
dragonslayer | Joined since 2013-10-25

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2015-03-04 16:46 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....baru upgraded Stadium nia.......takla patron mau beli tickets.....aiyoyo...dia olang lebih suka panjat bumbung tenguk free punya naga show lor.......why leh..... takla naga lawan punya show lor......aiyoyo....Jolin Tsai pun takla latang lagi lor........aiyoyo.....itu sebab lor.....rusuhan berlaku di Stadium lor.......aiyoyo.....kena tangguh hari lain liao lor.....aiyoyo.....pi po pi po.....ambulan pun latang lor...mau angkat itu olang cedera pigi hospital lor.....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-03-04 14:36 | Report Abuse

Aiyo kakisaham....lu pun manyak emotional pun olang lor.....aiyoyo.....tak mau nagis lah....brother....happy memory lah....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-04 14:00 | Report Abuse

Aiyo kakisaham...........lu pun ada ini macam punya experience......walao.......wa pun ada juga panjat pokok lor...........aiyo.......sama sama punya cerita........aiyoyo...siklang punya stadium mau panjat pokok pun tak nampak gelanggang lor.....aiyoyo...........ha ha ha


2015-03-04 13:52 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 4468....lu sulah outdated lah....mgmt baru upgraded Asiabio National Stadium kasi increase double seats capacity......sikalang tak payah ma panjang pokok...bumbumg...tiang lampu liao lah......pigi kauter ticket sulah boleh beli ticket.....aiyoyo....kita mau jaga keselamatan olang awam mah....patrons juga olang mah......nanti jatuh dari pokok ke ...bumbung ke...tiang lampu ke....nanti mgmt kena juga manayak kerja mau buat...mau report polis....panggill ambulan lah....lagi mau manyak manyak admin pnya kerja mau buat...aiyoyo.....susah neh.....kalau 20 rows seat pun pecah records.....walao....kaya lah mgmt of Asiabio National Stadium...aiyoyo...ini macam......company mau declare special bonus kasi wa olang kerja dalam punya lor.....aiyoyo.......hope so lah.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-03-04 13:14 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....half time only ......Stadium sulah full house liao.....walao.....dunno 2nd half naga mau lawan lagi boh ha.....aiyoyo.....if got lawan lagi ......need to increase seat capacity liao.......aiyoyo.......mau double capacity baru cukup liao lor.......aiyoyo......now Row 10 seats fully occupied......balance patrons panjat atas bumbung pun mau tenguk naga show......aiyoyo........due to the overwhelming response from the supporters........the managemennt of Asiabio National Stadium decided to add another 10 rows permanant seats in the Stadium......aiyoyo....total capacity 20 rows now....aiyoyo...those atas bumbung punya patrons can come down to buy tickets liao lah.....aiyoyo....so scary lor..... panjat bumbung pun mau tenguk naga show..........ha ha ha


2015-03-04 11:25 | Report Abuse

AIyo...............lu cakap SUMA will post loss in last QR wo.........proven lu also wrong wo........aiyoyo............boh pian lah tak olang boleh cakap.............wa cakap with cartoon liao lah........aiyoyo........Suma boleh.......Tan Sri boleh.......aiyoyo....oops.......ha ha ha


2015-03-04 11:04 | Report Abuse

Aiyo..........kesian nya........tinggal beruang dan ozzie kat sini jaga reban.....mana yang lain pigi liao..........aiyoyo.......sulah abandon reban .....aiyoyo......cartoon pun tak mau latang liao.........aiyoyo...........sulah jadi ghost town punya pattern liao..........once awhile got one or two cars passby.............kasi top up petrol.............then ......continue the journey..........aiyoyo......senyap nya ghost town........aiyoyo..........ha ha ha.


