Balian de Ibelin

i3lurker | Joined since 2017-09-15

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What man is a man who does not make the world better? ORLANDO BLOOM - Balian de Ibelin





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2022-10-26 18:55 | Report Abuse

looking at Google failure and cutting costs and staff
the American consumer is running out of money sooner than expected.

BFF Jamie was wrong, => early 2023 US stocks harakiri


2022-10-25 21:13 | Report Abuse

5,000,000,000 X say 5% = RM250 Million per year

aka RM21 Million per month on an ancient creaking refinery abandoned by Shell


2022-10-25 21:03 | Report Abuse


thats like you telling me you have a Sdn Bhd worth RM1 Trillion
you are selling 100 shares in the RM1 Trilllion ASSet Sdn Bhd and will charge me RM0.01 per share

so do you think I will pay 1 sen to Bob and I keep this Trillion NTA ASSets Sdn Bhd for next 1,000 years ?
and for next 1,000 years my descendants never ever get a single sen of dividend from this RM Trillion company?

=> 1 sen wasted on RM Trillion NTA company.

so do you think I will be so silly to pay 1 sen to Bob?
I wun even bother to waste my saliva by spitting on Bob

This is the basis of many Macau Scams


2022-10-25 19:25 | Report Abuse

your BFF Jamie says "The American consumer will run out of money in mid 2023"
when that happens
Apple drops
Oil drops
Tesla drops
balls drops

Expert Investment Head says DJ S&P500 will go up until earnings drop early 2023
when that happens
Apple drops
Oil drops
Tesla drops
balls drops


2022-10-25 18:35 | Report Abuse

Crude is dropping just as fast as Tesla, now at 83.33, this price action synchronizes with forecast 2023 prices.

of course there is totally no reason why diesel crack should not be 83.33 when crude is 83.33


2022-10-25 18:26 | Report Abuse

Gas prices in Europe are down by more than 70%

Hang Seng is down by more than 50%


2022-10-25 17:20 | Report Abuse

whatever magic that the Small Dicks wanna do ... ... they are running out of time


2022-10-25 17:18 | Report Abuse

oil is forecast to drop fantastically in 2023 to low 80s

for WTI oil forecast for 2023 is fantastically low at low 70s

main reason is the HUGE number of oil fields and shale forecast to come online in 2023.

well its a Boom Bust Business, you already know that ...

after the lovin ... ... is the cryin


2022-10-25 17:00 | Report Abuse

HRC at 4.00 ... Small Dicks already 40% profits

laughing all the way to bank and you asked what happened ?
means you bought at 4 plus when Small Dicks selling?

News & Blogs

2022-10-25 15:14 | Report Abuse

Wagner Group already recruiting mercenaries for Russia

will be another 20 years ie 2042 before Ukraine needs mercenaries.
Ukraine is now turning away and even deporting volunteers demanding to take part in the War.


2022-10-25 15:06 | Report Abuse

Tut Tut Taxi Driver drove away after making huge kosses in Inari shares.


2022-10-25 15:04 | Report Abuse

Apple Vice President for Purchasing iphone parts sacked, dunno what effect on the contract renewal due 2023.

=> maybe thats why insiders dumping????

no one knows ...why ....


2022-10-25 12:35 | Report Abuse

at the rate Tesla is dropping, the share price will be negative soon.

Meaning they will pay you to buy the Tesla shares.
meaning If you agree to put your name as a Tesla shareholder, company will give you a free Model 3.


2022-10-25 12:18 | Report Abuse

EV companies are already at over-capacity.
Due to recession in more than 50% of global countries, the demand is for ICE.

banklaping is banklaping and its very normal
EV shareholders better bring parang and live chicken to cemetery at midnite on a full moon for head choppings.


2022-10-25 01:10 | Report Abuse

Turbine Rankings
.. Iran (unrated)

China Turbine parts in made in China aircraft engines only last 50% of US flight hours.
Those ceramics in China turbine parts cannot last that long compared to US Gen 6 planes

Not really a problem, just swap out entire aircraft engine at 50% intervals compared with US engines


2022-10-25 01:03 | Report Abuse

some intelligence officers speculate ...

drones + turbines <=> nuclear parts

nuclear parts are very expensive.

Russian turbine tech is way more advanced than Iran. Its just a payment package...

