
dragonslayer | Joined since 2013-10-25

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2015-03-01 22:24 | Report Abuse

Aiyo Simu....you sulah balik from holiday...aiyoyo...really bth ada cartoon banyak cakap cakap tapi sulah beli suma punya share......aiyoyo.......wa pun sulah malas mau balas itu cartoon liao.......aiyoyo.....good to hear your view on suma.......aiyoyo.........hope for the best lah.......suma boleh lah...Tan Sri pun boleh lah.......ha ha ha


2015-03-01 22:02 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....back from kampong liao....really bth.......tukang tilik pun mau compare with warren Buffet......lucky lor lu tak recommend buy what counter.......later masuk tepi longkang baru tau lor....reputation pun mau sao di liao lor.......aiyoyo.....not lah.....joking lah....you are good lah....all tukang tilik tatak lesen must stand tepi longkang if you come lah.........ha ha ha


2015-02-27 16:43 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 4468.......wa besok mau balik kampong wo.......habis ini macam......reban mau hancur liao lah........takla olang jaga.......aiyoyo......semua nak ayam...telur ayam pun mau kena curi liao lah........aiyoyo..........mana itu kakisaham dan max.......lu olang jaga reban boleh tak boleh ha.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-02-27 15:54 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...........everyday red........aiyoyo.......tukang tilik oxford harvard sure like it lor...later will come out to present their thesis again lor...aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-02-27 15:49 | Report Abuse

Aiyo cashflow.....why invest in OnG...Asiabiao oredy in OnG laio mah...got alomost 5% Carimin shareholding laio mah.....aiyoyo........why jump here jump there leh......later If Tan Sri masuk.......then become full fledge OnG ctr liao lor.........aiyoyo......why so troublesome leh......ha ha ha


2015-02-27 15:35 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...wa bukaan David Copperfield lah...bukan illsionist lah....aiyo....wa pun lupa it Prof SJ....thank you lu punya Air Halia.......wa punya lutut sulah ok liao........aiyoyo.... ha ha ha


2015-02-27 15:33 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 6868....Simu kat sini...mana boleh pakai foul word...must respect lah SIMU.....jantina lain mah........aiyoyo.......cartoon is different from olang lor.....rest assure lah.....wont happen lah....only nasty words nia.....ha ha ha


2015-02-27 15:29 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.........naga merah sulah keluar wo....attacking itu naga hijau punya sarang wo......mau ajak itu naga hijau keluar berlaga lagi.........aiyoyo........itu naga hijau punya fitness test result tak gam wo...........macam tak boleh keluar bertarong wo........ini macam itu naga merah macam mau kuasai Empire Mejapahit liao lor........aiyoyo........sikalang macam mana Kakisaham......lu punya empire mau jatuh ke tangan naga merah iiao wo........ha ha ha


2015-02-27 15:25 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 6868......since you are those playing trending type of cartoon.......I suggest you go to Taugeh TJ own reban.......there should have same kaki like you playing trending ctr daily.......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-02-27 15:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 6868........really bth you lor..........you really cartoon lor.........cartoon tak faham faham wa cakap apa lor...........aiyoyo............wa only ikan bilis here lah.........bukan mau create legacy macam itu apa nama kcchong ke........OBT ke...........Uncle Koon ke.....atau......Taugeh Tj lah...........they are really good lah.........got many followers in the forum lah........but always kena attacked by cartoons lah..........really kesian them also lah..........kasi sincere sharing pun kena missile attack...........aiyoyo..........wa only kepok sikit sikit lah..........mau cakap manyak manyak nia lah.........aiyoyo..........100x cakap more than trading lah.........aiyoyo .....why leh ...cos I oni olang kampong nia.....SPM gam gam passed nia......aiyoyo.......give chit chating legacy ........maybe also not bad lah.........if you can give me that lah.........aiyoyo.......at least better that cartoon lah......,,,,.go where also kutuk kutuk olang aje lah.....,,,,,..aiyoyo,,,,,,...,....it is good you can share your view lah.........even opposite view lah.......like Taugeh TJ always say lah.....agree to disagree lah.......it is ok lah......wa pun boleh accept lah.........I dun say cartoon dun have brain lah..........there are alot cartoons have oxford or harvard brain lah.......but only dun have face nia nia lah..........why leh.......cos cartoon aways kena flag flag kena tukar face lor.............aiyoyo...........hope you dun mind lah...........you also got brain lah.........but may can keep the face lah...........dun keep changing face until become what also olang pun tak tau lah......oni cartoon know nia nia........aiyoyo......I think I talk to much also lah........tak tau kena flag boh lah.....aiyoyo....hope not lah.........ha ha ha


