Balian de Ibelin

i3lurker | Joined since 2017-09-15

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What man is a man who does not make the world better? ORLANDO BLOOM - Balian de Ibelin





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2022-01-08 15:28 | Report Abuse

SIR, a document which does not exist

can be released to public which does not exist anytime

but so far Serba which does not exist prefer suspension.


2022-01-08 14:11 | Report Abuse

bankers themselves dun care even zero % at all,
its not their money, its bank punya money

and only silly people buy bonds, coz most bonds crash and burn easily...

and nobody will feel sorry for you....

like meowkua sing Titanic song to celebrate Serba sinking and many people died...

Posted by shareinvestor888 > Jan 8, 2022 1:43 PM | Report Abuse

I recalled few years ago when some bankers so arrogant & they ‘loved’ crowding around Karam during some business functions…

No need feel sorry for the banks or bondholders la… he he


2022-01-08 12:34 | Report Abuse

no worries !!

you want Serba to be privatised? at 35 sen?

thats very easy !!!

1) Rights Issue RM5.00 per share you bank in to Serba bank account

2) Serba pays you back 35 sen per share for privatization exercise

no worries

Easy !! You get what you want !!


2022-01-08 12:23 | Report Abuse

Meowkua happily singing Titanic song coz he is happy Titanic sank and many died

Meowkua happily singing Titanic song coz he is happy Serba sank and many died

Cheers !!

Bottoms Up !!


2022-01-08 09:42 | Report Abuse

means the Fook Fook U aka Fook FU (which does not exists) is correct...

and Serba still refuses to release Fook Fook U aka Fook FU (which does not exists).

Bursa says Serba shares will continue to be suspended forever waiting for the Fook Fook U aka Fook FU (which does not exists) to be released......



2022-01-08 09:03 | Report Abuse

no worries

standby to pump in RM30 Billion into AA for next 20 years

Cheers !!!

Bottoms Up !!

All international passenger flights except from Mainland banned from landing in Macao from 9th Jan


2022-01-08 08:53 | Report Abuse

the Titanic sank right?

many people aboard the Titanic died right?

sama sama lah

Serba sank also.

many people aboard Serba died also.

thats what he is telling you, Serba sank and many people died......

superrr Mabel 60+ nenek retirement has all been eaten by SD, no wonder so desperately ....Titanic song will suitable to console him/her ?
08/01/2022 8:44 AM


2022-01-08 08:39 | Report Abuse

no worries

liquidation and auction off Serba signboard is also BAU busuk

amet2017 Interesting to know what will be the answer by latuk during agm on the BAU, from profit to loss then Pn17 is considered BAU?
08/01/2022 8:19 AM


2022-01-08 07:47 | Report Abuse

can report Mabel to the latest most powerful enforcement agency in town, Anti-Corruption Advisory (actually Investigation) Board.


2022-01-03 14:48 | Report Abuse

Good News coming !!

Company will be delisted soon and then liquidated !!

Wonderful New Year gift !!!

News & Blogs

2022-01-02 12:19 | Report Abuse

it never ceases to amaze me that all amateurs believe that once debtors and creditors are paid up, they have managed to escape from their crimes and they cannot be prosecuted any more ....

Fully paid up debtors and creditors are always the first thing I audit.


2021-12-30 12:12 | Report Abuse

assuming BURSA gives notice on 03/01/2022

from 03/01/2022 to 30/06/2023 Serba shares will remain suspended

Serba could be delisted around 30/06/2023 subject to appeals and approval of appeals etc etc


2021-12-30 11:23 | Report Abuse

that will depend on whether bondholders will declare an EOD soon.
other creditors are unlikely to achieve this insolvency event in that timeframe required.

will also depend whether AGC gives approval to SSM to prosecute.

since AGC already gave SC approval to prosecute, its quite likely SSM will charge.

My personal opinion without any evidence is that SSM is very trigger happy and will prosecute with glee.


Posted by alenac > Dec 30, 2021 11:16 AM | Report Abuse

I think the default in coupon payment recently already meant a violation of the insolvency declaration? Any comment?

If the company were to be insolvent within 12 months of the last dividend payment, the directors can face criminal and civil actions under the Companies Act 2016 (Section 132 Distribution only if company is solvent and Sec 133 Recovery of Distribution).


2021-12-30 11:18 | Report Abuse

essentially Petronas slapped Karim's face and slapped lawyer face and called both as liars ..........

will someone sue Petronas?


2021-12-30 10:44 | Report Abuse

guy went mad coz he thinks RM3.5 Billion can get from roadside

Posted by alenac > Dec 30, 2021 10:42 AM | Report Abuse

Pitiful to lose money until can't think rationally.

Posted by Nikmon > Dec 30, 2021 10:34 AM | Report Abuse

what is rational to save SD?

