
geary | Joined since 2015-03-04

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2019-10-19 20:40 | Report Abuse

Too much politics n red tapes...memang take boleh...But want to act boleh...Take tahu malu...How to follow Japanese culture n habits...???


2019-10-18 18:24 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...where is the floor value n where the roof value...Even you bought a company with erratic or negative earnings n owners earnings...even at NCAV...or cash value...Probably it becomes a value trap...the price can go under the floor value. The same for EPS n owners earnings keep on growing...YOY....n book value up trending...Even you bought like it's overvalued...But it is probably not an overvalued trap. The important you need to understand n dare to analyse company earnings growth prospect...Probably a 22.5% owners earnings growth for 10 years should be sustainable. So the price to earnings decide yourself. Of course buying at resonate PE, PEG n rate of return or EY are advisable...!!!


2019-10-16 01:06 | Report Abuse

Hehehe...The main investing dilemma is many don't really...Hold a winning stock for years...Probably a 10 baggers...That's a thousand percentage return on invested their patience run out...And keep on looking under many heavy rocks...But there are some already holding for years...But do they understand its business, data n reasoning of those who are holding...Unless there are major changes in the competitive advantage or management scandal. How much is their return on trading capital...???...Even, Soros or Druckenmiller don't anyhow day trade. Many have no confident to cut loss...n no confident to win...Big also...Don't know when, how or why must Sell...!!!


2019-10-15 19:49 | Report Abuse

Ha...Companies that don't have good FA or showing negative earnings n cash flow for years...where management are probably sharks in emperor clothing's...Lots of money games...So those smaller sharks love to swim with those big sharks...go ahead...if you can come back alive n breathing...But just look at SGX many smaller sharks bleed until now...bankrupt...???


2019-10-15 19:39 | Report Abuse doesn't matter at all...your data n reasoning must be okay when you have done your homework...the crowd agreed or don't agreed it doesn't matter or affect you...Mr. Market will show you the valuation in future...besides that there aren't any private or prefered shareholders gaining special no need to lower the book you as owners...already gained from bonus issue...That's your earnings or owners the balance already invested in retained earnings...That's our money...provide management are efficient in deploying those earnings that are retained. Cash flow or owners earnings keep increasing with above average Dupont...ROE. That's company competitive advantage over its competitors. GL...!!!


2019-10-15 19:06 | Report Abuse

Hehehe...Probably Mr. Market haven't realise it's full value at present owners earnings or free cash price of below 20x...PE...EPS is obviously there...But it's the book value n cash flow from operations growth minus Capex that's most important to analyse. GL...!!!


2019-10-10 19:28 | Report Abuse

Valuation...Stock coupon you analyse yourself...Bond is rather fixed...Stock cash flow can increase or decrease...!!!


2019-10-10 18:44 | Report Abuse

Familiar faces in Stock Day Trading...!!!


2019-10-09 23:27 | Report Abuse

Voting machines at present... weighing machine in future...!!!


2019-10-09 23:17 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Those who bought today n Hold for...@50 days...Probably will have...@10%...Capital gains....Good Luck...!!!


2019-10-07 16:01 | Report Abuse

Well...Erratic earnings growth...Unsustainable dividend...Decreasin Free cash...!!!


2019-10-06 16:36 | Report Abuse

Equity/Bond...It's how you print your rate of bond return...But equity is more flexible...!!!


2019-10-05 15:20 | Report Abuse

EQ...Detach yourself be objective...U will be Rich...!!!


2019-10-05 14:05 | Report Abuse

What to do Malaysia boleh...Built a good airport But the maintenance n upgrading memang take boleh...How to compare with the best airport in the world...Changi...Best budget airlines...But airport facilities below par standard. KLIA 1 the lighting also very dark... look nice the design...But not much eateries n poor lightings. At least both KLIA must be of international standard...Not local standard...Aiyahh...So many years still the same...never improve...!!!


2019-10-05 13:36 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...It is just like you are owning a wonderful business and you want to sell at a certain price...Unless you don't want to run it or nobody in your family members want to run it then you should sell at a wonderful price,. So owning a stock is like a part of business that you understand n unless its FA or huge management changes...then you decide to sell. No point in n out only just a small capital gains. A wonderful business you always like you are owning not enough of it...any weakness just... Add...But at present scenarios... keeping 30%...Free Cash should be advisable...Good Luck...!!!


2019-10-04 15:45 | Report Abuse

@enning22...Ya...facts was there for us to read n see...So we just take care to ourself n manage our risks...Probability, he was an engineer...certain business he won't understand...just like us..we cannot understand everything...But one or two is more than enough...good luck to you...!!!


