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2021-10-25 21:16 | Report Abuse

kimpau son (VS-WB) conversion price RM1.38

mother price now is RM1.56

VS-WB RM1.56 - RM1.38 = RM0.18 only

without premium, son should be RM0.18 only

with some premium, son should be around RM0.2x only


RM0.18 + 30% = should be fair @ RM0.234 only

RM0.18 + 50% = should be fair @ RM0.27 only

RM0.18 + 100% premium = should be fair @ RM0.36 only
24/10/2021 12:23 PM

Where have such straight forward formula...then how about...Genetec...???


2021-10-25 20:32 | Report Abuse

Jun 28, 2021 5:35 PM | Report Abuse

Bought...@0.28...5,000 lots◉‿◉!
05/08/2021 9:11 PM

FRONTKN-WB...Good Potential...Bought...! ◉‿◉

VS-WB...FRONTKN-WB...Sold #50%...◉‿◉
24/09/2021 10:30 PM

Got Potential...Holding Free Shares...minimum...#200 Days...◉‿◉


2021-10-22 12:10 | Report Abuse

Gtrade Today is Oct 22th,any one got Oct 21th Singapore covid19 cases?
22/10/2021 11:50 AM


2021-10-20 14:33 | Report Abuse
Endemic Reality we are vaccinated; but still get infected; booster shots are yearly happenings!!!
New Norms PPEs demand on upward trends; new norms; ASP of average US 40/1000 PCs!!!
Dumping of gloves counters are overdone; of course everybody knows supernormal profits aren't sustainable; new-norms ASP will be sustainable; these are facts; but many IBs cannot estimate those facts; when all dumped, because their report cards are RED!!!
That's why most funds n even EPF cannot have supernormal profits!!!
They knew those valuations; but Dump instead; for those value investors to Grab!!!
That's Mr. Market behavior!!!


2021-10-11 21:26 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa Why so few JPM n Tiger Macai appear leh. TG price green and they are hiding again kah. When price red ha. Berpuluh puluh Macai dunno from mana one also appear at here leh. Correct?
11/10/2021 9:15 PM

All are the crowds of dumping or pumping; creating fake n genuine news, etc; no real FA at all; when the crowds start dumping; funds managers, margin account traders, panic retailers, all are dumping, because of red reports cards, margin calls, n panicking selling plus shortsellers coming in;
So the pumping or reversal, u think or guess for yourself!?


2021-10-11 20:21 | Report Abuse

No problem can try, investment graded another thing, to consider; for Swing Traders it's okay!
I'm holding VS-WB n FRONTKN-WB; at least #1.00 n above both! Patience Only!
11/10/2021 7:52 PM

Dare or Daren't it's up to u to decide; anyway I already took back my capital; still have potential, that's why I hold another half of it!?


2021-10-11 20:13 | Report Abuse

Beautyseeker Gloves will be forgotten

Posted by mintingmoney > Oct 11, 2021 7:23 PM | Report Abuse

Reality is, recovery is on beast mode now, more vaccines, more drugs, topglove price will be weaken daily. Good luck until the next pandemic once in a lifetime - no vaccine , no drug, lockdown
11/10/2021 8:01 PM

Investing, Swing or Day trading aren't so simple as u think!
There are many variables to decide why u invest, why u trade!?
So simple all become multimillionaire very fast!?


2021-10-11 19:52 | Report Abuse

Dear UlarSawa,
Please buy Hiaptek and hold until at least 1.00.
This target price will be achieved before September 2022.
I assure you that you can win big on this stock.
I continue to buy on every weakness.
Thank you.

No problem can try, investment graded another thing, to consider; for Swing Traders it's okay!
I'm holding VS-WB n FRONTKN-WB; at least #1.00 n above both! Patience Only!


2021-10-11 18:18 | Report Abuse

According to Maybank, in 2023 TanSri will returned back to 31 yrs ago....left one factory and
38 office boys (with PhD ) DonT know how to pay them
Maybank, nonsense n corrupted bank, formerly also run by Public Bank Boss!?
The best bank in Bursa is still Public Bank; their analyts at least Boleh Pakai Lah!?


2021-10-11 18:09 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa Actually Ular want to get out from TG forum tahts why move to HiapTek forum to avoid the retarded Con Tikus keep looking for Ular mah. Mana tau He keep trolling Ular sampai Hiaptek and make the forum with revycle retarded questions and want Ular reply leh. Then Ular run to Hibiscus and Sapnrg and he retarded one also trolling Ular to Hibiscus and Sapnrg leh. Then Ular U turn come back TG forum lah. Not my fault mah. Ular keep cakap not going to reply the retarded question leh. Correct?

Haha...Why Mouse want to take revenge; u ate too many of his or her anak-anak or mscai-macai woh!!!???
He worked #24 hours for unproductive gains, Not like China citizens work #24 hours for productivities n improving the living standard of their citizens!
AngMoh sleep #8/9 hours, talk nonsense #/9 hours hours n productivity only #6/7 hours!
It takes #100 years for those AngMoh, but China only #30 years to overtake them!!!???


2021-10-11 17:40 | Report Abuse

China industrial revolution #5.0/maybe going #6.0. are all into semiconductor, automation, Artificial Intelligence, Space exploration, all are highest technology advancement; to be the best in the world; Not glove production lah; they still need to import natural rubber gloves from Malaysia n Thailand!
It all started earlier, and speed up during Trump admistratiion; maybe most IBs, never go to those logistics centre to see for themselves, they are just computer analysts!

Malaysia Technology counters better buckup n be counted; if not in few years times China will be self reliance; in most sectors of technologies!
China imported so many gold bars, higher Technologies equiments, products n those related to 5G/6G, Artificial Intelligence n Smart Cities development, so many, so many direct to Shanghai n some to Beijing!?
US n EU are still sleeping, Malaysia no need to talk Loh...!!!???


2021-10-11 17:29 | Report Abuse

Investoz88 While there are so many ppl claiming ASP dropped to pre pandemic and over supplies persist due to China production spikes.. these are all forecasts and projection by analysts..
But in reality it will not come true. China production are still a pipe dream due to power outrage and low or no profits if they carry out their plans.

