Buy low and aim for higher price..


2020-10-07 12:36 | Report Abuse

You wanted an example of a noble woman?

She is Ruth, though from the Moabites tribe, she listened/obeyed her mother-in-law Naomi's suggestion, she dressed up modestly, wash, with perfumes, went to uncover Boaz's feet and lie down, at the threshing floor...Boaz did not take opportunity on her and she was so modest/appropriate...that's why their descendant was King David (the most famous King), Solomon and the Messiah has to be from the descendant of King contradiction.

What we see from here? What we did properly now, the reward may come through your children/grand children/great....

If have bought RM9.10 when low this morning..


2020-10-07 11:57 | Report Abuse

Got 2 types of Repentance:

1. Man and God
2. Man and Man

1. We confess our sins, no ego, no hiding, admit the wrongdoings first, embarrassment in this world is bearable BUT the embarrassment in the Court of Heaven (satan is the prosecutor & God is the Judge) you can not take it confirmed, all opened/naked..

2. Run to the man who is angry with you...ask for forgiveness. You still have not settled your wanted to run away from the bank/personal loan...ask for discount usually they will give, unsettled summons at the Police dept, terminated your employees unjustly...and the hungry stomachs of her/his children are crying at you, your bad mouth caused others to suffer, cheated your customers, deceitful against your wife & children, dishonored your Parents...even if only 50% the forgiveness you obtained that will surely bring you out of the hole/pit..

RM9.50 , no shaking, no nervous breakdown, solid.


2020-10-07 11:06 | Report Abuse

The Teacher said..."If only we have a gram of purity/holiness, just one gram only, sad don't even have one gram, you can not even take a glance at their faces, so impurities/filthy..., can not go near them, you can not go near the wicked people/community/society/township, try raise your children neat the red light areas...better move the family away from the "Sodom & Gomorah" else...let say the virus come striking, God forbid, you will be part of the collateral damages..".

When low is a opportunity to buy, it incurred plenty of losses in each assault to suppress the price..


2020-10-06 15:33 | Report Abuse

Like a speculator wanted to sabotage your currency...he started to sell your money at 4.50 for a dollar...non stop until 5.50 a dollar. Either he already accumulated enough of your currency to assault your currency value or during the "war" time he buy at 4.70 sell at 4.80 for a dollar....until, repeat the process time and again with a purpose to damage your currency value against the dollar.

But when the situation is getting chaotic and choking in the money market, the speculator also can get at 4.70 and sell at 4.65, however it needs a lot of money to launch an assault...

BUT for a rich nation with huge reserve, the attacker may not be successful because the country/central bank will come forward with big reserve/foreign currencies to take on the attacker as a form of defense. For example, anyone had try to attack China Yuan in recent time?

For the share market, an assault can be launched and depending the intention of the party/parties concern...but who will defend 7106...internal fund to buy back, retailers will buy if the price deemed to have discount..


2020-10-06 15:12 | Report Abuse

In case if want to keep the price stagnant/suppressed at RM6/RM7 even until today, how many shares the IBs need to sell daily (buy high sell feed us ikan tuna) otherwise the price appreciated to RM9.50 now, caused huge losses to the IBs...burning cash.


2020-10-06 11:56 | Report Abuse

Buy some, don't buy all. Keep, Don't sell.

IF you did not buy :- at RM5.82 but RM6.80
at RM6.82 but RM7.80
at RM7.82 but RM8.80
at RM8.82 but now the price is reaching RM10, How? Still profit/(paper gains).

The good thing is you are still keeping even though it is RM9.50 now.
No nervous breakdown.


2020-10-05 17:43 | Report Abuse

Is a different way of looking at our lives...satan is the prosecutor, each time we have to take in the test/punishment administered from God...whether making lesser/lost in the share market, broken one arm instead of two, we accept without complaint...the prosecutor will give up by saying "i will give up of reporting about him/her to God, each time i assumed he is annoyed instead he goes without even a beep" satan given up. BUT we should be thankful because the losses is only very few so far...

But each reward/violation is recorded in Heaven, you give charity/stealing/cheating the customers/bully your neighbors/lie to your wife & children/no respect or honor your Parents/helping the poor & homeless/fatherless/ the Book of Life.

Nothing can happen without the approval of God who is the Giver of lives.

Tomorrow RM10 hopefully..


2020-10-05 12:48 | Report Abuse

Why even the kids lied? Fear and Shame/embarrassment, worried of the punishment. Why can not lie to God? Why Cain lied to God when God asked about his brother Abel?

Embarrassment in this world is bearable, admit it if is true...but the embarrassment in front of the Court of Heaven...we surely can not take it.
BUT BUT those embarrassment made wrongly against you, in this world, by others are actually taking away your sins (all kinds of sins)...especially when you shut your mouth/don't fight back when people wanted to bad mouth/accuse you falsely...God knows.

