
humongainz | Joined since 2020-09-02

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Oracle of Pekan





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2020-09-13 20:04 | Report Abuse

personally, I dun think this is a good stock long term undervalued or not. ask yourself, how often do you read thestars?

Google news don't count. It only counts if you purposely look for content on there.


2020-09-13 19:58 | Report Abuse

Earn big big together ma


2020-09-13 19:41 | Report Abuse

it's funny that people still think it will slide further.

if you wait for the vaccine news you'll miss the train. so just get onboard while you can. I don't doubt that potential buyers still wanna get it at a few cents cheaper haha. Just be careful that it goes up too high too quickly so many buy queues.

the small sharks directors oso buy, you scared for what, lol.


2020-09-13 18:51 | Report Abuse

@DonWorryBeHappy Good perspective, I never thought of it that way before.


2020-09-13 18:08 | Report Abuse

okok I see what chu tryna do ah dreamer. very sneaky hehe. unker give thumbs up for creativity and effort.


2020-09-13 18:05 | Report Abuse


this dreamer actually opened a burner account to pose as me. good lyfe u have there buddeh


2020-09-13 17:40 | Report Abuse

Quite frankly, dreamer might be a genius disguised as a dummy who happen to find the right stock at the right time with a certain strategy.

Dreamer Strategy

1) Buy stock
2) Spam forums with burner account
4) ??????
5) PROFIT!!!

Congrats you found the right one for once in your life since the last miserable 5 years. Enjoy it while it last.


2020-09-13 17:22 | Report Abuse

Ofc not your responsibility. Your responsibility is to be a loudspeaker.


2020-09-13 17:21 | Report Abuse

Always, invest. Don't gamble.


2020-09-13 17:18 | Report Abuse

And you? What are you doing? No one is learning anything from you. Your sole existence is to be a loudspeaker for this stock to change your miserable life.

Besides from sounding like a broken record, what else do you really say. Nothing.


2020-09-13 17:07 | Report Abuse

@DreamCommander wow. I hope you can live with that. Look I am not denying anyone potential profits. I am merely educate the potential long term investors who are still newbies now.

While you. What you are doing. You are trying to move the market in your favour. Without disclosing the actual risks involved.


2020-09-13 17:03 | Report Abuse

@Axe888 What's your financial goals? Current portfolio? Risk Appetite?


2020-09-13 17:00 | Report Abuse

If you read properly, I'm actually recommending people to trade this stock. It's just not as long term as you think.

Stocks is a zero sum game. For any big gainers, there will be people losing big as well. Just know your risk.

For the long run? Do more homework and don't expect this "wonder" stock to make you rich.

For the short run, sailang as most of the sifus here suggest. They are not wrong. But time your exits.


2020-09-13 16:53 | Report Abuse

@Jeff7 I noticed that too. From your history, I suppose you're a smart investor like me! Let's hold and earn big big. Let the weak hands sell.


2020-09-13 16:50 | Report Abuse

Change in Market sentiments is the right word. Good fundamental companies don't get fried to this extent if no one knows about the stock and if there are no headlines to be made. @Heavenexile


2020-09-13 16:46 | Report Abuse

Once the momentum kicks in, you don't need that much volume for the price to come down. Fear will inspire people to sell.


2020-09-13 16:44 | Report Abuse

@Stockisnotfun yup before 12:30 a lot of people sold. Because. Who knows if it's going to sustain rite? It only recuperated towards the end of the day.


2020-09-13 16:32 | Report Abuse

@Axe88 the answer is simple. stock market does not go into a super bull run indefinitely. you need to first understand accumulation, mark up, distribution and mark down. As far as I know we are between the markup and distribution phase. Prices will go up on Monday that is one thing I'm sure of. How soon it will take for mark down to take place? Well, highly dependently on the market consensus. I personally think if you can risk it, hold it until next Friday then sell it off. That should be one of the last batches of FOMOers.