Pandemic become endemic, demand will continue to be higher as the new norm needs more PPE and gloves.

<\Many local institutions are selling. BUT foreign funds are stocking and buying up. Singapore and US based funds are increasing their stake at these low prices. Check it out all the fund websites

China industrial revolution #5.0/maybe going #6.0. are all into semiconductor, automation, Artificial Intelligence, Space exploration, all are highest technology advancement; to be the best in the world; Not glove production lah; they still need to import natural rubber gloves from Malaysia n Thailand!
It all stated earlier, and speed up during Trump admistratiion; maybe most IBs, never go to those logistics centre to see for themselves, they are just computer analysts!
How many semiconductor, automated equiments, plus many high Technology equiments n products are imported in Pudong Airport I'm Shanghai, do u know???


2021-10-11 17:10 | Report Abuse

TopGlov Bhd;
Tan Sri Lim is confident that Top Glove is ready and in a better position to handle the down-cycle situation faced by the glove industry compared to new players.

“These are normal practices. For the past 30 years, we have gone through all the ups and downs, this is a business cycle. We have the experience to handle all these."

“Maybe for some new players, it may be more challenging,” he said, adding that the group also remains open to mergers and acquisitions when the opportunity arises.

Top Glove managing director Datuk Lee Kim Meow said the ASP for gloves is likely to ease by between 8% and 10% every month, going forward. However, he thinks the downtrend will be cushioned by the group’s resumption of sales to the US market by the end of September.

The group’s executive director Lim Cheong Guan meanwhile shared that the glove ASP for September and October is around US$40 per 1,000 pieces.

Cheong Guan noted that the ASP of nitrile gloves was down 37% for the fourth quarter ended Aug 31, 2021 (4QFY21), compared with the immediate preceding quarter, while the ASP for natural rubber gloves fell 27%.

However, for the full-year (FY21), nitrile gloves’ ASP jumped #194%, while that of natural rubber gloves surged #122%.

“Nitrile latex price declined further, as butadiene price declined steeply due to additional supply capacity and lower demand from downstream production. While natural rubber latex concentrate price has normalised after the winter season ended,” Cheong Guan explained.

Going forward, he said the cost of nitrile glove raw materials butadiene and acrylonitrile are expected to normalise and this is a positive development for the group. Raw material cost is the largest cost component for the group, comprising 53% of the group’s total costs in FY21.

In terms of capital expenditure, Top Glove has budgeted RM1 billion for FY22, mainly to expand its capacity and upgrade its plant, to build hostels for its employees, to construct its own nitrile rubber latex processing plant and surgical gloves sterilisation plant.

For 2022, Top Glove expects its production capacity to grow 11% or add 11 billion pieces to 111 billion pieces of gloves per annum, from 100 billion pieces currently. By 2025, it expects to have a total annual capacity of 201 billion pieces of gloves.

Meanwhile, Top Glove said it is allowed to operate at 100% workforce, as 90% of its workers have been fully vaccinated.

Those IBs, makan gaji saja: they aren't millionaire, like many TopGlov old-timers: plus most glove bosses are multimillionaire, u listen to some pariah fund managers, who don't have business acumens: or u listen to bosses who have vast business experiences!
Bad news or sentiments won't stay for long, those who have patience will be fully rewarded.
Of course TA at present is negative or stabilizing; Strong FA do apply on such scenario.


2021-10-10 20:02 | Report Abuse

Glove bosses believe the floor price of gloves will not return to pre-pandemic levels, owing to changes in the cost structure.

“We believe our ASP or rather our margin will be normalised by the first quarter of the next calendar year. The ASP will then be higher, meaning it will not be lower than pre-pandemic times, because the cost structure has actually changed for us. We are experiencing additional costs from social compliance and also the material cost seen today is actually higher.

“For example, nitrile gloves' raw material [cost] is still higher than pre-pandemic levels. So, the price should not be anything below US$35/40;[per thousand gloves]. Glove bosses believe the floor price of gloves will not return to pre-pandemic levels, owing to changes in the cost structure, to really have good margins and profitable.

“We believe our ASP or rather our margin will be normalised by the first quarter of the next calendar year. The ASP will then be higher, meaning it will not be lower than pre-pandemic times, because the cost structure has actually changed for us. We are experiencing additional costs from social compliance and also the material cost seen today is actually higher.

“For example, nitrile gloves' raw material [cost] is still higher than pre-pandemic levels. So, the price should not be anything below US$35/40;[per thousand gloves]. Otherwise, this doesn't make sense in terms of margins,” he added.

Established glove manufacturers will determine the supply chains complexity, to determine the reasonable price per thousand gloves: of course new comers will have lower margins.
Plus many new comers don't have proper certifications to export to specific countries, plus no proper sales offices, like many from China, n some in Malaysia and Vietnam.
News from established bosses!


2021-10-10 19:20 | Report Abuse

A blogger in this forum has raised the alarm that there could be an over-supply of gloves and equated it to a tomato glut. I think many holders of glove stocks will have been jolted by it. But the basis on which the blogger came to that conclusion is clearly wrong as you will see below.

Yes the prices of gloves are declining, but is there a glut? Should glove investors be fearful?

To answer these questions, let’s start by going through the principles of supply and demand and examine the market dynamics of the glove sector.

The price of any product, when there is excess supply, will drop and it will drop until the excess stocks are cleared and the price will stabilise. It is a natural law of economics. And once excess stocks are cleared, manufacturers will only produce to order, even if they have excess capacity, because no company will produce to sell at a loss. So price dropping in an over-supply situation is temporary and prices will revert to a level that is profitable to the manufacturer.
New entrants to the market will have a higher production cost than the established leaders. Therefore, when market price stabilises, it will stabilise at a level that gives the established companies a higher margin than the new ones. And the products of market leaders, like Top Glove, Harta, Supermax and Kossan will also be able command premium prices because of their branding and a long track record of assured quality.
The blogger claimed that Vastar Gloves from China are selling at 50% discount on Singapore Lazada at S$17.22 per 100 pcs or S$170.22 per 1000 or US$130.10 per thousand. This would probably translate to an export price of US$65 per thousand. This price is not so bad. Our Malaysian glove manufacturers will be quite happy with it. A price of US$65 per 1000 does not justify the depressed prices of glove shares today as you will see from my calculations below. This blogger obviously does not understand glove pricing well.
The claimed over-supply of gloves by the blogger is not based on credible industry sources but on erroneously jumping the gun when he saw the 50% discount advertised in Lazada Singapore.

