
cruger12345 | Joined since 2013-08-29

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2017-05-09 17:23 | Report Abuse

Supermx2. Would you like someone to say the same thing to you if you are in their situation ? Come on give me a break.


2017-05-09 12:25 | Report Abuse

Stc1136. I Ann seriously thinking to sell portion of AA to deploy capital to somewhere else. See how. Hand super itchy to oress sell button


2017-05-09 08:11 | Report Abuse

Supermx2. You got a point. I am taking a more balance approach . Wish us luck .

News & Blogs

2017-05-08 22:33 | Report Abuse

The guy focus too much on the NTA which is not a good measurement of a company. Go check bjcorp and btoto NTA. And look at the price . For me the lighter the asset the better as long as the wanting power is huge in the coming future.


2017-05-08 22:24 | Report Abuse

Ohhh I am from the old era. Get used to 1000 = 1 lot before Bursa change the lot size. Supermx2. A piece of advise for you. In mini bull market or bull market any stock will fly like crazy. I admit I punt some of it and make more money in percentage wise than AS But the real core holding or stg that you dare to bet big shall be stg that is solid. ITBIS THE BEAR THAT WE NEED TO BE CAREFUL OF. But so far the music is still running so enjoy the ride but always remember the music will stop somehow and you don't have a clock at the wall. You don't know when it will strike 12 am.


2017-05-08 19:34 | Report Abuse

Onecall I have no apparantice. If what he said is true at least he got guts. What do you have ?


2017-05-08 19:33 | Report Abuse

But still my words is the same with that kind of mentality you can't go far in the market .


2017-05-08 19:33 | Report Abuse

Suoermx 2. In a way I must say you have gut to bet 1.0 mil ++ on a single counter . Wish u the best.


2017-05-08 15:51 | Report Abuse

can always backdoor list and raise capital ... dont go and guess how they will do it .... not necessary to be IPO to raise capital


2017-05-06 22:01 | Report Abuse

Supermx2. U r getting funnier every single day. I said it again with that kind of mentality you can't go far in the market .


2017-05-04 22:32 | Report Abuse

Mark my word stock split and bonus issue is coming


2017-05-04 15:54 | Report Abuse

supermx2. Reading your comment make me yawn


2017-05-04 15:34 | Report Abuse

5 supermx2. it is not what did you is wrong or right. it is what sort of character you have. Obviously you are childish, naive with no matter.


2017-05-01 22:26 | Report Abuse

Suoermx2. It is obviously your understanding of Airasia is shallow . You better keep your mouth shut to avoid looks like a fool.

News & Blogs

2017-04-29 10:23 | Report Abuse

Why are you stilll posting on i3 ? And you are complaining people are throwing rubbish at you r yard. Gosh .... don't you know that you are littering at the public place .


2017-04-28 07:07 | Report Abuse

VG. But ex date mean the price will adjust accordingly . I know the AGM will pass the dividend resolution. Just wander what if the dividend resolution passed. Will the price adjust back ? That is stag I never heard of ;)


2017-04-28 00:25 | Report Abuse

I tot 12 Sen dividend need AGM approval. Is ex 23 rd but. AGM 25th how does it work


2017-04-27 10:19 | Report Abuse

Good point. Noted. Thanks, I just go with my guts...


2017-04-27 10:07 | Report Abuse

VG you think too much. By the time the data is out we will be too late. Q1 is the festive season, I don't think airline will want to cut the fare if the deamnd is strong. No airline will do that. Anyway wish me luck.


2017-04-27 09:44 | Report Abuse

Batu.... VG. You guys shall have deep consideration on AAX as I explain before. No more Fogrex loss this coming quarters. So the result shal be pretty amazing. Think about it. It is kind of little bull market now, we shall think out of the valuation box for a while. Think about it


2017-04-26 12:05 | Report Abuse

batu. hahhaha ok I have better luck . I cut loss at 1.54 bought Dnex.... selling some dnex and buy back gentaing wa this morning. have a serious look on it again ... wish us luck


2017-04-26 11:47 | Report Abuse

batu and VG. YOu guys need to have a look at Genting WA.....