Back to your question, why the price suddenly drop. First thing, volume. Second thing, big sharks want to lock in their profit NOW! That's the distribution for you yeah. Normally, it takes some time of sideways movement in the share price where accumulation happens (low volume), I am amazed at how much our fellow Bursa gamblers lap this shit up again making the accumulation phase cut short. So as I was taking a shit, I sold my shares in other companies and bought TG netting easy profit at the end of the day. As I suspected, the price jumped up even higher as the FOMOers rushed in at the end of the day.

This is one of the few times where there is literally nothing that can stop this stock from going up. Just beware when it becomes a falling knife.


2020-09-13 15:04 | Report Abuse

hah hah. newbies, don't be trapped here.


2020-09-13 14:49 | Report Abuse

don't be jealous dear.


2020-09-13 14:30 | Report Abuse

@DreamCommander I did. That's how I made my 100k. And last week easy 20k. Enough to pay off my car and property downpayment (not that I will do it now)

And now, I am just looking to conservatively improve my returns over undervalued companies. If you think I over-diversify. I can tell you that at any given time, I only have 10 stocks or less. Which is good enough to hedge myself off certain market risks.

I don't know how much you earned and are looking to earn. But being greedy at this time is exactly the wisest thing to do.


2020-09-13 14:24 | Report Abuse

the coming week will be another glove craze (and we all know how it ends). For those who own this stock right now, just freakin hold. Accumulation is near the ending now. It might take maybe a month more before breakouts happen.

IF you want to chase glove gains, sell me your stocks. I'm happy to accumulate.


2020-09-13 14:21 | Report Abuse

@DreamCommander how many % in your portfolio is this stock?


2020-09-13 14:15 | Report Abuse

To last long in the investing world, you need to win more than you lose. If it means diversification, or concentration, do your own due diligence. Putting everything into one stock to chase potential gains is only going to end up messily in the long run.


2020-09-13 14:12 | Report Abuse

gains happen through the staircase, losses happen the window. If you can sleep well with your portfolio, by all means do it. In fact, I am doing it. I am only timing my exit nicely so I don't get burned.


2020-09-13 14:08 | Report Abuse

True enough. Swim with the tide is more efficient. Just be ready to exit at the right time buddy.


2020-09-13 14:07 | Report Abuse

@DreamCommander you just have to look hard enough. Some are undervalued and earned respectable profit despite the pandemic. The key here is all the all-weather stocks. In fact double your returns is more likely there, if you know which ones to look for. The big sharks are already at the accummulation phase for these companies, if you think you have time to follow new trends again by then, please do so.


2020-09-13 13:58 | Report Abuse

lol. whupped..? I guess you did not get what I said. In fact now is one of the best times to accumulate undervalued companies because of the glove craze. maybe not on Monday, but definitely next week. Cheers


2020-09-13 13:55 | Report Abuse

just wan to educate some of the newbies here that this is not a stock for long term which guaranteed gains despite how rosy some of these idiots paint the situation out to be. supermax there ady got one guy lost a sizable chunk from timing the market wrong. So there, think again.


2020-09-13 13:52 | Report Abuse

I'm in fact balls in it.


2020-09-13 13:49 | Report Abuse

hah hah. While I agree to hold on these glove counters for the earlier half coming week due to extremely high market optimism. I advise anyone who does that to do it at his/her own risk.

At the end of the day, these folks who are extremely optimistic about this stock who are said to be "long" here,try to think deeper about their agenda. When the price is right, they will sell straight away and accumulate some more as it goes down again. So if you are not holding this stock now, think again before entering because this is not a stock that you can just buy in the morning and forget it after the afternoon. You'll be glued to your next whole week and chances are, due to timing risk, you're more likely to come out the losers.

In other words, this is a stock for trading, not investing. Just be aware of the risks you're taking.

