
geary | Joined since 2015-03-04

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2021-07-16 21:35 | Report Abuse

Amazonboy Agreed. Dont blame the donkeys...spm level..what you expect...Lol
16/07/2021 9:11 PM

Whatever lah! Everyday target here n there for what!
Can registered n inscribed in their tombstone?
Bunch of Pariahs!... don't know about business value run by efficient n shareholders friendly management!


2021-07-16 21:05 | Report Abuse

“The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.” – By Phillip Fisher.

All like mad pariah doggies n shorties barking! Apa Tahu!
Those who bought #20 years, #1,000 unit, already #489.00. Ten years #96.00. Five years # 24.00. All IBs, belajsr banyak, Bodoh!


2021-07-16 20:26 | Report Abuse

GENEVA: The World Health Organization's emergency committee warned Thursday that new concerning variants of Covid-19 were expected to spread around the world, potentially making it even harder to halt the pandemic.

"The pandemic is nowhere near finished," the committee warned in a statement following a meeting Wednesday on the pandemic situation.

Committee chairman Didier Houssin acknowledged to reporters that "recent trends are worrying."

He said a year-and-a half after the WHO first declared a so-called Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) – its highest alert level – "we are still running after this virus and the virus is still running after us."

Health Ministry detects another 23 Covid-19 VOCs
Indian Covid-19 variant found in 44 countries: WHO
Deal swiftly with new variant
Emergence of highly infectious virus variants cause for concern, say experts
For now, four concerning variants of Covid-19 are dominating the global pandemic picture, Alpha, Beta, Gamma and especially the rapidly-spreading Delta variant first detected in India.

But the committee warned that worse could lie ahead, pointing to "the strong likelihood for the emergence and global spread of new and possibly more dangerous variants of concern that may be even more challenging to control."

WHO declares variants as being "of concern" when they are seen as either more transmissible, more deadly or have the potential to get past some vaccine protections.--AFP


2021-07-15 16:05 | Report Abuse

UPlanet Congrats Paktua, good strategies! You always our bravo member here!!

Selling too fast! Still on Skepticism mode! They are buyers ongoing!
At least on Optimism mode, then they are sellers!
Must HOLD...those who bought below, #3.80!... hehehe!


2021-07-12 22:05 | Report Abuse

G-20 Experts:
The next global pandemic could happen at any time and the world must start preparing for it now, Singapore's Senior Ministertold CNBC.
G-20 panel of global experts that released a report on Friday which proposed measures to prevent outbreaks and quickly respond to any future pandemic.
The measures include "better and more reliable funding" for the World Health Organization, as well as tapping multilateral institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to help fund the fight against a pandemic.
We cannot wait for the next Pandemic, we must collaborate now, at present Pandemic. At present global funding is way too inefficient.
As environment becoming more unfriendly, such as global warming, more unfriendly living organisms are harming nature n humanity.
The next deadly Pandemic is Real!
UnNamed Sources.


2021-07-12 19:29 | Report Abuse

The Irrationality of the Efficient Market Hypothesis:

“I’d be a bum on the street with a tin cup if the markets were always efficient.” - Warren Buffett

“It is hard for me to see how anyone can consider the stock market efficient.” - Phil Fisher

“Value investors know – although efficient market believers fail to comprehend – that the underlying value of a security is distinguishable from its daily market price, which is set by the whim of buyers and sellers, as are the prices of rare art and other collectibles.” - Seth Klarman

The stock market is Inefficient! U need to be efficient n rational!


2021-07-12 19:14 | Report Abuse

The stock market:
The reality is that the stock market is wildly irrational at times. Valuations become meaningless, euphoric trends climb to the sky and it seems like the dumbest investors are rewarded for their lack of rigorous analysis.
Pessimistic trends drop so irrational, stay oversold, for a periods of time.
These periods of irrational actions are the nature of the stock markets.
Stock Guru!


2021-07-12 17:48 | Report Abuse

Amazonboy Ppl wear cotton shirt la...Lol
12/07/2021 5:28 PM

Dividends to buy some Uniglo Airism products...more comfortable than cotton...hehehe...!!!
Pessimism is the time for bargain hunting... Euphoria is the time for profit taking...hahaha...!!!


2021-07-12 17:19 | Report Abuse

“Bull markets are born on PESSIMISM, grow on SKEPTICISM, mature on OPTIMISM and die on EUPHORIA.”
Sir John Templeton's observations regarding investing still apply.
Overall Glove counters are in pessimistic sentiment...Q @3.58...Not Matched Yet!


