
geary | Joined since 2015-03-04

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2021-04-24 20:57 | Report Abuse

Goldberg Beautifully said Hazzyy- LOL.

Posted by Hazzyy > Apr 24, 2021 7:07 PM | Report Abuse

$4 soon? Soon you will lose your sanity .

Even a parrot knows when to stop talking.
24/04/2021 7:53 PM



2021-04-22 14:23 | Report Abuse

TopGlove IPO price RM2.70 March 2001
2,000 units = RM5,400

Bonus issues:
2002 3:10 ==> 2,600 units
2003 2:5 ==> 3,640 units
2005 1:1 ==> 7,280 units
2007 2:5 ==> 10,192 units
2010 1:1 ==> 20,384 units
2016 1:1 ==> 40,768 units
2018 1:1 ==> 81,536 units
2020 2:1 ==> 244,608 units
*2022*2:1==>733,824 units

*733,824x5.55= RM 4,072,723.


2021-04-17 09:29 | Report Abuse

moneymakerx Only newbies will believe the newspaper. the "reported loss", if one can calculate, Trop is still sitting on around 3.4mil profit after selling this stake. All these "guru" and fake "saviours" are here to dupe newbies. Maybe you just dont know how to count.
17/04/2021 9:25 AM

moneymakerx @Invest_malaysia, obviously you dont know how to calculate. Same like the one before you, forgot his handle, but he also dont know how to calculate tropicana stake in TG now whether it's still a paper profit position or paper loss position. Show your stup!dity elsewhere.
17/04/2021 9:26 AM

Good one...hehehe...two big snakes urinating n defecating lah...they never see before... that's why blah...blah...blah...!!!


2021-04-11 21:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by UPlanet > Apr 11, 2021 9:08 PM | Report Abuse
Those Tom,dick,Harry companies already successfully produce gloves?? Manage to bring in new fresh foreign workers? Permit not open la in this MCO period la!!! Iddoit!!! Manage to buy through all related gloves chemicals at this period?? Have to que long period la!!! Iddoit!!! Manage to get through all the technical know how challenges??? If all uncertain, how to create oversupply???
11/04/2021 9:24 PM

Just a few poor guys from nowhere...maybe Timbuktu...blah...blah...blah... producing Billions of Gloves...!!!


2021-04-11 19:34 | Report Abuse

williamh Why still many IB recommendations to buy tg after at least a few hundreds % up??that is why many were trapped at 9,8,7,6,5
11/04/2021 6:27 PM

Hahaha...those who thinks... TopGlove at #9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2 n maybe 1, are value trapped, then u must wait at...#0.05 n below to buy... equivalent to it's #2001...IPO at #2.70...hehehe...!!!


2021-04-11 17:54 | Report Abuse

i3gambler Look at this ratio = Net Profit / Revenue for the past 5 years before pandemic.
1) FY2015 = 11.2%
2) FY2016 = 12.5%
3) FY2017 = 9.8%
4) FY2018 = 10.3%
5) FY2019 = 7.7%

To play safe, discard the highest i.e. 12.5%
Take average of the rest = (11.2% + 9.8% + 10.3% + 7.7%) / 4 = 9.73%

TOPGLOV said their capacity will be 205b pcs by Year 2025,
Assume their production running at 85%,
Annual production = 205b * 85% = 174.25b pcs

Frost & Sullivan Report said that the ASP will be USD21.50 by Year 2025,

Revenue = 174.25b * 21.50 * 4.1 = RM15.36b,

Net Profit = 9.73% * 15.36 = RM1.49b,

EPS = 1.49b / 8.02b = RM0.186

The fair PE was around 30 times before pandemic,
Therefore the fair price for TOPGLOV in Year 2025 = 30 * 0.186 = RM5.58,

We buy TOPGLOV at or below RM5.58, enjoy the high dividend yield for the next few years and very likely we can sell it at the same price RM5.58 in Year 2025.

How nice?

Probably your 1,000 units, #2025...your RM 5.58...will change to RM 23.20~34.80...hehehe...that you got to believe Tan Sri Lim WC...!!!


2021-04-10 14:23 | Report Abuse

pjseow geary . thks for the reminder on the risks of using margins to purchase stocks. I think kyy was.burned by margin calls on his jaks, dayang and supermx .