News & Blogs

2022-10-24 19:00 | Report Abuse

Tip :-
Ukraine had been shooting down Iran underspec Drones by around 20 a day and hundreds had been shot down.
Thats because they fly low so is very easy to spot and shoot down

Ukraine has an estimated 6,000 drones operating daily

Ukraine had seized control of several Russian Artillery Targeting System abandoned by Russian crews who just ran away.

more than 2,200 Russian artillery pieces and thousands of support units had been destroyed

Drones spot targets and Artillery takes over ...

Weak low flying Iran Drone with destroyed Artillery and supporting units and or abandoned Artillery Targeting System.
How to win ????

News & Blogs

2022-10-24 18:01 | Report Abuse

no worries
cruise missiles, nLAWs etc etc have an expiry date of around 4 years
so now all expired products send to Ukraine war theatre and consumed

=> and US today have the freshest missiles just off production line [expired electronic products are less accurate]

Posted by Income > 54 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Without war, Us gov can’t sell weapons to his Euro allies or Arab allies or Jap, Kor or Taiw allies.
War industry in Us needs constant war in any parts of the world. Please ponder this


2022-10-24 16:30 | Report Abuse

huge user of oil is always construction

construction die => oil die

experts say more property companies in China will default.
the latest round of several China small property defaults dropped Hang Seng like a hot potato these few days.

it aint over yet...


2022-10-24 15:24 | Report Abuse

Hang Seng already dropped more than 50%
another 20% more to go?


2022-10-24 08:44 | Report Abuse

China love humans, kill money ok coz got Trillions and Trillions

Malaysians love money, kill humans ok


2022-10-24 08:39 | Report Abuse

China has Trillions and Trillions and Trillions of foreign currencies, oil, coal etc etc and has cornered the markets in most essential minerals.

What China wants more than money or economic growth is humans.
China is not bothered about "your" economic growth.
That's problem belong you.

To Western Countries humans have no value and killing them off with covid is perfectly acceptable.

News & Blogs

2022-10-24 06:32 | Report Abuse

Putin's objective is to bomb this ancient temple to bits and pieces.

A massive prehistoric settlement has been uncovered in the Ukraine consisting of a large temple, human-like figurines, and animal remains, which dates back to around 4,000 BCE. According to Live Science , the town once covered an enormous 238 hectares (588 acres) and would have contained more than 1,200 buildings and nearly 50 streets.

News & Blogs

2022-10-23 22:42 | Report Abuse

not 2 weeks

recruits only got few days training before shipping out to die.

few days later many in several pieces of body and bits of flesh were shipped back in sealed coffins.

What do you expect?
Out of 150,000 invaders only 75,000 survived and Ukraine is a very very huge country.
In most parts, only several hundreds or at best few thousand Russian soldiers were fighting tens of thousands of Ukraine armed forces.

Thats why Russia's only viable strategy now and the future is Remote Killings of civilians, old men, women and children to reduce population by around 20 million Ukrainians killed.
Russia needs to kill off half (20 million) of Ukraine population remotely.

Which Putin implemented immediately with continous cruise missile bombardments.
Expected to continue bombardments non-stop ... ...

News & Blogs

2022-10-23 19:29 | Report Abuse

US intelligence had been using Facebook postings of crying parents/spouses to count those 75,000 killed.
as such, this figure is very accurate.

News & Blogs

2022-10-23 19:22 | Report Abuse

The US believes that the Ukraine Army has a 50% kill rate against Russian soldiers.
of those 150,000 sent by Putin to Ukraine, 75,000 are believed killed
AT least 75,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or injured in the Ukraine war disaster, the US has claimed.

In addition to losses among personnel, the Russian army has also lost approximately 2,077 tanks, 4,484 combat armored machines, 1,179 artillery systems, and 3,305 vehicles and fuel tanks in the war

In a devastating blow for Vladimir Putin, it's believed half the number of troops committed to the war by Russia are now casualties.


2022-10-23 17:07 | Report Abuse

When a Princess Sells, you better sell ......

News & Blogs

2022-10-23 16:52 | Report Abuse

Lt. Anatoliy Kharchenko received word that the Russian Il-76 transport planes had been forced to turn back as the airfield had been compromised, there were rumours that one or two of the heavy transports had even been shot down. Kharchenko was ordered to move at all speed to the highway just north of the airfield to intercept an incoming Russian VDV armoured force that had broken through the Ukrainian defences and was racing towards the airfield.