2015-02-27 12:51 | Report Abuse

Ayo..tai zi tua tiao liao lah...ini macam punya QR....aiyoyo .....mou gan tai lor......good luck lah .....what a good news in 2015 CNY.....aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-02-27 11:55 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 4468.....why morning fitness test failed leh.....naga masih mabuk lagi kah....petang ada fitness test satu kali boh....kasi bangun itu naga leh.......aiyoyo........kasi minum ubat kaw kaw.......kasi tutup satu mata kasi pass fitness test boleh tak......aiyoyo.....boring tuntun cartoon dvd leh......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-02-27 10:57 | Report Abuse

Aiyo derrick....your mama bawa satu kompani punya staff pigi holiday lah.....ingat mau balik liao lah......Simu happy happy together with staff mah.....shiok lor....aiyoyo....ada hit target in 2014 punya bz quota ....ada free holiday lor......ha ha ha


2015-02-27 10:53 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 6868........lu pun sulah observed suma past 1-2 years......aiyoyo......wa ingat lu newbie wo........aiyoyo.......baru few days old nia.......aiyoyo.......itu sebab lor.....ID tukar nama macam makan kacang aje.......aiyoyo.....kena flag flag lagi lor.......biru takpa ...tapi kena merah lagi .......aiyoyo........what for leh......no identity in I3 lor.......aiyoyo.........just like Cartoon lor.....aiyoyo.........takda bayang bayang lor.......aiyoyo..........nama tak mau tukar tukar mah.....no legacy left behind lor.........aiyoyo.........like itu olang cina cakap apa tu.........tiger mati tinggal kulit itu macam.......wa pun tak tau cakap lah....aiyoyo.........ha ha ha


2015-02-27 09:46 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 6868.....wa sulah cakap mah....I was born in this reban......my first posting in I3 forum also here........back then know SImu liao lah.......learning skill from her and her reban tetap is also here mah........so I always come back lor......aiyoyo......dun speculate wa bought at boxing day lah.....aiyoyo....boxing day wa takda beli lah...aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-02-27 09:37 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 6868..........lu pun satu lor.....aiyoyo.....hali hali asking this asking that......wa sulah cakap mah ...one day Simu....forever Simu.......lu really tak faham lor......aiyoyo.......respect lah......need to protect the person you respect lor......aiyoyo......if someone like you try to tarnish my Simu reputation lor....aiyoyo...ini macam mana boleh leh........ha ha ha


2015-02-27 09:31 | Report Abuse

Aiyo........why many followers and forumers here got burned ha.......then you must ask them liao lor.......aiyoyo.........mana lah gua tau leh........aiyoyo.......learning skill ......you think one day ...one moon can ....go down gunung liao meh.........can go Jalan Bursa make a killing meh........aiyoyo........need to pay tuition fee first mah......aiyoyo......sure one day will recover lor.......aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-02-27 09:27 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 6868....you never heard b4 meh......one day SIMU ...foverer SIMU meh....aiyoyo......ini panggil respect lah.....lu mungkin takda respect olang.......so bo pian lah.....cos you are Sifu Level liao mah.....aiyoyo......lu takda belajar from Sifu lor....aiyoyo......so takda respect Sifu lor.....aiyoyo........ha ha ha


2015-02-27 09:14 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 6868........why u always say my Simu one.......no good lah lu........Simu is guiding us mah.........lu cakap ini shorting itu takla bagus wo...........her skill in trading is good and chun chun mah........aiyoyo.........at least she mentioned it here mah.......aiyoyo......even she short also considered small amount nia nia compared to the shark behind the scene mah...
......she just follow the tide only..........I dun see anything wrong with it lor.........Simu got the title SWING QUEEN of SUMA mah.........aiyoyo............you cannot say my SIMU is affecting the price lah........aiyoyo.........SImu is protecting her investment also mah........Shark mau telan her.......aiyoyo........susah sikit lor........cos she know how to protect herself from kena makan by the shark lor......aiyoyo........ha ha ha


2015-02-27 08:54 | Report Abuse

Aiyo 6868.........look like you are taking over the SUMA Chief Promoter Post liao wo........good lor hope you also huat huat lor..........aiyoyo..........ha ha ha


2015-02-27 08:20 | Report Abuse

Aiyo......siang siang SUMA kaki sulah mali sini........ada apa hal....ada kangtao nampak naga hijau mau keluar dari Gua Niah mau lawan naga merah kah.........aiyoyo.......SUMA Boleh......Tan Sri Boleh.......Asiabio pun Boleh .....aiyoyo........mau kasii hantam 1 lot lagi kah ......aiyoyo.......mau tenguk itu naga hijau ada pass fitness test or not wo.....takla fitness.........susah mau lawan naga merah wo.........aiyoyo.........takla lawan wa teruk lor....sulah 13 hari masuk Polarland liao wo......aiyoyo.........my first prize tukang tilik of the year title susah mau dapat liao wo......aiyoyo.......luckily wa punya tatak lesen type lor......kalau oxford harvard type....... aiyoyo.........sure kena tar pao balik kampong iao lor.......aiyoyo.........ha ha ha