2015-03-04 10:03 | Report Abuse

AIyo.......ini apa hal..........tampal advertisement banner lagi kat salah Stadium ke.......aiyoyo......ini macam ha..........mau panggil security guard halau liao lah.....aiyoyo........ha ha ha


2015-03-04 09:55 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...Row 7 pun penuh liao...walao.....ini macam mau expand Asiabio National Stadium pnya capacity liao lah.....aiyoyo.....4468 kasi planning sikit expansion Stadium punya kerja leh............Patrons getting more more........mau .......latang Stadium Asiabio........aiyoyo.........boleh cepat sikit boh.......aiyoyo........later rugi liao....tak dapat jual more tickets.....manyak patrons panjat bumbung mau tenguk free show.........aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-03-04 09:49 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....Jolin Tsai latang.........naga hijau straight away sulah sembuh......ini kali boleh kasi TKO naga merah liao lah.........see later lah.........aiyoyo........ha ha ha


2015-03-04 09:45 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...Stadium Row 6 pun sulah mau penuh...aiyoyo......in macam mau kasi full house Row 10 lagi........Jolin Tsai ada latang liao lah.........ini macam......aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-04 09:31 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...itu naga hijau mau terbang manyak tinggi punya bukit baru boleh sampai gelanggang Asiabio kasi hantam itu naga merah......go go go ...jia you naga hijau....kasi tonic minum...kasi naik itu stamina......aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-04 09:04 | Report Abuse

Aiyo......tukang tilik.....tak mau kasi tau itu apa cut win /profit lah.......important is when oredy high lu kasi tips wa.....aiyoyo...poor thing wa........wa masuk kena masuk longkang liao lah.........aiyoyo...........lu kasi tips when you sulah masuk awal awal punya price lah.......tak mau tinggi tinggi punya price baru kasi wa tips lah........aiyoyo..........wa kena cut loss liao wo..........aiyoyo.........wa punya pokok buah sulah gadai liao wo........lu macam mana mau compensate a punya loss.......aiyoyo.....calling .......ammah ....appah....aiyoyo.....what to do neh...........ha ha ha


2015-03-04 08:59 | Report Abuse

Aiyo........day 16 in Polarland...........early morning liao........dunno today Jolin Tsai ada latang boh ha.........yesterday kena pang aeroplane..........aiyoyo........latang Dato Siti Norhaliza........aiyoyo........also not bad lah........Stadium also full house.........aiyo......4468 kasi bawa balik Jolin to Asiabio National Stadium leh.......aiyoyo......mau tenguk Stadium penuh sampai bumbung again leh........aeh sai boh ..........ha ha ha


2015-03-03 17:56 | Report Abuse

Aiyo eric ...lu pu sulah jadi dracula....walao...wu lang mau cho...cho ji angmoh jiang shi......aiyoyo....lu kibto lok si liao...tiam tiam hust tua chai si boh...last year bonus tua huat lah...yen lee ani kuan strong geh price liao.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-03 17:17 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 4468....nanti it tukang tilik mau keluar cakap liao.......dia cut profit lah.....then.......wa kena cut loss liao......aiyoyo....wa punya lui masuk dia punya kocek wo......ini macam.....bagus punya conman tukang tilik....aiyoyo...bth leh......ha ha ha