The Teacher said.

I hoping for the RM10 later.


2020-10-05 12:29 | Report Abuse

Just the nest 3 weeks alone, just don't tell lie, don't tell lie to your partner/customers/wife/children/neighbors/the policemen that pulled you assured your whole life will be transformed.

RM10 coming?


2020-10-05 12:23 | Report Abuse

He said waiting for RM10.10 , because did not buy when RM9.10 , RM8.10 , RM7.10 or RM6.10


2020-10-05 11:58 | Report Abuse

Buy some, don't buy all.


2020-10-05 09:30 | Report Abuse

If the cash register of the Company ringing non stop daily, takeover/expansion into other sectors/country/related products can be considered by the Company.


2020-10-05 09:23 | Report Abuse

Buy some, don't buy all.


2020-10-05 09:19 | Report Abuse

Don't scream "RUNN!, SELLL!" daily non stop, because we may be quarrelling with the Profits that coming to your pockets. Just buy some and keep.


2020-10-05 09:11 | Report Abuse

U wanted profits 30%/40%/50%, U buy lah, should have bought affordably earlier since 3 weeks ago, at RM6.10, RM7.10, RM8,10, now already RM9.10,


2020-10-04 12:10 | Report Abuse

U r not a hustler but merely a profit oriented person, lately bought at low price to average or bought at higher price to average up, either way by now u got gains already.

Daily non stop calling for vaccines or one market crash will not enrich us or bring profit.

The gloves will remain for long as the daily essential cosumeable items at many places... for prevention measures against any infectious disease.


2020-10-03 22:17 | Report Abuse

Many of the ideas were helping the investors to gain - such as "patient if want profit", "hold tight tight", "don't sell"....

The opposite direction got "RUNN.......", "ikan bilis got trapped..", "waterfall", "bloodbath", "red", ....

Not many choices unless the bank stock is attractive, so just focus on the did SELL, why not buy back if already so low like RM6 or RM7 , how low it can go? IF honest, your RM7K already turned RM9K also,

Wish you have profitable days next week.


2020-10-03 21:55 | Report Abuse

It was less than 3 weeks ago, the price as low as below RM6, if got the funds, must have bought affordably, now coming back to RM9 soon, making 50% profit in a short period. What an opportunity!


2020-10-02 17:32 | Report Abuse

Don't even have a gram of purity/holiness...
The teacher man said "I can't even take a glance of your face, so much impurities".

When it is low, he said that it will go lower & lower...
When it is going up, they said afternoon it will come down or tomorrow will come down.

Be smart, Buy when it was low, sell when it went up.
Low you did not buy, High what to sell, sell your ba!!s?
How to profit?


2020-09-29 22:51 | Report Abuse

Nowadays got online instant transfer in the banks, computerized accounting software, the balance sheet should be ready by end of tomorrow 30SEPT2020, before the Accountant/staff leaving the office. The quarterly report, the 1st QR, come out fast! Please!


2020-09-29 16:30 | Report Abuse

One of the principles in the Word of God -
"Nothing that happens, happened for no reason."

Even got itch on your head, you think because you did not wash your hair for 2 days, big deal. NO, there is no such thing. Everything that happened was decided on that God the Creator.
For example, all the virus cases, all the verdict to died also decided on that God.
Everything, everyone that can breath/could not breath, someone next to you kena/you no kena, also decided on that God.

Good to buy now.


2020-09-29 16:02 | Report Abuse

The decision of the Court, got to respect it.


2020-09-29 16:00 | Report Abuse

If bought at RM8.30 just now, is profit already, same day.


2020-09-29 09:57 | Report Abuse

If got 200 shares at RM6 somedays ago still can average up, if got 100 shares at RM24 before the bonus issue still can average down.

IF walking down the road, you got a furious smack at your back, so may sure wanted to turn back quickly to give that person a big punch because fuming nose blood coming from your ears and eyes. BUT it ended up that person is your childhood friend. He loved you so much, long lost friend, both of you were so close to each other. THEN, your anger suddenly turned peaceful face, you smiling, calling his name "How are you Johnny? Long time!, "Nice to meet you".

WHAT if that was God who gave you a big smack to awaken you? He smacked you off and on so you could be smiling even though lost some money in the share market...


2020-09-29 07:33 | Report Abuse

Smart guys if have bought at RM6.10, RM7.10 or even at RM8.10....screaming selling, can not profit.


2020-09-28 23:26 | Report Abuse

Shouldn't cry because of the sufferings, but glad of the sufferings in this world because the sufferings that delayed into the Court of Heaven will be worse, so let's cry to God because wanted to find out what is the reason for the sufferings here...


2020-09-28 23:20 | Report Abuse

That's the rule with God, nothing can happen to you unless there is a reason. He may be giving us a smack for disobedience.

