
harvest6138 | Joined since 2019-06-04

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2023-07-20 17:17 | Report Abuse


Finally , they submitted the application to Bursa for the upliftment of PN17 , subject to the approval from Bursa now ..


2023-07-19 13:55 | Report Abuse

AAX is still carry 1.2B of debt , compared with a year ago , it was 6.7B , so , they are in better position now , the key things is if they can maintain the profit more than 200miliions per quarter , that will help them to prove that they have solid business and plans to make profit .


2023-07-18 14:51 | Report Abuse

In previous QR , they use 455K of fuel with average cost of USD116/barrel , and the Brent crude cost in April till June is range from 70++ to 80++ , that means . they shall have big saving from the downtrend of oil price as well , lets see the next month result ..


2023-07-18 14:34 | Report Abuse

China economic is slowing down for sure , so they may look for cheaper airline when they want to have oversea trip , AAX could be a good choice for them if they want to come to Malaysia , hence, AAX could be in a niche market position now and benefit from current trend ...


2023-07-14 08:37 | Report Abuse


Oil market is very volatile , this week is 3 months high , then next week could be 3 months low , any single news can spark the market within minute , very scary .. however , it seems like the supply of oil is getting lesser and trigger this uptrend , this shall help to boost the share prices of Uzma , although their business is not directly link to the oil price ..


2023-07-13 15:09 | Report Abuse

overvalue or undervalued ?? The PE is only 8.36 now and if they can sustain the current EPS trend (which should be no issue as the business is picking up ) , the PE will be even lower ... the TP should be more than RM 1 if we use PE 10X as reference .


2023-07-13 08:42 | Report Abuse

today might break 0.7, Brent crude oil break 80 yesterday , oil market is gaining momentum for uptrend ..


2023-07-12 16:35 | Report Abuse

So who is the CEO now ??


2023-07-07 17:54 | Report Abuse

PP completed , new shares listed today , no info on buyer . does that means no single big investor involve in this PP ??


2023-07-07 12:05 | Report Abuse

If Uzma can maintain the EPS mare than 2.5 (which should be no issue as most the contracts start executing in this q) , then the TP should be more than RM1 based on 10X PE .. right now , Kenaga put RM0.9 and Public Invest is RM1.10


2023-07-06 15:05 | Report Abuse

PP done , who bought the 10% of shares ??


2023-07-04 09:28 | Report Abuse

MHB is subsidiary of Petronas , hence, this collaboration could help to strengthen their relationship with Petronas as well , a good progress for company , however I still hope they can win more contracts from overseas market which can give them better margin than local business ...


2023-06-23 08:48 | Report Abuse

Based on report from Public Investment , the jobs secured on hand is RM 2.9B , since most of the contact is valid between 2 to 3 years , that means the revenue of the group for next 3 years should be average around RM1B per year versus today around 400 to 500 mils in past few years , that is about 100% increment , the good things is , I don't think that include the LSS4 tariff cost ,which shall be benefited the group start from mid of 2024 (or early , depends on progress of project) ... Hope to hear more good news from company soon ..


2023-06-21 17:42 | Report Abuse

with these new added jobs , the on hand book order should be close to RM3B now , this 50% more compare to end of 2022 , that means they managed to win Rm1B jobs in six month time .. not sure if this break their record in history ..


2023-06-21 17:36 | Report Abuse


"the value of the Contract is estimated at Ringgit Malaysia Four Hundred Fifty Million (RM450,000,000.00) Only for both Package A and Package B over the estimated Contract Period"

Another two contracts won from Petronas , good job .. like to hear more such good news later


2023-06-21 11:04 | Report Abuse

If end April they had completed 25% of works , means , high chance the whole project can be completed by end of the year since they do not have financing issue now , so, they can start collecting the tariff by end of the year .. hope management can provide clear progress of this project soon ..


2023-06-21 11:00 | Report Abuse

his project is under the government’s Large Scale Solar 4 programme (LSS4@Mentari) and the funds will primarily be utilised to finance the development and construction of a 50MWac (megawatt alternating current) LSSPV plant.

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“Situated in Bukit Selambau, Kedah, this facility will harness solar energy to generate clean electricity, contributing significantly to Malaysia’s renewable energy goals,” it said.

The group said, as of end-April 2023, Uzma’s Kuala Muda LSS4 project was 25% complete.


2023-06-20 17:34 | Report Abuse

Uzma secured the bank loan to proceed the solar farm project ... wish the project can be completed on time and start generating profit to company ...


2023-06-01 10:49 | Report Abuse

oil price start to rebound after US passed the first debt ceiling vote ...


2023-05-30 17:37 | Report Abuse

Seems like management is controlling cost very well this round , hence, the EPS still maintain above 2.6 even during the monsoon period (means less jobs and revenue to O&G companies) .. Hope more investors can notice this ..


