
cyphua | Joined since 2013-01-17

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2017-02-28 16:10 | Report Abuse

Support 河马是没错的。


2017-02-20 08:45 | Report Abuse

......... no related?........


2017-02-15 07:34 | Report Abuse

Is good goreng share. But miss the opportunity due to jobless crisis, get cash in hand.


2017-02-15 07:32 | Report Abuse

Don't friend with you guy.


2017-02-15 07:31 | Report Abuse

You all big crocodile, I sell all at RM0.33, the next day shoot up.


2017-01-12 10:05 | Report Abuse



2017-01-05 07:27 | Report Abuse

Feel potential after Feb.but short of cash.


2017-01-05 07:26 | Report Abuse

Can when up during this period? Not sure, May be push a high, then before Feb end back to normal. Hope after Feb can get more money in.


2016-12-05 09:48 | Report Abuse

菲律賓警察總長德拉羅沙(Ronald dela Rosa)周六(3日)表示,總統杜特蒂已下令逮捕澳門集美集團主席林英樂(Jack Lam),以換取11月被捕的1,316名中國人獲釋。林英樂代表律師弗頓(Raymond Fortun)周日表示,未獲當事人談論最新發展,拒絕透露林是否仍在菲律賓,但強調「基於(林英樂)事業為合法的,他沒有理由賄賂任何人。」

德拉羅沙接受當地電台訪問時說:「我呼籲那些知道林英樂人在哪裡,或看到林英樂的民眾站出來,並告知最近的警察局。林英樂是一名中國公民,並在克拉克(Clark)的『方塔納休閒公園及賭場飯店』(Fontana Leisure Parks and Casino Hotel)經營網上賭博。」

菲律賓日前前在邦板牙省(Pampanga)克拉克自由港(Clark Freeport)的方塔納休閒公園及賭場飯店,逮捕1,316名在林英樂旗下、未經許可的網上賭博公司工作的中國人。菲國司法部長維塔阿基瑞(Vitaliano Aguirre II)爆料,林英樂事後曾在達義市(Taguig)的香格里拉大飯店,透過助理企圖賄賂他,想要私了。


VT need careful, Don't simply carry out more.


2016-11-30 09:43 | Report Abuse

Doing what 20th century Fox project RM10B/=. up to now not complete.


2016-11-30 09:42 | Report Abuse

That why I suggest brother lim buy BJCorp rm1.4B/= only. Stop VT think big.


2016-11-23 09:03 | Report Abuse

Fund is stop. Waiting US market stable.That why less transaction.


2016-11-10 22:01 | Report Abuse

Raw material is going up, inflation is coming, US new president Trump can continue push up raw material price?


2016-10-28 08:45 | Report Abuse



2016-10-28 08:41 | Report Abuse



2016-10-28 08:39 | Report Abuse

VT 股票看是多了,其实是convert也很多,但买进及convert加起来,会发现其实dispose 也很多,总的来说这两年是卖出。但report到bursa感觉没这么多,不知是否看漏?


2016-10-28 07:20 | Report Abuse

Don.t forget VT announce convert BJCorpLE middle of July 73M to BJcorp and dispose BJCorp end of July. 35M. Now announce buy back 1M+ share only.


2016-10-25 09:26 | Report Abuse

Afraid we hope to get 3 units BJCorp then big fish slowly dispose their share slowly. So, after we get the bonus share, the price is lower then now. We expect get 3% income in 2 month time. But share price drop. Will Don't get 3%.


2016-10-24 09:57 | Report Abuse

Frog in hot water


2016-10-22 20:45 | Report Abuse

Goreng share must be small fish feel fear, panic and dispose on hand share then start accumulate to goreng; I can see a lot of small fish still accumulated, cannot see big fund accumulate, VT announced few time buy in but also dispose, there is not much place to monitor more where big fund accumulate.

The BJCorp price also lower and lower to break my confidence, can I stand until the end? Or I finish first before they goreng?

World economy and Malaysia politic also unstable, big fund is no confident to come in.


2016-10-22 03:51 | Report Abuse

They need cash

Want to sell 598.73M 12% of BJLand sell in the market RM0.68 ~=RM400M, difficult to sell, no good new and have bad new, if sell, 6% to get RM200M from BJLand, BJLand will have big drop;
Convert to 353,250,000 BJCorp-LE 2% Irredeemable Convertible Unsecured Load 2016/2026, then convert to BJCorp 250M (balance 103M, VT have 99.80% seem a lot, he buy I also want to buy, stupid) sell at RM0.35 get RM87.5M, plus RM65.86M cash near RM173M/= easy,

(1) Vietlott new, vary good new;
(2) profit announce also vary good for the past;
(3) Selling this only 250M/4600M is 5%, can say not much different, but BJCorp market turnover big, stupit more, no body know. Or may be can say BJLand 75% is belong to BJCorp, 12% is VT and Penta, 13% is stupid, but BJCorp have more then 30% stupid.
(4) They still have BJCorpWC 706.5M can convert back same value in the furture.
(5) Fund and VT need money during this economy crisis, world is short of cash, bank don’t want release money ( include me cannot get cash from Bank on Oct ).


2016-10-19 16:25 | Report Abuse

Is you buy RM330 now. BJCorp will give you Rm9.9 = RM3.30 x 3 at Dec 2016;
Or RM3300. BJCorp give RM99/=. At this RM0.33 share price.


2016-10-19 11:24 | Report Abuse

Goldman sachs have so much? How to check? If they sell out 5m per day. Also can sell few month. All here buy this share also cannot support. We are fighting with super fund.