AlsvinChangan quoted WHAT is wrong
" "The focus is to save SD but not "investors" "

SD may continue to exists AND maybe not but investors highly likely to loss money

Read also cannot understand Low IQ


2021-12-30 10:42 | Report Abuse

no way Serba can be rescued

shortfall of RM3.5 to RM4 Billion is too much

=> unless Govt wants to shut down all hospitals in Malaysia and sack all doctors and nurses and give money to Serba


2021-12-30 10:39 | Report Abuse

Serba had already died, RIP

hopefully some religious NGOs will buy up more Serba shares via private transfer

4.5 Billion liabilities > 1 Billion assets

Serba has RM4.5 Billion liabilities

but only around RM1 Billion of assets

there is a shortfall of RM3.5 Billion unless someone wants to bank in said cash .....


2021-12-30 10:05 | Report Abuse

be careful

oil supply > exceeded > demand for oil

current high oil price due to Republicans Hedge Funds pumping oil price just to fook Biden as election strategy to remove Democrats

Danger of oil price crash anytime is very possible


2021-12-30 00:22 | Report Abuse

You are not alone.
I believe many also experienced being fooked by Shopee

I blacklisted Shopee already. Zero purchases now.

now 100% use Lazada and Amazon only
already spend more than RM100,000.00 on Lazada


2021-12-29 20:33 | Report Abuse

maybe he is actually the Deep Throat
and will turn Witness for The Prosecution,

=> maybe thats why he is NOT charged?

Posted by bobvic96 > Dec 29, 2021 8:06 PM | Report Abuse

alenac Why worry for Chef? The whole top management should be crucified for cheating the public.

Indeed, why has Kadier not been brought into the spotlight? He is also an ED and culpable whether actively involved or just not trying to stop it.

News & Blogs

2021-12-29 17:23 | Report Abuse

Malaysia still have Rohinyas giving birth twice a year.
If you go to Govt. Klinik Kesihatan, you will see all pregnant Rohinyas.

However global patterns are very clear that milk is on the way out.

Most Americans request for soya at coffee shops. This weird event resulted in many US milk companies going bankrupt.


2021-12-29 14:06 | Report Abuse

ignore riskyinv

he always makes comments which show he is only kindergarden level education

News & Blogs

2021-12-29 11:33 | Report Abuse

looks like pearlblack went to a cemetery at midnite with live chicken and a knife on a moonless nite.

at precisely midnite 12:00 pearlblack slit chicken throat over unmarked grave and splashed warm blood on it.

Evil spirits told pearlblack to buy Serba and the rest was chicken history...


2021-12-29 09:05 | Report Abuse

only worth RM0.005 per share


2021-12-29 09:00 | Report Abuse

more positive news?
7 months is considered as a conspiracy?

overseas confirmations of bank transfers take time
and AGC are overworked and understaffed

7 months is considered an emergency rush job for AGC to approve prosecutions by SC


2021-12-29 08:56 | Report Abuse

Macau Scammers knowing Serba only worth RM0.00 per share are still desperately posting extreme positive news of Serba every hour, every day....

becoz Macau Scammers like pearlblack, riskyinv, mineworker, crazy guy no brains and suepipi/conpipi are desperately still trying to sell off Serba shares to religous NGOs via private transfer.

If you are NOT a religous NGO, all this fake news of Serba shares being valuable does not apply to you.

If you want to con people, you can try hawking this pasar malam share Serba at pasar malams....for RM0.005 per share done via private transfer

=> some old akua at pasar malam might buy...



2021-12-29 08:13 | Report Abuse

no way AR containing "False Revenue" will be certified by Nexia auditors.

If Nexia auditors certify these "False Revenue" to be genuine. Nexia auditors should be arrested as well.

=> Bursa will announce commencement of Delisting Count Down on 03/01/22


2021-12-29 00:46 | Report Abuse

silly fellers

1) Karim is "missing",

2) "false revenue" that directors have been arrested by SC, will auditors Nexia now certify 'False Revenue" to be genuine?

if Nexia auditors certify said "False Revenue" to be genuine => Nexia auditors should be arrested by SC

so ............will AR containing False Revenue be released ?




2021-12-28 22:32 | Report Abuse

how about ...............

XinqGuan takeover Serba ?

Sumatec takeover Serba ?

Lonbisc takeover Serba ?

Transmile takeover Serba ?

Megan takeover Serba ?

Enron takeover Serba ?

Madoff takeover Serba ?


2021-12-28 22:21 | Report Abuse

you meant this?

“Tiada penipu yang akan berjaya meskipun mereka(penipu) terlepas untuk kali pertama dan kedua namun untuk kali ketiga orang tidak akan mempercayai mereka bahkan kadang-kadang mereka ini akan masuk penjara.”


2021-12-28 21:42 | Report Abuse

no worries

I will propose to Karim to sue SC and Judge and Government of Malaysia and United Nations and Galactic Empire for issuing a Warrant of Arrest for Karim...