2019-10-04 15:06 | Report Abuse

Ha...Stock with lousy FA...That's how corporate shark in emperor clothing...Strike...Sometimes it needs sense the danger...!!!


2019-10-04 13:51 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Uncle Koon...Probably earnings 1 bagger in Dayang...But he already won 10 baggers in HKEX...long, long time ago...That's was his wonderful past...Courage n Coviction...Now still the same...Probably not so...Sharp...hehehe...!!!


2019-10-04 13:01 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Consolidating Price...Probability...@4.70~@5.20...Present market capitalization...The next quarter...Mr. Market...EQ n IQ...will play macroeconomics n other unforseen worldwide recession fear...etc. Always keep some...Cash is King...Or keep some Gold...Or Bought some sustainable dividend stock at reasonable price. Good luck...KungFuPenta...Looking at its Equipment for consumer n industrial semiconductor, automotive, medical, factory automation n telecommunications...look promising...Hold...!!!


2019-10-02 23:58 | Report Abuse

How you react to such Economic Scenario...???
Trump May Be Creating World-Wide Recession With T…:


2019-10-02 23:39 | Report Abuse

Ha...Lot of people are not prepare emotionally...Overall markets aren't going the green directions...So...How you manage your risks...your fear n greed...!!!...100% important...!!!


2019-10-02 23:34 | Report Abuse

Haha...please study n understand the company product or service...asset class, defensive, cyclical consumer n industrial, technology cycle, supply n demand, macro, n economic advantage n disadvantage, government policy, interest rates, n geopolitical factors, plus unforseen circumstances like management, scandal, etc. That's why it's not easy...within all the hardwork probably you will have your lucky break...good luck...!!!


2019-10-02 22:19 | Report Abuse

Ha...whatever product or service...Profit margin very important...That's Net margin...10%~20%...Above average n good competitive advantage...Usually these companies have...Dupont ROE above 10%...Remember Dupont ROE. Find out yourself how to compute it. Below 5%~10%...Low n average. Above 20% will be fantastic...!!! All these need consistency plus the sales growth must be sustainable...Probably average...20%...@10-YR...Consistency n sustainability...!!!


2019-10-02 21:41 | Report Abuse

Ya...Some of the fundamental good companies with average growth in sales plus sustainable n consistent net margin are usually quite unreasonable to invest. Even though it does go down during recession you can have probably 2 to 3 baggers...Quite good anyway. What we are aiming for is to retire at least 25 to 50 years without during anything...we already strike 5 to 10 baggers...and the average return is 20% per year. So try looking for some gems under the heavy rocks...Probably you can find one...with your own expertise n experience...Good Luck everyone. TQ.


2019-10-02 20:52 | Report Abuse

Ha...Actually the Chinese character in writing money contains two swords fighting...So the more money in that market the more people will gather together to fight, to lie, to scheme, to there are also genuine investors, whatever n whoever there are out there...Money is the dirtiest or most filthy commodity. So what can we do without holding money in our hand?. So there are many, many trade-off, life is just it's like these n like that. The important things are what we do to make our life happy n without worry...I think money cannot solve these problems. So How...That's why there are so many different religious beliefs...But at the end of the many of us gain perfect Peace...Impossible...But there are all inside our true mind...It's just the zero...!!!...???


2019-10-02 20:06 | Report Abuse

Haha...most of the time don't try to be too smart...Smart is okay...listen to people around especially your parents...n elders...ask if Don't understand. Never, never tell your parents are foolish...Plus some wise elders. I remember when I first bought stock...there was an old man advice me...Did you ask your mum...before you come into this place...???...I just shake my head...n he said be very, very careful young boy. I did lost some money...But my dad was angry, but my mum just keep quiet...Dad did help me out...n from that day onwards I dare not have any bad feelings towards my parents. There are invisible forces guiding you if you are very filial to your parents plus wise elders. Some luck will manifest for you... But you need courage n earn Big...!!!


2019-10-02 19:27 | Report Abuse

HKEX...Probably has the highest liquidity inflow in Asia...Probably China is catching up...But still quite slim compare with HK is a fat man...But after self rule...50 years I don't know. Many people earn few baggers in HKEX n retired quite young...Provided you found a gem and Sailang on it. No point buying too many stocks or diversifying to minimise your risks. You got to be focused n manage your risks...!!! 'Hentam'...your eggs into one basket n watching closely...!!!...Malaysia still okay...provided you do your homework n know what you want...!!!...SGX worst...hit mosquitoes everyday...???...Probably REITS n financial institutions. TC n GL...!!!


