Balian de Ibelin

i3lurker | Joined since 2017-09-15

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What man is a man who does not make the world better? ORLANDO BLOOM - Balian de Ibelin





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2021-12-14 22:18 |

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2021-12-14 21:59 | Report Abuse

thanks !

Posted by rr88 > Dec 14, 2021 9:32 PM | Report Abuse

Oh boy! In december last year covid-19 vaccine hit the market n sent glove stocks to icu. This december PAXLOVID pills will hit the market in 2 weeks time. Its the nail for glove stocks coffin n will send them to their grave.

Just like panadol. If you hv headache you take panadol n yr headache goes away. If you are down with covid-19, you take PAXLOVID and your covid goes away. Bcause it has been tested to be 90% effective against covid and against omicron.

Sell !


2021-12-14 18:33 | Report Abuse

95% infected ?

=> means 95% of TG staff will be affected so TG will be shut down completely?
TP = RM0.005 per share then

=> 95% of TG customers will be infected? no one will be sending orders to TG?
TP = RM0.005 per share then

makes sense

maybe Tan Sri himself will be 95% infected? guess only foot and toes will not be infected


2021-12-14 17:51 | Report Abuse

Christmas 25 days Countdown

25 days to Christmas, all you can eat and much more at discounts


2021-12-14 17:38 | Report Abuse


Excellent Answer

GPA 4.0

100,000% bonus marks for Tulip



2021-12-14 15:26 | Report Abuse

makes not much difference
is this a wonderful company to invest in?


2021-12-14 14:45 | Report Abuse

9.65 => Not end of the world

8.00 => Not end of the world

7.00 => Not end of the world

6.00 => Not end of the world

5.00 => Not end of the world

4.00 => Not end of the world

3.00 => Not end of the world

2.00 => Not end of the world

1.00 => Not end of the world

0.50 => Not end of the world

Drove to Penang Bridge => World ended


2021-12-14 14:23 | Report Abuse

its Christmas!!!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

the naysayers are on holiday at Genting.

We will get back to you after the holidays with more naysayings ok?


2021-12-14 14:04 |

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2021-12-14 13:47 | Report Abuse

haha MrsLim

been waiting for you


2021-12-14 10:56 | Report Abuse

no worries

Ular will give a RM10 Biliion interest free no need to pay back loan to TG

Keep calm and continue buying to help EPF

FabioDulan After minus everything else the net tangible assets is only 0.86 per share. If company is not profitable running into losses, how is dividend payout sustainable? Don't u think share price now 2.xx is overpriced?
14/12/2021 10:54 AM


2021-12-14 10:32 | Report Abuse

Keep calm and continue buying to help EPF

According to Microsoft punya Bill Gates a pandemic will come once every hundred years
just HOLD the share for the next 100 years


2021-12-14 10:11 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-12-14 09:53 | Report Abuse

no worries

Just look at AA will know does not affect share price
AA negative 5.9 billion no issue

so for TG negative 12 Billion is nothing lah

keep calm and keep buying to help EPF

FabioDulan Share price now 2.03
NTA 0.86
Short term borrowings 305,551,000
Long term borrowings 133,501,000
Cash 894,949,000

Why cash fallen so much? Where has all cash gone to?

Net assets is worth only 0.86 per share. Now share price is around 2.03 range. Is that not expensive? What if company starts making losses next few quarters?
14/12/2021 9:48 AM


2021-12-14 09:45 |

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2021-12-14 09:29 |

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2021-12-14 08:28 | Report Abuse

betting your hopes on making money with the flu virus is very silly

News & Blogs

2021-12-13 10:59 | Report Abuse

So sorry for your mum.

My parents always tell me that if anything happens, to let them go.

I have specific instructions not to rush to hospital and or do anything foolish.

I am told God will determine whether they live or die, and not me.


2021-12-12 23:39 | Report Abuse

3iii already gave you solution

run for your life when auditors give first hint


2021-12-12 22:59 | Report Abuse


1) => Greatech main subsidiary has pioneer status, its tax free until 2023

2) => for a company that is only 3 years old, it will not be so easy to do public desk audit on it.
Lack of data will mean that if you input into some "wink wink" templates, all kinds of flashing lights will blink.
And it will not be fair or an honorable thing to do to this company.