2021-07-11 22:19 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa China Death penalty the most strict deterrent to tell their rakyat must obey the instructions lah. Pay fine and jail term macam pun not many scare also even in Msia lah. It is effective as rakyat takut the most is no more life then they can do what lah. Look at western countries one. Always talk about human right. Human has the right to spread covid lah. Thats why human spreading covid non stop bcos they have the right to spread it lah. China side mana ada give such right to their ppl lah. Mostly rakyat are forced obey with stern penalties lah. Thats why their rakyat have no right to spread covid lah. Thats why china cases is low right. Of course TCM play a major role also lah. Remedy to strengthen the lungs with herb also can prevent the virus attack alao lah. Whether drink wong lo kit can help or not I dunno lah. Importantly they are so advanced to the stage they use AI to combat the covid from spreading lah. I wonder whyany dont follow china footstep just bcos China is a communist country kah. Democratic countries cannot accept Communist country have a better remedy to handle Covid kah. Cannot accept it kah. Apa lah. Saving life also want to see you are what type of country kah. Save is save life mah. Who can save more lives use their method lah. Anything wrong kah. Correct?

Wise Saying! Those who committed crime against Humanity, must be shot, a single bullet st the back of their head! Nothing wrong! They are Leeches in Society!


2021-07-10 22:11 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa What TG need is friend with deep pocket like Temasek. Tan Sri should court Temasek to buy TG shares since TG is under shotrtist attacked. The main culprit is JPM lah. Get so many macai everyday come here talk bad about TG. TG is listed in Spore SGX. Just meet up with Temasek Ho Ching lah. Temasek sure will like gloves company so Temasek Charity Foundation can get TG gloves and donate it out like they donated masks and sanitiser mah.
10/07/2021 10:05 PM

Irrationality n Volatility is the named imprinted in Stock Market!
Those who cannot accept such reality, Must Not invest in Stock!
Those big funds, n government linked funds are watching closely, don't u worry, just add on Weakness...hehehe...!!!


2021-07-10 22:05 | Report Abuse

geary Walauerh...No lifestyle meh! Everyday even weekend also share forums!
Just makan kuat kuat with our dividends...hahaha...tak Boleh Habis Duit!
Next Q is @3.48...See can Matched or Not next week...hehehe...Please create more wonderful (crazy)...News!!!
10/07/2021 9:57 PM

By the way, Very much TQ! Those doggies n shorties for their Wonderful Irrational News, everyday in Topglov! The more irrational the price, the more I already added n add...hahaha...!!!


2021-07-05 20:15 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa Yeah. dividend money coming. Anyone here received alot of dividend one can help Migthy Tikus sikit kah. He is middle age jobless guy currently working as JPM macai on rm2.00 per post to achieve JPM TP. You can help by donating groceries and toiletries to him so he can repent and quit the JPM macai job lah. Win Win to all lah. If everyone of the shareholders donate to him he can last for few years lah. Boleh?
05/07/2021 7:46 PM

Hahaha! Mighty Tikus very cunning lah, let him steals some of our ikan bilis or dried shrimps is okay lah!
Even Meow, Meow, Meow cannot catch him, woh! hehehe!


2021-07-05 17:49 | Report Abuse

Amazonboy Hahaha dats why he angry...wasted money buying terrace house...Lol
05/07/2021 5:44 PM

Hahaha... it's okay whatever we invest we need to know those markets macro n micro economic, it's very complicated n huge Markets Play!
Sometimes it's happy go Lucky...u need to judge a company earnings growth for at least ten years historical performances! Future performances are anticipation only, whatever u put your hard earned Money!


2021-07-05 17:32 | Report Abuse

mlike My terrace house also from 45k become now $400k
05/07/2021 5:24 PM

Hahaha...if u bought Topglov at IPO price #2,700, with your RM 45K, now u have RM 8.25 Million!


2021-07-05 17:05 | Report Abuse

“The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.”
-Philip Fisher.

Value Growth Investing is crucial!
The estimated value after 3/5/10/15/20 years from now!
Topglov™from, 2001, IPO of RM 2.70/Unit, it has grown to RM 485.00/Unit, now, 2021!
What are those doggies n shorties know about Future Value!


2021-07-05 13:30 | Report Abuse

“The stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.”
You wouldn't always think so, but price is actually very different from value.
#2001-IPO= @2.70/Unit.
#2021-Value= @489.00/Unit.
Fear N Greed is the biggest challenge n mistake!


2021-07-04 20:36 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo...yo...just be a happy go lucky person, nobody in the world doesn't have criticism, even the Buddha was poisoned 3 times before he died, n many more are poisoned or killed. Jesus was nailed to a Cross!
Just take the poison, just take whatever criticism, u won't die so easily, time to go u will go!
As long u go happily n joyfully, all conscience is transparent!
Joy will bring luck n positive energy surrounding U!


