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2019-09-03 10:10 | Report Abuse

"As for FPSOs, it owns eight vessels but targets to sell the Armada Claire and Armada Perdana. These two vessels are currently idle" ... Die or not ?


2019-09-03 10:04 | Report Abuse

RM8.7 billion bank borrowings, How to pay back ?


2019-09-03 10:00 | Report Abuse

Moneykj1 Big boss 25.7 billion investment in india going to drain n kena legal case..

Ka ki ku ka ki ...kiki


Next will be Armada


2019-09-03 09:59 | Report Abuse

not enough to play Bank Borrowings. RM8.7 billion is not a small amount


2019-09-03 09:49 | Report Abuse

all the analyst say good result so that they can sell and run. Some of you also say good because you can also sell and run. Some clueless will buy and end up holding a bankrupt share.


2019-09-03 09:44 | Report Abuse

careful this company anytime can bankrupt. RM8.7 billion bank borrowings, Each year have to pay bank at least RM500 million. Assets are all 2nd Ships, some are old and near junkyard status.. Sea are high corrosive environment, ships also have very high maintenance cost


2019-08-22 14:46 | Report Abuse

in theory Pos is a very attractive counter to buy with the booming online sales but in reality, it is not the same because they have to deliver to a lot of loss making route. Ask Calvin the "expert" in everything how to cover the losses delivering to remote places.


2019-08-22 14:07 | Report Abuse

truly, my example is for remote places. where very few transaction... but POS still have to deliver. If you look at their financial results, this is the reality. Yes, if they can partner with local players they might have a chance but they are not doing that, for example they do not deliver to remote places, remote place have their own people to come out to get the package from POS in town area. .


2019-08-22 13:40 | Report Abuse

what can the IT do. Just do a quick math.. lets say an orang asli in bukit tinggi order a packed of milo online from Johor. Delivery cost is RM8 for Pos Malaysia. So first, Post malaysia have to send the milo to its hub in KL ( this one no problem cos they can share the cost with other customer ), then what if one that day only 1 package going to bukit tinggi. Toll ( RM10, with return RM20 ) , Petrol ( RM20, with return RM40 ), Worker day salary RM50... so total cost is RM110, but you charge that customer RM8. How to make money ? even with the most advanced IT also no use.


2019-08-22 13:29 | Report Abuse

it has nothing to do with the new board, its the business model that is killing them.


2019-08-22 13:26 | Report Abuse

increase tariff die, dont increase also die. The only way is to be choosy of the delivery location, unfortunately not possible for POS. so, it is a dying giant.


2019-08-22 13:24 | Report Abuse

remote place they have not much choice they have to choose POS. POS have to deliver at a loss. You just look at POS losses, if you look at online business, it is true booming but delivery will kill POS because it is not profitable, even if they increase the tariff lets say from RM8 to RM16, To deliver one packet of milo to Kuala Koh in Gua Musang from Alor Star, will cost you more than RM16. But in City area, you are now RM16 vs people like Ninja Van and others at around RM7.. who want to use your service ?


2019-08-22 13:12 | Report Abuse

are u kidding, if tariff goes up... POS will be in deeper trouble, they will suffer even more because POS will be very expensive compared to other urban players. Maybe by then, nobody in the city area will use POS because it is way too expensive compared to others. People will use POS ony when they have no choice, that is the remote places.

The only way Pos can earn is to be choosy on where they will deliver and where they wont deliver. Problem is they dont have a choice, many of their remote routes are loss making. .


2019-08-22 13:09 | Report Abuse

or maybe some tok batin decide to buy one packet of milo from online shop and get them to deliver to kapit sarawak.


2019-08-22 13:06 | Report Abuse

the only way Pos can make money is if they are selective of their delivery area. Unfortunately they cant choose, they have to delivery everywhere. Just think about it, for example... they have to deliver, even if just 1 package of 500g to bukit tinggi resort from Alor Star for RM8.


2019-08-22 13:03 | Report Abuse

as for dividend, it is just a game they play. After give u dividend share price also drop by the same amount. Just for show only.


