
chon99 | Joined since 2022-09-12

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2023-08-13 23:08 | Report Abuse

It is heartening to note that the six-state election closed successfully on 12-08-2023 ( Saturday) with much better results than expected for the current government under Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's leadership

May we hope that with the prudent economic policy in place together with a more stable government now in force, Malaysia would be able to win greater confidence from both the domestic and foreign investments. As such, more Malaysian employees would be able to enjoy higher income with better employment opportunities and would therefore improve directly or indirectly the overall standard of living in Malaysia.

Likewise, may we also hope that CATCHA DIGITAL BERHAD, the precious gem and the future shinning star, would be scaling to greater heights with the Patrick Grove's aggressive and ambitious expansion plans in Southeast Asia.


2023-08-11 16:30 | Report Abuse

Thank you. I will see how later.


2023-08-11 16:13 | Report Abuse

Long time no see.

Where have you been? Haha


2023-08-11 15:50 | Report Abuse


Do you have the devices to detect who are buying or selling in the share market ? Why are you so sure who is selling ?


2023-08-11 15:08 | Report Abuse

Your question :
Mid term is how long?
Good question.

Is up to you to decide on your own. Some may fix it shorter and some may be longer. So it is up to you to fix it .

It is flexible .

So, I can't exactly tell you how long is mid term.


2023-08-11 13:09 | Report Abuse

Whatever people would say, I will hold CATCHA, the precious gem and the future shinning star, for mid to long term.


2023-08-11 09:27 | Report Abuse

Don't waver. Don't flicker minded. Say something reasonable, realistic and true. No matter who say.


2023-08-11 09:12 | Report Abuse

Don't waver. Haha


2023-08-11 08:34 | Report Abuse

Nobody can influence or decide for anyone. It is all up to you.


2023-08-10 21:23 | Report Abuse

Believe in what you buy and buy in what you believe. Don't be swayed or shaken by others' irresponsible, wavering remarks or rumours.

( Just my opinion. Not a buy or sell call.)


2023-08-10 18:27 | Report Abuse


WELLs (Wellspire Holdings Bhd) itu memang lah bagus.

CATCHA ini pun memang bagus juga lah.


2023-08-10 17:32 | Report Abuse


Jumpa lagi. Haha.

Paktua ini makin tua tapi hati makin muda.

You are forever young. Main main saja. Jagan marah

News & Blogs

2023-08-10 14:55 | Report Abuse

I think we should not give a lopsided view or biased view on this topic.

Let's be in the shoes of our Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
As a Prime Minister, he is on tight schedule, every minute is precious to him especially during the election campaigns. He is kind enough to give the students an opportunity to ask questions.

The student should be well prepared and should not statter in asking questions. The student should practise many times at home or in some other places before asking .What would happen if the same kind of situation occurred in a job interview ? The student should regard this question and answer session even more important than the job interview. I think the job interviewers would be unable to tolerate and stopped the interview if the same thing would to happen.

However, the Prime Minister still has the courtesy to answer the questions.

Hopefully next time when a student were to ask questions, he/or should be well prepared or seek someone who is more articulate to help instead of doing it all on his/her own.


2023-08-10 08:38 | Report Abuse

Don't cause embarrassment lah.

Normally, a growth company would think of the priority, that is the expansion plan.

The market price is not fixed by the company and it is not its duty to do so.


2023-08-09 23:52 | Report Abuse

Michael Kwok,

Chinese Proverb :


Modesty benefits
Arrogance hurts

Hope you understand.


2023-08-09 22:45 | Report Abuse

Michael Kwok,
Got such followers ,
So what ?
Are you so arrogant as a result ? ? ?


2023-08-09 20:41 | Report Abuse

The forum is full of voices and noises.

If one were not careful and alert, one could be easily shaken out.

No matter what and no matter how, I will stick to my mid to long term investment strategy for CATCHA, the precious gem and the future shinning star.



2023-08-09 20:03 | Report Abuse

But then think again carefully.