2021-07-04 19:18 | Report Abuse

UPlanet Geary, LKY definitely is an undeniable legendary world class leader!!! I feel so far none of the leaders can get closer to his achievements!!! I just can’t imagine what would happen to China nowadays if he is a leader in China?? I think should be already many thousand kilometres lead over the US!!!
04/07/2021 7:02 PM

All the same, respect everyone n everything natural! We have the right to get angry when evil energies are destroying Nature!


2021-07-04 18:42 | Report Abuse

"Lee Kwan Yew is the tallest Chinese leader"
Great Article!

China already slaughtered so many leeches, that's why so much differences, the past 100 years of CCP!


2021-07-04 18:31 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa Dont forget our top 4 gloves companies have advantages and they can merge to become most formidable competitor if foreign company dare to challenge us. Anyway all are local Msia citizen right. Easy to talk lah if want to consolidating to fight the foreign competitors. Dont think they want to lose the top producer title to foreign competitor lah. Those who champion foreign competitor one more like a traitor or penkianat lah. Want to see local top world ranking losing the title kah. Very ungrateful lah. Correct?
04/07/2021 6:27 PM

They are all leeches, deserve to be slaughtered!


2021-07-04 18:26 | Report Abuse

Bullrunrun TG making billions profit and its production increased by 20-25% averagely since 2001

RSS shorted 257 million shares and pay analyst to write bad news.

They wrote like TG losing billion Ringgit every year haha

Where to find a trustworthy boss like Tan Sri LWC, taking low salary but contribute so much to our society.

Tomorrow I will continue buying to keep for my next generations to come...
04/07/2021 6:16 PM

Those who invested in glove n PPE are essential items that protect n save lives, that's all we know n our clear conscience. All those supernormal profits, it's just supply n demand, economic issues! Nobody can control it! Plus some environment pollution, that's trade-off we need to accept.
Plus future R&D need to be innovated!


2021-07-04 18:20 | Report Abuse

NJBKKJ GloveBurnHand What kind of creature are you wanting your country business to collapse and benefit other countries? just go to back genting forum to back la, and change your nick name to Gentingburntestis. keep safe dont kena covid delta plus on you and your family because doctor not enough ICU and gloves to treat you all!
04/07/2021 6:15 PM

Covid-19 killing another few everywhere no wrongdoings! So people deserve to die!


2021-07-03 19:02 | Report Abuse

"World in dangerous period, warns WHO, as Delta Covid-19 variant evolves, Europe News & Top Stories - The Straits Times"

Those who are advocating freedom n mask free, plus talking rubbish about healthcare companies, are leeches!


2021-07-02 23:27 | Report Abuse

Advocating freedom n not wearing Mask is Crime Against Humanity!

LONDON, July 2 (Reuters) - Britain has reported 50,824 new cases of the highly transmissible Delta coronavirus variant of concern in the latest week, Public Health England (PHE) said on Friday.

PHE said the new total cases of Delta had risen to 161,981, a 46% increase from last week.

Reporting by Alistair Smout; editing by William James


2021-06-29 18:13 | Report Abuse
Covid-19 become Endemic...!!!

Jun 29, 2021 16:30 AM | Report Abuse


2021-06-28 17:35 | Report Abuse

Bought...@0.28...5,000 lots◉‿◉!


2021-06-28 11:35 | Report Abuse

Jun 25, 2021 9:53 AM | Report Abuse


2021-06-25 09:53 | Report Abuse



2021-06-15 20:50 | Report Abuse

yttihs @geary very good. I like your investment style. Almost same like mine.
15/06/2021 8:44 PM

Just do your homework...n find a balanced company...good FA n critically good n efficient management... that's the biggest challenge!
Keep it up!


2021-06-15 20:41 | Report Abuse

UPlanet Actually i just practice invest on right boss( not stingy type). And buy in when low volume, and sell in high volume. TSL already transformed to the most generous boss in bursa now, we can see from the dividends paid out! Now in bursa, where can find such high dividends paid out(70%~90%)! So first of all, find the most generous boss!!! The rest(pe, ebita, nta) come secondary!
15/06/2021 4:59 PM

'Banyak Pandai'...that's why after all these cost of capital holding...'TOPGLOV'...become lesser every every 2 years...hahaha...。◕‿◕。


2021-06-12 21:40 | Report Abuse

$$$RM 8.88®HAPPENING◉‿◉!