2016-10-19 07:38 | Report Abuse

If invest BJCorpC2, BJCorpWB,WC, BJCorpLD,LE, then goreng BJCorp is good.
how to calculate?


2016-10-19 07:35 | Report Abuse

Not much time to see this share, cannot find out more uncertain factor.


2016-10-19 07:31 | Report Abuse

The finance cost per share is control around RM100M/= per quarter, if we divided the share number, they control around RM0.022/share, that mean the management is manage the debt consistent. but we compare to operation profit, 50% of the operation profit is give to finance cost in this two year. they need to try increase the operation profit.


2016-10-19 07:21 | Report Abuse

Profit / Revenue is below 10%, for me is low, but from operation no loss consider OK.


2016-10-19 07:18 | Report Abuse

Debt to Equity also around 0.5 only, can consider normal


2016-10-19 07:17 | Report Abuse

People say BJCorp debt is a lot, normally Debt Asset ratio if more then 1 that mean asset cannot pay the debt already, this company have big problem.
But BJCorp
long term borrowing is Short term borrowing is Total Asset is
2017Q1 RM4,117,265,000/= RM2,382,276,000/= RM23,269,229,000/=
2016Q4 RM4,427,539,000/= RM2,266,255,000/= RM22,631,250,000/=
2016Q3 RM4,492,539,000/= RM2,719,844,000/= RM23,091,458,000/=
Debt Asset ratio: is around 0.3
Debt for BJCorp is not issue. Is waiting goreng only.


2016-10-14 17:22 | Report Abuse



2016-10-13 17:43 | Report Abuse

Maybe price of BJCorp is bottom. But fund have no money to put in more. Unless have someone want to invest earn 3% every year. 3% can say high also can say low.


2016-10-13 17:38 | Report Abuse

World market and economy still vary unstable. Malaysia also announce GST collect not reach target. Although NJ say no increase. But the bottom office is sound not enough.


2016-10-11 11:35 | Report Abuse

Seong Zhi Lam, thank for information about BJCorp Vietnam investment, seem after Korea Jeju, China Project, this Vietnam I also feel uncomfortable, the book value for BJCorp is attractive, I can feel that have some bomb I don't know.


2016-10-11 11:30 | Report Abuse

Jeju is difficult get compensation;
(1) If easy, major share holder cannot be only VT only ( Major 30 have 70% is VT related );
(2) Typhoon is destroy Jeju.
(3) The abandon building I cannot Imagine how to repair. are you want it? even cheap,


2016-10-11 07:34 | Report Abuse

So, the land is BJCorp getting from Ho Chi Minh City, promise to develop since 2008, but planning change or alternate few time, seem like ask Vinci to construction. if let Vinci develop,

Hope that BJCorp management don't involve in, give too much opinion, let Vince complete the project in two three years time.

The Building is over develop in the whole world, hope not in HCMC.

HCMC force BJCorp sell it to Vinci? have paper loss? BJCorp need to put in money? BJCorp need to sell the property? or let Vinci sell? market good? using money from Vietlott?


2016-10-06 11:38 | Report Abuse

Below major share holder in 2016 also related to VT

10 Maybank Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd 68,000,000 1.45
Pledged Securities Account For Sublime Cartel Sdn Bhd (41408491163A) (Sublime Cartel Sdn Bhd offers lottery consultancy services. The company was incorporated in 1998 and is based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Sublime Cartel Sdn Bhd operates as a subsidiary of Berjaya Corporation.)

20 Amsec Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd 37,299,850 0.79
Pledged Securities Account - Ambank (M) Berhad For Premier Merchandise Sdn.Bhd.(related to 7-11)

24 Scotia Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd 35,100,000 0.75
Pledged Securities Account For Superior Structure Sdn Bhd (Indirect to VT)

28 Gemtech (M) Sdn Bhd 33,400,000 0.71 (The company operates as a subsidiary of Berjaya Media Berhad.)


2016-10-06 11:34 | Report Abuse

BJCorp 2016 annual report Pg255,30 largest share holder Other then 11,13,14,21,22,27 seem not related to VT, other is belong to VT, can get the management & Board of director so easy?
unless Genting buy it lah, only RM1.6B, why Genting want to spend RM5B + RM5B to the 20th century theme park project.
This VT always say want another casino, kill him before he grow.


2016-10-06 11:10 | Report Abuse

To the Sabahan hit Rm37M Toto Power jackpot. Come to but BJCorp lah.


2016-09-30 21:32 | Report Abuse

Ai ya. Berjaya Corp posts RM62.7m loss in 1QFY17


2016-09-29 13:57 | Report Abuse

If announce have rm400m today then I am ...........less opportunity.


2016-09-28 12:03 | Report Abuse

If buy in rm0.335 is difficult sell at rm0.350. Touch rm0.345 easy.


2016-09-28 12:00 | Report Abuse

Q RM0.325 or RM0.330 is better. The result will come out this Friday. But too quiet. The world market is unstable.


2016-09-28 08:36 | Report Abuse

Don't forget Redtone is a problem. ........


2016-09-28 07:57 | Report Abuse

Lucky you say someone. Not you. I still have opportunities. If get 32m. Sure buy bjcorp. See got how much coming out.


2016-09-26 16:57 | Report Abuse

Give the CEO few hundred day to make it happen.


2016-09-26 16:54 | Report Abuse

Genting is not doing well. The offer change every day not every month. Mean direction not clear. VT may have opportunities talk to NJ. NJ need more money to recover 1M....Getting second casino licence is possible.BJCorp with cash RM1.7B. 1MD.....only RM26B..........oh. not enough. Need casino licence......I help you. You help me........I support. .....