CATCHA is so generous to offer the rights issue at an attractive price but many didn't even want to subscribe the rights issue thinking that the rights issue were cheap stuff .

In fact , we should be thankful to CATCHA for its generosity.


2023-08-09 18:30 | Report Abuse

Michael Kwok,

Please admit that your predictions are "not always" accurate.

Don't simply guess.


2023-08-09 17:39 | Report Abuse

Saya berharap Pasar Saham ini bukanlah untuk memainkan saham, tetapi untuk melabur saham. Haha.


2023-08-09 15:35 | Report Abuse

When I plant the Musang King durian tree, I will take good care of it and would not simply replace it with other type of durian tree.

I will wait for it to bear creamy, buttery and bittersweet durians which are one of the most popular types.

It may take a bit longer time, but the harvest is fantastic.


2023-08-08 10:25 | Report Abuse

More haste, less speed.

Patience will pay off.

Hope everyone is successful in the investment of CATCHA, the precious gem and the future shinning star.

( But just my opinion. Not a buy or sell call.)


2023-08-05 21:38 | Report Abuse
Just see how powerful CATCHA GROUP is.


2023-08-05 00:32 | Report Abuse


Welcome you too.

You are still new to this forum.

Just like your own USER ID learn from mistakes , but don't show your ignorance by repeating them.

Good night.


2023-08-04 21:31 | Report Abuse

Learn fromMistake,
OK, Where is the trap ? Show us the trap, could you ? If you could not show us the trap , then how ?


2023-08-04 15:19 | Report Abuse

Just what I think. Sooner or later CATCHA DIGITAL BERHAD of Malaysia would be transformed into a "Mega Company" with the
a billion Ringgit value and "above".

That's the reason I don't dare to under-estimate the value of this precious gem, the future shinning star.

By the time many people/investors were to know about it , do you think it would be still remained below RM0.50 ?

(Just my opinion. Not a buy or sell call.,)


2023-08-04 12:35 | Report Abuse

I am sorry for what I am saying today. I feel I am so rude to someone and might have hurt his feeling.

I apologize. I apologize.

Forgive me.


2023-08-04 12:00 | Report Abuse


If your remisier were to ask you to jump, you jump ?

Most of the times, you are so optimistic. How come suddenly changed ?
But please don't today say one thing then tomorrow another. After all ,we are matured enough. Aren't we?

Of course , it's all up to you to do whatever you like but please don't affect the emotions of other people.

Remember also : MORE HASTE , LESS SPEED.

(Just my opinion. Not a buy or sell call.)


2023-08-04 09:25 | Report Abuse

This is a precious gem, , but some people might think it is a stone.

Some might treat it as kacang putih to goreng.

Anyway is all up to you.

(Just my opinion. Not a buy or sell call.)


2023-08-03 13:10 | Report Abuse

Whether any further upswings until the party, is anybody's guess. Hopefully, there would be more upswings.

For me, as a mid to long term investor, I will hold no matter what the prices be.

To me, patience pay off.

(Just my opinion. Not a buy or sell call. Trade at your own risks.)


2023-08-03 12:42 | Report Abuse

CATCHA, the precious gem and the future shinning star, is surely worthwhile for my mid to long term investment, judging from its bright prospects and huge growth potentials.

"Patience will pay."

(My personal opinion. Not a buy or sell call. Trade at your own risks."


2023-08-02 22:11 | Report Abuse

Welcome. More and more new friends come into this forum.

All others join in tomorrow or thereafter are equally welcome.

Good night.


2023-08-02 21:42 | Report Abuse

91,013,200 new CATCHA shares issued pursuant to the "acquisition" and 126,432,058 new CATCHA shares issued pursuant to rights issue.
Even the rights issue was "under subscribed"

Thus, the number of new shares in circulation in the market should be limited.

Furthermore, the prices of share are determined by the supply and demand and so many other factors.

Of course, there could be profit taking in between.

That's the reason I stick to my mid to long term investment plan.

( My personal opinion. Not a buy or sell call. Trade at your own risk. )


2023-08-02 18:14 | Report Abuse

To all the old friends and new friends in this forum.