In all likelihood, these gloves may not have proper certifications, or they may be from new players who don’t have the market network to sell into the high glove consuming markets. Hence they are selling on online stores whose shoppers are less discerning.
GLOVES ARE NOT LIKE TOMATOES. Medical and food grade gloves have stringent specs and are regulated by FDA in the US and equivalent authorities in Europe, China, Japan and other developed countries.
In an article published in the Edge in March this year, the Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers Association (MARGMA), expects global supply of rubber gloves to reach 420 billion pieces this year, some 80 billion pieces short of the projected demand of 500 billion pieces. And glove demand is expected to be robust until the second quarter of 2022 (2Q22) as new norms due to Covid-19 are expected to stay and sustain current elevated demand, said MARGMA president Dr Supramaniam Shanmugam.

Another factor that could limit the expansion of glove supply is the tight supply of Nitrile Butadiene Rubber (NBR). NBR is not just required for the glove industry but also for the automotive, oil & gas and other industries. NBR production is only expected to increase by 5% per year.
The shortage of NBR together with the current shortage of natural rubber and the tight labour market in Malaysia mean that THE CLAIMED OVER SUPPLY OF GLOVES BY THE BLOGGER IS AN IMAGINARY ONE.
Post pandemic, according to MARGMA, demand for gloves will still grow more than pre-Covid-19 rates, with an estimated annual growth of between 12% and 15%, compared with an annual growth of 8% to 10% before Covid-19.


The answer to this question depends on what you think the ASP of gloves will be post pandemic.

Based on the Frost & Sullivan report, the ASP of gloves could be around USD44 per thousand in 2022.

If we assume USD40 is the maintainable ASP post pandemic; (as indeed the shares of the entire glove sector) is grossly undervalued!
Disclaimer: Buy or Sell do your own Analysis!


2021-10-09 19:26 | Report Abuse
The Truth! But many just cannot face the Truth!


2021-10-07 17:27 | Report Abuse

Welcome to the United Nations
‘Early stages’ of COVID third wave, amid Delta surge: WHO chief;
The variant’s spread, along with increased social mobility and the inconsistent use of proven public health measures, is driving an increase in both case numbers and deaths, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus described the recent data in an address to the Emergency Committee on COVID-19, established under the International Health Regulations (IHR), a treaty that guides global response to public health risks.

Recalling the sustained decline in COVID-19 cases and deaths that was being driven, in recent months, by increasing vaccination rates in Europe and North America, he sounded alarms over the fresh reversal of that positive trend.

“Unfortunately…we are now in the early stages of a third wave”, he said.

Delta variant dominates
Last week marked the fourth consecutive week of rising cases of COVID-19 globally, with increases recorded in all but one of WHO’s six regions. Deaths are also rising again, after 10 weeks of steady decline.

Meanwhile, said Tedros, the virus is continuing to evolve, resulting in more transmissible variants.

“The Delta variant is now in more than 181 countries and we expect it to soon be the dominant COVID-19 strain circulating worldwide, if it isn’t already,” he said.

The spread of the Delta variant – one of the main drivers of the current increase in transmission – is also being fuelled by increased social mobility and the inconsistent use of proven public health and social measures.

‘Shocking disparity’
Tedros drew the Committee’s attention to the ongoing “shocking disparity” in the global distribution of vaccines, as well as unequal access to life-saving tools.

He reiterated his concern that inequity has created a two-track pandemic – namely, one track for countries with the greatest access to vaccines, who are lifting restrictions and reopening their societies, and a second track for those without vaccine access who are left “at the mercy of the virus.”

Many countries still have not received any vaccines, and most have not received enough.

In that context, Tedros reiterated WHO’s appeal for a massive push to vaccinate at least 10 percent of the population of every country by September, at least 40 percent by the end of 2021, and at least 70 percent by mid-2022.

Consistent, risk-based approaches
Emphasizing that vaccines alone will not stop the pandemic, he called upon countries to persist with a “tailored and consistent approach.”

That means using the full array of available public health and social measures and taking a comprehensive risk management approach to mass gatherings.

“So many countries around the world have shown that this virus can be stopped and contained with these measures,” he stressed.

To provide support, WHO recently issued updated guidance to facilitate a risk-based approach for opening.

The Agency is also reviewing options to digitalize the International Certificate for Vaccination and Prophylaxis, to support a harmonized approach for recording vaccination status
WHO Health.


2021-10-07 13:15 | Report Abuse

Subscribe to Fortune Daily to get essential business stories straight to your inbox each morning.
For anyone hoping to see light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel over the next three to six months, scientists have some bad news: Brace for more of what we’ve already been through.

Outbreaks will close schools and cancel classes. Vaccinated nursing home residents will face renewed fears of infection. Workers will weigh the danger of returning to the office as hospitals are overwhelmed, once again.

Almost everyone will be either infected or vaccinated before the pandemic ends, experts agree. Maybe both. An unlucky few will contract the virus more than once. The race between the waves of transmission that lead to new variants and the battle to get the globe inoculated won’t be over until the coronavirus has touched all of us.

“I see these continued surges occurring throughout the world,” said Michael Osterholm, director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, and an adviser to U.S. President Joe Biden. “Then it will drop, potentially somewhat precipitously,” he said. “And then I think we very easily could see another surge in the fall and winter” of this year, he added.

With billions of people around the world yet to be vaccinated and little chance now of eliminating the virus, we can expect more outbreaks in classrooms, on public transport and in workplaces over the coming months, as economies push ahead with reopening. Even as immunization rates rise, there will always be people who are vulnerable to the virus: Newborn babies, people who can’t or won’t get inoculated, and those who get vaccinated but suffer breakthrough infections as their protection levels ebb.

