Balian de Ibelin

i3lurker | Joined since 2017-09-15

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What man is a man who does not make the world better? ORLANDO BLOOM - Balian de Ibelin





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2021-12-11 14:13 | Report Abuse

If taxes are paid in advance for Sdn Bhd

then you will need to pay Jan 2022 installment in Dec 2021

are you doing that?

when do you pay?

you pay in Feb 2022 for Jan 2022 taxes right?

Feb 2022 comes after Jan 2022 right?

does your calendar works backwards?


2021-12-11 14:05 | Report Abuse

"Issue of Shares" will dilute existing shareholders' earnings further

thats why TG TP is reduced coz needs a "PP" to rescue TG from cashflow issues.

and thats also another reason why Hedge Funds are dumping.

Majority of Hedge Funds dun normally like to rescue companies


2021-12-11 14:00 | Report Abuse

Malaysian taxes are called "Pay As You Earn"

its not called pay before you earn

means when you pay installments in March 2022, you are paying for Jan 2022 and Feb 2022 taxes.

taxes are in arrears and NOT in advance.


2021-12-11 13:56 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-12-11 13:44 | Report Abuse

partially correct
balance of tax is always paid later


2021-12-11 13:36 | Report Abuse


with Makmur Tax, outgoings are expected to be more and not less
with deferred tax reversing,

August year end
=> Tax payment in March 2022

=> much higher tax payments are expected very soon.


2021-12-11 13:28 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-12-11 13:24 | Report Abuse

from hindsight which is backside
there is much less risk of TG bankruptcy if totally no share buyback was done........
will have more cash buffer....

thats why TG HK IPO is actually do or die
TG needs the cash badly so must be fresh "Issue of Shares"

"Issue of Shares" is always diluting
"Issue of Shares" will dilute existing shareholders' earnings further


2021-12-11 13:16 | Report Abuse

I did not just say TG going bankrupt just for fun.

Its all inside those financials


2021-12-11 13:13 | Report Abuse

you forgot .......
those RM1 Billion inventories need to write down when selling prices goes down

possibly RM200 million write off


2021-12-11 13:10 | Report Abuse

the burn rate for the next 6 months is expected to be RM1.5 billion or more..... maybe much MORE


2021-12-11 13:09 | Report Abuse

in just 6 months time TG liquid liabilities will exceed TG liquid assets => Technically insolvent.

what this means ?


all FD habis pecah

=> of course all this can be prevented by taking away ular punya 4 inch mattress


2021-12-11 13:04 | Report Abuse

TG is insolvent in 1 years' time is ONLY based on current pattern continuing as is.

from historical experience, the time pattern is usually 6 months with further deterioration of financials.

China is expected to give away more gloves for free...... or at cost....


2021-12-11 12:59 | Report Abuse

but anyhow TG could be insolvent in 1 year's time

and that is not too far off...............


2021-12-11 12:57 | Report Abuse


so u answered the question....



2021-12-11 12:50 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-12-11 12:05 | Report Abuse

can start by taking away Ular punya 4 inch mattress and order "it" to sleep at the car park


2021-12-11 12:03 | Report Abuse

Top Glove must immediately implement heavy cost cutting exercise, then got some hope of survival.


2021-12-11 12:00 | Report Abuse



Posted by GlovesOff > Dec 11, 2021 11:54 AM | Report Abuse

The more ular promote price kongkam more

News & Blogs

2021-12-11 11:55 | Report Abuse

why is cost high?

.....a lot of Malaysians dun even have 4 inch mattresses to sleep on...

News & Blogs

2021-12-11 11:42 | Report Abuse

yes you can bet
so far history had not been on your side

malaysia dvd factories shut down when China ex-factory was 20% of Malaysia ex-factory.

now China Glove ex-factory "could be" 50% of Malaysia ex-factory

another 30% more to go before history repeats itself.

News & Blogs

2021-12-11 11:35 | Report Abuse

I believe Top Glove will proceed with expansion plan...
...........and the rest will be history

Rationale for the Belief
Thats what TG did in the past when faced with problems
no reason to think that TG will adapt

=> no adapt, sure die


2021-12-11 11:19 | Report Abuse

steel mostly sells into Malaysia
when Malaysian Govt bans import of China steel, it helped a lot.