3) => 5 years old will be an adequate time to draw some conclusions either way good or otherwise.
You heard about the saying fengshui master 10 years 8 years???


2021-12-12 11:46 | Report Abuse

no worries
can survive on love and sunshine
no need money


Posted by CharlesT > Dec 12, 2021 11:39 AM | Report Abuse

Net profit margin of glove co was ard 10% pre covid 19

If ASP goes lower than pre covid 19 what will happen to their bottom line?


2021-12-12 11:34 | Report Abuse

That is not true.
It is the exact opposite

Old producers will die off.
You are comparing New producers punya new Mercedes with old producers punya 20 year old Kancil
Who will win?

New producers will have better fully automated equipment.
This results in better tolerances, higher yields, better quality and much lower cost of production.

New producers have a higher capital sunk cost but that is not important coz new producers can throw lower prices.

All other factors are not relevant.

=> The war is won on lower production cost and a quantum jump in better quality.

Posted by Johnzhang > Dec 12, 2021 11:07 AM | Report Abuse

The overcapacity in glove sector is going to be very serious in undermining the profitability of glove producers for years to come. New producers suffer the most. Traditional producers who aggressively add substantial new capacities will not get return to the capital investment.


2021-12-12 11:13 | Report Abuse

it will be a Octa Core whammy coz

=> No dividend

=> Share price drops lower and lower

=> Removal from index

=> Reduced margin ratio or zero margin from securities firms

=> less liquidity

=> Share consolidation

=> price drops after share consolidation

=> More private placements and rights issues, more price drops

Posted by bsinvestor > Dec 12, 2021 11:06 AM | Report Abuse

true, and Ular like to keep saying renew FD interest rate by average down at lower price. He is half correct, just that the new FD rate is 0%. That's the blind spot many newbies cannot see.


2021-12-12 11:02 | Report Abuse

during this Judgement Period, there will be NO dividend

Posted by bsinvestor > Dec 12, 2021 11:00 AM | Report Abuse

IPO money is could be needed to defend multi years of gloves commodity slump like steels. If price war really happen, it is structural change to the industry. Take multi years to correct this structural change.


2021-12-12 10:38 | Report Abuse

US Investment Banks have proprietary formulas linking supply and demand to price of goods.
Its an economics formula.
Thats for huge volume liquid widely traded goods.

Some of the time the formula gives out wrong results coz human fear is very hard to quantify.
Fear, its basically exponential in nature, fear feeds on fear and then feeds on itself.

For gloves, the Judgement Day is unknown, no widely available historical data that is still valid today..

Due to rapid expansion of gloves production capacity on every continent, Judgement Day can come very very soon.

It is very possible that gloves prices will go below cost quite soon.

Its inevitable.
Some Gloves factories will not mind incurring losses just to dump products to gain market share.

Generally when this Judgement Day event happens, huge profits will turn into huge losses.

The bigger the profits earlier will be translated into the biggest losses later.
This is the sole reason why the industry taiko tends to go bankrupt. (smart i3 forumer already made this observation)


2021-12-12 09:51 |

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2021-12-12 09:47 |

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2021-12-12 09:09 |

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2021-12-12 08:45 | Report Abuse

as usual jamban mike tonguelickclean is wrong

even a RM1,000.00 or less investment by anybody is still their hard earned money.

This RM1,000 or less, its precious to them and we should respect this. You gain nothing by laughing at them.

Grow up deserve a spanking coz your parents spoiled you....


2021-12-12 08:20 | Report Abuse

Be careful and ship will sail a million miles

nothing is what it seems


2021-12-12 00:59 |

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2021-12-12 00:54 |

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2021-12-12 00:43 |

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2021-12-12 00:41 | Report Abuse

forensic accounting are useless coz it examines dead bodies
forensic accounting assumes that every transaction tomorrow will be exactly the same as yesterday.

if that is the case TG shares will be selling at RM17.00 on monday.
=> please do check up on TG price on monday

the idea of future accounting is being able to see what the future transactions will be.

This came in very useful for Serba

Monte Carlo simulations to run 200,000 balance sheets and 200,000 Income Statements for the future next 6 months will tell you what you really need to know.

and the future ... it ain't pretty

please do continue to look at dead data if that makes you happy.....