The next few months will be rough. One key danger is if a vaccine-resistant variant develops, although it is not the only risk ahead. In the coming months, Bloomberg will explore the pandemic’s long-term impact on economies and markets, the pharmaceutical industry, travel and more.

“We’re going to see hills and valleys, at least for the next several years as we get more vaccine out. That’s going to help. But the challenge is going to be: How big will the hills and valleys be, in terms of their distance?” Osterholm said. “We don’t know. But I can just tell you, this is a coronavirus forest fire that will not stop until it finds all the human wood that it can burn.”

COVID Compared to Other Pandemics
The five well-documented influenza pandemics of the past 130 years offer some blueprint for how COVID might play out, according to Lone Simonsen, an epidemiologist and professor of population health sciences at Roskilde University in Denmark. She is an expert on the ebb and flow of such events.

While the longest global flu outbreak lasted five years, they mostly consisted of two to four waves of infection over an average of two or three years, she said. COVID is already shaping up to be among the more severe pandemics, as its second year concludes with the world in the middle of a third wave—and no end in sight.

It’s possible that the virus known as SARS-CoV-2 won’t follow the path set by the pandemics of the past. After all, it is a different, novel and potentially more transmissible pathogen. And with a death toll of more than 4.6 million people so far, it’s already more than twice as deadly as any outbreak since the 1918 Spanish flu.

Despite brutal initial waves and relatively high vaccination rates, countries including the U.S., U.K., Russia and Israel are flirting with record numbers of cases. Immunization is helping to moderate incidences of severe cases and deaths, but surging infections mean the virus is reaching the young and others who remain unvaccinated, leading to rising rates of serious disease in those groups.

Nations where vaccination has been sparse—including Malaysia, Mexico, Iran and Australia—are in the midst of their biggest outbreaks yet, fueled by the contagious delta strain. With the virus still spreading out of control in vast swathes of the planet, another novel variant could quite feasibly emerge.

History shows the commonly held belief that viruses automatically get milder over time—to avoid completely wiping out their host population—is wrong, according to Simonsen. Although new mutations aren’t always more severe than their predecessors, “
Endemic News.


2021-10-06 19:46 | Report Abuse

Top Glove Corp Bhd, the world's largest rubber glove manufacturer by production capacity, said its annual glove production capacity had increased to about 100 billion pieces as at June 2021 to meet strong demand for the product due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
@4 Jun 2021.
Average Present price #2.75...!!!

That was only #3.8 Million pieces in #2001 listed year, IPO was #2.70.
By end of #2024, it will increase to #200 billion pieces...!!!
That's roughly a Revenue growth of #21% n a profit growth of #19%...!!!
Now selling at #2.85 PE multiple...LOL...!!!
ASP will fall to New-norms margins... roughly still selling at #10/12x PE!
Priced In Already...!!!
Don't Wait Until u start to chase at higher Prices... hehehe...!!!


2021-10-05 23:26 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa Cannot like this answer also will make many hardcore shareholders not happy leh. They keeping their shares since IPO one leh. Some even decided to pass down to their next generation. Only you dunno only. Correct?

Posted by Beautyseeker > Oct 5, 2021 8:39 PM | Report Abuse
Losing more than earning

207 posts
Posted by michaelgohmox > Oct 5, 2021 8:24 PM | Report Abuse

Wonder if anyone earning money from gloves anymore
05/10/2021 8:51 PM

Of course there are many blur blur like sotong...since IPO TopGlov until present has 7 bonus issues n 1 share split...!!!
At present price it's RM 335.10.
IPO is RM 2.70.
So no earnings...hehehe...!!!


2021-10-05 23:18 | Report Abuse

You are in Wealth Management
DBS Logo
Market InsightsEquities
Top Glove Corporation
Quick View

Target Price *RM 7.25
Recomendation **BUY
Market Cap*RM 30741m
Bloomberg CodeTOPG_MK_EQUITY
Publication Date 2021-09-06
Top Glove Corporation (TOPG) is the world’s largest rubber glove manufacturer with an annual production capacity of 100bn pieces of gloves. Nitrile rubber gloves and natural rubber make up 88% of product mix respectively. Vinyl and surgical gloves account for the rest. Currently, the group’s manufacturing facilities are located in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam.

Previous Close Price
Key Statistics
Aug RM m 2020 2021f 2022f
Revenue 7,236 18,652 13,877
Net Profit 1,867 8,299 3,772
Profit Growth (%) 389.8 398.1 (59.4)
PE (X) 21.1 5.0 12.4
Div Yield (%) 2.4 12.9 4
P/BV (X) 6.3 2.0 2.3
Source: DBS Group Research.
Top Glove Corporation: Running with robust demand
Our Views
Softer quarter, as expected. Top Glove Corporation (TOPG) recorded earnings of RM2.0bn in 3QFY21 (+485.3% y-o-y; -29.0% q-o-q). This was within our expectations but below consensus. We expect ASP to trend lower in the coming quarter, but to be offset by stronger volumes – as TOPG redirects its sales intended for the US to other markets.

Undemanding valuations. Valuations are attractive at 12.5x FY22 earnings per share (EPS), despite our forecast factoring in normalisation of ASPs from FY21 onwards. At these levels, we believe the stock has priced in the lower ASPs.

Lifting of US ban would be catalyst. The revocation of the Withhold Release Order (WRO) ban by the US Customs Border and Protection (CBP) could be a catalyst to help boost its sales volume. We understand the Group still intends to continue with its plan to list in Hong Kong.

Lower-than-expected sales volume and ASP. Lower-than-expected sales volume and ASP may adversely affect TOPG’s earnings and share price.

Our RM7.25 target price (TP) is based on discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation. This assumes weighted average cost of capital (WACC) of 9.5%.

Company Guide
Download our current and past reports in PDF format. You are required to enter your iWealth login credentials to download these reports.

