
hng33 | Joined since 2013-01-11

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2020-02-05 20:55 | Report Abuse

Mudajaya have fully written off in previous quarter result of all its investment worth more than RM 400m in RKM power plant. Now with recommencement power plant, any profit and cash flow generated will be net surplus to mudajaya.

Aside coal power plant in india, mudajaya also own 2 solar Ipp in malaysia with capacity 10 MW and 49 MW, both with 21 year concenssion.


2020-02-05 20:48 | Report Abuse

I have check annual report that hohup book value for Pavillion mall land is RM 80m. Hohup divest for RM 266m, will give rise to gain RM 186m. Even take into account additional cost to compensate zen court for RM 63m, hohup still nett off with gain RM 123m, about 30sen/share gain to recognized in coming Q4 result.


2020-02-05 16:55 | Report Abuse

Accumulate more Mudajaya at 49sen


2020-02-05 16:41 | Report Abuse

bought back mudajaya at 49.5sen


2020-02-05 16:37 | Report Abuse

bought FPI at 1.58


2020-02-05 16:16 | Report Abuse

sold back at 50-50.5sen


2020-02-05 15:51 | Report Abuse

bought back hohup at 47-47.5sen


2020-02-05 12:07 | Report Abuse

bought Mudajaya at 49-50sen


2020-02-05 11:13 | Report Abuse

Portfolio cut position in jaks, sold at 1.33, await to buyback again on weakness


2020-02-04 14:44 | Report Abuse

It is NO LOGIC and non rationale at all for Jaks to call any fund raising in view of most of jaks commitment have already fully meet (star pacific, evolve mall) and at tail end of completion (power plant).

Next month, unit 1 already start operation, jaks long waited power plant will begin generate positive cash flow.


2020-02-04 14:21 | Report Abuse

Dear DK66

What are rationale for Jaks management to have previous 3 private placement + warrant ? If read through all rationale, most of the fund raise are to meet star Pacific project completion + evolve mall + fund to cover additional cost in power plant + new investment in solar power.

Now, justified again jaks current situation
1. Power plant for unit 1 already FULLY completed
2. Power plant unit 2 is 95% completed.
3. Jaks 51% Star Pacific project also FULLY completed (pending CCC for residence bloc)
4. Jaks 51% Start Pacific office bloc, mall and car park already issue CCC and tenant in move in condition.
5. Jaks 51% Evolve mall already operational breakeven with improved occupancy rate 85%
6. There is option to increase further 10% stake in power plant ownership from current 30% to 40%, BUT, jaks have given 3 year time frame to exercise these option after power start operation. The profit derive from 30% stake already give rise to TAX FREE cash flow RM 250m pa, more than sufficient to cover any fund needed.

Do you think Jaks still need to raise fund again from shareholder?


2020-02-04 14:08 | Report Abuse

Alike any other utilities stock, YTLP, malakroff, Tenaga etc, debt is very common practice in balance sheet. jaks current debt to cash ratio will improved markedly once cash flow from power profit start contributing as soon next month


2020-02-04 14:01 | Report Abuse

After wuhan virus panic ease off, there is another fear factor created: right issue or private placement again.

Please take note factual here

1. Power plant for unit 1 already FULLY completed
2. Power plant unit 2 is 95% completed.
3. Jaks 51% Star Pacific project also FULLY completed (pending CCC for residence bloc)
4. Jaks 51% Start Pacific office bloc, mall and car park already issue CCC and tenant in move in condition.
5. Jaks 51% Evolve mall already operational breakeven with improved occupancy rate 85%
6. There is option to increase further 10% stake in power plant ownership from current 30% to 40%, BUT, jaks have given 3 year time frame to exercise these option after power start operation. The profit derive from 30% stake already give rise to TAX FREE cash flow RM 250m pa, more than sufficient to cover any fund needed.

In summary, based on current jaks 30% stake with RM 250m profit yearly from Mar 2020 onward is FAR MORE than enough to cover any future fund raising


2020-02-04 09:29 | Report Abuse

Hope to breakout RM 1.50 level, resume establishing uptrend line toward end Feb, before start selling electricity profit begin next month Mar 2020. Stay full invested


2020-02-03 16:59 | Report Abuse

As long as there is available treatment for wuhan infected patients, all panic will DISAPPEAR and market worldwide will rebound STRONGLY.

Jaks will continue recover back and to share price to marked up significantly alike MFCB ahead of OFFICIAL generate electricity NEXT MONTH Mar 2020.

Stay full invested in Jaks which is my largest stake in portfolio, awaiting for power profit to recognized in jaks EPS and due re-rating valuation on jaks very soon.


2020-02-03 16:45 | Report Abuse

Why suddenly wuhan fear no more ?

Because the more we understand the the factural on mortality rate on wuhan virus < 2%, the clearer picture market can absorb.

In additional, China health authorities have come up 3 new drug treatment that can inhibit wuhan virus, but more clinical trial still needed to prove successful rate


2020-02-03 16:39 | Report Abuse

Rebound with Huge volume, very good sign on sustain recovery


2020-02-03 16:32 | Report Abuse

Next month, Jaks power profit will kick in......... Game Changer have arrive for jaks, stay full invested


2020-02-03 16:31 | Report Abuse

JAKS, well done !!! continue recoverring


2020-02-03 10:32 | Report Abuse

Bad sentiment like panic, stress will affect immune system ability to fight off antigens. Please stay healthy with high rich vitamin, adopt open minded and optimistic. Wish all uninfected and infected wuhan virus In china and flu virus in US improve self immune system to fight back virus.