2015-03-03 16:57 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ..itu tukang tilik hali hali cakap kasi kangtao...27cts wantanmee....apa sulah jadi sikalang....23cts....sulang mau masuk tepi longkang liao wo.....itu indian movie Privasia bollywood style dancing.......sama juga lah kasi kangtao 24cts.......sikalang 21cts.......aiyoyo....ammah ...appah......wa sulah gadai fruit tree masuk liao.........aiyoyo.....really bth.........kasi wa masuk longkong punya surewin ctrs........aiyoyo........apalah.....wa maau kasi report polis liao...kasi tau ada conman tukang tilik kat Asiabio National Stadiun conning ppl leh.....wa is the victim lor...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-03 16:19 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....ticket kat counter fully sold today.....aiyoyo....mau tengok show ...sila pigi panjat pokok diseliling Asiabio National Stadium....panjat bumbung stadium....tapi take own risk ya...kalau jatuh......takda insurance claim ya.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-03 16:07 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....conter ticket cakap ...lagi sikit ticket available nia....mau tenguk show ...mau beli ticket...mau full house liao...row 10 habis ...mau panjat pokok....panjat bmbung liao.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-03 16:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...baru cakap Dato Nurhaliza as repalcement aje....Stadium Row 8 pun sulah penuh...aiyoyo....really need big name baru boleh fill up the seat.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-03 15:41 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 4468.......no wonder lor.....Jolin Tsai lu sulah kasi tukar stadium sana ichi......aiyoyo.....of course lor ...lu kasi tukar local A list star kat sini.....aiyoyo.......Row 2 pun belum penuh isi itu stadium Asiabio lagi.....aiyoyo....ini macam mana boleh....WE WANT JOLIN....WE WANT JOLIN here....else refund the tickets......aiyoyo....give you until 4pm....takda Jolin ....we want Dato Siti Nurhaliza.......as replacement.......aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-03-03 15:00 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 4468...lu betul betul cakap...itu Jolin Tsai ada latang ke Asiabio National Stadium boh....sulah tunggu lama liao wo....oni artist jemputan aje keluar...aiyoyo.......patrons macam sulah pigi sana ichi punya stadium liao wo....aiyoyo...kakisaham sure happy liao lah.....dia punya lombong emas baru ada emas production liao lah....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-03 13:52 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...........why SUMA forum become so quiet and boring liao leh..........aiyoyo.........one whole morning also cannot fill up 1 page ...........aiyoyo..........SUMA used to be the best and most busy forum yang di segani oleh semua olang..........aiyoyo..........top of the chart in I3...........nowaday macam ghost town liao...........aiyoyo............why like that one ha..........aiyoyo..........no shiok leh...........ini macam sunyi kat sini.......aiyoyo.......lu olang semua pigi mana liao.......hali hali cakap oil price nia......niak sikit kasi tampal advertisement....turun sikit...tampal advertisement lagi....aiyoyo......SUMA price macam takda rasa aje leh.........aiyoyo.........takda cerita lain kah..........aiyoyo......mana itu vibrancy yang disegani .....semua dak lenyap kah......aiyoyo.....SUMA boleh.....Tan Sri boleh..........ha ha ha


2015-03-03 12:57 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....tukang tilik...lu baru 2 hali dulu cakap macam itu guru warren buffet.....aiyoyo....ini hali sulah lupa...aiyo.......mau kasi recommmend surewin ctrs aiyoyo.....ini macam really bth lu lor.....aiyoyo......wa mau.......gadai wa punya fruit tree kasi semua masuk wo......aiyoyo........boleh masuk tepi longkang boh ha.......later lu cakap lagi ....lu oni cakap cut profit takla cut loss lagi punya cerita.......aiyoyo....nanti wa kena masuk longkang wo.....aiyoyo.....which one to listen to you ha.....aiyoyo.......ha ha

Posted by 0008 > Mar 1, 2015 09:29 PM | Report Abuse

Amoeba , please dun ask me which counter will up ,
even I know but I won't answer this kind of question ,
just like u have opportunity to eat lunch with Warren
buffet but the rules is u can't ask him of which share
can be invest in the future .


2015-03-03 11:05 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.......Vsolar pun kena goreng liao....Asiabio ada concert pun seat takda penuh lagi....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-03-03 11:00 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 4468.........why only artist jemputan aje keluar.....Superstar bila mau keluar.....patrons started complaning liao.......aiyoyo......only saw cartoon dvd........mana itu Superstar Jolin Tsai......aiyoyo.....We Want Jolin .....We Want Jolin punya suara jeritan manyak kuat in the stadium wo.....aiyoyo....how ha......ha ha ha


2015-03-03 10:37 | Report Abuse

Aiyo........today macam ada sign datin mau visit Polarland wo.....aiyoyo.....good lah if Datin is coming....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-03 10:10 | Report Abuse

AIyo........lu olang punya minat Idol Jolin Tsai.......aiyoyo........my girl also leh......aiyoyo.......but Cartoon dun like leh.........still wanna showing the Cartoon dvd in the LIve Concert.......aiyoyo.....Pirated punya dvd pun mau show........aiyoyo......really ha........chasing away patrons only lor......aiyoyo.......pls come out showing the Cartoon dvd in 7th month lah.......aiyoyo........now Live Show lah.....olang mau tenguk Idol lah.........aiyoyo.......bukan kasi cartoon tenguk punya show lah.......aiyoyo....really tak faham itu cartoon lor.......ha ha ha