Terms & Conditions|Privacy Policy|Fair Dealing Commitment|Compliance with Tax Requirements
©2020 DBS Bank Ltd|Co. Reg. No. 196800306E


2021-10-04 21:25 | Report Abuse

The Impact of the COVID-19 Supply Chain Disruption
Frank McKay
Article Contributed By:
Frank McKay
Senior Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer
The last 18 months have been some of the most testing of our lifetime. As a parent, your patience may have been put to test. As an adult, your mental health may have been put to test. The COVID-19 supply chain disruption worldwide has been a test of resilience.

From my experience in the supply chain industry, the COVID-19 pandemic is the first disruption of this scale and magnitude. Every single company—whether original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), suppliers, distributors or service providers—has been impacted in some way.

The novel coronavirus first reared its ugly head in the last few weeks of 2019 in China, which accounts for 20% of the world's manufacturing output. As the virus spread rapidly throughout China and the rest of the world, many supply chains became a casualty to it.

Since then, 70% of supply chain decision-makers said that COVID-19 is creating the biggest impact on the supply chain currently, according to Jabil's Special Report: Supply Chain Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World.

Furthermore, supply disruption has become synonymous with the coronavirus outbreak, as logistics lockdowns and demand increases add to the complexities of doing business during the global pandemic. Download the full report.

Which of the following market dynamics are impacting your company's supply chain?
Supply constraints-44%.
Increased demand-37%.
Global trade and tariffissues-35%.
Labor shortages-33%.
Global logistics constraints-32%.
Higher labor costs-30%
Rapid technology sit-ins-28%.
Increased commoditypricing-23%.
Supplier consolidation-0%.
How Have COVID-19 Control Measures Affected Global Supply Chains?
As Lunar New Year celebrations began at the end of January 2020, China made the fastest and most extreme decisions for lockdowns and factory shutdowns. In fact, the country extended the holidays to limit further movement and spread of the coronavirus within China. These restrictions meant that numerous supply chains and factories came to a halt, leading to significant production delays and product shortages.

At Jabil, we were fortunate through strategic decision making to get production back up and operational within a very short period of time, as the company was deemed a part of the essential supply chain supporting critical business areas. But many of our suppliers were not in a similar position.

We spent an abundance of time collaborating with our suppliers to find ways to get them to the point where their production could open. Ultimately, our efforts were about saving people's lives with the products we manufacture, such as ventilators, diagnostic tests and personal protective equipment (PPE). That is why we had to move at unprecedented speed to get our and our suppliers' facilities back up and operational.

As we were monitoring the spread of the disease, we were working to put plans in place—anticipating where the next hotspot would pop up and what the government reactions would be—so we could be as prepared as possible.

To complicate the matters more, supply chain professionals and business leaders had to make the tough decision about when to open their businesses. If facilities opened too quickly or failed to take the proper control measures, problems could escalate. In many ways, the pandemic has forced leaders to reevaluate how they do analyze the various levels of their supply chain. Even as the COVID-19 vaccine gets rolled out worldwide, some of these changes are inevitable as new strains continue impacting people.

How Has the COVID-19 Pandemic Caused Shortages in the Supply Chain?
In February and March 2020, more mandatory lockdowns and stay-at-home orders followed across numerous continents, most prevalently in Europe. With extended factory closures in China and Europe, manufacturing delays and supply disruptions were inevitable.

In the meantime, consumers went into "survival mode" and demand for critical supplies like toilet paper and paper towels skyrocketed. Next were medicines, diapers and the entire food supply chain.

Between rapid and unexpected demand shifts and the closure of numerous production facilities, out-of-stocks became a standard for retailers. In fact, the average percentage of retail out-of-stocks rose from 9% on a regular week to as high as 65% during the pandemic.

Extraordinary demand increases were not limited to consumer goods. Healthcare products like ventilators, respirators, PPEs and test equipment also experienced a sharp increase in demand with the number of global hospitalizations.
Sources: Supply Chains@Jabil.


2021-10-04 19:02 | Report Abuse

Sep 24, 2021 10:33 PM | Report Abuse

Aug 5, 2021 11:10 PM | Report Abuse

Jun 28, 2021 5:35 PM | Report Abuse

Bought...@0.28...5,000 lots◉‿◉!
05/08/2021 9:11 PM

FRONTKN-WB...Good Potential...Bought...! ◉‿◉

VS-WB...FRONTKN-WB...Sold #50%...◉‿◉
24/09/2021 10:30 PM

Bought TopGlov... Averaging Up...!!!
Tip on selling...don't be so...Greedy...Always take back your cost of capital...hahaha...!!!


2021-10-04 18:48 | Report Abuse

jolynce wow that Andy Hall has some serious issue with TG hor. He must be fuming mad that US lifted the CBP ban.

Posted by IronShirt > Oct 4, 2021 5:22 PM | Report Abuse

TopGlove is now officially a Chemical war many Workers Died Not from Covid
but from Chemical poisoning

Desperados people are paid to write...that's the endgame in pump n dump other tricks if u think TopGlov management are so evils...then just don't invest...follow the pump n dump...positive n negative trends...but it gives value investors big chances...hahaha...!!!


2021-10-04 18:39 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa Then you call Tan Sri to sack the 38 PhD holders lah. Boleh?

IronShirt UlarSawa Death case you blow until 38 PhD for what.

That is what you are doing..Blowing water for TG 38 PhD...Turn out they are just makan gaji buta
while experimenting with chemical agent
04/10/2021 6:30 PM

They want to create ultimate negativities in gloves, that their true they can buy, pump up n dump again..well stock markets have many pumps n dumps... especially in Bursa...only maybe #10% are true investors...hehehe...!!!


2021-10-04 18:32 | Report Abuse

Feb 24, 2019 5:40 PM | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Hope it drops more...@> i can invest more...buying a wonderful business at a fair price...or irrational price... It's a better than investing a fair business at a wonderful price...there are many in Bursa...just below average businesses selling at fair price...GL...!!!

Thorman Hah Geary! you the fool I was looking for.
What happened to your martingale purchases from penthouse prices?

Have you breakeven?

You hoping for another round of jackpot?
04/10/2021 5:45 PM

U should know the Price, 2019, Feb, don't feel jealous okay!
Actually I bought much earlier, that's Dec, 2015!
Only averaging Up!

