
bsngpg | Joined since 2013-08-04

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2013-09-15 11:10 | Report Abuse

Very well said. I would like to echo.


2013-09-15 09:39 | Report Abuse

CEO of Amazon’s graduation speak in Princeton University said ” clever and talent are gifted, but kindness is a choice”.


2013-09-14 22:31 | Report Abuse

Big brother/大佬: PLEASE kindly cease throwing stones, OK ? 请高抬贵手, 好吗? Thousand thanks. 万分感谢.


2013-09-14 22:05 | Report Abuse

Ironically, the counters which I win BIG are those I fall in love deeply. From my experience, maybe you can TRY to love Mahsing and then let us together check the outcome in 2015.


2013-09-14 22:01 | Report Abuse

Historically, Mahsing proposes bonus each 3 years. Hopefully the trend goes on.


2013-09-14 21:49 | Report Abuse

For me the most critical factor for a success of a company is its leader. Capable and reliable leader can fly a company in good time but most importantly is to turn around bad situation. Example are Mahsing Leong, SPSetia Liew, CIMB Nazir, Harta Kuan.

I spotted and bought Mahsing long time ago and started to love her deeply when Mr Leong said on 12 July 2010 that he aim to grow Mahsing to RM5 billion market cap in 5 years. I worked out it was about 51% growth rate each year without compounding. Since then I bought more and followed up Mahsing even more closely. Result of each quarter was a testament to his words year after year. Along with this, my investment in Mahsing grows year after year too. Sometime, I was trapped and mad with the dull price like you. But my loyalty with Mahsing pays me very handsomely as at today. What else to demand, mate ? So do you want to believe the RM5 bil dream of Mr Leong in 2015? You make your own choice.


2013-09-14 21:46 | Report Abuse

Hey guys, I beg for your kindness to post something more positive, OK? Please.


2013-09-14 21:03 | Report Abuse

For those who always complain about the dull price of Mahsing, let me share with you that on 11 Feb 2011, I bought Mahsing at 2.65 which was about the height at that time. I were trapped for a long time till this year. As at today I think I have earned on this batch of Mahsing but I never bother the profit/loss by lot as I invested in for long term. If you are interested you can do the math. 3 x div=76+110+76. Right issue at 1.42 + free Wa, + 20% bonus.

There was another batch with high entry price at RM2.80 on 24 Jun 2013. This one may lose a bit, I am not sure. No matter up or down, I do not bother much as I have strong faith with Mr Leong and the company.

All in all, if you want to invest in Mahsing, you need to be very patient, its share price is very dull and may make you mad.


2013-09-14 20:45 | Report Abuse

Hafiz : You said "...but I forsee after next week TAPERING fear....Mahsing will be flying..."
I do not think soo. My ground is based on the historical dull trend of Mahsing's price. How about we make a bet for fun. I bet for NO flying higher than 2.50 necxt week. How about you ?


2013-09-14 20:39 | Report Abuse

If EPF is a benchmark, how about Public Mutual which to me is a much reliable and outstanding fund manager? Their philosophy of investing is not the same with us. For them losing money is just equal to not performing well in their daily job and maybe the yearend bonus is affected. But to us those lost money was hard earned and once it was gone, we have nothing. Nevertheless, if they bought in a company shares, it indicated that the company at least is not a rubbish, but sometime it is too.


2013-09-14 20:29 | Report Abuse

At my early time I used to take movement of EPF as a benchmark if a company worth for investment. The outcome turned out negative many times. After that I do not check if EPF is a shareholder or not in my decision making process while investing in a company. I do not oppose people to use EPF as criteria, but my advice is that not to rely on it too much. EPF is not in the same league as us, they move in and out frequently which is very confusing, they traded in very big amount and sometime they have political agenda behind.


2013-09-14 20:27 | Report Abuse

Aiya, as a friend in the same forum, pls find one negative news on Mahsing for me lah, pls.


2013-09-14 20:13 | Report Abuse

Sorry if I have used the wrong word. My message on negative element is “negative energy负能量” but NOT negative comment on the company. Actually I like to hear negative comments about the company which can open my eyes on the aspects which I do not know. Negative comments on company with facts are “positive element”. Please post more negative comments on Mahsing quick, I want to hear and check out. If it is true, I better reconsider my big money on Mahsing. Thks


2013-09-14 17:48 | Report Abuse

I am reluctant to visit this thread frequently as I am uneasy with the high negative element here. As a matter of fact, Mahsing is a very positive counter by all means, be it rev, PBT, PAT, mkt cap, eps, div, or long term share price. I am very perplexed as to why the discussion thread of this positive counter can be so negative. If someone can kindly give way first, I would be very happy and thousand THANKS to him first.