2015-02-26 23:46 | Report Abuse

Aiyo..asiabio also same mah...cartoon loss alot also mah...from 26cts to 12cts...mana aeh happy leh.....si dou yao bao zhe yi chi si mah...cartoon geh behaviour lor...aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-02-26 23:42 | Report Abuse

Aiyi..lu sangkut high price boh....aiyoyo....must find way to average down nearer to current price lor...else...susah mau run lor..sangkutvliao boh pian lah...wait liao lor...ha ha ha


2015-02-26 23:35 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...cartoon playing mah...3 4 4 3...got nothing better to do mau kacau shark lor...aiyoyo...cos cartoon not happy after loss so much to the shark mah......dunno....ini macam cakao ada betul boh ha...aiyoyo...ha ha ha


2015-02-26 23:32 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....you got jag share ha...aiyoyo...must ask Datin liao lor..aiyoyo...last qtr result really boh hor lor.....lagi itu famili of 4 suka suka ambil lui from public...aiyoyo...mana ada kangtao leh...wait lah...aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-02-26 23:26 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....no need to warn lah....warn also want to buy lah......apa punya warning leh......aiyoyo.....only influence ppl to sell nia.....aiyoyo....sure 100% will go down further boh....aiyoyo ....pun belum tau lagi....only the shark know lah.....aiyoyo...so fast day 12 liao in Polarland....still that cold neh....aiyoyo...can survive in Polarland or not ha.........ha ha ha


2015-02-26 23:11 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...4468 mau kasi fitness test kasi tenguk the naga hijau ada fit pigi gelanggang boh....hope so lah...else boring lah...takla fighting show to see....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-02-26 16:40 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...peanut butter punya ada kat sini kah....naga takla suka makan wo......itu naga sulah minum todi...takla keluar lor......aiyoyo........nampaknya sulah mabuk liao......macam mana mau keluar berlaga leh......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-02-26 15:55 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...... 4468...2015 Promoter of the Year...sulah kasi standby mau tayang dvd naga berlaga digelanggang Asiabio National Stadium.....Strictly follow the Promoter's Instructions...Tak boleh main flag flag....tak kira flag biru ke..atau flag merah....aiyoyo.......betting is allowed here......aiyoyo...takla tangkap masuk lokap punya....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-02-26 15:10 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...why 4pm.....tea break time lor....shark mau start makan masa tea break time lor.....aiyoyo....takla tea break time....boss cakap tak boleh makan mah......aiyoyo...nanti kena warning lor.......ha ha ha


2015-02-26 14:57 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....tenguk jam 4 lor........ala latang boh lor.......tak latang......confirmed sulak mabuk minum todi liao lor........aiyoyo.......ha ha ha


2015-02-26 14:49 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.....Gua Niah ada Bird Nest...Tahi Kelawar ...ok lah....ada todi juga kah....walau...lawan tak pigi lawan...kasi minum todi pulak....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-02-26 14:36 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....bangunluck still losing money in SUMA........keep it up.........buy more more kasi hantam suma naik bulan..........sure recover your lui from the shark............48 can buy........22 tak buy...........takda logic mah........aiyoyo........ha ha ha


2015-02-26 13:47 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...itu naga hijau manyak man wo....mana ada angkat bendera putih punya....mau mati di gelangang macam warrior wo....pun tak mau surrender wo....aiyoyo.....sikit masa lagi sembuh liao....mau hantam itu naga merah sampai mati mati baru tau lor.....aiyoyo ....ha ha ha


2015-02-26 13:04 | Report Abuse

Aiyo........itu naga hijau masuk Gua Niah liao...........takla keluar lagi lor.........ini macam mau minum itu Bird Nest punya soup baru bolih sembuh lor.........aiyoyo........bila baru boleh sembuh neh.........aiyoyo..itu naga merah pun balik Gua Musang liao.........aiyoyo.........mau tenguk naga lawan lawan baru shiok mah........takla lawan takla shiok punya dvd leh.........mau tukar itu cartoon punya dvd leh.......manyak boring lor........aiyoyo......ha ha ha


2015-02-26 11:58 | Report Abuse

Aiyo max1.....satu kali lagi repeat...mau tenguk ada donkey buat kerja boh....ha ha ha