2019-08-22 13:02 | Report Abuse

in the city/urban area Pos have to compete with so many players, some way below the Pos delivery price. Other players do not service remote places, so people from remote place will surely choose Pos, which is a loss making business because low vol, cant even cover the cost of delivery..


2019-08-22 12:59 | Report Abuse

see I told you pos is in deep trouble. Making big losses. Although the online business are booming but in urban area people do not use Pos, ony rural places uses Pos Malaysia, give u example, just imagine.. just to deliver one package to bukit tinggi resorts, Pos Malaysia charge RM8, how much driver time, van wear and tear, toll and petrol to go up there ? sure make loss lah. .Pos cannot say they cant deliver. I just give one example... with internet sales booming, even those in orang asli area also want to buy online... pos die or not, do that kind of delivery.


2019-08-22 12:00 | Report Abuse

birkincollector, most likely moneyheist cant answer you because he is now busy in police station, spreading fake news to defame someone


2019-08-22 11:38 | Report Abuse

got a few big player here, for example sardin, I heard he dump more than 10 million into this counter


2019-08-22 11:36 | Report Abuse

Jack Yip, congratulations, you can also masuk jail anytime.


2019-08-22 11:33 | Report Abuse

icij wont mention name until charged. this one mention name before charge. sure fake lah


2019-08-22 11:28 | Report Abuse

I wonder if it is worth the jail time just because envy people make money ?


2019-08-22 11:25 | Report Abuse

Downeagle.. u also want to join Jack Yip in jail ke ? defamation is a very serious thing.


2019-08-22 11:24 | Report Abuse

This kind of people spreading fake news deserve to be jailed.


2019-08-22 11:21 | Report Abuse

if this news is real, 2016 already announce, no need to wait until today.


2019-08-22 11:20 | Report Abuse

Wah Jack Yip is very brave, still want to keep that fake post link. Cannot wait to masuk jail issit ? or too rich, defamation suit can run into millions. If Jack Yip can afford, then continue posting.


2019-08-22 11:16 | Report Abuse

Mabel it is a scam, you too will be in trouble for posting that link


2019-08-22 11:14 | Report Abuse

this is a very serious allegation. This forum is monitored by KNM directors, I think they have made police report. You better do something before too late.


2019-08-22 11:12 | Report Abuse

ya... those webiste people they use spoofiing technology, they cant be traced but Jack Yip can easily be caught by the police.


2019-08-22 11:11 | Report Abuse

Jack Yip, they only way for you to survive now is to ask this website to remove all your info.


2019-08-22 11:10 | Report Abuse

Jack Yip, u post that link here.. means you are also part of the defamation. I think you will be visited by the police soon once they locate you.


2019-08-22 11:07 | Report Abuse

Jack Yip good news for KNM .. XXXX..
22/08/2019 10:42 AM

Jack Yip, are you using your home or office PC to access internet, you are in serious trouble.

That article is a fake template for people to defame people. I think someone have made a police report on you, for making that message, prepare to masuk jail.


2019-07-24 11:01 | Report Abuse

according to sardin, 10 sen is expensive, 20 sen is expensive, 30 sen is expensive, 40 sen is expensive BUT RM1 is cheap.


2019-07-23 16:44 | Report Abuse

where to find leempeh ? I want to follow his posting...


2019-07-22 14:50 | Report Abuse

josephn, 90sen x 2.6 billion share = RM2.34 billion only, how come you say is RM3.5 billion ?


2019-07-22 13:45 | Report Abuse

OrionIXL ... thats right, its the city business this tariff hike will kill.

Yes agree, hike will bring profit to POS initially for a while, before more competitors jump in.

In the longer term, this new tariff hike will cause business size reduced significantly, because more competitors will be taking over POS business.

Ninja Van for example, from Selangor to KL is only RM7.5 for 1 kg package. POS laju Selangor to KL is now RM8.50 for 1 Kg package ( maybe people still take POS laju RM1 difference is not much ), if POS increase tariff somemore... they will lose all the Selangor to KL business to Ninja Van or its equivalent

When business size is reduced, the profit they make will become less and they cannot cover their fixed cost, like salary, vehicle maintenance, office and etc... so in long run it will be very bad for them.

if you are talking about stamps, where got people post letters anymore nowadays, maybe still have some hardcore oldies still sending letters... soon everything will be sent electronically free of charge. stamps will extinct soon.