Learn from your own mistakes n others mistakes, then u will be okay at the end of the day. Long term value growth investing is more on EQ...good luck...!!!


2021-04-08 21:34 | Report Abuse
Stability, loyalty, patriotic n citizens trust, hardworking, that's why China with citizens cooperative attitude, become so efficient n advanced.
US, UK, n those lackeys are so jealous of China! Any which way, this century belongs to China, because there are so many extraordinary talents reborn in China, to help all races in China.


2021-04-08 17:50 | Report Abuse

moneymakerx @pdchs. No country want this trouble maker who is disloyal to the countries. In fact no one would want to have this guy for PR. No integrity. would only work for money. All the talk, nonsense.

Plus disloyal Human resource minister, plus some local lackeys, reporters, etc. If in China, some of the news portals, that create so much conspiracy theories n lies, #100% banned from reporting.
Those ministers salaries are paid by corporates tax, yet they are destroying local manufacturers, no problem solving skills, all useless n corrupted individuals.
They never think those employees that are employed by those manufacturers, meh!
We must create a decent income or middle class for all Malaysians, just like China, eradicating those citizens from extreme poverty.
Unfortunately we don't have such blessing...!!!


2021-04-08 14:09 | Report Abuse

pjseow Pankaj kumar.said stock.valuations is . I like to project and forcast values of stocks based on some assumptions. So I calculate from.left to right, from right to left , from top to bottom and from bottoms up . No matter how I calculate the values of top glove is more than 7.50. I Calculate until my calculator overheated... still more than rm 7.50 . Si I am convinced Topglove is undervalued even at current price. By the way , I do calculate and value supermx and harta . They are undervalue too . I decided not to publish my valuations for these two stocks . I added both supermx and topglove yesterday.

@pjseow, u already done your best. Valuation is truly an Arts. U add extra colours n strokes it has different value. For eg; if Tan Sri Lim, is hospitalised, then surely the future valuation will change! Intangible value we can only assume. Tangible value are all those numbers.
That's why value growth investing, isn't easy...good luck...!!!


2021-04-08 13:32 | Report Abuse

Under the *Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mdm Hua ChunYing*, gave a sharp and profound speech to the world when she said these words..
*" Foreigners who eat Chinese rice are not allowed to smash Chinese bowls!!!"*

These words have such deep and wide meanings.
1. China will *no longer tolerate* Foreigners who earn their living in China and yet try to sabotage China.
2. China will *not allow foreigners to politicise trade issues*.
3. China has even *slam her own son* if he tires to tell the government what to do....Jack Ma is an example to them.
4. China *will never allow any* foreigner, corporation, billionaire, powerful fund companies.. etc2 *to pressure China in any way!!* This is a *direct warning* to *Goldman Sachs, Citibank, HKSBC, Apple, Samsung, Rothchilds, etc2* and *people like Soros, Warren Buffet etc2*.
China will no longer allow these people whose scumbag ancestors poisoned China with Opium and craved out China into their own enclaves and ravaged the whole nation!

Any person, Corporation, Financial or otherwise, NGOs who are dumb enough *not to understand* Mdm Hua's words *will be thrown out of China*.

Those who do not understand Chinese phrases, proverbs or idioms...are warned to *Learn Chinese Culture*.

H&M, a Swedish International Company was recently shut down and can no longer operate in China.
So those Foreigners who are still dull has been given this demonstration.

China has told us amd the West... *you have your Politocal ways we have ours.*

If you wish to run your house with delinquents breaking up your furniture .... that's your right.
In China we have our rules....we *want our children to be respectful, have good manners and be obedient*. This is Chinese culture and *when you are here you are required to behave likewise*. If not, then we will throw you out!

*Got that!???*US, UK n their lackeys. Plus those lackeys who said TopGlove same like Xinjiang!


2021-04-07 13:19 | Report Abuse
Future train, Faster than airplane!


2021-04-06 20:01 | Report Abuse
That's how to save lives, all lives matter, all races, it's not about big profit or patriotic vaccine.
Someone was talking about Jack Ma, yup very rich, but he is just a third tiers, business n technology innovative services.
All those first n basic infrastructures, products n services need to be enhanced or innovated, then those apps will function efficiently.