2017-04-26 11:47 | Report Abuse

supermx2. You are missing the whole point of investing. Agaian and again you need to get your mindset fixed. I assume you are still new in the market, so I beleive I am the only one patience enough to tell you again and again. You have been saying the same thing for several weeks. It get you no where.


2017-04-26 11:06 | Report Abuse

It is time to have a look at AAX. Eventhough I do not really care about the Forex in AA or AAX I believe the sentiment will have an impact on the share price. on 31 Dec 2016 1 USD = 4.4852 MYR. on 31 march 2017 1 USD = 4.4241 MYR . Q4 2016 AAX post a forex loss of about 93 Mil. This coming Q1 2017 shall have a small gain of forex. Hence, I think at 0.44 it is a bargain. Trade at your own risk . I did my homework just to share .


2017-04-25 15:16 | Report Abuse

Damn I tot the rubbuish has been taken care of.... still here kah ? report abuse done


2017-04-21 16:54 | Report Abuse

Superx2. You are just cute. suit yourself. You cant go far in the market with this kind of mentality. This is a Chine saying " in front you scare of ghost, at the back you scare of the thief ". How to make big money like that aiiiyooooooo you faham tak ! Cakap Melayu you faham ? Kalau depan takut hantu, belakang takut penyamun, baik tidur saja jangan tengok saham.


2017-04-21 16:43 | Report Abuse

supermx 2. Do you know how much much involve to maniputale a 9.00++ billion market cap company ? Gosh ... u r not only imaginative but also naive ....


2017-04-21 16:39 | Report Abuse

Supermx2. From frustration to amusement. You have huge imagination


2017-04-21 15:02 | Report Abuse

OK... just sick of that 2 clowns. Apologize. But that is not funny for mimic the way they comments. Take care of downside the upside will take care of itself.


2017-04-21 14:49 | Report Abuse

Whatever, dun sound like a smart ass here. Hate people try to imply he is smarter than the others. What is little knowledge in investment is dangerous ? What the heck is that ? Does that mean you are smarter than the others ? Another BS in the house.


2017-04-21 14:46 | Report Abuse

What is over promoting ? what kind of wording is that. For people who are holding AA they are happy to see the price goes up what the hell is wrong with that ? When people are seeing the value being unlocked that is over promoting. If you think the price is not value for mmoney, just say it is fairly valued. ( please come out with some facts and figure, otherwise it is all rubbish again ).


2017-04-21 14:43 | Report Abuse

2 clowns are leaving the scene another come come in. Not welcome JN88. Dont make stupid and baseless comment. Sick of that kind of comments.


2017-04-21 09:29 | Report Abuse

Record breaking BWC ... good job less than 5 mins ..... You deserve a Guiness Record for that .


2017-04-21 09:27 | Report Abuse

STC1136. Do your deed please report abuse. Sooner or later admin will notice it.


2017-04-21 09:25 | Report Abuse

hahaha let see you can bring the record or not ..... kesian dia .... strat from 9.24 am .. .see how long this time it will last BWC . he he he. Laugh


2017-04-21 09:20 | Report Abuse

bWC... oppsss .. it is not less than an hour.. It is less than 15 MIns :)


2017-04-21 09:17 | Report Abuse

Grrrrr.... Need to scroll down again to read the comments..... You are long winded lah BWC .... Keep the line short to save your time because in less than an hour your post will be deleted as usual.


2017-04-21 08:36 | Report Abuse

Grrrrr.... Why do I have scroll down every morning to read the comments..... You are long winded lah Investo .... Keep the line short to save your time because in less than an hour your post will be deleted as usual. People just hate you and there is no one you name as " real reader ". Yawnnn..