News & Blogs

2013-09-14 13:31 | Report Abuse

Hi : When I were much younger, I have a hot temper, beaten and kicked my little boy badly once. This is a common behavior of many fathers when emotion burst out, I guess. Friends, let me tell what now. I am very regret till today even though many years have passed. The wrong incident is still very vivid when it struck back. The guilt hunts back and bites my heart now and then painfully. Friends, please control our temper. Shouting and burst out will not help.


2013-09-14 12:56 | Report Abuse

Sharing to new players with no financial background:

As an ordinary and prudent investor in Bursa, I read a lot of biz related news to get insight into biz world with objective to build business acumen. Example of my reading are newspapers either Chinese or English, web news such btimes, Financeblogspot, Forbes, i3, LC Chong, Bursa announcements, annual reports and analysis reports from investment houses etc. I spent average 2 hours/day in reading this kind of news. As a result of the vast reading, I have more knowledge on business in which I plan to invest into. Only if I understand the company, the risk of losing may lower. Because I were not trained with formal financial knowledge, this is one of the ways which helps me in gaining some ground in Bursa. It is insufficient to analyze the value of a company by myself, but at least I can leverage on analysis work of others and use my own vast data base to screen, pick, buy and hold. Let us read together, OK ?

Today I read about Eco World, the likely reborn of SPSetia. Thoughts after reading are
I) Run away from SP Setia quick
II) It is a serious talent drain in SP Setia
III) It is a fundamental change in SP Setia
IV) Eco World is likely the reborn of SP Setia
V) Do not kill a goose to take the egg, in long run, you are the loser.

News & Blogs

2013-09-13 22:12 | Report Abuse

It is too SIMPLE to practice till rarely got people believe it. Most of us fail to do so as we think we are "smart". I am definitely one of the stupid "smart" and the one ranks at front; else I would have won few barrels of Gold already.

News & Blogs

2013-09-13 21:59 | Report Abuse

Hi : pls go to
Let's Sober Up, Malaysia (Important Posting).

It is very SAD to see how the beloved "Boleh-land" sinks. Our bapa Tengku AR must by no mean can imagine this to happen 56 years after Medeka. Luckily Mr LKY can foresee the trend in 1965 and save 5.3 million from sinking together with another 28 mil.

2005 Market Cap 2013 June Market Cap

Malaysia 184 bn 490 bn (+166%)
Singapore 227 bn 752 bn (+231%)
Indonesia 77.6 bn 477 bn (+514%)
Taiwan 433 bn 754 bn (+74%)
Shenzhen 125bn 1,190 bn(+852%)
Philippines 32.4bn 230 bn (+609%)
Korea 459 bn 3,051 (+564%)
Thailand 122 bn 408 bn (+234%)

The way its going ... the 3 highlighted countries lagged Bursa substantially in 2005. Indonesia looks likely to surge past Malaysia by end 2014 despite the recent massive correction there. Thailand has come up by leaps and bounds despite numerous vicious street protests, disquiet down south of Thailand and changes in government. Thailand looks set to over take Malaysia by sometime end 2015. Now the Philippines ... soon Malaysia will be sending maids to the Philippines ... fuckers!!! Maybe not now but look at the trend, I predict by 2018 the Philippines will bypass Malaysia if nothing changes.

Enjoy your holiday.


2013-09-12 13:51 | Report Abuse

sephiroth said “.. ready to buy below 2.00” . I have the same thought.

My opinion :
Unless historical trend of the price movement has changed, most of you will continue venting your grievance on Mahsing as it is not the counter behaves to “go-go” expectation. I guess you were trapped in Mahsing by the previous bonus/Wa exercise. Around that time, the price upped handsomely which gave you wrong illusion that this is one of the “go-go” counters. If I could remember correctly, there were two “go-go” parties only in the last 5 years. Pls verify by yourselves, my memory maybe not very accurate.

However, Mahsing’s business is very “go-go” now and then. I love its “go-go” biz very much, and it is OK for me with its quiet price movement as I strongly believe I will get you at last. Furthermore it gave reasonable sweet(div)each year, signaling she acknowledging my infatuation. 总有一天会等到妳.