2021-04-06 19:42 | Report Abuse
China CCP won the battle, so US, UK n their lackeys, like India, Australia, Canada, so much democracy systems, what they shits they are doing, until now also problematic...!!!


2021-04-06 18:51 | Report Abuse
US, EU need to really look into their democratic systems, whether they really work or not.
Too much freedom, until they don't know what are rights n wrongs.
Covid-19 will probably wake them up, n be realistic.


2021-04-06 18:38 | Report Abuse
China first home built aircraft carrier, just for self defence, but US, UK n their lackeys say, whatever China have more advanced airplanes, ships, and even 5/6 G, Huawei, these are all threats to world Peace...So much jealousy...!!!


2021-04-06 18:19 | Report Abuse
US, UK n even EU spa ada?...Even Japan also lacking behind. All those warmongering n cold war mentality are outdated n irrelevant.
China already advances so far ahead...those people are clouded by jealousy n incompetency. They are so desperate because they don't have the free cash to build the most technological advanced infrastructures.
So they create all types of conspiracy theories, they aren't slowing down China, because three fingers are pointing at themselves... hehehe...!!!


2021-04-06 13:35 | Report Abuse

titan3322 We are lucky to have pjseow and moneymakerx in this forum their comments are informative and useful for TG shareholders

Yup, they are good n honest shareholders. By the way China cannot be disintegrated by foreign forces, because all their citizens respect XiJingping. All minorities ethnic groups are alleviated from extreme poverty, by Chairman Xi, himself. He is a very down to earth n humble man. He personally went to all rural n extremely poor provinces, to see it himself.
Whatever policies are implemented their citizens follow, because they respect n trust their leader.
That's why Covid19 was eradicated so fast n efficiency managed. TQ.


2021-04-06 13:20 | Report Abuse
China Chat!
China already the best builder of bridges n probably one of the best in building high speed rail.
So many shocking technology advances in China like desertification, unbelievable infrastructures, IOT, n many more innovative products.
US n UK don't even have a real HSR, plus all their infrastructures are very old, especially US don't has much budget to build them.
So these people trying to slow down China, create false news, n even separatists n civil wars. So US can sell their weapons.
Maybe they are trying to destroy all those infrastructures in China also, warmongering attitude all the time.
Even Duterte kicked them out of the Philippines, after all these years of US collaboration, n make friends with China n Russia.
Even our foreign minister called China foreign minister big brother, that's good respect n humble collaboration.


2021-04-05 21:32 | Report Abuse

Goldberg TG- the worlds largest glove producer, pays the highest tax & dividends in Bursa a SCAM ???

You must be out of your mind or in local parlance - GILA.

Posted by EatCoconutCanWin > Apr 5, 2021 8:46 PM | Report Abuse

This company already been black list of force labour. This is fact n proven it was. If you think this is the value of investing into scam company then go ahead.

Hahaha... because many don't have EQ n maybe IQ also...they don't understand who or what is a scammer n medicine can cure such EQ...!!!


2021-04-05 21:19 | Report Abuse

EatCoconutCanWin This company already been black list of force labour. This is fact n proven it was. If you think this is the value of investing into scam company then go ahead.

That's what I like...When others are Fearful u must be be Greedy...when others are Greedy u must be Fearful... hahaha...!!!


2021-04-05 21:05 | Report Abuse

shearer202 Many investors also think the CBP issue can be settled on feb 21 but unfortunately more n more surprising news will kneel jerk all the gloves counters ! Thumbs up for those still holding n top up !

That's why I said only #5% can earn big money in Mr. Market unforseen circumstances n mood swings... hehehe...!!!


2021-04-05 21:01 | Report Abuse

Pgraduate123 If that's the real fact. Then push your share price up la to reflect that good news..

Big money are earned watching the paint to dry...u can sell if u don't have patient. Plus nobody force u to buy or invest anyway.

Plus nobody force u to buy on contra or margin, u got to manage your own financial.

Win or lose u answer for it...!!!