2015-03-03 09:48 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Ozzie......good wo......lu kasi tampal itu advertisement Banner...walao ...so hot punya Jolin Tsai World Tour Concert in AsiaBio National Stadium Banner.......only available in Asiabio.....Other Stadium takda wo.....mari mari......tickets still available......aiyoyo.....selling fast....dun regret if cant get your Idol only Concert ticket..........aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-03-03 09:43 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.......Asiabio National Stadium first row filled up liao.........now filling row 2......aiyoyo....getting more Patrons entering the stadium liao.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-03-03 09:37 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 4468...patrons filling up the seats oredy....pop corn seller so happy cos sales got increased liao...look like Jolin Tsai getting hot nowaday in Asiabio Nationsl Stadium.....go go go...check ticket counter still got ticket or not....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-03 09:33 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....Jolin Tsai Concert pun cannot attract patrons coming to Asiabio National Stadium...aiyoyo....ada salah Superstar latang or not......aiyoyo.....4468.....better check again ........ha ha ha


2015-03-03 08:46 | Report Abuse

Aiyo........day 15 oredy..........time fly so fast neh........Polarland latest activity..........Live Concert going to start today..........Jolin Tsai World Tour Concert in Asiabio National Stadium.............dunno can attract full house or not leh..........aiyoyo..........4468........you got check counter ticket sales or not.....still have ticket available for last minute patrons boh.......aiyoyo..........ha ha ha


2015-03-02 21:45 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...lu tak tau what annoucement meh.....aiyoyo....Jolin Cai Yi Lin got Live Concert in Asiabio National Stadium lah....lu takda beli ticket ha....better buy lor...later no more ticket available liao.....sure sold out lah.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-02 20:40 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....today another conversion annoucement......getting more ppl convert son to mum.....walao......ini macam how ha.....aiyoyo......wa pun tak tau liao lah......free wa can earn lah.....but.....bought one......erm......need to wait lah.......boh kangtao liao lah........ini macam Datin when can come to Polarland visit liao....aiyoyo...need to crack the head liao........ha ha ha


2015-03-02 20:23 | Report Abuse

Aiyo cashflow....my one higher lah.......my day counting exclude non trading days....oni count candles.....must give shark discount mah when calculate interest rate.....aiyoyo...so cold neh....ha ha ha


2015-03-02 19:23 | Report Abuse

AIyo cashflow...what you mean what my position.....aiyoyo.......sangkut lor.....count back day 14 lor....aiyoyo....my highest postion lor......aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-03-02 19:05 | Report Abuse

Aiyo derrick.........SImu sulah cakap liao mah......see how lor........boh vol......mana wu kangtao lor.........what to do leh............wa mah em chai lor.........aiyoyo......tan lor.....what to do ....tiok tiao liao si ani kuan geh lah......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-03-02 17:57 | Report Abuse

AIyo.derrick......drop tampok nia lah........vol not big enuf........dun expect to push up lah......at least mau 100mil per day baru boleh push up lah......aiyoyo....if 500mi to 900mil.....lagi bagus lor...sure terbang lah.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-03-02 17:53 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...OnG news need 3 months from last annoucement....need due study betul betul mah....later overpay ke...under pay ke......susah mah.......need to answer to shareholders also mah.....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-03-02 17:48 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH.........make sure they dun use my passionfruit and Kedondong wo......aiyoyo...guava pun tak boleh wo........my fruit tree in my pet house..........if they use....wa.tak boleh makan itu fruits liao.........later ada racun wo.........wa takut mati after makan itu fruits wo.......maybe can consider chop off the tree liao lah........aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-03-02 17:44 | Report Abuse