The capable officer, who was himself wounded, ordered a small force of his men including the wounded to hold their position near the runway just in case the enemy tried to land, while he took the rest across country on foot directly to the T1011 motorway that ran alongside the Airport, 2 miles away, this road linked the North of Ukraine with Kyiv.

Somehow Kharchenko managed to reach the highway while carrying his massive balls with a bullet in his leg, he then ordered his men to take up ambush positions on either side of the main road and waited, like a sly wolf in the night.

Before long his small detachment could hear the rumble of heavy armour approaching from the north, the trap was set and the Russian reinforcements were carelessly barreling towards the captured Airport with wild abandon, in a rush to reinforce their Airborne assault forces.

The men under Lt. Kharchenko waited until the armoured column was almost on top of their position, before unleashing a furious storm, machine guns opened fire, a paratrooper wielding an NLAW Anti-tank weapon took out the first tank leading the enemy column. Within no time the road was blocked by burning armoured vehicles and what remained of the Russian VDV armoured column that wasn’t a smouldering wreck, retreated with their tails between their legs.

With all hope of reinforcements arriving in time lost, what remaining holdouts of the first wave of Russian Airborne Forces defending the Airport wisely decided to withdraw under the cover of night, they're reported to have fled into the nearby wooded area, from where they later linked up with the Russian invasion force.

The Russian military had planned to seize this large Airport on the outskirts of the capital in a grand Airborne offensive that would stun the world and overwhelm the Ukrainian military in a matter of hours, had they succeeded to hold the position until the troop transport planes had arrived and linked up with the armoured column, the plan could very well have worked and Kyiv could have been overwhelmed in a matter of days.

Instead, the stiff resistance put up by the Ukrainian military at Antonov Airport and the surrounding suburbs of Kyiv — namely Hostomel and Bucha, changed the course of the war and stalled the entire Russian Northern push for Kyiv.

The next few weeks would see the Russian military machine get bogged down in the area around Hostomel and Bucha, fighting costly battles over the ruined Antonov Airfield — battles that see-sawed backwards and forwards with little to no ground taken and all the while the Ukrainian military mercilessly rained artillery on Russian troop positions, without ever seeming to run out of shells and relentlessly ambushed Russian supply lines.

These battles for the suburbs of Kyiv, cost the Russians dearly, the 331st Guards Parachute Regiment, regarded before the invasion as the finest corps of soldiers in the entire Russian military — were wiped out in the area around Hostomel, the Russian Airborne Forces were squandered to a meatgrinder.

The Battle of Antonov Airport was the fiercest battle of the war so far — it appears to have decided the short term course of the conflict and potentially the very fate of Ukraine.

Russia isn't actually losing just yet, but the above battle is the reason Russia hasn't won yet either.

News & Blogs

2022-10-23 16:51 | Report Abuse

The devilishly handsome rouge led a unit of 48 crack Ukrainian paratroopers in a counterattack on the Russian Airborne Forces, his mission was simple — stop the Russian military from landing the eighteen heavy troop transport planes that were already inbound from neighbouring Belarus.

Lt. Kharchenko and his small elite unit were inserted by helicopter in a field on the far side of the airfield, away from where the main battle raged near the main entrance to the airport and the adjacent highway. As dusk approached and tracer rounds lit up the sky, to the constant crack of light-arms fire, his men breached the perimeter wall and within minutes were engaged by a hidden Russian position.

A brutal firefight ensued against a strong Russian squad armed with machine guns that spat withering fire at his men as they breached the perimeter, severely wounding some and hitting Lt. Kharchenko in the leg. However, his small unit wasn't going to pack up and go home after a little scrap, his men were well-trained and they fought back valiantly — managing to secure a strong position near the runway where their anti-aircraft missiles could demolish the inbound Russian transport planes.

Night had arrived and the tempo of the battle raged on, at the other side of the airport near the main hangers and administration buildings the combat was chaotically intense — infrastructure blazed, aircraft hulls smouldered and all-around bullets cracked and brave men fell.
Russian Airborne Forces were surrounded by the Ukrainian reinforcements that had arrived with heavy armour and artillery support, which began to take its toll on the Russian VDV Paratroopers, who being light infantry struggled to hold the sprawling Airport under the determined counterattacks from all directions and to add insult to injury, they had lost complete control of the airfield to a small unit of Ukrainian Paratroopers armed with anti-air weapons — the Russian Airborne troops started to lose ground as casualties increased.