2021-04-05 20:48 | Report Abuse

Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int (Section 138 of CA 2016)

Particulars of substantial Securities Holder
Address Tingkat 19, Bangunan KWSP,
Jalan Raja Laut,
Kuala Lumpur
50350 Wilayah Persekutuan
Company No. EPF ACT 1991
Nationality/Country of incorporation Malaysia
Descriptions (Class) Ordinary Shares
Details of changes
No Date of change
No of securities
Type of Transaction Nature of Interest
1 31 Mar 2021
Acquired Direct Interest
Name of registered holder Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Employees Provident Fund Board
Address of registered holder Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Level 42, Menara Citibank 165, Jalan Ampang 50450, Kuala Lumpur
Description of "Others" Type of Transaction
2 31 Mar 2021
Disposed Direct Interest
Name of registered holder Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Employees Provident FD BD (TEMPLETON)
Address of registered holder Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd Level 42, Menara Citibank 165, Jalan Ampang 50450, Kuala Lumpur
Description of "Others" Type of Transaction

Circumstances by reason of which change has occurred Acquisition and disposal of shares.
Nature of interest Direct Interest
Direct (units) 504,016,766
Direct (%) 6.297
Indirect/deemed interest (units)
Indirect/deemed interest (%)
Total no of securities after change 504,016,766
Date of notice 01 Apr 2021
Date notice received by Listed Issuer 05 Apr 2021

Remarks :
The total number of 504,016,766 Ordinary Shares are held through the following holders:
1) 2,509,800 Ordinary Shares are registered in the name of Employees Provident Fund Board;
2) 418,567,466 Ordinary Shares are registered in the name of Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Employees Provident Fund Board;
3) 3,141,600 Ordinary Shares are registered in the name of Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Employees Provident FD BD (AMUNDI);
4) 6,174,000 Ordinary Shares are registered in the name of Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Employees Provident FD BD (AFFIN-HWG);
5) 2,400,000 Ordinary Shares are registered in the name of Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Employees Provident FD BD (RHB INV);
6) 6,660,000 Ordinary Shares are registered in the name of Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Employees Provident FD BD (AM INV);
7) 26,132,200 Ordinary Shares are registered in the name of Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Employees Provident FD BD (NOMURA);
8) 600,000 Ordinary Shares are registered in the name of Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Employees Provident FD BD (PHEIM);
9) 24,045,600 Ordinary Shares are registered in the name of Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Employees Provident FD BD (CIMB PRI);
10) 4,508,400 Ordinary Shares are registered in the name of Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Employees Provident FD BD (ARIM);
11) 481,000 Ordinary Shares are registered in the name of Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Employees Provident FD BD (TEMPLETON);
12) 1,758,900 Ordinary Shares are registered in the name of Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Emplys Prvnt FD BD (RHBISLAMIC) IC;
13) 1,250,800 Ordinary Shares are registered in the name of Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Emplys Prvnt FD BD (F.TEMISLAMIC) IC;
14) 3,557,900 Ordinary Shares are registered in the name of Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Emplys Prvnt FD BD (BNP NAJMAH EQ) IC;
15) 1,400,000 Ordinary Shares are registered in the name of Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Emplys Prvnt FD BD (CPIAM EQ) IC; and
16) 829,100 Ordinary Shares are registered in the name of Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd - Emplys Prvnt FD BD (NIAM EQ) IC.

This announcement is dated 5 April 2021

Announcement Info
Stock Name TOPGLOV
Date Announced 05 Apr 2021
Category Change in the Interest of Substantial Shareholder Pursuant to Section 138 of CA 2016
Reference Number CS2-02042021-00129

So who are the liars?


2021-04-05 20:38 | Report Abuse

Topglov, Harta, Supermax n Kossan...are Bursa, Top 20...Return On Invested Capital. Those people without proper analysis or gamblers...of course don't realize it.
Even if u invested n hold, 1,000 units in, Jan 2016, at #12.00, it's now worth...#56.16...April, 2021.
Facts n numbers are all historical. Nothing to lie...!!!

Value Growth Investing is #100% about future valuation, no doubt about it.
"Price is what u pay, Value is what u get", Buffett.

That's why only #5% of investors with foresight n luck can have great return on invested capital... hehehe...!!!