Good Luck. Only with you, we have fun here.


2013-09-12 06:56 | Report Abuse

Hi : I watched a Hollywood movie, the "Greatest Game" recently. It was based on a true story about golf. The story line is about one of the greatest pro golfer in England and the best amateur young golfer in US. Quite interesting. Recommend to you.


2013-09-12 06:50 | Report Abuse

KC Chong : As at today, time and result have proven that I am a BIG fool in investment, only my advices to friends are wise. Whereas you have demonstrated a very professional and discipline foundation. You are a wise man.
英雄所见略同, 只可惜我不是英雄而是狗熊. 狗熊正努力学习梦变英雄. 有梦想股市才伟大. 哈哈.


2013-09-11 23:20 | Report Abuse

sh2383jbt : thank you very much for showing the due support. (4).
KC Chong : look like many buy your selection, not bad ma! 利害!利害


2013-09-11 23:14 | Report Abuse

Regardless Duckling, White Swan or Peking Duck, as long as can full my stomach is a good duck. Ha! ha! Joke only lah.


2013-09-11 23:01 | Report Abuse

Ooi TB : Thank you for voicing out the due support. Thks.


2013-09-11 22:43 | Report Abuse

My humble opinion on KC Chong's portfolio - Time Horizon:

I think that time horizon on Fibon for KC Chong is years. But many of you were talking about half session, day or week. That deviates from the message behind KC Chong’s analysis. KC Chong is waiting for the duckling to grow to a beautiful White Swan, while you are talking about if the duckling gets fat tomorrow so that you can slaughter and eat it as Peking Duck. For those who do not have patient, I think KC Chong’s portfolio will likely disappoint you.
What do you think ?


2013-09-11 22:26 | Report Abuse

inwest88 : Thanks for the right support. People contributes very much, we at least show the due support at the right time ma, right ?


2013-09-11 22:18 | Report Abuse

My personal unfounded opinion on Mahsing:

There are rumour in the market that government may in the upcoming budget 2014 impose some unfavorable measures to curb the ballooning property price. I personally think this is the main reason why Mahsing is not moving up along with the main market recently. If the rumous is to be true, Mahsing will drop further one day before or the same morning of the budget day, 25 Oct 213. If the rumour is to be false, Mahsing will not fly high either. This is the historical characteristic of Mahsing, unless thing has changed which I do not know. If you like something go, go, go, up , up, up every day, Mahsing in my opinion is likely to disappoint you.

My 5 years relationship with Mahsing :
On the other hand, if you are a long term investor, you can have faith on Mahsing, as I think it will not disappoint you in the long run. I see Mahsing inching toward “blue” each year. I have been following Mahsing since 2008. Good Luck.


2013-09-11 16:22 | Report Abuse

Movement of a stock price is not depending on how many people knowing, shouting but buying it. Even all readers in i3 know and buy the same stock (which is impossible), it cannot up the price too. As compare to the free-floated shares, how much can i3 readers buy? Movement of a stock has multiple and complex factors behind. For a long term and healthy movement, it is correlated to the valuation/fundamentals/biz performance of the company. Sentiment of the market and luck plays some role too.

I appreciate and like very much what KC Chong posted, but that does not mean I need to agree with or buy the stock. His intention is not asking me to buy. The analysis is something for sharing, promoting formal valuation method and educational purpose (at least I am learning a bit by a bit). He welcomes feedbacks too which he may miss out. I appreciate and support this kind of good deed. If anybody dislikes it, pls just leave it, it does not hurt but please do not pour cool water. There are lots of new players need this kind of sharing. Thank you for your understanding.


2013-09-11 07:35 | Report Abuse

Thank you KC Chong. “High dividend yield, a popular investment strategy” has been read since posted. I like the first part very much but feel something was missing on the second part. I am still thinking carefully what it was before putting comment. It is better not to simply comment especially in front of you who have sharp analytical mind and fingers.

You are outright spotted on, I trust Mr. Koon is mainly due to his philanthropy and social responsibility works and also solid track records from his corporate and investment achievement. It has a pitfall in this but I cannot help myself, as it is associated with my born character to trust people easily.

Last night I put a comment on Dali’s “10 million-th page viewed". From there, my actual experience showed that losers out number winners. This is the setback of just follow recommendation from others which are not the stocks I follow up myself for long time. JTiasa may be another case. I dislike JTiasa for negligible div yield, high debt, low eps. As I said JTiasa does not meet few of my criteria and I would not recommend to my close friend. I am in dilemma and taking higher risk on it.