2021-12-28 21:31 | Report Abuse

no worries

I will propose to PETROS to takeover Serba at RM100,000.00 per share,
price is cheap since Serba has space technologies.

wink wink

Posted by m3379 > Dec 28, 2021 9:28 PM | Report Abuse

Petronas will not takeover. Rugi. Better for PETROS to take over. Serbadk is the darling of Sarawak, right.


2021-12-28 21:25 | Report Abuse

anyone holding ordinary shares will NOT get anything.

all assets are not even enough to pay bondholders and secured loans from banks

tak cukup


Will I incur any fees if I maintain delisted securities in my CDS account?
Presently, you are not subject to any fees for maintaining delisted securities in your CDS account.

Am I allowed to transfer delisted securities?
Yes, you may transfer your delisted securities to another CDS account by submitting the duly completed Transfer of Securities Request Form (FTF010) to your Authorised Depository Agent (ADA), where your CDS account holding your delisted securities is maintained.

=> thats why Macau Scammers, pearlblack, riskyinv, mineworker, suepipi/compipi etc etc are still TRYING to sell their Serba shares TO RELIGOUS NGOS


2021-12-28 21:02 | Report Abuse


thats not true

I had never ever been caught in any fraudulent company.

the signs are very easy to spot. Financials never ever lies.


2021-12-28 20:55 | Report Abuse

you believed both Google and Microsoft wanted to takeover Serba
and was holding for high high price
coz both Microsoft Maps and Google Maps showed empty land.....

now you better go protest in front of Microsoft and Google office lah


2021-12-28 19:55 | Report Abuse

all these Macau Scammers pearlblack, dishonesty, mineworker, riskyinv, suepipi and conpipi are actually targeting to sell to religous NGOs via private transfer.

if you are not a religous NGOs, you need not worry. Macau Scammers are NOT talking to you.


2021-12-28 19:28 | Report Abuse


salaries will stop..............


2021-12-28 19:26 | Report Abuse


his posts show that he is NOT a qualified finance professional...

most probably an engineering technician ie for lifts, wiring, rotating equipment like KDK fans or washing machines, air conds etc etc

most tell tale sign is that auditors whether internal or external always report to Audit Committee and not to Management.

shareinvestor888 Fully Agree…. Hahaha

Posted by Huangbk72 Haha,,

This kacang putih logic is full of holes..

One word of advice, dont talk finances when you know nuts. ie kacang.
28/12/2021 6:27 PM
28/12/2021 7:18 PM


2021-12-28 19:15 | Report Abuse

this morning was warrant of arrest for Karim applied to Court

now warrant of arrest for Karim had been issued.

so exciting !!

hopefully this Serba chapter will close soon.

Lady Ramunia, Guaranteed 100% Bankruptcy Rate !!!


2021-12-28 18:34 | Report Abuse

Karim better show up soon...............

otherwise he will only have 2 choices

1) play mah jong with Jho Low


2) pictured in handcuffs inside Black Maria together with pearlblack, dishonesty, mineworker and "conpipi and suepipi"


2021-12-28 17:54 | Report Abuse


pearlblack had gone mad !
aliens teleported his brains to space !

AGC already approved the charges for prosecution by SC.
This means many people at many levels had already reviewed investigation file for soundness of evidence.

let the courts decide !


2021-12-28 17:43 | Report Abuse

pearlblack still doing brain washing of KBK people.

actually its AGC which approved the prosecution/charging by SC.

=> The perceived delay is the normal time required for AGC to approve the charges after investigation by SC.


2021-12-28 16:38 | Report Abuse

ja ja ja

danke danke

sslee is now so thankful he bought Insas


Posted by Sslee > Dec 28, 2021 4:34 PM | Report Abuse

Sooner or later the external auditor still need to submit audited account and most likely SD is already a negative equity company.


2021-12-28 16:22 | Report Abuse

now the question is...where is Karim?

maybe pearlblack, dishonesty, mine worker, and both suepipi and conpipi knows something ?anything ?


2021-12-28 16:09 | Report Abuse

///Meanwhile, the SC also relayed its intent to charge Serba Dinamik group managing director and chief executive officer Datuk Dr Mohd Abdul Karim Abdullah, whom the commission is currently trying to locate.

The SC has applied for a warrant of arrest for Abdul Karim//////

its BAU

=> but now BAU busuk

News & Blogs

2021-12-28 09:42 | Report Abuse

no worries

its all Out of Africa

Nigeria can claim Malaysia too...... and sslee next baby with mistress could be black as well.


2021-12-28 09:08 | Report Abuse

just made some KFC on Armada

I am saying this coz I want to make the points.......

=> NO need to beg people to buy or to beg people to sell.

=> Making money is easy. No need to lie