2021-04-05 20:34 | Report Abuse


Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS
Reference is made to our announcement made on 30 March and 1 April 2021 with regard to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Top Glove wishes to announce and update that it had subsequently clarified with CBP that no new additional issues on forced labour have been discovered as per our Press Statement on 1 April 2021. CBP has requested Top Glove to carry out additional rectification and verification work in relation to the earlier findings, which Top Glove is currently working on to address and fully remediate the identified issues expeditiously. The additional rectification and verification works relate to :

1. identity documents retained by recruitment agents to be returned to the workers, which affects less than one percent of its workers

ii. remediation for workers who did not manage to come to Malaysia to work due to Covid related lockdowns

As todate, no disposable gloves have been seized pursuant to the Withhold Release Order. There is also no financial and operational impact to the Company based on current assessment.

Top Glove remains committed to the welfare, health and safety of our workforce.

This announcement is dated 5 April 2021.
Announcement Info
Stock Name TOPGLOV
Date Announced 05 Apr 2021
Category General Announcement for PLC
Reference Number GA1-01042021-00122

Transparent announcement for all shareholders.
Hold for Retirement.. hehehe...!!!


2021-04-05 18:34 | Report Abuse

pjseow Topglove share price has gone up from rm 2.70 to the equivalent of rm 576 after numerous bonus issue and share splits in the last 20 years. This is equivalent to 30 % CAGR . Such achievement is better than Warren Buffet 60 years of investment performance. Many including myself regretted for not investing in.Topglove 20 years ago and keep long term until today. The question we should ask today is whether topglove can repeat such performance in the next 20 years . Based on the past 20 years record , the growth.rate of gloves was around 8 to 10 % when there was no pandemic or epidemic . With.small or medium epidemic like SARS, H1N1 and Zika or Merc., the growth rate increase to 15 % . The current covid 19 super pandemic has increased the growth rate to 20 % in 2020 and 25 % in 2021. The growth rate for 2022 is expected to hit 15 % and and thereafter between.12 to 15 % based on MARGMA data. Make your own judgement whether topglove will repeat its performance for the next 20 years. Do not regret the second time .

Absolutely correct...but many trolls here just like those US, UK n lackeys...trying to create all types of conspiracy theories n lies...just like in Xingjiang...they can sleep soundly at night meh...I doubt that...just like the BBC reporter ran away from China. Cancer only strike those who are like devils in disguise! It's not about what u eat, alcohol or cigarette, it's the evils in your souls...whoever u pray also no blessing!


2021-04-05 15:57 | Report Abuse

Maybe some can follow KYY, keep on searching for counters to 'goreng'... because in the first place he wasn't a value growth Investor. At present his time is so much limited, to wait for #20 years...?...2/3 days also very boring for him... probably there are many such trollers around here also...same like him... hehehe...!!!


2021-04-05 15:43 | Report Abuse

Past facts n figures are all there to see...but most people still want to cheat n create conspiracy theories. Future of course nobody can predict the outcomes!
No need to troll here, if TopGlove is lousy, then find a good counter n invest loh...n see what the future hold for u...very simple...but many make it so... difficult...!!!


2021-04-05 15:34 | Report Abuse

TopGlove IPO was #2.70...after 20 years, at present 1,000 units, equivalent to #576.00.
Go n do your own analysis n find yourself such counter lah...n invest loh...!!!...Or u have the foresight to predict... TopGlove will be #45.00...after 5 years...then it's worth to invest at #4.70...Now...???
U do your own calculated risk n reward to decide for yourself.. !!!
Mind u nobody point a gun at u to invest n hold...!!!


2021-03-22 13:45 | Report Abuse

pjseow Two days ago , i did a projections for earnings in. FY 2022 , 2023 and FY 2024 based on projected expanded capacity and eroded ASPs , I derived the followings earnings and EPS.
FY 2023 8000 millions EPS 84 .2 sen
FY 2023 5306 millions EPS 55.9 sen
FY 2024 3766 millions EPS 39.6 sen

Assuming FY 2024 is in stabilised state where demand and supply is in.equilibrium and ASP also at stabilised state, what is the PE multiple to be given to the EPS of 39.6 sen ? The average historical PE of pre pandemic FY 2015 to FY 2019 was 27 . Should a PE of 27 be given to topglove since Topglove in.2024 will be a much stronger company with 3x.capacity.and huge ? If we assign.a conservative PE of 20 , its price.will be RM 7.92 . If we assign a PE of 23 , its price will be rm 9.11 . If we assign.a PE of 27, its price will be 10.69. i did not add.back the dividend ot earning per share of 2021, 2022 snd 2023 yet which is expected to be more thsn 1.50 even if we discount them to present value. I welome any comment.
22/03/2021 8:37 AM

TQ for all the data n reasoning...but we never know the actual future earnings...just like many here Invested the past few years. They didn't know this year has such supernormal profits n dividends. Stay invested n add on weakness...good luck...!!!