2019-07-22 13:00 | Report Abuse

if other company with just 300 million+ shares win a RM300 million project easily limit up the next day, this one go down instead. And not only that, they have so many other big projects already in their pocket


2019-07-22 12:48 | Report Abuse

very strange company, win such a big project.. imagine each share you hold, just this project alone is worth almost RM1 sales... and the share price is only 18sen.

Some more they have toll concession cash cow business. This must be the cheapest toll concession company in the entire BURSA


2019-07-22 12:41 | Report Abuse

trader9919, rate hike will hurt POS city business, they will lose their main income earner ( urban area ) because people will switch to other service provider because cheaper, such as GDEX ( someone says make money, probably get some of their customer from POS when they have tariff hike last time ). Things like road tax and other stuff.. can easily do it online or at other agency, UTC and etc, Post Office does not have the monopoly anymore. Kill theirmoney making business to save a loss making business will not bring them anywhere.

We even have things like Ninja, grad, food delivery companies... all capable of delivery in urban area.


2019-07-22 11:31 | Report Abuse

trader9918, if it true POS covers every damm rural area BUT rural area are not profitable... imagine travel 100KM to a remote kampung to deliver just one box of parcel and charged RM8 for it. While toll/fuel/salary will cost 10 times of that.


2019-07-22 10:11 | Report Abuse

Increase tariff is a signal that POS Malaysia is in financial trouble. Do you want to risk your money into it. POS malaysia is no longer a monopoly business, they live or die have no impact on the delivery services in the country because there are alternatives.

They thought increase tariff can make more money, but do they know they dont have the monopoly anymore ? POS will be killing off more customers if they increase their tariff because people have alternative, How may of you still receive BURSA trading contract notes via pos malaysia ?

If POS charges is cheap then no issue, people will just continue with it but if they increase tariff, people will find alternative.. just like the BURSA contract notes. POS will lose even more. IF POS really wants to make profit is easy, all you need is to cut those unnecessary expenses in your company, like the Air Asia, no frills POS and reduce the service price, then only you get more customer. More customer, more money.


2019-07-22 10:07 | Report Abuse

good chance to run now, better take profit and go. Impossible they can compete with those giant China PCB maker. Go and see from youtube... see how those Giant Company in China does their PCB work ? This rally is caused by people thinking GUH will benefit from China/US trade war, there is no guarentee it will come to GUH, China are not stupid, they can easily use a proxy company outside China as a front to their China PCB manufacturing.


2019-07-22 09:40 | Report Abuse

heading to 80 sen is more likely. Pos Malaysia is losing to private delivery services, nowadays private delivery service coverage has improved alot and cheaper. Pos malaysia bill payment services is also losing to internet online payment. What else do they have ? almost everything is losing.


2019-07-22 09:23 | Report Abuse

if they start talking about tariff increase, means they have serious financial troubles. Better stay away, people like The edge cannot be trusted, they have their own agenda. Pakatan Gov will not allow any tariff hike because they areadly look very bad in the eyes of the people. Last time Pakatan blame BN for price hike, now they are worse.


2019-07-22 09:08 | Report Abuse

The only way for POS to make money is to examine how they lose money, I can bet all the money they make goes to a few fellow on the top and wasted on useless things.


2019-07-22 09:06 | Report Abuse

this company cannot pakai one lah, Just try order things from China, even for a USD 20 cent product, they can deliver it free from China. Pos malaysia, to send a simple letter also need 60 sen.

Pos laju RM8 within west malaysia, while China can send package from China to Malaysia with just RM4... Now with so many new logistic companies in Malaysia and online payment services, how to survive POS Malaysia ? their services are just too expensive.

Already so expensive, want to hike tariff somemore. Digging own grave.


2019-07-22 08:54 | Report Abuse



So good ? Tell Mat Sabu to ask them make tank for our ATM, imagine German quality Tanks for our Angkatan Tentera Malaysia. I am sure they still have their old tank design in their records.