Malaysian Govt ban import of China gloves will NOT help

already seen China face mask killed off Malaysian face mask factories

Posted by CharlesT > Dec 11, 2021 11:01 AM | Report Abuse

Most glove co will still be around in many years to come...though some of them may not be profitable for a while...

For example, Steel Co has been struggling for many years since China's steel comes into the picture during late 1990s or early 2000s

20 years+ down to road i hardly see any local steel co close shop...Except Perwaja n Kinsteel...


2021-12-11 10:51 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-12-11 10:49 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2021-12-11 10:44 | Report Abuse

We are now discussing bankruptcy of Top Glove

times have changed..........


2021-12-11 10:30 | Report Abuse

agree 100%

money was just one off from US Govt under Trump
IBs knew it and passed on news while laughing to themselves

IBs especially US based JP Morgan quickly reduced TP when Trump said "stop"

=> expansion is a very quick short road to bankruptcy

Posted by IronShirt > Dec 11, 2021 10:23 AM | Report Abuse

59 factories with major expansion in progress.....atleast 400mil impairment loss in 2022 if
expansion / production has to stop due lack of demand


2021-12-11 10:03 | Report Abuse


your money came primarily from US Govt.
Please write to thank Trump. Was his decision, his better ones lah.

US and richer European countries were buying gloves slowly in excess of requirements to create a "Strategic Stockpile" back in early 2020

=> seemed silly to me coz gloves has a much lower shelf life compared to crude oil

useful info affecting share prices ....shelf life of nitrile gloves => 5 years

Posted by CharlesT > Dec 11, 2021 9:51 AM | Report Abuse

Seeing OTB's analysis n CIMB inv bank's research showing ASP rise 10% on month to month basis i quick quick went to Ah Long to borrow money


2021-12-11 09:46 | Report Abuse


Yes Sir
looks like you are indeed focused on Gloves, => a Glove specialist

my attention got diverted elsewhere at times


CharlesT I m always right....
11/12/2021 9:39 AM

CharlesT On the glove saga during this 2 years
11/12/2021 9:40 AM


2021-12-11 09:36 | Report Abuse


you could be right
maybe I was misled coz after he announced => I saw the price was RM10.00

looks like I ass_u_me he sold off at RM10.00
=> I linked his announcement with market price then

btw I never look at his silly portfolio

Posted by CharlesT > Dec 11, 2021 9:32 AM | Report Abuse

Wrong info...Philip dumped all his TG at rm6+ or Rm2+ after ex bonus...then its price shot up to almost RM30 or Rm10 after bonus within few months time.

I was playing with him everyday during that period of time while busy buying glove co...i think that was during Apr- June 2020


2021-12-11 09:33 | Report Abuse

China gloves can sell off at less than half the price of Malaysian gloves .... ex-factory selling prices

thats if a price war happens


2021-12-11 09:29 | Report Abuse

more deaths from covid will be even worse for TG

poor countries become poorer countries will buy the cheapest gloves available .....

and thats from ==> Tada!!!!!!! => China


2021-12-11 09:27 | Report Abuse

I am telling you all this ....
coz I issued a buy call for Top Glove way before the peak peak,
before Philip dumped his TG at 10+ .... way below peak 17

thats on the off chance that you did not sell off and are still holding TG shares.
If you did not sell off at peak I really do not understand why though...

I will not repeat all this in other glove forums like Harta, Supermax etc etc

be informed .... choose and choose wisely...


2021-12-11 09:00 | Report Abuse

Three Scenarios
Pick and choose your favorite

1) Do nothing => risk of losses is 100%

2) More capacity expansion => risk of Top Glove tutup kedai aka bankruptcy is 100%

3) Massive cost reduction and retrenchment => Survival is 50% at best

I believe that cost reduction is very unlikely due to => its ego lah, man its ego lah......