Keep on shorting with those negative sentiments, giving me higher yields plus Margin of Safety!

The big money is in the Waiting or Sitting...not running around like headless chicken...hahaha...!!!


2021-10-04 17:28 | Report Abuse

We’ve arrived at more than halfway point of 2021. Unsurprisingly, the disposable glove market continues to be dynamic and unpredictable, thanks to—what else?—COVID-19.

Market conditions have changed in the last nine months. Global demand for gloves, which more than doubled since the pandemic’s outbreak, has softened, especially in the United States.

But with the coronavirus continuing to rage in multiple regions around the world, the need for gloves will be robust for the foreseeable future.

Glove supply is, quite simply, limited. The current shortage is exacerbated by difficulties manufacturers face in the cost of raw materials, decreased production capacity, workforce challenges, and shipping obstacles. Given that companies are having a hard time accurately forecasting demand, we can expect elevated prices to stick around.

The pandemic is nowhere near over
In the U.S., the vaccination program has gone well, resulting in declining rates of infections and deaths. Most of the world, however, remains squarely in the throes of the pandemic.

Ongoing outbreaks in Southeast Asia and India continue to be a crisis. Other countries are bracing for a new wave. COVID-19 has infected more than 200 million people and killed more than 4 million globally since January 2020.

The number of infections have accelerated in some of the larger populations, such as Russia and Indonesia. The more harmful COVID-19 variants known as delta and gamma, which appear to be more easily spread and may be associated with increased severity of the disease, have surged in the U.K. and Brazil, stoking fears that it could happen in the U.S.

Southeast Asia’s suffering continues
In Malaysia and Thailand, where 80% of nitrile and latex gloves are produced, health authorities have raised concerns about a growing number of coronavirus deaths after a surge in overall infections forced Malaysia into a strict lockdown. With the lockdown now extended, and restrictions on movement tightened in the capital, the supply of gloves will be directly impacted.

Despite increases in output by some glovemakers and a vow by a national trade group that no shortages in PPE production will occur, Malaysia’s latest movement control order has limited workforces to about 60% of normal capacity. Outbreaks of coronavirus among factory workers have hampered productivity and forced companies into internal quarantines.

The workforce is not where it needs to be
The deficit in labor is expected to cause continuing challenges. Malaysia’s glove industry employed nearly 72,000 workers in 2019, about 39% of whom were native-born with the remainder being foreign migrants. The industry needs to grow its workforce by about 25,000 workers, but a freeze on recruiting overseas workers complicates matters.

These disruptions will continue to weigh down disposable glove supply, and global demand will likely continue to keep prices elevated, compared to pre-COVID levels, for the rest of 2021 and into 2022.

Next week: Supply chain challenges will be with us for a while.
Disposable Glove Market Rebound Still Dependent on Supply Chain Health.


2021-10-04 14:14 | Report Abuse

PPE availability improves, but supply chain still constrained
Study examines the state of PPE availability more than one year into the Covid-19 pandemic.

September, 2021Supply Chain Quarterly.
The availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) has improved since the Covid-19 pandemic hit a year ago, but some items remain in short supply, according to data from North Carolina-based healthcare company Premier Inc., released this week.

Premier analyzed historic and predictive data from a sample of 2,500 hospitals in its network to gauge improvement in the availability of PPE since the height of the pandemic last spring. They found that supplies of medical masks, gowns, and gloves are more readily available than they were at this time last year, but that supply remains constrained, especially for gloves.

The data compares inventory on-hand for each item during Covid-19 case spikes in 2020 to that available as of March 1, 2021. Access to N95 and KN95 masks has improved from an average of 23 days’ supply on-hand during spikes to an average 200 days’ availability today—even though N95 usage quadrupled from April 2020 to December 2020. Surgical mask availability has improved from 30 days to 45 days on-hand. Premier said the market for N95s remains constrained but not in active shortage, due in large part to health systems’ efforts to conserve masks as well as stockpiling efforts during periods of declining cases.

Isolation gown availability surpassed N95s as the top concern for hospitals at the height of the pandemic last spring, but that situation has improved as well, according to Premier data. Availability of isolation gowns on-hand has increased from 20 days during spikes to 40 days today, despite gown usage having doubled since last June.

Exam gloves remain the toughest item to come by, and availability challenges are expected to continue into 2023, the data show. Global demand for nitrile exam gloves exceeds current production capacity by nearly 40%, according to Premier’s data. They said raw material scarcity, port closures and delays, and a two-fold increase in gloves usage since last June have worsened ongoing shortages.

“In a June 2021 survey, Premier members cited access to exam gloves as the [second] greatest challenge to care for Covid-19 patients, after clinical staffing,” Premier researchers wrote in a report detailing the data. “And as of June 1, 2021, most Premier members have fewer than 30 days on hand.”

Healthcare providers are implementing glove conservation practices—such as limiting the number of patients in hospitals and outpatient settings and utilizing telemedicine where possible—as a way to increase product on-hand.

Semiconductor shortages could last into 2023.
Cracking the Code of Supply Chain in Uncertainty.
Special Report: Supply Chain Transparency Creates
Subscribe to Supply Chain Quarterly
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2021-10-04 13:57 | Report Abuse

Research and insights.
Supply Chain Management.
COVID-19: Operations and supply chain disruption
How short-term coronavirus measures set the foundation for proactive resilience
The spread of the new coronavirus, COVID-19, is being felt globally across operations in ways that are difficult to model and assess. The affected regions are at the heart of many global supply chains. Hard information is lacking; concerns are mounting over depleting (or idling) stock; and companies fear they won’t meet contractual obligations on time.

Understanding how global manufacturers are managing through disruptions to their supply chains will help all businesses structure their own responses. Impacts in many companies across many industries seem inevitable. In the near term, the cost of supplies from China may increase, stemming from overtime and expedited freight costs, as well as from paying premiums to buy up supply and hold capacity. Companies are also working through alternative sourcing strategies. It will be critical to identify alternative supply scenarios and evaluate what these mean for operations — for example, as cases of viral transmission emerge in different territories.