2017-04-20 17:58 | Report Abuse

supermx2. At one point at any counter, there will be a historical high or historical low. Stop imagine things gosh ... mark my word again. USE A BIG MARKER PEN OR CAN TATOO IT ON YOUR ARM, YOU CANT GO FOR WITH THIS KIND OF MENTALITY IN STOCKS. .....


2017-04-19 16:44 | Report Abuse

I just keep on reporting abuse. Dont even bother to read hs recent post. He is not even man enough to make a wrong short term call. pathetic. No one is perfect furthermore it is share market how could he said the rest are not bright and uneducated !!! In share market it is about calculated risk and rewards. It is not accurate to say that CW is dangerous for any given counter at anytime. CW is about the leverage. If you can't take the heat and not sure about it just don't touch it. I just dont like certain the market maker which doesnt provide enough liquilidy.


2017-04-18 13:43 | Report Abuse

As long as you are in the market this kind of situation will always be there. If you think market maker is manupulating the share price just to push down the CW. Dont buy CW. As for the war, in the history of market, how many wars had been there already ? Be rational. If too concern don't put too much money on the table. It is pretty straight forward. being too careful will not make big money. being too daring will cost you an arm and a leg. Good Luck


2017-04-18 13:26 | Report Abuse

Supemx2. Stop your imagination. 1st. I don't think SC is sleeping and allow market maker to do that. 2. AA is a 9.00++ billions market cap company I don't think the so call market maker will be stupid to do that. 3. Market maker do it's hedging to minimize their risk not by manupulating the share price. If you are the CEO of the IB, will you allow that to happen ? I am not promoting AA Warant ( don't want to be pin pointed by the usual suspect BWC or Investo ). As CW approcahes the expiry date, it's price will be allign to it's true value. the beta alpha of the CW will diminishs ... If the price goes up approcahing the expiry date so will the CW and vice versa. It is not meant for newbie. So stop acting like ypu are a smart ass. As far as I am concern you are so paranoid and SCREAMING WAR IS COMING ..... As far as can remember the day US invade Iraq, the market actually goes up substantially. Will this repeat again if US really goes after North Korea ? I do not know. and I won't speculate.

News & Blogs

2017-04-18 10:23 | Report Abuse

I am sorry but looking at the title I have no unterest to look into detail already. How could you compare and Bull and and Duck. They are 2 totally different animal. But both are good company. I will choose oldtown if I have to


2017-04-18 09:24 | Report Abuse

Plain shameless. People already kick him out several times still want to come back. Report abuse again don't stop guys.

News & Blogs

2017-04-16 18:06 | Report Abuse

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. You under perform and you blame the market for not paying attention to your NTA. The is the issue you do not know how to unlock it. When people want to kick you out of the board, you pakat with the others director to reelect you again ana again news while u collect the handsome consultants fee. Thick face ! And you said you are better than warrant buffer . IOU can't even beat me all these years. And I am not the best in i3. Goshhhh. The board shall have sacked him 3 years ago


2017-04-14 12:22 | Report Abuse

BWC. Yeap your action and words sound really desperate not me .:)


2017-04-14 12:12 | Report Abuse

BWC you are such a pathetic loser. When others are sick with your comments and report abuse, what do you do, when the flag is about to turn red you delete that particular comments and and copy paste here. You seriously have issue. Gosh... you need help.


2017-04-14 09:06 | Report Abuse

BWC. This is the thing people doesn't like. You are acting like a newscaster. But you put into words like you are a guru in stock and the others are diot... Gosh .... I will do my part as usual.


2017-04-13 16:58 | Report Abuse

Admin is giving a message .... be a man and tone down your incessant chant of big picture and Icon and gang. and you can still hehehehhe ....
If you saw a naughty kid be scold by his parents and he could still smiling and laughing you will feel like to slap the kid ....

Posted by BuyWithConvictions > Apr 13, 2017 03:44 PM |

Post removed. Why?