2021-12-11 08:31 | Report Abuse

if you invest in Top Glove for gambling fun, its ok

if you need the money for old age porridge with salted egg and walking around in pagoda singlets and jamban slippers, you should think deeply and then think some more.


2021-12-11 08:28 | Report Abuse

bee bo bee bo bee bo

at current earnings its only worth TP => 80 sen per share

and thats ok, really no joke, its ok

coz actual market price could be way higher even RM1.60 per share due to market sentiment compared with theoretical RM0.80 per share

what is more worrying is that there is a danger Top Glove could slip into losses if management dropped the ball.
This risk is quite significant now, thats today.

=> Once Top Glove slips into losses, share price of Top Glove could drop below RM0.80 per share.


2021-12-10 18:27 | Report Abuse

a lot of people had gone cuckoo here especially mineworker aka dishonesty aka riskyinv who bought in lorryloads at 32 sen

now talking about winning lawsuits just so that he can sell off at 35 sen and make 3 sen profit

reality had not sunk in that Serba will be suspended forever


2021-12-10 13:49 | Report Abuse

its all sslee punya fault

too much DIY

as a result ended up as sashimi rather than properly cooked

sslee should conduct proper cooking lessons so that all carnivorous apetites are properly addressed rather than being a supermarket and labour quarters.

under sslee misdirection sure the address will be a niteclub or a massage parlour providing "special services".
Then ...maybe... just maybe ... relevant actors will be satisfied after receiving "special services" they will tick the programme as "physically sighted Ms Massager without panties and verified 100%

=> nothing unusual to report....


2021-12-10 05:45 | Report Abuse

I saw it too

the share will soon be available to be bought at RM0.24 per share

supafly83 Oh damn, does anyone see the head and shoulders on Daily chart? Target rm24? Fib levels at rm20?
07/12/2021 4:29 PM


2021-12-09 22:45 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-12-09 19:48 | Report Abuse

In Nepal , country of Gurkhas, any lack of integrity, no villager will ever talk to you.

In Malaysia, country of %^&%^%#$%, any lack integrity, tens of thousands will greet you with big smiles when you return, kenduris and dancing will be held to encourage more and more corruption with more and more money stolen.


Thumbs Up !!!!


2021-12-09 19:19 | Report Abuse

similarly Safadin brother of Saladin

is Abu Bakr ibn Ayyub

Safah al-Din means Sword of the Religion

again Crusaders called him Safadin

both Saladin and Safadin are names assigned by Crusaders, these are not actually their names


2021-12-09 19:15 | Report Abuse

Yusuf ibn Ayyub born 1138 Tikrit

Saladin means Salah al-Dunya al-Din

translated means "the goodness of the world and the faith"

Crusaders just shortened it for simplicity

Posted by BobAxelrod > Dec 9, 2021 7:05 PM | Report Abuse

Noted that would be King Salahuddin and his Jihad warriors against the Knights of Templer.


2021-12-09 19:02 | Report Abuse

the first jihad was by the Prophet to capture Mecca

the second jihad was by Abd al-Malik to re-capture Mecca,
the first Khalifat Allah, God's Deputy,
thereafter all rulers became known as caliphs


2021-12-09 18:53 | Report Abuse

the corollary to that is

Fools take an interest in Government -- Fried Koay Teow Seller

We are not Fools -- Penang Assam Laksa Seller


2021-12-09 18:47 | Report Abuse

Religion should not be mixed into anything whether carrot juice, fruit cake, cats, education, exercise, medical or Low Yat 2


Posted by BobAxelrod > Dec 9, 2021 6:32 PM | Report Abuse

Sorry, beg to differ....Religion should not be inculcated into Politics!


2021-12-09 18:09 | Report Abuse

look at history of world economic booms

look at Hoover Dam and US economic boom

look at 3 Gorges and China economic boom

please lah.............


2021-12-09 18:07 | Report Abuse

if solar cheap all cinapek factories long ago 100% solar

nothing can beat hydro costs
who can afford their own personal hydro plant?


2021-12-09 17:58 | Report Abuse

solar is still very expensive

solar manage to survive purely based on subsidies from Govt of Malaysia otherwise solar dies

even solar FIT is also subsidized