Anyway, thank you very much for your comment.


2013-09-10 15:26 | Report Abuse

Sorry, no comment as I do not know Kretam at all.

Anyway, counter with sudden extraordinary surge without basic is not my cup of tea. Even if I am very lucky to have one, I do not think I have fate to enjoy the full upside as I will sell much earlier before it reaches its peak. I am a coward a lot of times.


2013-09-10 15:14 | Report Abuse

To KC Chong, KW Tan, inwest88 :
I do not think Mr Koon expected JTiasa to grow to 3.2, ~54% from today. Even yes, I do not think I have patient to wait for 3.2. I hate it as it pulls down my grand dividend yield which is income for my retirement in future.

My dream is to receive a significant dividend each year for retirement. It is something achievable if I did not make mistaken in the past years. Now I am recouping my previous mistakes, albeit it is as slow as snail but I have faith on it. As I always said, this is my dream in Bursa. I hope KC Chong and KW Tan see this message which is the center value of my investment in Bursa, just want to share with them who I regard as a very good people.


2013-09-10 14:52 | Report Abuse

inwest88: 英雄所见略同, 只可惜我不是英雄而是狗熊. 哈哈.


2013-09-10 14:15 | Report Abuse

Hi Hiddengem : I do not and dare not to dream for bumper harvest. How to break even the RM3.20(entry price of the elder brother), a 54% rise from today ? I would be very happy as long as the younger brother can bail out the elder from long term jail with no casualty.


2013-09-10 13:10 | Report Abuse

Hi : as I buy the recommendation of Mr. Koon so much and we talked about it lately, I bought 5000 shares of JTiasa this morning to show support. The justification of buying JTiasa can be read from Mr. Koon’s articles. In fact, it does not meeting few of my criteria. I cannot help myself as hand is itchy.
It is similar to US TV series Prison Break 2005, sending younger brother into prison to rescue the elder brother. Ha ! ha!. Good luck to myself.

News & Blogs

2013-09-10 09:35 | Report Abuse

Houseofordos : I have the similar mentality as yours. I like BEAR more than BULL. That is why I posted earlier that BULL is NOT FRIEND to long term investor like me. I guess many people see me as crazy, but my purpose in Bursa is to collect good companies at low price, then keep for very very long time. Is it soo difficult to find good counters at low price, why BULL come to disturb and tempt me to sell ?

News & Blogs

2013-09-10 07:44 | Report Abuse

“Professor Philip Cheng –3 reasons the small investors cannot be successful. 1=time, 2=experience,3=focus. “

In my opinion, besides the “Very Simple Way to be a Winner in Bursa”, I agreed that if you want to be a millionaire from Bursa with another way which is a more certain, own-control and professional way is to have the 3 reasons as mentioned by Professor Philip Cheng. I saw one of the “sifu” in this forum has demonstrated his great potential, I believe this method can work and he will be one of the millionaire form Bursa besides Ren Yan(Cold Eye). In this context, it is sad to say that my time has passed. Furthermore I do not have professional background to be one of them. If you are still young, please consider to practice a very professional way or a very SIMPLE way. You make the choice, it is a millionaire dream from Bursa, mate !

News & Blogs

2013-09-09 21:42 | Report Abuse

There is one very simple winning formula in Bursa. It is too simple till most of the people do not believe and practice.

i) Focus on your main job to increase your own competitiveness and save as much money as possible.
ii) Read newspaper daily to follow up development of society, nation and world especially on businesses.
iii) From newspaper and maybe analyst reports, pick few super blue chips such as Maybank, PBB, CIMB, HL, Genting, GenM, YTL, Digi, KLK, Nestle, Carlsberg, BAT.
iv) Check the approximate prices and at what KLCI occasionally.
v) Wait patiently or even forget about the market for long time.
vi) Newspaper headlines, aunties and uncles will let you know when there is a big panic caused by BEAR in the market. Do not worry; opportunities will knock your door approximately 2-3 times in every 10 years.
vii) Go into market slowly; pick one by one the super blue chips.
viii) Hold, receive dividend and never sell.
ix) Repeat the above steps.
x) Your wealth will automatically grow and your performance will be easily rank at the top 20%.

It is too simple till you cannot believe it, isn’t it? I dare you to practice it. You will amaze to see your return after the first round of Bear.