Also, the glove stock(s), notice the (s) there, do not exactly have a moat. Venture in medical? Lol. You think other companies are not already doing it? And this one has only started to be in talks of doing it. And you all know well how long these "talks" can take. From what I know, other ASEAN countries already ramped up their production extremely quickly. It won't be just one glove stock profiting. So you can expect minimal improvement in the earnings for one particular company.

Unker Lim is very smart. He knows that the people who hold these counters well enough. The share buybacks were done sneakily when the market was generally on a downtrend last week (an effect of the nasdaq index dropping inspiring low confidence in the stock market). He knew exactly that people will lap it up. And if you were one of the first to do so early in Friday morning, cheers. I like my quick 20k profit too. However, don't be convinced by some of these idiots here that the stock will double, triple, or anything. A 5 percent increase is more likely. After that, it's up to you to decide whether to hold past Monday. If you do, you might get rewarded handsomely and get double digit % returns again due to masses of FOMOers. By then, congratz, you played the game well. Now, collect the profit and gtfo. However, what's more likely is people will start to realize what I pointed out above and doing a mass sell-off. However your capital was locked up and held. So what to do? Sell and cut loss and buy lower later and hope for it to rebound again? Well yes. It's highly likely to happen from my experience. However, ask yourself can you commit the time the next whole week to gamble in Bursa and attempt to come out on top.

What I suggest is sell on Monday, lock in the profit. Buy other undervalued companies while most of the market's capital is flowing into gloves. Because. This is what is more likely to give you quick bucks while watching Bursa burn and not be exposed to any timing risk. Cheers and earn big big. Unker next year give huge angpaos.


2020-09-13 02:36 | Report Abuse

monday will rally dun worry. will be a short term one albeit


2020-09-12 17:38 | Report Abuse

good thing is if u're investing in the long run. you'll make up your losses. but don't repeat the same stupid mistake. not saying that selling to cut loss is bad. buying that high is bad in the first place. the market is just optimistic without a real cause other than foreign influence. invest in mid cap companies with good growth instead.


2020-09-12 17:36 | Report Abuse

if the market is optimistic, u can get easy money but dun be too greedy.


2020-09-12 17:34 | Report Abuse

obviously those who lose won't say anything. some might even be at ground floor now. the key here with these stocks to lock in profit gradually. u wait so long for what. sell and lock in the profit la. why u wan so much exposure when the nasdaq was going to shit few days prior. nvr bet against the market


2020-09-12 17:30 | Report Abuse

hmm.. judging from the optimism here. I might actually trade this stock for a week or two again before funding Chinese ETFs. Cheers and thanks for the gainz.


2020-09-12 17:20 | Report Abuse

whoever is lucky to read that. welcome. another 200% gain to my portfolio. thank you bursa. and dum dums


2020-09-12 17:18 | Report Abuse

okok unker generous. kopi time oso up. monday buy ranhill mmc. big projects and huge collaboration announcing soon. which one worth more u decide.


2020-09-12 17:16 | Report Abuse

Good question, I think u know the answer.


2020-09-12 17:13 | Report Abuse

Monday go down, Tuesday rally. but u need to choose the right companies, ok?


2020-09-12 17:12 | Report Abuse

ok unker give tips


2020-09-12 17:10 | Report Abuse

hopeless company, invest in furniture better. many offices buying furnitures now. next quarter will be huge.


2020-09-12 17:07 | Report Abuse

@supersinginvestor thats y u listen to unker. unker insider, but dun wan make u rich. what can u do


2020-09-12 17:04 | Report Abuse

lol. appasia. this shitty ass company actually listed lol. just sell lol. whatever loss just take it coz it'll sink lol. wait until later privacy infringement lawsuits come u cannot sell thenu know. lol.


2020-09-12 16:59 | Report Abuse

whatever sounds right is not always right y'now. look for smaller companies with actual positioning advantage if u really value invest. otherwise you're just locking up huge cashflow, leaving much more money on the table.