2015-02-26 11:56 | Report Abuse

Aiyo...sini pun manyak olang main flag wo......ini apa hal ha...flag day kah.....semua biru flag aje.....aiyoyo....takla red flag kah.......aiyoyo.......Tan Sri takla goreng lu olang tunggu lor.......sikit hali nanti Tan Sri sulah settle more important punya matters....baru lah sayang anak sulung lor.....ingat ya.....tak mau contra hor......later takda kangtao tak mau malah malah Tan Sri hor....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-02-26 11:37 | Report Abuse

AIyo.....sulah repeat many time the answer liao....3 4 4 3....... itu cartoon playing lah....aiyoyo.........apa lagi mau tau.......pigi tanya itu cartoon lah.....wa olang tukang tilik lah.....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-02-26 11:12 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....Tan Sri ....lu pun mau kutuk kutuk.......nanti Tan Sri malah baru lu tau lor.....nanti kasi harga turun lu pun mau naked liao lor......aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-02-26 11:10 | Report Abuse

Aiyo ...sana ada Tan Sri lagi ada nama punya mah......lagi kuat lor....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-02-26 10:58 | Report Abuse

Aiyo......another reason lah....I help you ...you help me lah.....ini macam cakap pun boleh lah......can or not ha....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-02-26 10:53 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.......sell low cos desparado mah....aiyoyo.....ini macam cakap boleh boh ha......aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-02-26 10:47 | Report Abuse

Aiyo........donkey director kena chased out mah........sulah turun pangkat.......exec become non exec........aiyoyo............mau kasi sikit face lor...........nanti sikit hali........donkey director pun takla non-exec lagi lor............dia pun tau dia punya masa sulah tatak lama liao mah..........aiyoyo...........itu Tan Sri latang.........habis kena halau lor.......aiyoyo........dia mau kasi kumpul lui pigi oxford harvard lagi pigi baca baca lor........mana tau habis baca baca nanti mau jadi tukang tilik ada lesen kopi leh............kasi goreng bursa lor........aiyoyo.........ini macam cakap........... boleh kena red flag boh ha..........tukang tilik tatak lesen cakap punya wo........ha ha ha


2015-02-26 09:35 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.......NZ boy cakap boleh....no matter waht also can lah....aiyoyo...Gula Malacca pun sedap juga lor......manis lah ....ini hali punya NZ boy......aiyoyo........ha ha ha


2015-02-26 09:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyo.........SUMA Boleh...Tan Sri Boleh.....aiyoyo......all waitng for Tan Sri goreng kah.......aiyoyo........Tan Sri busy on other more important matters lah......aiyoyo......Tan Sri pun tau many Contra Player mau curi telur from his Reban mah.......aiyoyo......ini macam Tan Sri not happy wo........aiyoyo..........Tan Sri mau bikin manyak manyak anak ayam lah........anak sulung sulah boleh berdikari lah.......mau kasi sayang anak yang mau keluar liao lah......aiyoyo........ha ha ha


2015-02-26 08:27 | Report Abuse

Aiyo......really bth ini tukang tilik oxford harvard lor........ingat manyak pandai wo........itu apa t3 high 14.5 cts punya cerita........aiyoyo.........tak tau count tak mau cakap lah........laugh me die tukang tilik tatak lesen punya wa lah.......count pun tak tau count......mau balik tadika lagi belajar 1 + 1 = 2 liao lah....aiyoyo.......lagi mau jadi tukang tilik.....ingat macam ada lesen kopi aje lah.........aiyoyo.....day 12 liao in Polarland.....still so cold neh.....aiyoyo......mau cari activity tinggal di Polarland liao lah......apa boleh buat leh.....pigi pancing ikan salmon ...tuna ...mau makan sashimi liao lah.......dunno ada markeral tak leh.......mau jadi Saba Fish also not bad lah....aiyoyo....ha ha ha


2015-02-26 00:10 | Report Abuse

Aiyo max1....lu satu kali tulis itu flag punya cerita tenguk ada kena flag lagi kah...aiyoyo...kalau kena lagi....lu pakai max2 lor.....ha ha ha


2015-02-25 23:53 | Report Abuse

Aiyo....mau lawan...masuk gelangang bursa lawan lah....naga merah lawan naga hijau mah....outside gekangang pun mau main flag.....takda jentleman lah...aiyoyo...mau oanggil jentlewoman liao lor....takla bola lah......ha ha ha


2015-02-25 23:50 | Report Abuse

Aiyo max1.....tukar nama liao....kena red flag....ini macam pasti itu naga merah punya gang kasi punya....walao....tak boleh ini macam main lah...kasi many many flag...kasi TKO kah....aiyoyo.....ha ha ha


2015-02-25 23:38 | Report Abuse

Aiyo max...lu pun kena red flag....aiyoyo...ini apal hal ha...main main flag ha....aiyoyo.....ha ha hs