What to do next
What to look at now
Get up to speed on how leaders are responding
Companies with direct exposure to the COVID-19 outbreak are taking a number of actions, including:

Transporting available inventory to areas away from quarantine zones and near ports where it can be accessed for shipping
Securing capacity and delivery status for Tier-2 and Tier-3 suppliers, and securing allocated supplies and overtime assembly capacity where possible
Buying ahead to procure inventory and raw material that are in short supply in impacted areas
Securing future air transportation as supply and capacity become available, shortening what might otherwise be ocean freight-based lead times
Activating pre-approved parts or raw-material substitutions in places where the primary supplier is impacted but a secondary supplier is not
Activating product redesign or material certification resources where reliable second sources of parts or raw material are not already available
Updating customers about delays and adjusting customer allocations to optimize profits on near-term revenue or to meet contractual terms
Shaping demand, by, for example, offering a discount on available inventory in cases where supply may be short for late winter-early spring fulfillment, optimizing near-term revenue
Introducing new products previously destined for China into other plants.
As a practical manner, companies are doing their best to quantify and communicate what they view as supply-and-demand volume changes to their baseline forecasts for the next couple of quarters. It has been hard to get an on-the-ground understanding of how far this has progressed.

Assess mid-term implications
As manufacturing facilities in affected regions slowly come back on line and the information gaps begin to fill, companies will start to address the broader implications to their supply chains. This will likely include the following:

Quantifying the virus’ impact relative to supply and demand disruptions — both today and longer term — and future market performance
Performing an operational risk assessment on critical business functions
Accessing critical supply chain data across all tiers to properly assess the potential damage
Preparing to set up a temporary inventory recovery and evaluation process, where applicable, and pursue alternative sourcing strategies
Communicating with key supply chain stakeholders on supply volume and changes to demand volume for the next few quarters

Study findings: Connected and autonomous supply chain ecosystems 2025

Where to focus next
Improve supply chain visibility
Deploy supply chain visibility tools that provide line of sight to capacity constraints into first-, second- and third-tier suppliers. By going further into their supply chains, global manufacturers can get a more complete profile of where components are coming from for their sourced sub-assemblies. US-China trade tensions had already elevated country of origin and landed-cost considerations, particularly for companies with outsourced or semi-outsourced supply chains. Now, these trade programs will support resilience strategies and compliance related to a range of import/export matters, such as conforming with child labor laws, conflict mineral policies or trade embargoes.


2021-10-03 21:25 | Report Abuse

2021©Cortex Robotics News;
The Rising Global Demand for Disposable Gloves
The coronavirus pandemic is far from over, as there are many challenges associated with the introduction and distribution of the upcoming vaccines. At the same time, the global demand for disposable gloves is rapidly rising in these unprecedented times.

Along with gloves, the demand for other protective equipment like PPEs and face masks is also increasing and manufacturers are struggling to keep up with the massive demand.

1. Market Trends
A study indicates that the global PPE market will be worth about $94 billion by 2027. The primary reason behind this huge increase is the fact that products like gloves are now not only needed by medical personnel but by the general public as well.

The disposable gloves market alone is expected to rise from $7 billion to about $19 billion by 2027. Moreover, leading gloves manufacturers in Malaysia have made it clear that the current supply of rubber gloves will not be able to meet the rising demand in the next three years.

According to studies, around 120 billion gloves are needed in Malaysia in the next three years. However, the industry is facing a massive shortage due to the pandemic and disruption in the supply chain.

2. Prices
Another challenge created by the shortage of disposable gloves is that it has resulted in a significant increase in the price of gloves and other products like masks and sanitizers. As a result, people are finding it extremely difficult to get these products during this health crisis.

3. Protection
According to the guidelines of the World Health Organization (WHO), wearing rubber gloves in public does not have much significant impact on being protected against the coronavirus if the gloves are not used correctly.

However, there are some contradictory studies and medical points of view. As a result, the trend of wearing gloves in places like supermarkets and public transport is increasing quickly, and the demand for both examination and surgical gloves has increased.

4. Malaysia’s Role
Malaysia has an important role in the global gloves market. It is the world’s largest manufacturer of rubber gloves and contributes to about 60% of the global exports.

The Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers Association,(MARGMA) is projecting the worldwide demand to increase from 296 billion to 330 billion in 2020. As a result, the shortage of disposable gloves is expected for the next few years while the demand will keep rising due to the global pandemic.

5. Meeting the Demand
A lot of different measures are being discussed to meet the rising demand for disposable gloves. It is important to note that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant change in user behaviour which is expected to continue in the future as well. Most of the gloves manufacturers in Malaysia are seeing an increase of about 30% in demand for rubber gloves, especially from developed countries.

To cater to this massive demand growth, manufacturers are considering the expansion of their capacities by opening more production lines and completing them quickly. Moreover, the current production plants are being scaled up to add additional plants and produce more products.

6. Glove Inspection
Glove manufacturing is a time-consuming process because a lot of time has to be allocated for glove inspection and making sure they are defect-free and fit properly. Luckily, most glove manufacturing processes can be automated with the help of modern automated visual inspection.

Companies like Cortex Robotics are playing an important role by providing an efficient and reliable glove AVI (automated visual inspection) system that can easily, accurately and efficiently inspect all areas of the glove’s top and bottom surface. Moreover, such a system inspects gloves from all different angles and can also detect different colours of the gloves.

A major advantage of such a glove AVI system is that glove manufacturers no longer need to spend resources such as time and labour on manual inspection. Instead, they will be getting reliable results from automated visual inspection to detect any kind of tear, incomplete beading, stains, and double-dipping in gloves.

Therefore, by relying on Cortex Robotics glove automated visual inspection system, companies can automate the glove inspection process and extensively speed up the entire manufacturing so that they can fulfil the rising global demand for gloves. In this way, they will not only satisfy the consumers but also play a critical role in boosting the economy.

The Bottom Line
The demand for disposable gloves is certainly rising in these challenging times, and many manufacturers are having a hard time meeting the massive demand.