2021-03-16 20:19 | Report Abuse

JUN 28, 2016 11:30 AM
TOP Glove, the world's largest glove maker, opened at S$1.62 on the maiden day of its secondary listing on Singapore Exchange (SGX) on Tuesday.

HKEX listing will have the same earnings growth in SGX listed since Jun '16...5Yrs:#540%/#108%{YOY}. Return On Invested Capital.

Disclaimer: Just do your homework n decide what u want to invest, Mr. Market will decide your destiny...with all those noises. Investing is an Arts, it's your own temperament, that decides your failure or success...Mind U...2001 listed in Bursa...was much more higher risks, than SGX 2016 n HKEX 2021...Now...All three listed shares are dual or identical n fungible...!!!


2021-03-15 23:05 | Report Abuse

pjseow Today , comfort.has released its latest qtr result with 12 x yoy and 1.5 x qoq earnings. The section which draw my intention is on.the section on future prospects。The latexx gloves exhibited strong demand which is consistent with what Topglove see. The ASPs continue to go up for these cheaper latexx gloves. The demand could have come from those countries with lower per capita. Topglove still has a big chunk of latexx glove capacity and its leadtime is still high at 240 days indicating.strong demand. Last year the strong demand comes from mainly Nitrile gloves .Now these companies are seeing. strong demand from the cheaper latexx gloves. These higher ASP s from latexx gloves may mitigate the gradual drop in ASP.s for nitrile gloves next and subsequent year.

Yup... Biodegradable Natural Rubber Latexx Glove...!!!


2021-03-15 19:49 | Report Abuse

Stockisnotfun Kyy say one not my report. Gloves demand not matter how will reduce after covid ended. Or you wish covid never ended? Just the matter how much the demand will drop or capacity expansion soon will reach a break even with surging demand.

The increase cases of Europe is within expectation. Fighting with pandemic might take years.

Covid19 will end or don't end, nobody knows, it's humanity causes n effects, everywhere humans, n even cats n dogs also Kena Covid19. Everyone suffers in certain degrees more or less. It happened we invested in gloves, then it's history.
Even without Covid19, top 4 gloves also have #15/20% sales n earnings growth. Good dividends n bonuses, why uncle kyy, never noticed it n invested the past ten years at least.
For younger generation, I hope they learn from mistakes n invest correctly.
Those who want to swing trades also can, but u will earn kopi money only, that's your own temperament, n u might miss a wonderful business to invest.
Always learn from others n your own mistakes, n be a better investor.
Good luck...!!!


2021-03-15 18:57 | Report Abuse

beginner new ESOS 75,300 at 6.55 and boss also keeps on buying back, this is strong hint the price will eventually back to 6.55 above. logic thinking the company will reward the employees with esos. is just matter of time only and i have the time to wait for this to come, along the way just happily collect the good divvy
15/03/2021 6:43 PM

Patience I say many times, even though Hartalega earned more than TopGlove, the past ten years, the latter still paid more dividends n bonuses. How about the next 2/3 years of supernormal LWC going to reward our faithful Investors n also their employees...Just Sit down n Wait...!!!


2021-03-15 18:37 | Report Abuse

Stockisnotfun This can only mean that there are more investors who believe the share price will not go up again because the demand for gloves is reducing due the reduction of new Covid 19 cases. The Americans have been the largest buyers of medical gloves. Since the number of new Covid 19 cases is reducing the requirement of medical glove is also reducing every day.

Moreover, all the glove manufacturers have been expanding their production capacities and there are many more new manufacturers. Even Mah Seng, a property developer also has ventured to make gloves.

In fact, besides Top Glove shareholders, all other glove stock shareholders should be in a dilemma.