But in the early morning, we give give credit to God, God shall protect us from bad/dirty mouth about others, no cheating the customers, no jealousy, no anger...

Inclusive the suffering, even an itch on the happened because we deserved the suffering. The reason for suffering most likely because we made sins earlier...that displeased God.

Tomorrow green,green..


2020-09-28 20:36 | Report Abuse

Used to be called TSR, issued by the companies themselves. It allowed the investors to purchase those rights to buy the shares eventually but these rights can be traded side by side with the 'mother shares" pending expiry. It stimulates the secondary capital market because some investors have lesser money but still can invest towards the companies.

Unlike the warrants (structure/no structure, who can understand better if the authorities could not protect the interest of the individuals) when the investors can not convert them to the "mother shares" ultimately but to take the profit/lost....succumbed to manipulation/torture.

They are no longer known as Transferable Subscription Rights (TSR)...just like how SARS disease just disappeared from Hong Kong on one particular morning. It without the vaccine until today? WHY?


2020-09-28 19:10 | Report Abuse

When someone bought a car, he can not sleep for 3 weeks.

A stingy person would not do charity easily...
It is even easier to occupy a country than to improve these weaknesses...said King Solomom.

Coward/hero is not determined by the people on the street but by God.

Oh, i am hot blood guy "i am on fire, he get me angry", i only gave him a fierce look he will be fainted, i punched people like no body you asking me to swallow my ego? WHY an orange can not hold in the air but drop to the floor? INSTEAD the earth can be held in the air, not dropping, WHO is holding it? God said, the earth is holding on as long our mouth is keeping quiet, don't talk back, people belittle/talk bad about us we keep quiet, no fight back, that's the power why the earth is still in good condition.

Tomorrow 7106 up again.


2020-09-28 18:25 | Report Abuse

The biggest punishment to the soul, the soul can not stand shame and embarrassment.
Why a child would lie? To cover his shame and fear, the characteristic inherited....

First is to confess/admit.
When the Judge asked him, the mouth may to admit but the heart wanted to lie.
Telling the truth not only from the mouth but also from the heart, that is what God instructed.

Why Cain lied, when God asked him the whereabout his brother Abel? To cover his shame and the fear. He Can not lie to the Creator.


2020-09-28 18:14 | Report Abuse

Try for 3 weeks, no telling a lie, our entire life will change.

Don't lie to our customers, wife, children, friends, the policemen who pull you over,

We can cry to God why we lost money in the share market...if not maybe for any stolen money from the customers?
3 weeks only to say the truth.

Closed green and green. More profits.


2020-09-28 16:53 | Report Abuse

Why not saying "thank you God" to our Creator daily?

One person have been crossing the road for 3 years to attend prayers in the building. On one particular day, he was knocked down by a car and hospitalized for 3 weeks. He brought gifts and foods to the house of God and shared the foods and said thanksgiving to his Creator. Nice food and joyful moment because "God saved my life", he said.

The very tomorrow, another man also brought foods...and gifts, much more...."why?" everyone asked. The leader/chief asked "Was it another accident?". But the man replied "I was not hit by any car during the last 20 years crossing the road when coming to the house of God, so I belanja everybody for that reason",

BTW, every suffering moment that happened was according to our facts that we deserved the suffering acocordingly and was decided by ... in His principles, reward and punishment. But the learning is that God is kind...


2020-09-27 21:08 | Report Abuse

Relatively bigly the profit being achieved and those that in the making, with RM1.50/RM2.00 how to get a company share like 7106? Need to be honest in the contention. With such amount, only can get many other lost making companies. Unless the world market crashed already, financial crisis, world war starting...

Looking at the AR 2019, Mr Stanley is not the ED/CEO but the positions were taken up/given to others (maybe the daughter/Cecile Jaclyn Thai, Mr Tan Chee Keong), so he is hands-off or not involved in the daily operation/management legitimately..


2020-09-25 16:07 | Report Abuse

Can not rob from the rich to give to the poor.

Your misfortunate suffered due to someone's success achieved, without having any effort on your part, how can that be?

You issued betting/gambling documents to the public that is based on Mr Super's performance/profitability, you win if Mr Super failed and you lost when Mr Super won? How can that be allowed?


2020-09-25 14:55 | Report Abuse

Buy at RM8.25 before lunch, sell at RM8.55 now LAH.

U can't be so silly, day and night say sell!,
low no buy, high nothing to sell.


2020-09-25 14:06 | Report Abuse

Where does it said? Chapter 92:7

Those Ignorance could eat their hearts, why they got huge/fancy cars but not me, they have their moment, big houses, corrupted...
But people who got the Word of God, do have plenty of mercies for those wicked people. They wicked will be crashed into pieces..

This is the divine word not from the ordinary people.

On the way to RM9?