Please to adopt similar mindset when invest in stock market too to avoid unnecessary element such as rumor, hearsay, hatred forum-er, such viscous cycle contribute nil to i3


2020-02-03 10:04 | Report Abuse

Many western media like to overstate the dangerous of wuhan virus and create marked panic worldwide. But the factual is, US flue virus kill more than 10,000 people have died and 180,000 people have been hospitalized during the 2019-2020 flu season. There is NO media coverage to create ban to entry US and is only getting more detail recently to compared with wuhan virus.

The Bad publicity create by western media against China is well know fact, and these opportunist is capitalize again by wealthy investor and capitalist to massive buy on weakness and marked up their wealth later when information is getting clearer later.


2020-02-03 09:54 | Report Abuse

No doubt, wuhan virus is spreading, but just alike flu, it infected people. BUT, the MOST important concern is mortality rate very low, < 2%. Many healthy infected people will develop own immune system to fight back virus. However, it complicated if people already have exiting underlying disease which compromise own immune system.

Just alike many virus infection like dengue, there is NO effective antiviral treatment yet even dengue kill thousand of people yearly. Most medical treatment focus on mediation on the impact on virus to improve patient own immune system to develop over time and to self-cure.


2020-02-03 09:45 | Report Abuse

Apparently, market panic have easing and many rushing to buy back again.


2020-02-03 09:36 | Report Abuse

Steady Power profit for next 25 year concession is KEY game changer for jaks, much alike previous YTLP when awarded first IPP lucrative concession 20 year ago.

It mean, Jaks will record massive improvement in EPS and these EPS is sustainable for next 25 year.


2020-02-03 09:18 | Report Abuse

Many panic selloff, but the power profit will start recognized as sson as next month.

The power concession is BEST business model in time of uncertainty. Stay full invested in jaks which is my biggest stake holding.


2020-01-31 16:21 | Report Abuse

Added last batch jaks at 1.25


2020-01-31 15:22 | Report Abuse

There is NO any other business model better than power concession in time of bearish market.

With Wuhan virus, many more manufacturer will even urgently shifted their plant to Vietnam and electricity demand in Vietnam will in great need now. The loading of electricity capacity will be at high range to sell as much electricity as possible to meet increasing demand.

With time to commecial operation of unit 1 by Mar 2020 is OFFICIALLY endorse by Group General Manager now, Jaks can as soon as in Q1 2020 to recognized maiden power profit from unit 1.


2020-01-31 15:02 | Report Abuse

Time to commecial operation of unit 1 by Mar 2020 is OFFICIALLY endorse by Group General Manager now


2020-01-31 14:35 | Report Abuse



2020-01-31 14:34 | Report Abuse

add more at 1.28


2020-01-31 14:32 | Report Abuse

Thanks for another update, now the unit 1 confirm operation by mar 2020


2020-01-31 14:30 | Report Abuse

bought back Jaks at 1.27


2020-01-31 12:00 | Report Abuse

Add vstec at 1.16-1.17


2020-01-31 11:13 | Report Abuse

Agreed, paramount special dividend + final dividend remain very attractive in current bearish market. Accumulating back before special dividend declare


2020-01-31 10:05 | Report Abuse


Hai Duong is 越南海阳 not 越南沿海.....Oh my mistake, i thought the link is refer to Hai Duong.


2020-01-31 09:43 | Report Abuse


It seem the commecial operation will not commence so soon on Mar, but should be on second half of 2020.


2020-01-30 11:24 | Report Abuse

Stay sideline first, enough profit today, see how next week before re-enter back again.


2020-01-30 11:02 | Report Abuse

Rebound trend reverse, awaiting to buyback on weakness


2020-01-30 10:07 | Report Abuse

sold back some paramount at 1.42-1.43


2020-01-30 09:42 | Report Abuse

sold back again at 12.14-12.16


2020-01-30 09:29 | Report Abuse

bought back at 11.80


2020-01-30 09:20 | Report Abuse

awaiting to buyback on weakness


2020-01-30 09:15 | Report Abuse

sold back all BAT at 12-12.02


2020-01-29 20:16 | Report Abuse

Malton is expect to record disposal gain from Bukit Jalin Pavilion about RM 20m or 4sen in upcoming Q result. Malton also is now able to recognized ADDITIONAL construction profit from Bukit Jalin pavilion which previously 100% own, but now reclassified as JV company.


2020-01-29 20:02 | Report Abuse

Alike Jaks, YTLP will getting another NEW source of Power profit from Jordan shale oil fire power.

The profitability of power plant is determine by internal rate return on total cost of investment.

Even Jaks power plant is 1200MW vs YTLP Jordan power plant 470MW. The cost to build jaks is USD 1.87 billion vs cost to build YTLP USD 2.1 billion.

The internal rate return 12% for jaks is based on total cost of investment USD 1.87 billion. The internal rate 15% + 5% shale oil mining is based total cost of investment USD 2.1 billion.

The profitability is NOT based on power plant capacity 1200 MW vs 470MW, as all these power plant have 25 year concession and 30 year concession receptively.

No doubt, YTLP share volume is much higher than jaks, but YTLP jordan new source of power profit will still able to increase YTLP current EPS by at least another 50% from EPS= 6sen to EPS= 9sen.

Based on YTLP 70-80% dividend payout, YTLP dividend could increase from current 5sen to 7sen, more than 9% dividend yield


2020-01-29 19:56 | Report Abuse

Agreed with DK66. Jaks trading volume is big enough to absorb any selloff. Focus on power profit as time is courting down on first unit to start sell electricity very soon.