Are you in dilemma? If not please persuade kyy to buy gloves again.

If Uncle KYY knew how to invest in gloves, any top 4, he is a billionaire by now...No need to keep on searching to goreng here n there...wasting time n energy. He should enjoy life by now...Aiyoo...!!!


2021-03-15 18:33 | Report Abuse

elbrutus geary bro ...u can say that again
15/03/2021 6:26 PM

Just invest n hold it...unless TopGlove don't care for minority shareholders. No need to read all that don't benefit u...stay on course...n believe your own data n reasoning... good luck to u.


2021-03-15 18:17 | Report Abuse

Dividendplayer Begging ? Beg to who ? Beg from anonymous stranger on Internet can get money or what. Desperate? How will posting here save us if trapped ? Just like all your negative posts did very little judging by the retail buying volume today.
15/03/2021 6:12 PM

Don't worry be happy...time will show u the way...even those bought above #9.00...Patience will be rewarded handsomely...!!!


2021-03-15 18:10 | Report Abuse

elbrutus geary bro ...most of those negative ppl so free no kuku play ma come here to make many posts earning 0.50 per post sad but never mind ...they deserved it somehow ...hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Oh! I see it now...they are paid...0.50 for it...they know it...but still want to do... that's the mistakes become 3X...ʘ‿ʘ


2021-03-15 17:58 | Report Abuse

geary pjseow Coolbull, you can google in both Chinese and English . On you golden.rule of reciprocasy, I learned 500 years after Confucious that a Saint said 凡已所欲 皆施於人 which means " Do unto others what you wish others do unto you ". If these two sayings are practised by human race, the world will be peaceful .
15/03/2021 5:47 PM

Unfortunately many aren't... because of too much greed n ignorant. The truth is impossible to speak nowadays. Those who are most cunning will be very famous n rule the world...those who are following the rules...will be banish into deep caves...!!!

More n more mutated bacterias n viruses are created by humanity immoral mind.


2021-03-15 17:52 | Report Abuse

pjseow Coolbull, you can google in both Chinese and English . On you golden.rule of reciprocasy, I learned 500 years after Confucious that a Saint said 凡已所欲 皆施於人 which means " Do unto others what you wish others do unto you ". If these two sayings are practised by human race, the world will be peaceful .
15/03/2021 5:47 PM

Unfortunately many aren't... because of too much greed n ignorant. The truth is impossible to speak nowadays. Those who are most cunning will be very famous n rule the world...those who are following the rules...will be banish into deep caves...!!!


2021-03-15 17:44 | Report Abuse

pjseow Investmalaysia8, Topglove is not only world number 1 in.capacity only. It is world number one in revenues, profits and number of customers world wide. It supplies 25 % of world gloves demand for many years. It is true that Topglove mfg lines are not as automated as Harta because Harta was a late comer compared with Harta. With the huge earnings ,Topglove is committed to improve its mfg lines with state of automated equipments in the next few years to be on.par or better than Harta. Topglove glove selling prices are higher than Harta is a fact. Harta is still doing the catch up. You can confirm by readind the IB comments in.their reports.
pjseow Investmalaysia8, Topglove is not only world number 1 in.capacity only. It is world number one in revenues, profits and number of customers world wide. It supplies 25 % of world gloves demand for many years. It is true that Topglove mfg lines are not as automated as Harta because Harta was a late comer compared with Harta. With the huge earnings ,Topglove is committed to improve its mfg lines with state of automated equipments in the next few years to be on.par or better than Harta. Topglove glove selling prices are higher than Harta is a fact. Harta is still doing the catch up. You can confirm by readind the IB comments in.their reports.

Past ten years, Hartalega was better, still good at present...but the next ten years...TopGlove will be your instincts n LWC...!!!


2021-03-15 17:33 | Report Abuse

pjseow Investmalaysia8. Imagine you like.Toyota car but you go to Honda forum where peoples are promoting Honda. You keep pouring cold water on.Honda cars saying all the negative things about Honda car like too expensive lah, lousy factories lah , etc and try to promote Toyota car in.Honda forum. What will the Honda supporters do to you ? Learn some very basic ethic 。Do not do unto others what you do not wish others do unto you as.what Confucious says.
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