However, by innovating manufacturing processes using modern glove inspection methods, manufacturers can speed up the process and produce more gloves to fulfil global demand.
Supply and Demand Complexity is not easy to Understand.


2021-09-24 22:33 | Report Abuse

Aug 5, 2021 11:10 PM | Report Abuse

Jun 28, 2021 5:35 PM | Report Abuse

Bought...@0.28...5,000 lots◉‿◉!
05/08/2021 9:11 PM

FRONTKN-WB...Good Potential...Bought...! ◉‿◉

VS-WB...FRONTKN-WB...Sold #50%...◉‿◉
24/09/2021 10:30 PM

Bought TopGlov...averaging Up...◉‿◉


2021-09-17 18:43 | Report Abuse

@Talk 3&4...Averaging Up...Matched...@2.98!


2021-09-10 14:49 | Report Abuse

Foreign_Invest 4pm EPF back to dispose the shares?
10/09/2021 2:44 PM

Faster Sell lah...that's why EPF gives u mediocre return!
Topglov anytime better Return on Invested Capital!
Hand very itchy lah... dividend coming soon...!!!


2021-09-10 14:38 | Report Abuse

Alamak faster sell your tickets lah...My Queing prices not matched leh...ಠ︵ಠ


2021-09-08 15:23 | Report Abuse

Well Matched @3.58...Q for so many days...!!!


2021-08-06 12:59 | Report Abuse

Mini2021 ASP peak peak la.....Eevery quarter can get dividend until mother cant recognize and can buy at such low price with so many tickets..hahaha

Hehehe...Q @3.48...when can I matched...hello...shorties n doggies...ಠ︵ಠ


2021-08-05 23:10 | Report Abuse

Jun 28, 2021 5:35 PM | Report Abuse

Bought...@0.28...5,000 lots◉‿◉!
05/08/2021 9:11 PM

FRONTKN-WB...Good Potential...Bought...! ◉‿◉


2021-08-05 21:30 | Report Abuse

va VS 1.6 incoming, after break new high will go to 1.8
03/08/2021 7:08 PM

#1.80...Fair Price!


2021-08-05 21:11 | Report Abuse

Jun 28, 2021 5:35 PM | Report Abuse

Bought...@0.28...5,000 lots◉‿◉!


2021-08-02 18:31 | Report Abuse

For those pariah doggies n shorties taking life for granted...!!!


2021-07-28 13:21 | Report Abuse

Boston Cny set menu more expensive (asp)..after cny price dropped to previous prices (pre-pandemic). Restaurant operators lots of cash received. Lots of cash doesn’t mean share prices will increase. With extra cash, buying more restaurants (expanding more production lines)??? Other new comer also expanding (mashing)…supplies definitely overwhelmed demands.

All the gloves bosses all Bodoh lah! Lu banyak Pandai'!
Lu apa ada?
Duduk dalam office keyboard warriors, apa Tahu, Duit pun tak cukup mahu jadi... doggies n shorties... wakaka...kikiki...!!!


2021-07-18 20:49 | Report Abuse

feikeiwong Still got a few sorrhai talk glove everyday? Crashed to Holland sudah stoopid
18/07/2021 7:53 PM

Those who bought the past #10/5/3 years, they knew TopGlov value at present, we no need soorhai, to tell us the value!
U can keep in barking at target price or prices everyday! Nothing to do with future value at all!
All are no value pariah doggies n shorties!


2021-07-18 19:14 | Report Abuse

farisfx54 UlarSawa, MrGeary,Ron90,pBlue ,linheng N all the Good guys,Thank U for being positive n Supportive for OUR homegrown Comp,industries n factories lots of ppl are working in this factories . OUR OWN locals cannot B all can work in the Gov,So if this Badguys always Span bad n nagative news try to kill these industrys 4 thier own benefit,then how?it will create a dominoeffect lots of ppl n supportive industries will be out of jobs then how? .i am having 25lots of TopGlove bought from 5.25 --3.85 n i intend to keep,i am not a trader,n the dividen is no big deal for me.I am being supportive to our local manufacturers esp TS LWC he is such a hands----On --- man full of passion in his work doing so much for our nation/country.Kesian him lah ,already alone fighting with the whole world our politician n gov nt doing anything to help out.

China surah banyak corrupted officials kena Sacked!
Only 4,500 mati!
Apa itu US, UK n G7 sama Malaysia also tak kena Sacked!
Tak Malu lagi, duduk ambil gaji Buta!
Sudah banyak mati, 6,800!, Only 32Million. China 1.4 billions!
Resigned lah, lagi mahu donation pulak!
Memang tak Malu, dead penalty in China woh!


2021-07-17 23:24 | Report Abuse

I don't look to jump over 7-foot bars: I look around for 1-foot bars that I can step over.
Warren Buffett

Wise investors don't always try to hunt for unpolished gems! Unless u really understand or foresee the durability of the businesses! It's very high Risk!
Businesses Must have at least ten years of growing sales n profits! Even during financial crisis, TopGlov is still okay!
Now it's Pandemic n coming Endemic, glove counters are very, very muck okay!
Only some Pariahs treat Glove like flower! Glove investors are higher breed of dogs anyway, probably as good as Tibetan Mastiffs!


2021-07-17 22:03 | Report Abuse

still so stubborn ah??? - listen to Affin & Maybank Fund Managers la

minute 30:20 - Gloves are DEAD MONEY
17/07/2021 9:25 PM

Time to accumulate u go n day trade, or swing trade...if u are good enough, u should have trade in Genetec! Berak, in glove forums, to show everyone u r smart Alex!


2021-07-17 00:41 | Report Abuse

okooi32 TOPGLOV (HLIB Research-BUY-TP RM6.66) share price higher towards the next barriers at RM4.26-4.58 levels ............wait wait
16/07/2021 10:59 PM

Those Lesen Research House, just pluck some flowers, and shouting like mad dogs, the Prices only! Same like selling Tulips, few decades ago!
What they know about business future value, they know nothing about businesses, they are just sekolah tinggi, too much intellectual, destroying their natural abilities to understand simple business!