Hope you all enjoyed the show of CATCHA just now. But it is just the beginning, not the end. Just be patient. Haha !

Have a happy evening to everyone of you and your family too.


2023-08-02 17:45 | Report Abuse


Welcome you and glad to see you here. Nice to meet you in other stocks too.

Have a happy evening to you and your family.


2023-08-02 06:13 | Report Abuse

What I am trying to say is that please do not promote this stock to other stocks' forums, no matter how good this stock is.

That is to show mutual respect.

Please be patient. It is just a matter of time people will notice the value of CATCHA DIGITAL BHD , the. precious gem and the future shinning star.

Thank you.


2023-08-01 17:55 | Report Abuse

Just a friendly advice.
Avoid posting comments to other unrelated forums (so called cross sales). In so doing, it will provoke the hatred of the investors in other forums, causing attacks and counter attacks, with unpleasant ending.

Thank you.


2023-08-01 16:37 | Report Abuse

I think many people or even investors know much or even heard of CATCHA yet. Might be you could ask your friends or relatives to find out, but of course, with no obligations.

By the time when many people and investors know of CATCHA's huge growth potentials with its expansion in Southeast Asia or other new developments, could we still get the price below RM0.50 ? I just wonder.

That's the reason I will hold CATCHA, the precious gem, for mid to long term.

(My personal opinion. Not a buy or sell call.)


2023-07-31 11:58 | Report Abuse


Sorry, as I mentioned many times earlier, I will "not advise" anyone whether to buy or sell.

It's all up to you to decide on your own .


2023-07-31 11:26 | Report Abuse


Well, of course one must check it and examine it carefully whether it is genuine or fake.

The best thing is seek a few experienced and reliable valuers 's advice.


2023-07-31 10:55 | Report Abuse

Three types of scenarios:

1) Someone saw a gem but mistaken it as a stone. Walked past and never bothered about it;

2) Someone saw a gem, grasped it but sold it at a low price and was happy with the small profit.

3) Someone saw the gem, grasped it and held on to it tightly until its true value emerged.

( Just my opinion. Not a buy or sell call. Trade at your own risks.)


2023-07-31 09:26 | Report Abuse

Not much of volume this morning. I stick to my mid to long term investment plan as I have great confidence in the capable management and the bright future of CATCHA.


2023-07-30 23:57 | Report Abuse


Thank you for your sharing.


2023-07-30 20:49 | Report Abuse


By the time CATCHA were sold, it would have become a billion or multi billion company.

Every shareholders would smile to the bank with the profit earned from CATCHA.

But how long does it take.? Nobody knows.
(My opinion. Not a buy or sell call.)


2023-07-30 16:18 | Report Abuse

CATCHA is set to expand in Southeast Asia soon with the fund raising.


2023-07-30 16:11 | Report Abuse


Wonderful ! It is really a blessing for CATCHA's farsighted vision to have acquired the entire stack of iMEDIA which brings prosperity to and enhance the value of CATCHA.

With CATCHA'S coming expansion in Southeast, its future revenue and profitabllity would be improved even further.

That's the reason I consider CATCHA a precious gem and a
shinning star.


2023-07-29 10:35 | Report Abuse

Yesterday , Friday (28-07-2023) US Market ended with a strong rally:

DOW JONES + 177 points

NASDAQ COMPOSITE + 267 points.

Hopefully, on coming Monday (31-07-2023), the above strong showing would give a powerful boost to the BURSA MARKET and the WORLD MARKET.


2023-07-29 07:51 | Report Abuse


All these while , I have been mentioning about the profitabllity of iMEDIA which has been acquired by CATCHA Malaysia.

After the consolidation, what is the actual net profit of CATCHA DIGITAL BHD as at 30-06-2023 after deducting the CATCHA' cost and expenditure is still unknown.

The half yearly results will be out in August 2023.


2023-07-29 01:13 | Report Abuse

Just to recap by referring to the download above: CATCHA DIGITAL gears up for expansion in Southeast Asia after successful fundraising.