2021-12-11 23:26 | Report Abuse

pure Kindergarden maths

3.45 - 1.5 - 0.2 => 1.75

1.7 + 1 + 0.1 => 2.8


current liabilities exceeds current assets by RM1 Billion

mana ada dividend?

will be jail term for BOD is dividends are paid


2021-12-11 22:58 | Report Abuse

TG net cash can only last 6 months

furthermore another RM1 Billion already contracted to pay.
RM1 Billion is confirmed liability not shown in current liabilities, off the books today.

another 6 months => TG insolvent, where got money to pay dividends?, share apa itu?


2021-12-11 22:41 | Report Abuse


You are super observant!!
You will do well in share market.

Posted by Condom004 > Dec 11, 2021 10:32 PM | Report Abuse

Taiko of any sector is the most danger ..we see history etc oil sector siapa taiko dulu?Skpetro that now call Saprg; Furniture line dulu taiko is Lattitud;the share price drop super fast


2021-12-11 22:34 | Report Abuse

and dun look back otherwise you will turn into a pillar of salt......

SELL SIGNALs from clones about coming ham ka charn, next change is very strong....

=> clones claim that if you dun sell, you will become ham ka charn

Posted by Condom004 > Dec 11, 2021 10:18 PM | Report Abuse

Now if do comparing of cash flow between Topglove Kossan Supermax Harta...Cannot deny that Topglove is the worst one


2021-12-11 22:24 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-12-11 21:24 | Report Abuse

Below RM2.00 can come in just 1 day

Averaging down is just pouring good money down longkang to chase bad money that is permanently lost.


2021-12-11 20:47 | Report Abuse

You are right.

Gloves are now experiencing a race to bankruptcy production capacity expansion phase.
During this phase, the company with the biggest production capacity expansion plans and the least cash reserves, goes bankrupt first.

However the future is in the hands of management. All is not lost.

What is required now is cash accumulation and a massive cost cutting exercise. Normally the ego of 1 man will prevent this from happening....

Posted by bsinvestor > Dec 11, 2021 8:33 PM | Report Abuse

stock market will punish ego and overfident


2021-12-11 20:38 | Report Abuse

Wrong advice to buy gloves

Gloves are now experiencing a race to bankruptcy production capacity expansion phase.
Harvard Business School had a case study to this effect.

When it comes to production cost, some parts of China can produce at lower cost than Malaysia

Gloves are lucky that China production cost had gone up significantly since 20 years ago.

In any case, China ex-factory can reach 50% of Malaysia ex-factory prices.

On the balance of probability, buying AA gives you a better chance of NOT going bankrupt than buying Gloves.

Of course buying AA is already a high risk of 100% investment lost

With more than 1,000 other better counters to buy, high risk high rewards does not apply.
There is no reward that can come from buying either AA or Gloves.
With both you will be stuck for years without dividends at best. And are quite likely to experience 100% investment lost.

Only masochist who love suffering will buy AA or Gloves now.


2021-12-11 16:29 | Report Abuse

I just dun like Dome coffee.
Even if someone pays me RM1 million to drink Dome coffee, I will never ever step foot inside.

Concidentally Dome shops always have other coffee shops nearby like Starbucks and Coffee Bean


so choosing not to drink at Dome ....its just nothing

News & Blogs

2021-12-11 16:18 | Report Abuse

this looks right

someone posted a whole lot of power point slides on Serba too, and the rest is history. See what happened?


2021-12-11 14:56 | Report Abuse

You are so smart

IPO cannot be avoided coz TG desperate for cash

Posted by bsinvestor > Dec 11, 2021 2:53 PM | Report Abuse

earning below pre-covid is possible. don't forget eps dilution from upcoming IPO is equivalent to net profit drop. this is called confirm drop.


2021-12-11 14:51 |

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2021-12-11 14:44 |

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2021-12-11 14:33 | Report Abuse



The instalment payment must be made before 15th of the second month of the basis period.

For example,
if the Company’s basis period is from 01.01.2021 – 31.12.2021, the payment for first instalment must be made before 15.02.2021.


2021-12-11 14:17 | Report Abuse

taxes in advance
Jan 2022 installment in Dec 2021

taxes in arrears
Jan 2022 installment in Feb 2022

how do you pay your taxes?