News & Blogs

2013-09-09 12:51 | Report Abuse

Hiddengem : If you really want gem and plantation related gem, pls have a look on KFima. Furthermore sifu KC Chong has done very outstanding homework for us, best still, he follows up closely and update us periodically. Where to find this kind of “好慷”. KC Chong : Big big Kam Siah to you.

Yield : Some of the reasons I bought KFima are cash, div yield but most importantly the bright future of the palm oil.

People: I do not put in significant money into KFima as I am not comfortable with all “Ali” in BOD.

Biz : I do not feel great on other biz sections i.e. bulking, food etc. Besides liking palm oil, I am OK with the printing of security documents.

Timing: I feel it is not expensive now. I do not think you can get fast and significant return from KFima and investing in KFima is a bore game except when CPO raises significantly, that is also the time I am waiting for. I let my KFima goes for long term holiday. I never plan to sell within a year or two unless CPO goes very high.

Fundamental : I believe in KC Chong a lot on KFima.


2013-09-09 12:38 | Report Abuse

hiddengem : pls go to KFima. Thks


2013-09-09 09:42 | Report Abuse

hiddengem : If I am not mistaken, both JTiasa and RSawit are run by the Tiong family.

Pls do not compare to loser like me, you are falling into Confirmation Trap. Pls read “Common Investing Psychology Traps – investopedia” posted by KW Tan yesterday. Anyway I do not mind to tell you that I bought at 9.66=3.28 ex bonus. In long term jail lol.

Buying JTiasa is buying into future prospect of CPO. You need to have faith that CPO will rise. In this case you need to have holding power. I have faith on it, else I have bailed out JTiasa for long time already.

You can go to MalaysiaFinanceblogspot and search for JTiasa for recommendation from Mr Koon. If you plantation and you believe in him as I do, now is a good time to buy JTiasa.

****I do not buy more JTiasa after 9.66 even though I buy recommendation from Mr Koon. I just hold and wait.

Good luck.


2013-09-09 07:45 | Report Abuse

hiddengem : Sawadee Krup. For Palm Oil related stocks , I have JTiasa(in jail) and Kfima(winner) while watching MKH. I do not see fate chemistry between myself and plantation stocks, except making good profit once from BKawan few yr back.
Khru Phun Much Krup


2013-09-08 22:34 | Report Abuse

Hiddengem : Relief that you have a great heart to accept advice from others. You are better than another one who refuses to give up until all hope is gone on KNM.

But put it in another perspective, since you LOVES RSawit so much, you can continue to follow up RSawit and collect A BIT at comfortable price for fun, experience and also to test your own judgment. Else life will be very bore. I said A BIT.

As said, it is not a good counter fundamentally, but once CPO rises back to says RM2800, the whole story will be different. There is no absolute thing in Bursa, everything is relative and progressive.

If I were you, I will buy JTiasa instead of RSawit just b'cos I believe in Mr Koon's rationale and judgment.

Good luck.


2013-09-08 18:25 | Report Abuse

Hi KC Chong: I were about to go out for jogging at Pattaya beach, you comment just make me “beh tahan” and stay back to write.

I spent tonne of time and effort in studying companies’ biz and shares for many years. Yes, I bought Zhulian at low price, but he bought too and with lower entry price than me. I bought many other good counters at good prices such as Tanjong, LPI, GTronic, Batu Kawan, Maybank etc. But you guess what ? He bought too and almost each time at the lower prices than me. Why ? Because he is more patient and luckier than me and have more fund to average cost down. Till today, he made much more profit than me, and can be classified as one of the successful winner in Bursa whereas I am still a loser. Why? Because the counter with lower winning probability which I bought i.e. JTiasa, Notion, I would not recommend to him. Only those with quite certain good counters were recommended to protect his money.

So, in conclusion, let us think about it, “homework+valuation” OR “luck, network, timing, money” make you a winner? In my friend’s case, it is the later.

p/s : I am still feeding him with good recommendation, as the money won by him is not my money anyway and I feel great that my friend is continuously winning money from Bursa.

I am a bit frustrated and psychologically unbalance in ths case, my dear friend.

Ok, now go for jogging and look at sexy "gui moi and thai moi" to release my frustration.


2013-09-08 17:28 | Report Abuse

My friend is a winner as compared to me. Most of the times, he took my advices and managed to buy lower than me as he was more patient and sold faster. His transaction amount was much bigger than me too. He have no sentimental heart like me in loving the selected companies, once profit is made, he sell.