2019-10-02 18:50 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Probably there are many people squeeze to dead while sleeping with filthy mind...or met a serious accident while playing with 'melon ghost'...most of them don't only said die of respiratory failure...???...Clean your mind n respect your parents n elders...these 'kumbhadas' name of 'melon ghost' king will never disturb you again. Mother is like earth supporting us...father is like heaven sheltering us...Be a sensible person...Good Luck everyone...!!!


2019-10-02 18:09 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Leader in Semiconductor...Others are Inari, Gtronic... Be focused...!!!


2019-10-02 17:57 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...At present Only #2 good technology equipment company in Bursa...?
1. Pentamaster.
2. Elsoft Research.
The 3rd one is MI Technovation...But company still very newly listed...A bit of higher risk to invest...Well analyse yourself before you decide to buy or trade...TQ.


2019-10-01 16:56 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...interesting...Still holding free shares...Analyse n see how first...VS...EQ...a bit different from other tech stock...hmm...ah..!!!


2019-10-01 16:42 | Report Abuse

Hehehe...KESM also had its 10 baggers from Jan 2012 to Jan 2018...That's is 6 years...So it depends whether you turn over the rock and found the gem in 2012, Jan, was around 2.00 n Hit 21.00...Jan 2018. I made a mistake when I saw it was 4.50...I didn't take action n let it go...I learn from my mistakes...But now KESM keeping lot of cash but never upgrade their products...That's R&D...become complacent..Now they are forced to sell their products at low margins...No competitive advantage over other ATE in semiconductor n telecommunications. PENTA N VITROX are two leader in Bursa...Coming up probably ELSOFT...My Watchlist...Hehehe...!!!


2019-10-01 16:22 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Going everywhere n don't know what he really want...desperate for attention...!!! The important point is to hit really hard and has a home run...Of course the target is...10 baggers...!!!...Those who bought on Oct, 2016...Already earn a 10 baggers at present market value...!!!...3 years Only...So you can rest n have passive income around 20%...for...50 years...without doing anything...hehehe...What a Wonderful stock...KungFuPenta...I will always remember you...TQ.


2019-10-01 14:52 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Now is 4/3...Die/live...Next time you will see...8/9...Fatt/Forever...KungFuPenta look silly...But very, very skillful...Those who don't understand her EQ...too bad they are probably cutting their garden flowers...n keep their weeds...hehehe...hohoho...Life is so promising...'Sailanging ' in KungFuPenta...Already 'Huating'...all these years...One is enough...!!!...???... $€£...%%%...0000000.


2019-10-01 00:09 | Report Abuse

Write a comment..7 Best LESSONS From Elon Musk, Warren Buffett & O…:


2019-09-30 23:16 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo...KungFuPenta...will go bankrupt...Sell to Me...I bankruptcy never mind...hehehe...!!!


2019-09-30 22:17 | Report Abuse

EQ is better than IQ~Rule No. 1...!!!
Coffee Break: In this week’s corporate drama series... |


2019-09-30 21:53 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...hehehe...hohoho...Use your EQ...LOL...I am KungFuPenta...EQ better than IQ...!!!


2019-09-30 21:21 | Report Abuse

No...lah...Mr. are wrong...The Excellent One n Only...Penta will go bankrupt...better...'Lari Kuat Kuat'...lot of people here will go bankrupt also...because so many follow me and...'Sailang'...!!!...I am Sinful...!!!


2019-09-30 21:11 | Report Abuse

Hehehe...Below average n becoming worst...Good cash flow but for how long if no turnaround...Wait for another 2 quarters red...@4.00 n below probably can consider...But let see how its Margins...Products don't seem to have competitive advantage at present...!!!


2019-09-30 20:46 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...Talking to himself again his real n false self...Like so many already said here please go n see a doctor n take your medicine...Don't blame others for your shortcomings. I win money or lose or you lose or win don't bother me at all...For me I don't look at this type of people. No integrity at all...I would rather walk alone then talking with unreasonable people. Dirty all my cloths, body n mind. Talking to wall also have sounds...talking to rocks probably it nods...hehehe...!!!


2019-09-30 17:54 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...'laugh die me'...Singlish...the excellent...Goose...KESM...cut lost today...Rm 200K only...I thought it was Rm 2million. No big deal...KYY uncle 55 Million lost still going strong...Never see a hole up 40 storey and Jump...Just a jumping Charlie...!!!


2019-09-30 17:32 | Report Abuse

Hahaha...After one year...probability is...@8.88...100% capital return...Can sleep n take passive income for 5 years...if your target is 20%/year...As good as Uncle Buffett...But he handled billions...!!!