2021-06-12 08:54 | Report Abuse

RM 8.88®Happening。◕‿◕。


2021-06-12 07:57 | Report Abuse

"TGLVY Stock Price | Top Glove Corp. Bhd ADR Stock Quote (U.S.: OTC) | MarketWatch"
Double Limit Up!


2021-06-12 07:40 | Report Abuse

Dividendplayer Could it possibly be a short squeeze? Meme stock phenomenon? Hard to believe, but if true , this roller coaster is about to become a space shuttle. Interesting for sure. I think I'll take Monday off just in case. Dont want to miss this show.......
12/06/2021 6:43 AM

Monday...most probably too...late!
LU...! Then whole week...UP!


2021-06-11 19:52 | Report Abuse

Dividendplayer Let's say I'm IB analyst for bank X let's say. I give TP 8.xx . I'm looking pretty dumb right now right, since price more than 20% below. How to fix ?
Ok, easy, let's just cook up some unachievable EPS and revenue expected . Once results out, fail to meet expectations, down grade and give much lower TP. Now I dont look so dumb right?
Man , this trick from 90s also have. Just remember , these are the SAME jokers forecast TP 100. These clowns shouldn't get salary imo.
Thats why , absolutely no one put credibility on their report. Either way , up or down. No one trusts them.

Oh! U r right! Since 90s'! Nowadays getting worse, Never believe any news, all are political, n economic conspiracies, because most big 'INFO' are owned by political n corporate identities!
Believe in your Data n analysis, being holding it since '15, Just Buy on further weakness in market value!
Topglov, Never had a negative quarters, since it was listed!
Plus market valuation, is much higher after all those bonuses, dividends, etc.
By right it's much higher than Nestle!
Many have such hypocrisy theory, against, Topglov, n some become OCD, keep on repeating for no apparent reasons!
By the way, thanks those shorties n doggies for their hard works!
Invest On Weakness!

News & Blogs

2021-06-04 17:28 | Report Abuse

Please retired Gracefully!


2021-06-04 15:29 | Report Abuse

mlike OMG!!!!! I must sell all my share!!!! Shit!!
04/06/2021 3:23 PM

We are Bulls! We love Crimson's Red...wakaka... hahaha!


2021-06-04 15:01 | Report Abuse
Propaganda, that's why, Covid-19, Top 3 countries, are those liars!
Hopefully all cooperate!


2021-06-03 18:05 | Report Abuse

GloveBurnHand Goodluck Enjoy Downtrend 3.5

geary Matched some @4.99!
03/06/2021 3:31 PM

Best Dividend company in Bursa, just Q with lucrative dividend, hopefully can matched!
03/06/2021 3:47 PM

Probably, forward assumption #DY= >12%- FY'21/22/23!
Where to find such company in Bursa!
Or any other stock markets in the world!
Bonus issues, Not assume yet!
03/06/2021 5:46 PM

Frankly speaking I/we like shorties n doggies! In about more than 1 month, I/we are getting lucrative dividend!
So welcome doggies n shorties! We are waiting!


2021-06-03 17:16 | Report Abuse

geary Matched some @4.99!
03/06/2021 3:31 PM

Best Dividend company in Bursa, just Q with lucrative dividend, hopefully can matched!
03/06/2021 3:47 PM

Probably, forward assumption #DY= >12%- FY'21/22/23!
Where to find such company in Bursa!
Or any other stock markets in the world!
Bonus issues, Not assume yet!


2021-06-01 23:18 | Report Abuse

"Cities Have Unique Microbial 'Fingerprints', First Study of Its Kind Reveals"
No wonder, viruses are always mutating...Urban Cities, have strange n unique organisms!


2021-06-01 21:31 | Report Abuse

B1617 COVID-19 variant spreading worldwide at 'frightening speed': Experts -
Stay At Home, Please!
Those who advocate not wearing mask, no sanitising of hands, no social distancing, are black agents of Covid-19!
They want more humans to spread n die!
They knew only human beings can spread Covid-19, not mosquitoes, rats, or dogs n cats!
These people are so corrupted, they cannot see what is white n what is black!
Pathetic humanity!


2021-06-01 20:06 | Report Abuse

"UK facing ‘perilous moment’ as Indian Covid variant spreads | Coronavirus | The Guardian"
No Mask lah! Vaccines aren't silver bullet!
The worse part is all vaccinated people, in specific clusters, must go for swab test also, n doctors, nurses Must wear Full PPE! U never know who are the one infected!


2021-06-01 17:20 | Report Abuse

"B1617 Covid-19 variant becoming increasingly dominant worldwide, experts warn, Singapore News & Top Stories - The Straits Times"
How long Covid-19 n its variants will infect humans, how fast humans will have herd immunity, that's the only question ❓