2013-09-08 17:17 | Report Abuse

KC Chong : I recommended and he bought after Dali posted Mr Koon's recommendation. If I remember correctly, it was after ex bonus at somewhere around 0.80-0.90 at year end 2011. He sold not long after. I cannot remember exactly he sold at what price, maybe somewhere 1.0-1.2 but certainly it was with a very good profit. He treated me one big lunch in Oversea Restaurant was what I can remember exactly.

I followed up RSawit in Jan 2011 when OSK recommended it as one of the unpolished gem at RM2.23. He may even bought before Mr Koon's recommendation as I shared with him all of my research works. The Mr Koon's recommendation may just ascertain our case and he quietly bought more. Who knows ? One thing I knew certainly was that he made good profit from Bursa all along whereas I am still losing. As I always said :" listen to what I said but not to follow what I did". He is that lucky guy lol.


2013-09-08 16:15 | Report Abuse

Clarification : I did not say buy RSawit and I do not have any RSawit.


2013-09-08 16:10 | Report Abuse

Hi my dear friends:
Last night I watched a wonderful and inspiring Chinese Movie, 中国合伙人. I would like to recommend you to have a watch.

Few comments after watching :
i) I generally do not see the same persistent and strong desire to success among Malaysian.
ii) I saw an effective way to success in corporate world is thru a very focus on issue and strong and forceful execution but less humanity which I see as a common weakness of Malaysian.
iii) I saw one step at one time and very hardworking can bring you to success too but I personally opine that the above less humanity way is more effective in the current corporate world.
iv) I were amazed on how Chinese in mainland eager to learn English and western civilization. I generally do not see the same atmosphere among Malaysian.
v) I were amazed how hard working they are. Not only in movie, my actual interaction with Chinese in mainland had shown me the same trend. The knowhow level of Chinese are much higher than us at the same level. Example the technical knowhow of a mechanical engineer graduated from China is much much better than those graduated from Malaysia. We are behind them for many years and will never catch up with the current system and atmosphere.
vi) Generally I do not see the same confident level among Malaysian. Not only from the movie, it is also from my real experience dealing with Chinese from mainland.

Many more can be inspired from the movie, please have a watch at your leisure time.



2013-09-08 15:14 | Report Abuse

inwest88 : then let us have a hug and sing together 周润发(监狱风云)插曲《友谊之光》
说有万里山 隔阻两地遥
不需见面 心中也知晓
说有万里山 隔阻两地遥
不需见面 心中也知晓




2013-09-08 14:51 | Report Abuse

I trust Mr Koon Yew Yin very much because I follow his history. In fact those who followed his recommendation on RSawit before the bonus issue had made a very handsome return. Honestly I knew it but missed the boat as I chosen to invest in Zhulian at that time (limited fund mah) but my close friend who have money, took my hint(he did not know Mr Koon’s recommendation), invested in RSawit and made a good return at that round.
Far before Mr Koon recommended JTiasa, Mr Dali strongly recommended it. That was almost at the its historical high. I believed him and jumped in as Jack said to Rose: “you jump, I jump”. As a result my investment on JTiasa is still serving long term jail till today and at least for another couple years ahead. Pls do not get me wrong, it was nothing to do with Mr Dali, he came with good intention and I trusted him too. It was more on timing and luck.
And now, Mr Koon recommended to buy JTiasa at much lower price. Honestly I trust him very much and want to follow him, but seeing the limited fund available, I pulled handbrake and decided to wait on the side line to cheer others reaping the good return in future. By the time when Mr Koon and the followers having a big party celebrating the big return, it is the time for my JTiasa release from prison, ha ! ha!. Sad story ? This is life of investing.


2013-09-08 14:22 | Report Abuse

Hi :
In my opinion, Palm Oil industry, besides Gloves Manufacturing, is one of the most competitive industries in Malaysia. Unlike many other industries such as semicond, steel and automobile industries, threat from other countries is unlikely and negligible at least for the foreseeable future. We are now in a leading position. As we are more efficient which translates to lower cost, we are safer and can earn higher margin that other planters in other countries.

Agriculture land is a scarcity and cannot be man-generated.

Demand for edible oil will definitely increase in tandem with the growing prosperity in the world in long run.

All in all, I believe plantation is one of the safer and better stocks to invest into.