News & Blogs

2022-10-23 16:47 | Report Abuse

The Battle of Antonov Airport, 24–25 Feb 2022. by Henrey Bradley
Amateur Historian, AdventurerUpvoted by
Jeffrey M. Welch
, M.A. International Relations, California State University, Stanislaus and
A.M. Wilkinson
, M.A. International Relations, University of Sydney (2005)

In the early hours of the 24th of February, a short balding dictator known for selling cheap gas and retro military weapons declared war on Ukraine.

Within mere minutes of Putin's announcement, Russian forces launched cruise missiles, artillery barrages and airstrikes that mercilessly pounded Ukrainian targets.

What followed, would be one of the fiercest battles to have taken place since the Second World War — a clash between the elite combat units of the two largest armies in Europe.

Before sunrise, precision Russian Cruise Missile strikes rocked a key Airport 6 miles north of Kyiv, this sudden unexpected attack was followed at 8 am local time by the thundering noise of approximately 34 Russian Hind gunships flying fast and low to avoid radar, straight towards the strategically valuable Airfield just outside of the capital, aboard the armoured transport helicopters were Russian Airborne paratroopers and Spetsnaz operators.

The massive air assault quickly overwhelmed the militia troops guarding the Airfield, with each of the transport helicopters capable of carrying between 8 and 24 paratroopers, meaning approximately 300 of the finest Russian combat soldiers had landed in the first wave.

Platoons and squads from the 11th and 31st Guards Air Assault Brigades rapidly disbursed around Antonov Airport, assaulting positions and buildings defended by the militia, before seizing control of the sprawling facility and taking up defensive positions.

It looked to all the world like Putin’s forces had successfully seized a major airport within spitting distance of the Ukrainian Capital. The elite Russian Airborne forces merely had to hold long enough for reinforcements to arrive and the fate of Kyiv would be sealed. A strong Russian armoured column raced towards the Airborne forces holding the airport and in the air 18 heavy transport aircraft roared towards Antonov Airport carrying troops and armour.

Meanwhile, the sky above the battlefield was frantically contested by numerous Russian KA-52 attack helicopters and two Russian SU-25 close air support aircraft, which bulled the Ukrainian forces on the ground, that is, until they suddenly came under sustained pressure from multiple Ukrainian Mig-29 fighter jets which fell amongst them like a fox amongst the hens, causing chaos.

An unconfirmed number of Russian transport helicopters were shot down during the first wave, at least one went down on route with all aboard over the Dnipro River, with another 3 being destroyed by stinger missiles around Antonov Airfield.

As the first wave of Russian Airborne infantry fought for control of the strategically important Antonov Airport on the ground, Russian KA-52 attack helicopters rained missiles and hellfire on the Ukrainian infantry positions spread out across the exposed battlefield. The forward Russian airborne soldiers hunted down what outnumbered airport defenders remained within the compound, before wedging a large Ukrainian military truck across the main gate, effectively blocking the gate and offering excellent defensive firing positions, Russia had committed some of its best troops to this one critical battle, they were highly capable and not messing around.

By midday, the Ukrainian military had organised and dispatched the 4th Rapid Reaction Brigade from its barracks nearby, with supporting units including the — 3rd Special Purpose Regiment and the Georgian Legion (a force of ethnic Georgians and international volunteers).

These Ukrainian forces arrived at Antonov Airport with armoured vehicles and so began a series of fierce protracted engagements against the dug-in fanatically disciplined Russian Airborne Forces.

Initially, it seems the Russian paratroopers put up a stiff defence, helped immensely by the entire airport being ringed by a solid 7-foot high concrete wall topped with razor wire, which provided a strong defensive perimeter for the Russian Airborne forces.

Enter a small force of Ukrainian elite assault troops with a critical mission, that could very well decide the fate of their country.

Lt. Anatoliy Kharchenko, Ukrainian Air Assault forces, paratrooper.

News & Blogs

2022-10-23 12:03 | Report Abuse

Ukraine was a Global Empire with a civilization spanning thousands of years when Moscow was a wasteland.
This will be a long winter and a long war.

News & Blogs

2022-10-22 15:06 | Report Abuse

no worries !!