Aiyo max........wa sulah biasa with Polarland experience liao.......aiyoyo.......so ok lah.......keep chating........time will pass vrey fast lor.........sekelip mata.......cerita belum habis aje.....winter period pun over liao.......aiyoyo.........you dun chat.........time pass very slow neh....later everyday also kek sim.......susah mau pass time wo.......so .........my self found antidote living in Polarland is keep chating lor.....aiyoyo......hope sunshine day will be here soon lah......aiyoyo......Shark stiil keep my lui + interest......as long shark still there.......he will give me back my lui lor.......aiyoyo......shark owe me 14 days interest liao........will keep counting lor.........ha ha ha


2015-03-02 17:30 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....Polarland is a place that is very cold lor....aiyoyo....where the Polar Bear hibernating pun tempat lor.......aiyoyo........ada tau boh......aiyoyo......indicating the ctr is in bearish mode lor........need to endure harsh winter lor .........where you test your surviving skill lor........aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-03-02 17:24 | Report Abuse

Aiyo DH.........aso neh.........wa baru tau neh..........cartoon 6868 previous life is cartoon 6969.........no wonder lor..........look familiar lor..........cartoon is always cartoon lor.......after change face also cartoon face.........aiyoyo........when can change to olang face leh.......aiyoyo.........I think impossible lah........oops.......not really wo.....last time got one Dicky cartoon also dun have face wo.........but can be a friend to olang face liao wo.......I think sulah reincarnated to be a olang liao lah..........aiyoyo..........can be a friend liao wo..........hope this cartoon 6868 also can lah............hope so lah...........ha ha ha


2015-03-02 17:10 | Report Abuse

Ayo...itu naga merah manyak kuat wo.....naga hijau tak boleh lawan wo....aiyoyo...beginning of the polarland life in this polarand liao......aiyoyo.......how long to endure leh........aiyoyo....hope not too long lah.....ha ha ha


2015-03-02 12:18 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.......naga hijau still licking the wound wo........ini macam mana boleh keluar lawan itu naga merah........itu hali lagi minum todi.......aiyoyo........lagi susah mau bangun.......aiyoyo......mau tidur di poiarland lama sikit liao lah ini macam........aiyoyo........ada sikit longer than my normal ......aiyoyo.........siapa ada ubat boeh kasi itu naga hijau bangun dari mabuk ha.......aiyoyo........dunno air halia can help or not ha........aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-03-02 11:23 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....day 14 in polarland liao......aiyoyo....tukang tilik tatak lesen mau declare loss in the bet liao.......and no chance to win the first prize liao.......and kena penalty lagi.......aiyoyo.......so harsh punya penalty.........sob sob sob............ the penalty is .......aiyoyo........stay in the polarland for another month........aiyoyo.........so cold neh.......ha ha ha


2015-03-02 09:02 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....what going on with the last Qtr Result....why there was a sudden increased in Other Operating cost thta dragged down the whole performance of the company......walao lumpsump of (RM9,560,162) compared to 2013 Q4 of(RM1,948,357).....hope this is one time oni lor .....not going to happen in the future Qrt reporting......aiyoyo.......walao......Mr Koh retired only......company sulah jadi ini macam........aiyoyo.......macam mana Mr Koh mau retire happily leh.........hope the new chairperson can quickly warm up the chair and turnarouund the company lor......aiyyoo.......wa stay neutral first lah.......else kena shoot by missile... ....aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-03-01 23:17 | Report Abuse

AIyo Amoeba... lu mana mana pun pigi tanya itu apa cerita 1 2 2 1......aiyoyo......sama itu 3 4 4 3........mana lah olang tau........hanya itu cartoon aje yang tau lah.........aiyoyo.......wa oni teka teka aje.........mana lah tau kerana wa bukan cartoon mah ..... ..wa takla key in .....1 2 2 1 atau 3 4 4 3........aiyoyo.........nanti itu cartoon hali hali cari wa......wa manyak susah wo......aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-03-01 23:14 | Report Abuse

Aiyo kakisaham..........lu pun ada jack & Jill punya saham......lu really kakisaham punya reputation.........70% coverage on saham Bursa.........aiyoyo.....Datin nanti sulah tau....tentu kasi sayang pada mu........aiyoyo.......ha ha ha