2023-05-30 13:54 | Report Abuse

Depends on QR , Q3 is the weakest QR based on history , if they can deliver good or satisfactory QR in Q3 then for sure they do even better in next few QR for at least 2 to 3 years based on the contracts just been awarded in 2022 and 2023 ...


2023-05-24 17:24 | Report Abuse


Secured another new contract for next 3 years , but did not mention about value .. anyway , should be another good news for company ...


2023-05-23 11:31 | Report Abuse

Uzma also involve in Aerospace business ??


2023-05-23 11:29 | Report Abuse

Extracted from Uzma Linkedln

We are thrilled to announce that our Group CEO, Dato’ Kamarul Redzuan B. Muhamed, has been appointed as the Pro Tem President of the Malaysian Space Industry Corporation (MASIC).

As an industry-led platform, MASIC aims to create a thriving space industry ecosystem that promotes Malaysian space capabilities as well as attracts investment, talent, and partnerships from around the world. This initiative will inspire future generations of Malaysians to pursue careers and opportunities in the space industry, contributing to the nation’s socio-economic progress.

We are confident that under Dato’ Kamarul’s stewardship, the space sector will propel to new heights.


2023-05-16 08:56 | Report Abuse


Uzma have both O&G and Solar , should be benefited from current scenario . Anyway , the next QR is clear indicator if Uzma can survive well even during the recession...


2023-05-05 15:49 | Report Abuse


Sarawak SK334 , is another area that may have oil reserve can be explored , if they decide to drill oil , Uzma and Penergy (currently they are working on SK433 ) may have chance to participate as well ..


2023-05-03 14:13 | Report Abuse

The O&G company all have similar problems , high debt and highly rely on Petronas and end up giving up some margins to maintain the business , however , recently almost all of them mentioned that the rate been adjusted ,hence, should see higher margins in next QR .. the best scenario is to explore more opportunities from oversea market since that will bring higher margins and improve the profit..


2023-05-02 14:31 | Report Abuse

O&G revival will be stronger and last longer, says Uzma (from TheEdge )


2023-04-26 08:36 | Report Abuse

sorry , the book order is RM2.5B not 25B , so they won another 500millions worth of contract in 4 months ...


2023-04-25 09:10 | Report Abuse

9Shares put Uzma into watch list as they managed to win 800millions worth of contacts in recent months and teh order book is now at 25B , which is 5B more compare with end of last year .. good sign and this shall keep them busy and profitable in next few years..


2023-04-19 16:15 | Report Abuse

This is the second conversion already .. really can not understand what is the logic behind here .. Anyway wish to hear positive news from this counter ..


2023-04-11 11:39 | Report Abuse

Uzma shall be benefited from the rising brownfield activities as well , hope to hear more good news from company soon ..


2023-04-06 10:53 | Report Abuse

above was extracted from Uzma Linkedln , in this competitive world , only those who has unique capabilities can survive .. hope Uzma bring more good news soon ..


2023-04-06 10:51 | Report Abuse

In April 2023, Uzma’s Light Weight Hydraulic Workover Unit (“HWU”) “Devin-252” successfully completed a plug and abandonment (“P&A”) campaign on a small jacket platform at offshore Sarawak. The platform will be re-used for a new field development in Sabah waters by another operator. Once again, Uzma is breaking a new record by operating a Light Weight HWU on one of the smallest platforms in Malaysia.

Devin-252 was integrated with Uzma’s own cementing expertise, Setegap Ventures Petroleum (“SVP”). This campaign has proven our Light Weight HWU’s capability in operating on a platform with limited deck space along with challenging dynamic lifting conditions and severe weather limitations.

We would like to congratulate and thank everyone who was involved in the execution of this campaign, especially our diligent and dedicated base and offshore crew! Another job well done.


2023-03-31 17:56 | Report Abuse

Another new contract on hand , good job ,Uzma ...


2023-03-31 11:12 | Report Abuse


Uzma TP : 0.9 .... if they can maintain the EPS more than 2.5sen for each Q , then the actual value should be more than 0.9 ..


2023-03-22 17:39 | Report Abuse

Uzma won another new contract .. good job ... need more contracts to boost the share price ...


2023-03-22 08:58 | Report Abuse

yap.. I also hope they can find a high tech partner to bring them out of the wood ...


2023-03-21 12:24 | Report Abuse

Wow, is that true ?? someone just converted 10mil warrant into ordinary share ?? the current share price is 0.055 and conversion cost is 0.4 , can not understand the logic ....


2023-03-14 10:12 | Report Abuse


Petronas shall confirm releasing more contract in 2023 , Uzma shall benefit from it as well ..


2023-03-07 11:46 | Report Abuse

Brent crude already up to USD 86 ..


2023-03-03 08:59 | Report Abuse

Uzma just released their new Logo , looks better than current one , can find info from their Linkedln ..

The company is progressing well , hope management can maintain this , and bring company to another new height ...