Putin is kidnapping Ukraine children and shipping them to Russia.

after "minor reprogramming" these Ukraine child soldiers will be send back to Ukraine to kill their parents.

This is supposed to guarantee that the Ukraine War will continue for millions of years !!!


2022-10-22 14:16 | Report Abuse


dun be silly
the entire political party switch camp to Uknow

so MPs still same political party but now all vote together for Uknow => Does not contravene Act of Parliament !!!


2022-10-22 14:13 | Report Abuse

well if mother goes up the sex firm uses gains from disposal to pay Mr Nobody.
thats where Hedging comes in

[Sometimes the sex firm borrows those Mother shares from main shareholders and pays agreed annual interest. This is still considered hedged by risk management. The cost of borrowing is added to European Warrants admin fees. Sex Firm business is wonderful ! rite? ]

few words says all lah. => Nr Nobody pays for everything !!!!

admin fees are generally big

European Warrants are always reverse FD where Mr Nobody pays "everything" to Fat Cat Investor


2022-10-22 13:53 | Report Abuse


it says "calculate sslee cheque amount"

it does not say calculate Mr Nobody punya cheque amount


2022-10-22 13:37 | Report Abuse

lets calculate sslee cheque amount from sex firm

say 1,000,000 European warrants, 10 to 1 @ 4.15

so if 5.15 (unlikely)

1,000,000 X 1/10 => 100,000 mother at 5.15

profits = 100,000 X [5.15-4.15=1.00] => RM100,000.00


2022-10-22 13:30 | Report Abuse

European Warrants always like this ... --- ...
Fat Cat Investor got Guaranteed Interest
Fat Cat Sex Firm got Guaranteed Profits, maybe even more at expiry

=> Mr Nobody hauls live chicken to cemetery at full moon to perform his usual thingy


2022-10-22 13:10 | Report Abuse


sex firm usually throw down Mother shares at expiry, like hot cakes burning fingers, its properly hedged this way.
Risk Management Officers will NOT allow it otherwise.
BNM will classify as risk assets if sex firm has insufficient mother shares to balance out those European warrants.

=> becoz of this, no sex firm will run European Warrants without Mother shares

always remember that General Public pays interest to Fat Cat Investor in the mechanics of European Warrants

its always easier to be the Fat Cat Investor than Mr Nobody


2022-10-22 12:58 | Report Abuse


did LOOngKang Kat buy Company Warrants or European Warrants?

there is no maybe or I think so in this sex firm business
its either yes or no


2022-10-22 12:56 | Report Abuse

European warrants are just Fixed Deposits where general public pay the interest to rich Investor

example Dragon being a conman takes FD money from rich gf but has no money to pay interest but his father left him some Genting shares.

so Dragon can set up a Genting European Warrant to fund his interest payments to gf.
upfront Dragon already can guarantee his interest payments to rich gf from selling IPO

on expiry got money no money only Mr Nobody cares coz Dragon dun care since took interest money to pay gf.

and that Mr Nobody are all those who bought the European warrants from Dragon.

hope this is useful to you.


2022-10-22 12:46 | Report Abuse

many without knowledge always claim sex firm cheat by dumping mother last 2 weeks.

=> I see this ignorant newbie statement all the time here.
actually SC already approved dumping of Mother to return Principal Sum to Investor

Question is actually => Will the dumping of Mother result in drop price below 4.15?

actually sex firm dun care about price, sex firm made Guaranteed Profits, its just to return Principal.


2022-10-22 12:39 | Report Abuse


what does the Deed say?
is it last 2 weeks or last 1 week?

btw sex firm never gamble, gamble is you.
the proceeds from the sale of European warrants plus gain on mother shares will more than cover payments post expiry, if any

usually sex firms do it as part of Guaranteed return scheme on timed investments
That means sex firm will dump HRC last 2 weeks before expiry to return Principal Sum to investor.

European warrants is supposed to be hedging for sex firm to return Principal Sum to investor.
its gambling for market players

Heads => sex firms win from Gain on Disposal of HRC shares to return investment
Tails => sex firms win coz already collected issue money and sale money of European Warrants

Sex firms can take 70-80% of profits and Investor take balance

its always easier to take RM10 million and plunk to sex firm and they will run European warrants to give you the 20-30% resulting profits


2022-10-22 11:54 | Report Abuse

is that how you calculate European warrants ?
